/// <summary>
        /// Create a webhook for one or more of the specified events.
        /// A webhook would typically have the following structure:
        /// ```
        /// {
        ///   "url": "http://webhook.com",
        ///   "method": "POST",
        ///   "encoding": "JSON",
        ///   "headers": {
        ///     "Account": "DeveloperPortal7000"
        ///   },
        ///   "events": [
        ///     "RECEIVED_SMS"
        ///   ],
        ///   "template": "{\"id\":\"$mtId\",\"status\":\"$statusCode\"}"
        /// }
        /// ```
        /// A valid webhook must consist of the following properties:
        /// - ```url``` The configured URL which will trigger the webhook when a selected event occurs.
        /// - ```method``` The methods to map CRUD (create, retrieve, update, delete) operations to HTTP requests.
        /// - ```encoding``` The format in which the payload will be returned. You can choose from ```JSON```, ```FORM_ENCODED``` or ```XML```. This will automatically add the Content-Type header for you so you don't have to add it again in the `headers` property.
        /// - ```headers``` HTTP header fields which provide required information about the request or response, or about the object sent in the message body. This should not include the `Content-Type` header.
        /// - ```events``` Event or events that will trigger the webhook. Atleast one event should be present.
        /// - ```template``` The structure of the payload that will be returned.
        /// #### Types of Events
        /// You can select all of the events (listed below) or combine them in whatever way you like but atleast one event must be used. Otherwise, the webhook won't be created.
        /// A webhook will be triggered when any one or more of the events occur:
        /// + **SMS**
        ///     + `RECEIVED_SMS` Receive an SMS
        ///     + `OPT_OUT_SMS` Opt-out occured
        /// + **MMS**
        ///     + `RECEIVED_MMS` Receive an MMS
        /// + **DR (Delivery Reports)**
        ///     + `ENROUTE_DR` Message is enroute
        ///     + `EXPIRED_DR` Message has expired
        ///     + `REJECTED_DR` Message is rejected
        ///     + `FAILED_DR` Message has failed
        ///     + `DELIVERED_DR` Message is delivered
        ///     + `SUBMITTED_DR` Message is submitted
        /// #### Template Parameters
        /// You can choose what to include in the data that will be sent as the payload via the Webhook.
        /// Keep in my mind, you must escape the JSON in the template value (see example above).
        /// The table illustrates a list of all the parameters that can be included in the template and which event types it can be applied to.
        /// | Data  | Parameter Name | Example | Event Type |
        /// |:--|--|--|--|--|
        /// | **Service Type**  | $type| `SMS` | `DR` `MO` `MO MMS` |
        /// | **Message ID**  | $mtId, $messageId| `877c19ef-fa2e-4cec-827a-e1df9b5509f7` | `DR` `MO` `MO MMS`|
        /// | **Delivery Report ID** |$drId, $reportId| `01e1fa0a-6e27-4945-9cdb-18644b4de043` | `DR` |
        /// | **Reply ID**| $moId, $replyId| `a175e797-2b54-468b-9850-41a3eab32f74` | `MO` `MO MMS` |
        /// | **Account ID**  | $accountId| `DeveloperPortal7000` | `DR` `MO` `MO MMS` |
        /// | **Message Timestamp**  | $submittedTimestamp| `2016-12-07T08:43:00.850Z` | `DR` `MO` `MO MMS` |
        /// | **Provider Timestamp**  | $receivedTimestamp| `2016-12-07T08:44:00.850Z` | `DR` `MO` `MO MMS` |
        /// | **Message Status** | $status| `enroute` | `DR` |
        /// | **Status Code**  | $statusCode| `200` | `DR` |
        /// | **External Metadata** | $metadata.get('key')| `name` | `DR` `MO` `MO MMS` |
        /// | **Source Address**| $sourceAddress| `+61491570156` | `DR` `MO` `MO MMS` |
        /// | **Destination Address**| $destinationAddress| `+61491593156` | `MO` `MO MMS` |
        /// | **Message Content**| $mtContent, $messageContent| `Hi Derp` | `DR` `MO` `MO MMS` |
        /// | **Reply Content**| $moContent, $replyContent| `Hello Derpina` | `MO` `MO MMS` |
        /// | **Retry Count**| $retryCount| `1` | `DR` `MO` `MO MMS` |
        /// *Note: A 400 response will be returned if the `url` is invalid, the `events`, `encoding` or `method` is null or the `headers` has a Content-Type  attribute.*
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="body">Required parameter: Example: </param>
        /// <return>Returns the dynamic response from the API call</return>
        public dynamic CreateWebhook(Models.CreateWebhookRequest body)
            Task <dynamic> t = CreateWebhookAsync(body);

