public JsonResult ExportData(string fromDate, string toDate, string isDuBao) { // fix data request DateTime?fromdate = fromDate.ConvertStringToDate(); DateTime?todate = toDate.ConvertStringToDate(); // lấy dữ liệu xử lý using (var db = new Models.DbEntities()) { string fileName; Dictionary <DateTime, string[, ]> list = GetDataSearch(db, fromDate, toDate, isDuBao); string excelFile = Excel.getCopyExcelTemplateFile(out fileName); var excelBytes = list.WriteExcel(excelFile); if (excelBytes != null) { string fullPath = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/TemplateFile/temp"), fileName); using (var exportData = new MemoryStream()) { exportData.Write(excelBytes, 0, excelBytes.Length); exportData.Position = 0; FileStream file = new FileStream(fullPath, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write); exportData.WriteTo(file); file.Close(); } return(Json(new { messenger = "success", fileName, status = true })); } else { return(Json(new { messenger = list.Count() > 0 ? "success" : "not_data", status = false })); } } }
public JsonResult GetData(string fromDate, string toDate, string bc) { try { Dictionary <DateTime, string[, ]> list = new Dictionary <DateTime, string[, ]>(); using (var db = new Models.DbEntities()) { list = GetDataSearch(db, fromDate, toDate, bc); } return(Json(new { date = list.Keys, arrDatas = list.Values, status = true })); } catch (Exception ex) { return(Json(new { messenger = ex.Message, status = false })); } }
public static bool ReadAndWriteDataToExcel(this string filePath, bool isBC_QuanTrac) { bool response = true; using (SpreadsheetDocument spreadDocument = SpreadsheetDocument.Open(filePath, true)) { WorkbookPart workBookPart = spreadDocument.WorkbookPart; Workbook workbook = workBookPart.Workbook; using (var db = new Models.DbEntities()) { using (DbContextTransaction transaction = db.Database.BeginTransaction()) { try { workBookPart.Workbook.Descendants <Sheet>().ForEach(sheet => { if (response) { WorksheetPart wsPart = (WorksheetPart)workBookPart.GetPartById(sheet.Id); SheetData sheetData = wsPart.Worksheet.GetFirstChild <SheetData>(); bool res = sheetData.WriteDatabase(sheet.Name, workBookPart, db, isBC_QuanTrac); if (!res) { response = false; } } }); if (response) { transaction.Commit(); } } catch (Exception ex) { transaction.Rollback(); response = false; } } } } return(response); }
private Dictionary <DateTime, string[, ]> GetDataSearch(Models.DbEntities db, string fromDate, string toDate, string isDuBao) { // fix data request DateTime?fromdate = fromDate.ConvertStringToDate(); DateTime?todate = toDate.ConvertStringToDate(); Dictionary <DateTime, string[, ]> list = new Dictionary <DateTime, string[, ]>(); string[,] arr; var lstTT = db.NV_MaubaocaoThuoctinh.Where(x => x.MauBC_ID.Equals("BC_CLN")).OrderBy(x => x.STT).Select(row => row.Thuoctinh_ID); var lstDD = db.NV_MaubaocaoDiadanh.Where(x => x.MauBC_ID.Equals("BC_CLN")).OrderBy(x => x.STT).Select(row => row.Diadanh_ID); if (!"true".Equals(isDuBao)) { var dataNgayQuanTrac = db.NV_DulieuQuantrac.Select(x => x.NgayQuantrac).Distinct() .WhereIf(fromdate.HasValue, row => DateTime.Compare(fromdate.Value, row) <= 0) .WhereIf(todate.HasValue, row => DateTime.Compare(row, todate.Value) <= 0); // loaddata to string[,] int?rowIndex, colIndex; dataNgayQuanTrac.ForEach(date => { var lstTTs = from thuoctinh in db.TD_Thuoctinh select new DanhSachDiaDanh() { thuocTinhId = thuoctinh.Thuoctinh_ID, diadanh = (from dd in db.TD_Diadanh join dlQT in db.NV_DulieuQuantrac on dd.Diadanh_ID equals dlQT.BaocaoDiadanh_ID where dlQT.BaocaoThuoctinh_ID == thuoctinh.Thuoctinh_ID && dlQT.NgayQuantrac == date select new DanhSachThuocTinh() { DiaDanhId = dd.Diadanh_ID, GiaTri = dlQT.Giatri.ToString() }) }; arr = null; rowIndex = null; lstDD.AsEnumerable().ForEach(ref rowIndex, row => { colIndex = null; arr = arr ?? new string[lstDD.Count(), lstTT.Count()]; lstTT.AsEnumerable().ForEach(ref colIndex, col => { var danhSachDiaDanhs = lstTTs.Where(r => r.thuocTinhId.Equals(col)).FirstOrDefault(); if (danhSachDiaDanhs == null) { arr[rowIndex.Value, colIndex.Value] = "0"; } else { var tt = danhSachDiaDanhs.diadanh.Where(d => d.DiaDanhId.Equals(row)).FirstOrDefault(); arr[rowIndex.Value, colIndex.Value] = tt == null ? "0" : tt.GiaTri; } }); }); list.Add(date, arr); } ); } else { var dataNgayDuBao = db.NV_Dulieudubao.Select(x => x.Ngaydubao).Distinct() .WhereIf(fromdate.HasValue, row => DateTime.Compare(fromdate.Value, row) <= 0) .WhereIf(todate.HasValue, row => DateTime.Compare(row, todate.Value) <= 0); // loaddata to string[,] int?rowIndex, colIndex; dataNgayDuBao.ForEach(date => { var lstTTs = from thuoctinh in db.TD_Thuoctinh select new DanhSachDiaDanh() { thuocTinhId = thuoctinh.Thuoctinh_ID, diadanh = (from dd in db.TD_Diadanh join dlDB in db.NV_Dulieudubao on dd.Diadanh_ID equals dlDB.BaocaoDiadanh_ID where dlDB.BaocaoThuoctinh_ID == thuoctinh.Thuoctinh_ID && dlDB.Ngaydubao == date select new DanhSachThuocTinh() { DiaDanhId = dd.Diadanh_ID, GiaTri = dlDB.Giatri.ToString() }) }; arr = null; rowIndex = null; lstDD.AsEnumerable().ForEach(ref rowIndex, row => { colIndex = null; arr = arr ?? new string[lstDD.Count(), lstTT.Count()]; lstTT.AsEnumerable().ForEach(ref colIndex, col => { var danhSachDiaDanhs = lstTTs.Where(r => r.thuocTinhId.Equals(col)).FirstOrDefault(); if (danhSachDiaDanhs == null) { arr[rowIndex.Value, colIndex.Value] = "0"; } else { var tt = danhSachDiaDanhs.diadanh.Where(d => d.DiaDanhId.Equals(row)).FirstOrDefault(); arr[rowIndex.Value, colIndex.Value] = tt == null ? "0" : tt.GiaTri; } }); }); list.Add(date, arr); } ); } return(list); }
private static bool WriteDatabase(this SheetData sheetData, string sheetName, WorkbookPart workBookPart, Models.DbEntities db, bool isBC_QuanTrac = true) { DateTime?datetime = sheetData.GetDateImportDb(workBookPart, sheetName); if (datetime == null) { return(false); } bool response = false; db.Database.Log = Console.Write; bool isUpdate = isBC_QuanTrac ? db.NV_DulieuQuantrac.Select(x => x.NgayQuantrac).Distinct() .Any(row => DateTime.Compare(datetime.Value, row) == 0) : db.NV_Dulieudubao.Select(x => x.Ngaydubao).Distinct() .Any(row => DateTime.Compare(datetime.Value, row) == 0); var lstTT = db.NV_MaubaocaoThuoctinh.Where(x => x.MauBC_ID.Equals("BC_CLN")).OrderBy(x => x.STT).Select(row => row.Thuoctinh_ID); var lstDD = db.NV_MaubaocaoDiadanh.Where(x => x.MauBC_ID.Equals("BC_CLN")).OrderBy(x => x.STT).Select(row => row.Diadanh_ID); int?rowIndex = null; int?colIndex = null; try { int?soLieuIndex = null; if (isBC_QuanTrac) { var lastEntity = db.NV_DulieuQuantrac.AsEnumerable() .Select(x => new { id = Convert.ToInt32(x.SolieuQuantrac_ID) }) .OrderByDescending(x =>; soLieuIndex = lastEntity == null ? 