        private void Productionvoucher_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Models.AccountLookup acc = new Models.AccountLookup();

            // Create an in-place LookupEdit control.
            RepositoryItemLookUpEdit riLookup = new RepositoryItemLookUpEdit();


            riLookup.DataSource    = acc.Categories;
            riLookup.ValueMember   = "ID";
            riLookup.DisplayMember = "CategoryName";

            // Enable the "best-fit" functionality mode in which columns have proportional widths and the popup window is resized to fit all the columns.
            riLookup.BestFitMode = DevExpress.XtraEditors.Controls.BestFitMode.BestFitResizePopup;
            // Specify the dropdown height.
            riLookup.DropDownRows = acc.Categories.Count;

            // Enable the automatic completion feature. In this mode, when the dropdown is closed,
            // the text in the edit box is automatically completed if it matches a DisplayMember field value of one of dropdown rows.
            riLookup.SearchMode = DevExpress.XtraEditors.Controls.SearchMode.AutoComplete;
            // Specify the column against which an incremental search is performed in SearchMode.AutoComplete and SearchMode.OnlyInPopup modes
            riLookup.AutoSearchColumnIndex = 1;

            // Optionally hide the Description column in the dropdown.
            // riLookup.PopulateColumns();
            // riLookup.Columns["Description"].Visible = false;

            // Assign the in-place LookupEdit control to the grid's CategoryID column.
            //// Note that the data types of the "ID" and "CategoryID" fields match.
            gdvItemIG.Columns["Item"].ColumnEdit = riLookup;

            gdvItemIC.Columns["Item"].ColumnEdit = riLookup;

            //Bill Sundry Lookup Edit
            //gridBs.Columns["BillSundry"].ColumnEdit = riLookup;

            //Series Lookup Edit
            SeriesLookup objSeries = new SeriesLookup();

            tbxSeries.Properties.DataSource = objSeries.Series;

            //Productin matecenter Lookup Edit
            tbxMatcenterIC.Properties.DataSource = objSeries.Series;
            tbxMatcenterIG.Properties.DataSource = objSeries.Series;

            //Party Lookup Edit
            //tbxParty.Properties.DataSource = acc.Categories;
            //tbxParty.Properties.DisplayMember = "CategoryName";
            //tbxParty.Properties.ValueMember = "CategoryName";

            ////Mat Centre Lookup Edit
            //tbxMatCentre.Properties.DataSource = acc.Categories;
            //tbxMatCentre.Properties.DisplayMember = "CategoryName";
            //tbxMatCentre.Properties.ValueMember = "CategoryName";
        private void ReceiptVoucher_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Models.AccountLookup acc = new Models.AccountLookup();

            //gdvJournal.DataSource = DataSets.JournalDs.;
            // Create an in-place LookupEdit control.
            RepositoryItemLookUpEdit riLookup = new RepositoryItemLookUpEdit();


            riLookup.DataSource    = acc.Categories;
            riLookup.ValueMember   = "ID";
            riLookup.DisplayMember = "CategoryName";

            // Enable the "best-fit" functionality mode in which columns have proportional widths and the popup window is resized to fit all the columns.
            riLookup.BestFitMode = DevExpress.XtraEditors.Controls.BestFitMode.BestFitResizePopup;
            // Specify the dropdown height.
            riLookup.DropDownRows = acc.Categories.Count;

            // Enable the automatic completion feature. In this mode, when the dropdown is closed,
            // the text in the edit box is automatically completed if it matches a DisplayMember field value of one of dropdown rows.
            riLookup.SearchMode = DevExpress.XtraEditors.Controls.SearchMode.AutoComplete;
            // Specify the column against which an incremental search is performed in SearchMode.AutoComplete and SearchMode.OnlyInPopup modes
            riLookup.AutoSearchColumnIndex = 1;

            // Optionally hide the Description column in the dropdown.
            // riLookup.PopulateColumns();
            // riLookup.Columns["Description"].Visible = false;

            // Assign the in-place LookupEdit control to the grid's CategoryID column.
            // Note that the data types of the "ID" and "CategoryID" fields match.
            gdvReceipt.Columns["Account"].ColumnEdit = riLookup;

            RepositoryItemLookUpEdit riDCLookup = new RepositoryItemLookUpEdit();

            riDCLookup.DataSource = new string[] { "D", "C" };
            gdvReceipt.Columns["DC"].ColumnEdit = riDCLookup;

            riDCLookup.SearchMode            = DevExpress.XtraEditors.Controls.SearchMode.AutoFilter;
            riDCLookup.AutoSearchColumnIndex = 1;

            riDCLookup.DropDownRows = 0;