/// <summary>
        /// Creates a graph training engine
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dataSource">Data source with training data</param>
        /// <param name="graph">The serialised graph to execute</param>
        /// <param name="trainingRate">Initial learning rate</param>
        /// <param name="batchSize">Mini batch size</param>
        /// <param name="trainingErrorCalculation">How to calculate the training error</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public IGraphTrainingEngine CreateTrainingEngine(IDataSource dataSource, Models.ExecutionGraph graph, float trainingRate = 0.1f, int batchSize = 128, TrainingErrorCalculation trainingErrorCalculation = TrainingErrorCalculation.Fast)
            var learningContext = new LearningContext(_lap, trainingRate, batchSize, trainingErrorCalculation, dataSource.IsSequential);
            var input           = this.CreateFrom(graph);

            return(new TrainingEngine(_lap, dataSource, learningContext, input));
        public void TestRecurrent()
            var data        = BinaryIntegers.Addition(100, false).Split(0);
            var graph       = new GraphFactory(_lap);
            var errorMetric = graph.ErrorMetric.BinaryClassification;

                graph.GaussianWeightInitialisation(false, 0.1f, GaussianVarianceCalibration.SquareRoot2N));

            // create the engine
            var trainingData = graph.CreateDataSource(data.Training);
            var testData     = trainingData.CloneWith(data.Test);
            var engine       = graph.CreateTrainingEngine(trainingData, learningRate: 0.01f, batchSize: 16);

            // build the network
            const int HIDDEN_LAYER_SIZE = 32, TRAINING_ITERATIONS = 5;
            var       memory  = new float[HIDDEN_LAYER_SIZE];
            var       network = graph.Connect(engine).AddSimpleRecurrent(graph.ReluActivation(), memory).

            // train the network for twenty iterations, saving the model on each improvement
            Models.ExecutionGraph bestGraph = null;
            engine.Train(TRAINING_ITERATIONS, testData, errorMetric, bn => bestGraph = bn.Graph);

            // export the graph and verify it against some unseen integers on the best model
            var executionEngine = graph.CreateEngine(bestGraph ?? engine.Graph);
            var testData2       = graph.CreateDataSource(BinaryIntegers.Addition(8, true));
            var results         = executionEngine.Execute(testData2);
        public void DeserialiseExecutionGraph()
            var(graph, data) = MakeGraphAndData();
            Models.ExecutionGraph executionGraphReloaded = null;
            using (var file = new MemoryStream())
                Serializer.Serialize(file, bestNetwork.Graph);
                file.Position          = 0;
                executionGraphReloaded = Serializer.Deserialize <Models.ExecutionGraph>(file);

            var engine = graph.CreateEngine(executionGraphReloaded);

            AssertEngineGetsGoodResults(engine, data);
        /// <summary>
        /// Trains a feed forward neural net on the MNIST data set (handwritten digit recognition)
        /// The data files can be downloaded from http://yann.lecun.com/exdb/mnist/
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dataFilesPath">The path to a directory with the four extracted data files</param>
        public static void MNIST(string dataFilesPath)
            using (var lap = BrightWireGpuProvider.CreateLinearAlgebra()) {
                var graph = new GraphFactory(lap);

                Console.Write("Loading training data...");
                var trainingData = _BuildVectors(null, graph, Mnist.Load(dataFilesPath + "train-labels.idx1-ubyte", dataFilesPath + "train-images.idx3-ubyte"));
                var testData     = _BuildVectors(trainingData, graph, Mnist.Load(dataFilesPath + "t10k-labels.idx1-ubyte", dataFilesPath + "t10k-images.idx3-ubyte"));
                Console.WriteLine($"done - {trainingData.RowCount} training images and {testData.RowCount} test images loaded");

                // one hot encoding uses the index of the output vector's maximum value as the classification label
                var errorMetric = graph.ErrorMetric.OneHotEncoding;

                // configure the network properties

                // create the training engine and schedule a training rate change
                const float TRAINING_RATE = 0.1f;
                var         engine        = graph.CreateTrainingEngine(trainingData, TRAINING_RATE, 128);
                engine.LearningContext.ScheduleLearningRate(15, TRAINING_RATE / 3);

                // create the network
                .AddFeedForward(outputSize: 1024)
                .AddDropOut(dropOutPercentage: 0.5f)
                .AddFeedForward(outputSize: trainingData.OutputSize)

                // train the network for twenty iterations, saving the model on each improvement
                Models.ExecutionGraph bestGraph = null;
                engine.Train(20, testData, errorMetric, model => bestGraph = model.Graph);

                // export the final model and execute it on the training set
                var executionEngine = graph.CreateEngine(bestGraph ?? engine.Graph);
                var output          = executionEngine.Execute(testData);
                Console.WriteLine($"Final accuracy: {output.Average(o => o.CalculateError(errorMetric)):P2}");
        public static void IntegerAddition()
            // generate 1000 random integer additions (split into training and test sets)
            var data = BinaryIntegers.Addition(1000, false).Split(0);

            using (var lap = BrightWireProvider.CreateLinearAlgebra(false)) {
                var graph = new GraphFactory(lap);

