/// <summary>
        /// Provides a method of deleting an alarm schedule
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="schedule"></param>
        public static void Delete(Models.AlarmSchedule schedule)
            if (schedule == null)
            string schedulePath = Path.Combine(_schedulesPath, string.Format("{0}.json", schedule.Name));

        /// <summary>
        /// Provides a method for saving an alarm schedule
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="schedule"></param>
        public static void Save(Models.AlarmSchedule schedule)
            if (schedule == null)
            string schedulPath = Path.Combine(_schedulesPath, string.Format("{0}.json", schedule.Name));

            using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(schedulPath, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.Write))
                DataContractJsonSerializer ser = new DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof(Models.AlarmSchedule));

                ser.WriteObject(fs, schedule);
        //  Methods
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new schedule based on the current selected alarms
        /// </summary>
        public async void CreateNewSchedule()
            MetroDialogSettings settings = new MetroDialogSettings();

            settings.AffirmativeButtonText = "Create";
            settings.AnimateHide           = true;
            settings.AnimateShow           = true;
            settings.DefaultButtonFocus    = MessageDialogResult.Affirmative;
            settings.NegativeButtonText    = "Cancel";
            string scheduleName = await MainWindow.View.ShowInputAsync("Create New Schedule", "Enter the name you would like to use for the new schedule", settings);

            var list = Controller.Master.AlarmScheduleCollection.Where(ap => ap.Name == scheduleName);

            if (list.Count() > 0)
                settings.AffirmativeButtonText = "Ok";
                await MainWindow.View.ShowMessageAsync("Create Schedule Error", "Cannot create a sachedule with the same name as an existing one", MessageDialogStyle.Affirmative, settings);

                this._eventAggregator.GetEvent <PushStatusMessageEvent>().Publish("Cannot create a sachedule with the same name as an existing one");
                if (scheduleName == null)
                Models.AlarmSchedule schedule = new Models.AlarmSchedule(Controller.Master.AlarmItemCollection.ToList());

                if (scheduleName.Length > 0)
                    schedule.Name = scheduleName;


                ////settings.AffirmativeButtonText = "Ok";
                //await MainWindow.View.ShowMessageAsync("Schedule Created", string.Format("Schedule has been created and saved for {0}", scheduleName), MessageDialogStyle.Affirmative, settings);
                this._eventAggregator.GetEvent <PushStatusMessageEvent>().Publish(string.Format("Schedule has been created and saved for {0}", scheduleName));
                Controller.Master.AlarmScheduleCollection = new ObservableCollection <Models.AlarmSchedule>((new AlarmScheduleRepository()).GetAlarmSchedules());

                this.SelectedSchedule = Controller.Master.AlarmScheduleCollection.Where(p => p.Name == schedule.Name).First();