文件: BTX.cs 项目: snosrap/nhapi
    * Creates a BTX (Blood Product Transfusion/Disposition) segment object that belongs to the given
    * message.
 public BTX(Group parent, ModelClassFactory factory)
     : base(parent,factory)
     Message message = Message;
     try {
        this.add(typeof(SI), true, 1, 4, new System.Object[]{message}, "Set ID _ BTX");
        this.add(typeof(EI), false, 1, 22, new System.Object[]{message}, "BC Donation ID");
        this.add(typeof(CNE), false, 1, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "BC Component");
        this.add(typeof(CNE), false, 1, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "BC Blood Group");
        this.add(typeof(CWE), false, 1, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "CP Commercial Product");
        this.add(typeof(XON), false, 1, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "CP Manufacturer");
        this.add(typeof(EI), false, 1, 22, new System.Object[]{message}, "CP Lot Number");
        this.add(typeof(NM), true, 1, 5, new System.Object[]{message}, "BP Quantity");
        this.add(typeof(NM), false, 1, 5, new System.Object[]{message}, "BP Amount");
        this.add(typeof(CE), false, 1, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "BP Units");
        this.add(typeof(CWE), true, 1, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "BP Transfusion/Disposition Status");
        this.add(typeof(ID), true, 1, 1, new System.Object[]{message, 511}, "BP Message Status");
        this.add(typeof(TS), true, 1, 26, new System.Object[]{message}, "BP Date/Time of Status");
        this.add(typeof(XCN), false, 1, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "BP Administrator");
        this.add(typeof(XCN), false, 1, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "BP Verifier");
        this.add(typeof(TS), false, 1, 26, new System.Object[]{message}, "BP Transfusion Start Date/Time of Status");
        this.add(typeof(TS), false, 1, 26, new System.Object[]{message}, "BP Transfusion End Date/Time of Status");
        this.add(typeof(CWE), false, 0, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "BP Adverse Reaction Type");
        this.add(typeof(CWE), false, 1, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "BP Transfusion Interrupted Reason");
     } catch (HL7Exception he) {
     HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Can't instantiate " + this.getStructureName(), he);
文件: GT1.cs 项目: snosrap/nhapi
    * Creates a GT1 (GUARANTOR) segment object that belongs to the given
    * message.
 public GT1(Group parent, ModelClassFactory factory)
     : base(parent,factory)
     Message message = Message;
     try {
        this.add(typeof(SI), true, 1, 4, new System.Object[]{message}, "Set ID - guarantor");
        this.add(typeof(CK), false, 1, 20, new System.Object[]{message}, "Guarantor number");
        this.add(typeof(PN), true, 1, 48, new System.Object[]{message}, "Guarantor name");
        this.add(typeof(PN), false, 1, 48, new System.Object[]{message}, "Guarantor spouse name");
        this.add(typeof(AD), false, 1, 106, new System.Object[]{message}, "Guarantor address");
        this.add(typeof(TN), false, 3, 40, new System.Object[]{message}, "Guarantor phone number - home");
        this.add(typeof(TN), false, 3, 40, new System.Object[]{message}, "Guarantor phone number - business");
        this.add(typeof(DT), false, 1, 8, new System.Object[]{message}, "Guarantor date of birth");
        this.add(typeof(ID), false, 1, 1, new System.Object[]{message, 1}, "Guarantor sex");
        this.add(typeof(ID), false, 1, 2, new System.Object[]{message, 68}, "Guarantor type");
        this.add(typeof(ID), false, 1, 2, new System.Object[]{message, 63}, "Guarantor relationship");
        this.add(typeof(ST), false, 1, 11, new System.Object[]{message}, "Guarantor social security number");
        this.add(typeof(DT), false, 1, 8, new System.Object[]{message}, "Guarantor date - begin");
        this.add(typeof(DT), false, 1, 8, new System.Object[]{message}, "Guarantor date - end");
        this.add(typeof(NM), false, 1, 2, new System.Object[]{message}, "Guarantor priority");
        this.add(typeof(ST), false, 1, 45, new System.Object[]{message}, "Guarantor employer name");
        this.add(typeof(AD), false, 1, 106, new System.Object[]{message}, "Guarantor employer address");
        this.add(typeof(TN), false, 3, 40, new System.Object[]{message}, "Guarantor employ phone number");
        this.add(typeof(ST), false, 1, 20, new System.Object[]{message}, "Guarantor employee ID number");
        this.add(typeof(ID), false, 1, 2, new System.Object[]{message, 66}, "Guarantor employment status");
        this.add(typeof(ST), false, 1, 60, new System.Object[]{message}, "Guarantor organization");
     } catch (HL7Exception he) {
     HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Can't instantiate " + this.getStructureName(), he);
文件: UB1.cs 项目: snosrap/nhapi
    * Creates a UB1 (UB82) segment object that belongs to the given
    * message.