        /// <summary>
        /// Create a webhook for one or more of the specified events.
        /// A webhook would typically have the following structure:
        /// ```
        /// {
        ///   "url": "http://webhook.com",
        ///   "method": "POST",
        ///   "encoding": "JSON",
        ///   "headers": {
        ///     "Account": "DeveloperPortal7000"
        ///   },
        ///   "events": [
        ///     "RECEIVED_SMS"
        ///   ],
        ///   "template": "{\"id\":\"$mtId\",\"status\":\"$statusCode\"}"
        /// }
        /// ```
        /// A valid webhook must consist of the following properties:
        /// - ```url``` The configured URL which will trigger the webhook when a selected event occurs.
        /// - ```method``` The methods to map CRUD (create, retrieve, update, delete) operations to HTTP requests.
        /// - ```encoding``` The format in which the payload will be returned. You can choose from ```JSON```, ```FORM_ENCODED``` or ```XML```. This will automatically add the Content-Type header for you so you don't have to add it again in the `headers` property.
        /// - ```headers``` HTTP header fields which provide required information about the request or response, or about the object sent in the message body. This should not include the `Content-Type` header.
        /// - ```events``` Event or events that will trigger the webhook. Atleast one event should be present.
        /// - ```template``` The structure of the payload that will be returned.
        /// #### Types of Events
        /// You can select all of the events (listed below) or combine them in whatever way you like but atleast one event must be used. Otherwise, the webhook won't be created.
        /// A webhook will be triggered when any one or more of the events occur:
        /// + **SMS**
        ///     + `RECEIVED_SMS` Receive an SMS
        ///     + `OPT_OUT_SMS` Opt-out occured
        /// + **MMS**
        ///     + `RECEIVED_MMS` Receive an MMS
        /// + **DR (Delivery Reports)**
        ///     + `ENROUTE_DR` Message is enroute
        ///     + `EXPIRED_DR` Message has expired
        ///     + `REJECTED_DR` Message is rejected
        ///     + `FAILED_DR` Message has failed
        ///     + `DELIVERED_DR` Message is delivered
        ///     + `SUBMITTED_DR` Message is submitted
        /// #### Template Parameters
        /// You can choose what to include in the data that will be sent as the payload via the Webhook.
        /// Keep in my mind, you must escape the JSON in the template value (see example above).
        /// The table illustrates a list of all the parameters that can be included in the template and which event types it can be applied to.
        /// | Data  | Parameter Name | Example | Event Type |
        /// |:--|--|--|--|--|
        /// | **Service Type**  | $type| `SMS` | `DR` `MO` `MO MMS` |
        /// | **Message ID**  | $mtId, $messageId| `877c19ef-fa2e-4cec-827a-e1df9b5509f7` | `DR` `MO` `MO MMS`|
        /// | **Delivery Report ID** |$drId, $reportId| `01e1fa0a-6e27-4945-9cdb-18644b4de043` | `DR` |
        /// | **Reply ID**| $moId, $replyId| `a175e797-2b54-468b-9850-41a3eab32f74` | `MO` `MO MMS` |
        /// | **Account ID**  | $accountId| `DeveloperPortal7000` | `DR` `MO` `MO MMS` |
        /// | **Message Timestamp**  | $submittedTimestamp| `2016-12-07T08:43:00.850Z` | `DR` `MO` `MO MMS` |
        /// | **Provider Timestamp**  | $receivedTimestamp| `2016-12-07T08:44:00.850Z` | `DR` `MO` `MO MMS` |
        /// | **Message Status** | $status| `enroute` | `DR` |
        /// | **Status Code**  | $statusCode| `200` | `DR` |
        /// | **External Metadata** | $metadata.get('key')| `name` | `DR` `MO` `MO MMS` |
        /// | **Source Address**| $sourceAddress| `+61491570156` | `DR` `MO` `MO MMS` |
        /// | **Destination Address**| $destinationAddress| `+61491593156` | `MO` `MO MMS` |
        /// | **Message Content**| $mtContent, $messageContent| `Hi Derp` | `DR` `MO` `MO MMS` |
        /// | **Reply Content**| $moContent, $replyContent| `Hello Derpina` | `MO` `MO MMS` |
        /// | **Retry Count**| $retryCount| `1` | `DR` `MO` `MO MMS` |
        /// *Note: A 400 response will be returned if the `url` is invalid, the `events`, `encoding` or `method` is null or the `headers` has a Content-Type  attribute.*
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="body">Required parameter: Example: </param>
        /// <return>Returns the dynamic response from the API call</return>
        public async Task <dynamic> CreateWebhookAsync(Models.CreateWebhookRequest body)
            //the base uri for api requests
            string _baseUri = Configuration.BaseUri;

            //prepare query string for API call
            StringBuilder _queryBuilder = new StringBuilder(_baseUri);


            //validate and preprocess url
            string _queryUrl = APIHelper.CleanUrl(_queryBuilder);

            //append request with appropriate headers and parameters
            var _headers = new Dictionary <string, string>()
                { "user-agent", "messagesmedia-webhooks" },
                { "accept", "application/json" },
                { "content-type", "application/json; charset=utf-8" }

            //append body params
            var _body = APIHelper.JsonSerialize(body);

            //prepare the API call request to fetch the response
            HttpRequest _request = ClientInstance.PostBody(_queryUrl, _headers, _body, Configuration.BasicAuthUserName, Configuration.BasicAuthPassword);

            //invoke request and get response
            HttpStringResponse _response = (HttpStringResponse)await ClientInstance.ExecuteAsStringAsync(_request).ConfigureAwait(false);

            HttpContext _context = new HttpContext(_request, _response);

            //Error handling using HTTP status codes
            if (_response.StatusCode == 400)
                throw new CreateWebhook400ResponseException(@"Unexpected error in API call. See HTTP response body for details.", _context);

            if (_response.StatusCode == 409)
                throw new CreateWebhook400ResponseException(@"Unexpected error in API call. See HTTP response body for details.", _context);

            //handle errors defined at the API level
            base.ValidateResponse(_response, _context);

                return(APIHelper.JsonDeserialize <dynamic>(_response.Body));
            catch (Exception _ex)
                throw new APIException("Failed to parse the response: " + _ex.Message, _context);