                // binary classification rounds each output to either 0 or 1
                var errorMetric = graph.ErrorMetric.BinaryClassification;

                // configure the network properties
                .Use(graph.GaussianWeightInitialisation(false, 0.1f, GaussianVarianceCalibration.SquareRoot2N))

                // create the engine
                var trainingData = graph.CreateDataSource(data.Training);
                var testData     = trainingData.CloneWith(data.Test);
                var engine       = graph.CreateTrainingEngine(trainingData, learningRate: 0.01f, batchSize: 16);

                // build the network
                const int HIDDEN_LAYER_SIZE = 32, TRAINING_ITERATIONS = 30;
                var       memory  = new float[HIDDEN_LAYER_SIZE];
                var       network = graph.Connect(engine)
                                    .AddSimpleRecurrent(graph.ReluActivation(), memory)

                // train the network for twenty iterations, saving the model on each improvement
                Models.ExecutionGraph bestGraph = null;
                engine.Train(TRAINING_ITERATIONS, testData, errorMetric, bn => bestGraph = bn.Graph);

                // export the graph and verify it against some unseen integers on the best model
                var executionEngine = graph.CreateEngine(bestGraph ?? engine.Graph);
                var testData2       = graph.CreateDataSource(BinaryIntegers.Addition(8, true));
                var results         = executionEngine.Execute(testData2);

                // group the output
                var groupedResults = new (FloatVector[] Input, FloatVector[] Target, FloatVector[] Output)[8];
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a graph execution engine
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="graph">The serialised graph to execute</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public IGraphEngine CreateEngine(Models.ExecutionGraph graph)
            var input = this.CreateFrom(graph);

            return(new ExecutionEngine(_lap, graph, input));
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a graph training engine
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dataSource">Data source with training data</param>
        /// <param name="learningContext">Previously created training context</param>
        /// <param name="graph">The serialised graph to execute (optional)</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public IGraphTrainingEngine CreateTrainingEngine(IDataSource dataSource, ILearningContext learningContext, Models.ExecutionGraph graph = null)
            var input = this.CreateFrom(graph);

            return(new TrainingEngine(_lap, dataSource, learningContext, input));
        /// <summary>
        /// Trains a feed forward neural net on the MNIST data set (handwritten digit recognition)
        /// The data files can be downloaded from http://yann.lecun.com/exdb/mnist/
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dataFilesPath">The path to a directory with the four extracted data files</param>
        /// <param name="outputModelPath">Optional path to save the best model to</param>
        static void MNISTConvolutional(string dataFilesPath, string outputModelPath = null)
            using var lap = BrightWireGpuProvider.CreateLinearAlgebra();
            var graph = new GraphFactory(lap);

            Console.Write("Loading training data...");
            var mnistTraining = Mnist.Load(dataFilesPath + "train-labels.idx1-ubyte",
                                           dataFilesPath + "train-images.idx3-ubyte");
            var mnistTest = Mnist.Load(dataFilesPath + "t10k-labels.idx1-ubyte",
                                       dataFilesPath + "t10k-images.idx3-ubyte");
            var trainingData =
                _BuildTensors(graph, null, mnistTraining /*.Where(d => d.Label < 2).ToList()*/);
            var testData = _BuildTensors(graph, trainingData,
                                         mnistTest /*.Where(d => d.Label < 2).ToList()*/);

                $"done - {trainingData.RowCount} training images and {testData.RowCount} test images loaded");

            // one hot encoding uses the index of the output vector's maximum value as the classification label
            var errorMetric = graph.ErrorMetric.OneHotEncoding;

            // configure the network properties
                graph.GaussianWeightInitialisation(false, 0.1f, GaussianVarianceCalibration.SquareRoot2N));

            // create the network
            const int   HIDDEN_LAYER_SIZE = 1024, TRAINING_ITERATIONS = 20;
            const float LEARNING_RATE = 0.05f;
            var         engine        = graph.CreateTrainingEngine(trainingData, LEARNING_RATE);

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(outputModelPath) && File.Exists(outputModelPath))
                Console.WriteLine("Loading existing model from: " + outputModelPath);
                using var file = new FileStream(outputModelPath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
                var model = Serializer.Deserialize <GraphModel>(file);
                engine = graph.CreateTrainingEngine(trainingData, model.Graph, LEARNING_RATE);
                AddConvolutional(filterCount: 16, padding: 2, filterWidth: 5, filterHeight: 5, xStride: 1,
                                 yStride: 1, shouldBackpropagate: false).Add(graph.LeakyReluActivation()).
                AddMaxPooling(filterWidth: 2, filterHeight: 2, xStride: 2, yStride: 2).
                AddConvolutional(filterCount: 32, padding: 2, filterWidth: 5, filterHeight: 5, xStride: 1,
                                 yStride: 1).Add(graph.LeakyReluActivation()).
                AddMaxPooling(filterWidth: 2, filterHeight: 2, xStride: 2, yStride: 2).Transpose().
                AddDropOut(dropOutPercentage: 0.5f).AddFeedForward(trainingData.OutputSize).