0 :; } else { var lastEntity = db.NV_Dulieudubao .Select(x => new { id = Convert.ToInt32(x.SolieuDB_ID) }) .OrderByDescending(x =>; soLieuIndex = lastEntity == null ? 0 :; } lstDD.AsEnumerable().ForEach(ref rowIndex, row => { colIndex = null; lstTT.AsEnumerable().ForEach(ref colIndex, col => { soLieuIndex = soLieuIndex ?? 0; double value; string val = sheetData.GetValueCell(workBookPart, rowIndex.Value + 6, colIndex.Value + 3); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(val) || !double.TryParse(val, out value)) { value = 0; } if (isBC_QuanTrac) { if (isUpdate) { var isExits = db.NV_DulieuQuantrac.Any(res => res.BaocaoThuoctinh_ID == col && res.BaocaoDiadanh_ID == row && DateTime.Compare(datetime.Value, res.NgayQuantrac) == 0); if (isExits) { #region update du lieu quan trac var temp = db.NV_DulieuQuantrac.FirstOrDefault(res => res.BaocaoThuoctinh_ID == col && res.BaocaoDiadanh_ID == row && DateTime.Compare(datetime.Value, res.NgayQuantrac) == 0); temp.Giatri = value; #endregion } else { #region add du lieu quan trac soLieuIndex++; Models.NV_DulieuQuantrac entity = new Models.NV_DulieuQuantrac() { SolieuQuantrac_ID = soLieuIndex.ToString(), NgayQuantrac = datetime.Value, BaocaoDiadanh_ID = row, BaocaoThuoctinh_ID = col, Giatri = value }; db.NV_DulieuQuantrac.Add(entity); #endregion } } else { #region add du lieu quan trac soLieuIndex++; Models.NV_DulieuQuantrac entity = new Models.NV_DulieuQuantrac() { SolieuQuantrac_ID = soLieuIndex.ToString(), NgayQuantrac = datetime.Value, BaocaoDiadanh_ID = row, BaocaoThuoctinh_ID = col, Giatri = value }; db.NV_DulieuQuantrac.Add(entity); #endregion } } else { if (isUpdate) { var isExits = db.NV_Dulieudubao.Any(res => res.BaocaoThuoctinh_ID == col && res.BaocaoDiadanh_ID == row && DateTime.Compare(datetime.Value, res.Ngaydubao) == 0); if (isExits) { #region update du lieu du bao var temp = db.NV_Dulieudubao.FirstOrDefault(res => res.BaocaoThuoctinh_ID == col && res.BaocaoDiadanh_ID == row && DateTime.Compare(datetime.Value, res.Ngaydubao) == 0 ); temp.Giatri = value; #endregion } else { #region add du lieu du bao soLieuIndex++; Models.NV_Dulieudubao entity = new Models.NV_Dulieudubao() { SolieuDB_ID = soLieuIndex.ToString(), Ngaydubao = datetime.Value, BaocaoDiadanh_ID = row, BaocaoThuoctinh_ID = col, Giatri = value }; db.NV_Dulieudubao.Add(entity); #endregion } } else { #region add du lieu du bao soLieuIndex++; Models.NV_Dulieudubao entity = new Models.NV_Dulieudubao() { SolieuDB_ID = soLieuIndex.ToString(), Ngaydubao = datetime.Value, BaocaoDiadanh_ID = row, BaocaoThuoctinh_ID = col, Giatri = value }; db.NV_Dulieudubao.Add(entity); #endregion } } db.SaveChanges(); }); }); response = true; } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Error occurred: " + ex.StackTrace); response = false; } return(response); }