public void NewApp( Settings settings, string appName, string rootNamespace, string workingDirectory, string moduleFile ) { // validate name if (!IsValidResourceName(appName)) { LogError("app name is not valid"); return; } // parse yaml module definition if (!File.Exists(moduleFile)) { LogError($"could not find module '{moduleFile}'"); return; } var moduleContents = File.ReadAllText(moduleFile); var module = new ModelYamlToAstConverter(new Settings(Version), moduleFile).Convert(moduleContents, selector: null); if (HasErrors) { return; } // set default namespace if none is set if (rootNamespace == null) { rootNamespace = $"{module.Module}.{appName}"; } // create directory for app project var projectDirectory = Path.Combine(workingDirectory, appName); if (Directory.Exists(projectDirectory)) { LogError($"project directory '{projectDirectory}' already exists"); return; } try { Directory.CreateDirectory(projectDirectory); } catch (Exception e) { LogError($"unable to create directory '{projectDirectory}'", e); return; } // generate project var substitutions = new Dictionary <string, string> { ["ROOTNAMESPACE"] = rootNamespace, ["APPNAME"] = appName }; using (var projectStream = typeof(CliNewCommand).Assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("")) using (var projectArchive = new ZipArchive(projectStream)) { foreach (var entry in projectArchive.Entries) { var entryPath = Path.Combine(projectDirectory, entry.FullName); if (entry.FullName.EndsWith("/")) { Directory.CreateDirectory(entryPath); } else { // use app name for .csproj file entryPath = (entry.Name == "MyApp._csproj") ? Path.Combine(projectDirectory, $"{appName}.csproj") : entryPath; using (var file = File.OpenWrite(entryPath)) using (var entryStream = entry.Open()) { var fileExtension = Path.GetExtension(entryPath); switch (fileExtension) { case ".cs": case ".csproj": case ".razor": case ".html": // apply substitutions to source files using (var entryReader = new StreamReader(entryStream)) { var contents = entryReader.ReadToEnd(); foreach (var kv in substitutions) { contents = contents.Replace($"%%{kv.Key}%%", kv.Value); } var contentsBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(contents); file.Write(contentsBytes, 0, contentsBytes.Length); } break; default: // copy zip contents verbatim entryStream.CopyTo(file); break; } } Console.WriteLine($"Created file: {Path.GetRelativePath(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), entryPath)}"); } } } // insert app definition and a variable to output the app website URL InsertModuleItemsLines(moduleFile, new[] { $" - App: {appName}", $" Description: TO-DO - update app description" }); InsertModuleItemsLines(moduleFile, new[] { $" - Variable: {appName}WebsiteUrl", $" Description: {appName} Website URL", $" Scope: stack", $" Value: !GetAtt {appName}::Bucket.Outputs.WebsiteUrl" }); }
public void NewFunction( Settings settings, string functionName, string rootNamespace, string framework, string workingDirectory, string moduleFile, string language, int functionMemory, int functionTimeout, FunctionType functionType ) { // validate name if (!IsValidResourceName(functionName)) { LogError("function name is not valid"); return; } // parse yaml module definition if (!File.Exists(moduleFile)) { LogError($"could not find module '{moduleFile}'"); return; } var moduleContents = File.ReadAllText(moduleFile); var module = new ModelYamlToAstConverter(new Settings(Version), moduleFile).Convert(moduleContents, selector: null); if (HasErrors) { return; } // set default namespace if none is set if (rootNamespace == null) { rootNamespace = $"{module.Module}.{functionName}"; } // create directory for function project var projectDirectory = Path.Combine(workingDirectory, functionName); if (Directory.Exists(projectDirectory)) { LogError($"project directory '{projectDirectory}' already exists"); return; } try { Directory.CreateDirectory(projectDirectory); } catch (Exception e) { LogError($"unable to create directory '{projectDirectory}'", e); return; } // create function file switch (language) { case "csharp": NewCSharpFunction( settings, functionName, rootNamespace, framework, workingDirectory, moduleFile, functionMemory, functionTimeout, projectDirectory, functionType ); break; case "javascript": NewJavascriptFunction( settings, functionName, rootNamespace, framework, workingDirectory, moduleFile, functionMemory, functionTimeout, projectDirectory, functionType ); break; } // insert function definition InsertModuleItemsLines(moduleFile, new[] { $" - Function: {functionName}", $" Description: TO-DO - update function description", $" Memory: {functionMemory}", $" Timeout: {functionTimeout}" }); }