            // lower the learning rate over time
            engine.LearningContext.ScheduleLearningRate(15, LEARNING_RATE / 2);

            // train the network for twenty iterations, saving the model on each improvement
            Models.ExecutionGraph bestGraph = null;
            engine.Train(TRAINING_ITERATIONS, testData, errorMetric, model =>
                bestGraph = model.Graph;
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(outputModelPath))
                    using var file = new FileStream(outputModelPath, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write);
                    Serializer.Serialize(file, model);

            // export the final model and execute it on the training set
            var executionEngine = graph.CreateEngine(bestGraph ?? engine.Graph);
            var output          = executionEngine.Execute(testData);

            Console.WriteLine($"Final accuracy: {output.Average(o => o.CalculateError(errorMetric)):P2}");

            // execute the model with a single image
            var tensor     = mnistTest.First().AsFloatTensor.Tensor;
            var singleData = graph.CreateDataSource(new[] { tensor });
            var result     = executionEngine.Execute(singleData);
            var prediction = result.Single().Output.Single().MaximumIndex();
        /// <summary>
        /// Trains a feed forward neural net on the emotion dataset
        /// http://lpis.csd.auth.gr/publications/tsoumakas-ismir08.pdf
        /// The data files can be downloaded from https://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/mulan/datasets/emotions.rar
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dataFilePath"></param>
        public static void MultiLabelSingleClassifier(string dataFilePath)
            var emotionData           = _LoadEmotionData(dataFilePath);
            var attributeColumns      = Enumerable.Range(0, emotionData.ColumnCount - CLASSIFICATION_COUNT).ToList();
            var classificationColumns = Enumerable.Range(emotionData.ColumnCount - CLASSIFICATION_COUNT, CLASSIFICATION_COUNT).ToList();

            // create a new data table with a vector input column and a vector output column
            var dataTableBuilder = BrightWireProvider.CreateDataTableBuilder();

            dataTableBuilder.AddColumn(ColumnType.Vector, "Attributes");
            dataTableBuilder.AddColumn(ColumnType.Vector, "Target", isTarget: true);
            emotionData.ForEach(row => {
                var input  = FloatVector.Create(row.GetFields <float>(attributeColumns).ToArray());
                var target = FloatVector.Create(row.GetFields <float>(classificationColumns).ToArray());
                dataTableBuilder.Add(input, target);
            var data = dataTableBuilder.Build().Split(0);

            // train a neural network
            using (var lap = BrightWireProvider.CreateLinearAlgebra(false)) {
                var graph = new GraphFactory(lap);

                // binary classification rounds each output to 0 or 1 and compares each output against the binary classification targets
                var errorMetric = graph.ErrorMetric.BinaryClassification;

                // configure the network properties

                // create a training engine
                const float TRAINING_RATE = 0.3f;
                var         trainingData  = graph.CreateDataSource(data.Training);
                var         testData      = trainingData.CloneWith(data.Test);
                var         engine        = graph.CreateTrainingEngine(trainingData, TRAINING_RATE, 128);

                // build the network
                const int HIDDEN_LAYER_SIZE = 64, TRAINING_ITERATIONS = 2000;
                var       network = graph.Connect(engine)
                                    .AddDropOut(dropOutPercentage: 0.5f)

                // train the network
                Models.ExecutionGraph bestGraph = null;
                engine.Train(TRAINING_ITERATIONS, testData, errorMetric, model => bestGraph = model.Graph, 50);

                // export the final model and execute it on the training set
                var executionEngine = graph.CreateEngine(bestGraph ?? engine.Graph);
                var output          = executionEngine.Execute(testData);

                // output the results
                var rowIndex = 0;
                foreach (var item in output)
                    var sb = new StringBuilder();
                    foreach (var classification in item.Output.Zip(item.Target, (o, t) => (Output: o, Target: t)))
                        var columnIndex = 0;
                        sb.AppendLine($"{rowIndex++}) ");
                        foreach (var column in classification.Output.Data.Zip(classification.Target.Data,
                                                                              (o, t) => (Output: o, Target: t)))
                            var prediction = column.Output >= 0.5f ? "true" : "false";
                            var actual     = column.Target >= 0.5f ? "true" : "false";
                            sb.AppendLine($"\t{columnIndex++}) predicted {prediction} (expected {actual})");
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a graph execution engine
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="graph">The serialised graph to execute</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public IGraphEngine CreateEngine(Models.ExecutionGraph graph)
            var input = this.CreateFrom(graph);

            return(new ExecutionEngine(LinearAlgebraProvider, graph, input));