        public static ModelResourceNode Convert(LmMsgPck msg)
            var aabb      = LmAABB.Unpack(msg);
            var boneTable = LmBoneTable.Unpack(msg);

            var i = 0u;
            var modelResourceNode = new ModelResourceNode();

            foreach (var boneInfo in boneTable.BoneInfos)
                modelResourceNode.MeshBoneInformation.Bones.Add(new MeshBoneInformation.Bone(boneInfo.BoneName, boneInfo.LodBoneIdx, boneInfo.UniqueBoneIdx));
                // FIXME modelResourceNode.MeshBoneInformation.BoneLut.Add(boneInfo.UniqueBoneIdx, i);

            modelResourceNode.NodeTable = LmNodeTable.Unpack(msg);
            if (msg.Version >= 20141113)
                var assetHash = (ulong)msg.Read();
                // TODO msg.UserData.GpuBuffer = msg.UserData.DependencyTable.Get(assetHash);

            var meshContainerCount = (int)msg.Read();

            for (var _ = 0; _ < meshContainerCount; _++)
                var meshContainer = MeshContainer.Convert(msg);

            if (msg.Version >= 20140623)
                var unknown = msg.ReadBool();
                modelResourceNode.Name = msg.ReadString();

            if (msg.Version >= 20140722 && msg.Version < 20140929)
                var hasPsdData  = msg.ReadBool();
                var psdDataHash = msg.ReadUint64();

            if (msg.Version < 20140815)

            var gmdlPartsDatasCount = msg.ReadUint();

            for (var _ = 0; _ < gmdlPartsDatasCount; _++)
                var gmdlPartsData = GmdlPartsData.Unpack(msg);

        public static void Convert(ModelResourceNode gmdl, string inputPath, string outputPath)
            // Create a game object and helper objects to recreate the mesh
            // from the source file. Get file name without .gmdl.gfxbin
            // extension.
            GameObject mainObject = new GameObject((Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(inputPath)).Split('.')[0]);
            GameObject meshObject = new GameObject("Mesh");

            meshObject.transform.parent = mainObject.transform;
            GameObject parts_Base = new GameObject("Parts_Base");

            parts_Base.transform.parent = meshObject.transform;
            foreach (MeshContainer meshContainer in gmdl.MeshContainers)
                // I'm pretty sure the Count variable is optimized such that
                // this won't damage performance, but if the script becomes
                // slow try storing count in a variable before entering the
                // loop.
                foreach (SQEX.Luminous.Renderer.Mesh luminMesh in meshContainer.Meshes)
                    GameObject gameObject = new GameObject(luminMesh.Name);
                    gameObject.transform.parent = parts_Base.transform;
                    UnityEngine.Mesh mesh = new UnityEngine.Mesh();
                    UnityEngine.SkinnedMeshRenderer smr = gameObject.AddComponent <SkinnedMeshRenderer>();
                    List <Vector3> luminVertices        = new List <Vector3>();
                    List <Vector3> normalsList          = new List <Vector3>();
                    Vector3[]      normalsArray;
                    List <Vector4> tangentList = new List <Vector4>();
                    List <int>     triangles   = new List <int>();

                    // Read the vertex information from the input file and
                    // convert the list (vertex information) at each position
                    // to an array of doubles
                    List <float> positions      = luminMesh.VertexElementArrays["POSITION0"] as List <float>;
                    float[]      floatPositions = (from Position in positions
                                                   select Position).ToArray();

                    int[] indices = (from index in luminMesh.GmdlGeometry.IdxBuffer
                                     select(int) index).ToArray();

                    // Convert triangles to proper order for unity normals
                    for (var j = 0; j < indices.Length; j += 3)
                        var a = indices[j];

                        indices[j]     = indices[j + 2];
                        indices[j + 2] = a;

                    // Load the vertices into a vector3 list
                    for (uint j = 0; j < luminMesh.VertexCount * 3; j += 3)
                        luminVertices.Add(new Vector3(floatPositions[j],
                                                      floatPositions[j + 1],
                                                      floatPositions[j + 2]));

                    foreach (int triangle in indices)

                    // TODO: Figure out why I am passing the mesh to these
                    // functions. It doesn't look like I'm using them.
                    if (luminMesh.VertexElementArrays.ContainsKey("NORMAL0"))
                        AddLayerNormal(luminMesh.VertexElementArrays["NORMAL0"], ref normalsList, mesh);
                        normalsArray = normalsList.ToArray();

                    if (luminMesh.VertexElementArrays.ContainsKey("TANGENT0"))
                        AddLayerTangent(luminMesh.VertexElementArrays["TANGENT0"], ref tangentList, normalsList.ToArray());

                    // Set mesh parts
                    mesh.vertices  = luminVertices.ToArray();
                    mesh.normals   = normalsList.ToArray();
                    mesh.triangles = triangles.ToArray();
                    mesh.tangents  = tangentList.ToArray();

                    smr.sharedMesh = mesh;

                    // This temp hack causes the script to only write the
                    // first mesh which reduces the amount of time each test
                    // takes.
                    // break;