        /// <summary>
        /// 模型打包
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="suffix">后缀</param>
        /// <param name="swApp">SW程序</param>
        /// <param name="modelPath">模型地址</param>
        /// <param name="itemPath">目标地址</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static string PackAndGoFunc(string suffix, SldWorks swApp, string modelPath, string itemPath)
            swApp.CommandInProgress = true;
            int               warnings      = 0;
            int               errors        = 0;
            ModelDoc2         swModelDoc    = default(ModelDoc2);
            ModelDocExtension swModelDocExt = default(ModelDocExtension);
            PackAndGo         swPackAndGo   = default(PackAndGo);

            swModelDoc = (ModelDoc2)swApp.OpenDoc6(modelPath, (int)swDocumentTypes_e.swDocASSEMBLY,
                                                   (int)swOpenDocOptions_e.swOpenDocOptions_Silent, "", ref errors, ref warnings);
            swModelDocExt = (ModelDocExtension)swModelDoc.Extension;
            swPackAndGo   = (PackAndGo)swModelDocExt.GetPackAndGo();
            // Get number of documents in assembly
            //namesCount = swPackAndGo.GetDocumentNamesCount();
            //Debug.Print("  Number of model documents: " + namesCount);
            // Include any drawings, SOLIDWORKS Simulation results, and SOLIDWORKS Toolbox components
            swPackAndGo.IncludeDrawings          = false;
            swPackAndGo.IncludeSimulationResults = false;
            swPackAndGo.IncludeToolboxComponents = false;

            // Set folder where to save the files,目标存放地址
            swPackAndGo.SetSaveToName(true, itemPath);
            // Flatten the Pack and Go folder structure; save all files to the root directory
            swPackAndGo.FlattenToSingleFolder = true;

            // Add a prefix and suffix to the filenames
            //swPackAndGo.AddPrefix = "SW_";添加后缀
            swPackAndGo.AddSuffix = "_" + suffix;
                // Pack and Go,执行PackAndGo
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new Exception("PackandGo过程中出现异常:" + ex.Message);
                swModelDoc = null;
                swApp.CommandInProgress = false;//及时关闭外部命令调用,否则影响SolidWorks的使用
            string modelPathName = modelPath.Substring(modelPath.LastIndexOf(@"\") + 1);

            return(itemPath + @"\" + modelPathName.Substring(0, modelPathName.LastIndexOf(".")) + "_" + suffix + ".sldasm");
        static void Main()
            ModelDoc2         swModelDoc    = default(ModelDoc2);
            ModelDocExtension swModelDocExt = default(ModelDocExtension);
            PackAndGo         swPackAndGo   = default(PackAndGo);
            //SldWorks swApp = new SldWorks();
            //GetSolidworks getSW = new GetSolidworks();
            Tuple <SldWorks, Process> processes = GetSolidworks.Solidworks(1);

            swApp   = processes.Item1;
            Process = processes.Item2;
            //swApp.Visible = false;

            //add another line to get item 2 which is the process which you can then use to kill when it derps

            /* To be used to more easily choose which assemblies to pack and go
             * List<string> trNames = new List<string>(new string[] { "500", "525"});
             * List<string> cmtNames = new List<string>(new string[] { "500", "525" });
             * for (int i = 0; i <= trNames.Count - 1; i++)
             * {
             *  trNames[i] = "TR-34-20-" + trNames[i];
             * }
             * for (int i = 0; i <= cmtNames.Count - 1; i++)
             * {
             *  cmtNames[i] = "CMT-34-20-" + cmtNames[i];
             * }

            List <string> modelNames = new List <string>(new string[] { "TR-34-20-400", "TR-34-20-425", "TR-34-20-500", "TR-34-20-525", "TR-34-20-530", "TR-34-20-600", "TR-34-20-625", "TR-34-20-630", "TR-34-20-700", "TR-34-20-725", "TR-34-20-730", "TR-34-20-900", "TR-34-20-925", "TR-34-20-930",
                                                                        "CMT-34-20-400", "CMT-34-20-425", "CMT-34-20-500", "CMT-34-20-525", "CMT-34-20-530", "CMT-34-20-600", "CMT-34-20-625", "CMT-34-20-630", "CMT-34-20-700", "CMT-34-20-725", "CMT-34-20-730", "CMT-34-20-900", "CMT-34-20-925", "CMT-34-20-930" });

