public async Task <Models.BookSale> GetSaleAsync()
            Task <string> stringAsync = client.GetStringAsync(uri + "/Sales");
            string        message     = await stringAsync;

            Models.BookSale result = JsonSerializer.Deserialize <Models.BookSale>(message);
        public async Task CreateBookSaleAsync(Models.BookSale bookSale)
            string bookSaleAsJson = JsonSerializer.Serialize(bookSale);

            HttpContent content = new StringContent(bookSaleAsJson,

            HttpResponseMessage responseMessage = await client.PostAsync(uri + "/Sales", content);
 public async Task AddToCartAsync(Models.BookSale bookSale)
     if (cartItems.Any(sale => sale.bookSaleID == bookSale.bookSaleID))
         Console.WriteLine("Cannot add two of the same item to cart");
        public async Task UpdateBookSaleAsync(Models.BookSale bookSale, string title, string author, string edition, string condition, string subject, string image, double?price, bool hardCopy, string description)
            bookSale.title       = title;
        = author;
            bookSale.edition     = edition;
            bookSale.condition   = condition;
            bookSale.subject     = subject;
            bookSale.image       = image;
            bookSale.price       = price;
            bookSale.hardCopy    = hardCopy;
            bookSale.description = description;

            string saleAsJson = JsonSerializer.Serialize(bookSale);

            HttpContent content = new StringContent(saleAsJson, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");

            await client.PatchAsync($"{uri}/sales/{bookSale.bookSaleID}", content);