            //List<string> modelNames = new List<string>(new string[] { "TR-34-20-400", "TR-34-20-425", "TR-34-20-500" });
            int modelCount = modelNames.Count;

            while (modelNames.Count > 0)
                int j = 0;
                    string openFile   = null;
                    bool   status     = false;
                    int    warnings   = 0;
                    int    errors     = 0;
                    int    i          = 0;
                    int    namesCount = 0;
                    string savePath   = null;
                    int[]  statuses   = null;

                    openFile = @"C:\Configurator\" + modelNames[j] + ".sldasm";
                    Debug.Print("Performing pack and go on " + modelNames[j]);
                    Console.WriteLine("Performing pack and go on " + modelNames[j]);

                    swModelDoc         = swApp.OpenDoc6(openFile, (int)swDocumentTypes_e.swDocASSEMBLY, (int)swOpenDocOptions_e.swOpenDocOptions_Silent, "", ref errors, ref warnings);
                    swModelDoc.Visible = false;
                    swApp.Visible      = false; //opendoc6 seems to remove the visiblility setting
                    swModelDocExt      = (ModelDocExtension)swModelDoc.Extension;

                    swPackAndGo = (PackAndGo)swModelDocExt.GetPackAndGo();

                    savePath = @"C:\Configurator\PackandGoTest\test.zip";
                    status   = swPackAndGo.SetSaveToName(false, savePath);
                    swPackAndGo.FlattenToSingleFolder = true;

                    namesCount = swPackAndGo.GetDocumentNamesCount();
                    Debug.Print("  Number of model documents: " + namesCount);
                    Console.WriteLine("  Number of model documents: " + namesCount);
                    // Include any drawings, SOLIDWORKS Simulation results, and SOLIDWORKS Toolbox components
                    swPackAndGo.IncludeDrawings = true;
                    //Debug.Print(" Include drawings: " + swPackAndGo.IncludeDrawings);
                    swPackAndGo.IncludeSimulationResults = false;
                    //Debug.Print(" Include SOLIDWORKS Simulation results: " + swPackAndGo.IncludeSimulationResults);
                    swPackAndGo.IncludeToolboxComponents = false;
                    //Debug.Print(" Include SOLIDWORKS Toolbox components: " + swPackAndGo.IncludeToolboxComponents);
                    swPackAndGo.IncludeSuppressed = true;
                    // Verify document paths and filenames after adding prefix and suffix
                    object getFileNames;
                    object getDocumentStatus;

                    status = swPackAndGo.GetDocumentSaveToNames(out getFileNames, out getDocumentStatus);
                    string[] pgGetFileNames = (string[])getFileNames;
                    if (pgGetFileNames.Length == 0)
                        status         = swPackAndGo.GetDocumentSaveToNames(out getFileNames, out getDocumentStatus);
                        pgGetFileNames = (string[])getFileNames;

                    for (int z = 0; z < pgGetFileNames.Length; z++)
                        if (pgGetFileNames[z].StartsWith(@"c:\configurator"))
                            Console.WriteLine("Please Remove This File and Try Again: " + pgGetFileNames[z]);
                        pgGetFileNames[z] = GetProperFilePathCapitalization(pgGetFileNames[z]);
                    //for (int z = 0;z< )
                    //pgGetFileNames = (string[])getFileNames;

                    /*This section is unnecessary and clutters the debug window, add back in at own preference
                     * Debug.Print("");
                     * Debug.Print("  My Pack and Go path and filenames after adding prefix and suffix: ");
                     * for (i = 0; i <= namesCount - 1; i++)
                     * {
                     *  Debug.Print("    My path and filename is: " + pgGetFileNames[i]);
                     * }

                    // Pack and Go
                    statuses = (int[])swModelDocExt.SavePackAndGo(swPackAndGo);
                    modelNames.RemoveAt(0); //removes as the very last step to ensure successful execution
                catch (Exception e)
                     * Process swProcess = new Process();
                     * int processID = swApp.GetProcessID();
                     * swProcess = Process.GetProcessById(processID);
                     * swProcess.Kill();
                     * while (swProcess.HasExited == false) { }
                    swApp = null;

                    Debug.Print("Solidworks Crash: Restarting Now");
                    Console.WriteLine("Solidworks Crash: Restarting Now");
                    while (swApp == null)
                        Tuple <SldWorks, Process> tuple = GetSolidworks.Solidworks(1);
                        swApp   = tuple.Item1;
                        Process = tuple.Item2;

            swApp.Visible = true;

            swApp.SendMsgToUser2("Pack and Go Is Complete!", 2, 2);