 public UB1(Group parent, ModelClassFactory factory)
     : base(parent,factory)
     Message message = Message;
     try {
        this.add(typeof(SI), false, 1, 4, new System.Object[]{message}, "Set ID - UB1");
        this.add(typeof(NM), false, 1, 1, new System.Object[]{message}, "Blood Deductible  (43)");
        this.add(typeof(NM), false, 1, 2, new System.Object[]{message}, "Blood Furnished-Pints Of (40)");
        this.add(typeof(NM), false, 1, 2, new System.Object[]{message}, "Blood Replaced-Pints (41)");
        this.add(typeof(NM), false, 1, 2, new System.Object[]{message}, "Blood Not Replaced-Pints(42)");
        this.add(typeof(NM), false, 1, 2, new System.Object[]{message}, "Co-Insurance Days (25)");
        this.add(typeof(IS), false, 5, 14, new System.Object[]{message, 43}, "Condition Code (35-39)");
        this.add(typeof(NM), false, 1, 3, new System.Object[]{message}, "Covered Days - (23)");
        this.add(typeof(NM), false, 1, 3, new System.Object[]{message}, "Non Covered Days - (24)");
        this.add(typeof(UVC), false, 8, 12, new System.Object[]{message}, "Value Amount & Code (46-49)");
        this.add(typeof(NM), false, 1, 2, new System.Object[]{message}, "Number Of Grace Days (90)");
        this.add(typeof(CE), false, 1, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "Special Program Indicator (44)");
        this.add(typeof(CE), false, 1, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "PSRO/UR Approval Indicator (87)");
        this.add(typeof(DT), false, 1, 8, new System.Object[]{message}, "PSRO/UR Approved Stay-Fm (88)");
        this.add(typeof(DT), false, 1, 8, new System.Object[]{message}, "PSRO/UR Approved Stay-To (89)");
        this.add(typeof(OCD), false, 5, 20, new System.Object[]{message}, "Occurrence (28-32)");
        this.add(typeof(CE), false, 1, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "Occurrence Span (33)");
        this.add(typeof(DT), false, 1, 8, new System.Object[]{message}, "Occur Span Start Date(33)");
        this.add(typeof(DT), false, 1, 8, new System.Object[]{message}, "Occur Span End Date (33)");
        this.add(typeof(ST), false, 1, 30, new System.Object[]{message}, "UB-82 Locator 2");
        this.add(typeof(ST), false, 1, 7, new System.Object[]{message}, "UB-82 Locator 9");
        this.add(typeof(ST), false, 1, 8, new System.Object[]{message}, "UB-82 Locator 27");
        this.add(typeof(ST), false, 1, 17, new System.Object[]{message}, "UB-82 Locator 45");
     } catch (HL7Exception he) {
     HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Can't instantiate " + this.getStructureName(), he);
文件: PD1.cs 项目: snosrap/nhapi
    * Creates a PD1 (Patient Additional Demographic) segment object that belongs to the given
    * message.
 public PD1(Group parent, ModelClassFactory factory)
     : base(parent,factory)
     Message message = Message;
     try {
        this.add(typeof(IS), false, 0, 2, new System.Object[]{message, 223}, "Living Dependency");
        this.add(typeof(IS), false, 1, 2, new System.Object[]{message, 220}, "Living Arrangement");
        this.add(typeof(XON), false, 0, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "Patient Primary Facility");
        this.add(typeof(XCN), false, 0, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "Patient Primary Care Provider Name & ID No.");
        this.add(typeof(IS), false, 1, 2, new System.Object[]{message, 231}, "Student Indicator");
        this.add(typeof(IS), false, 1, 2, new System.Object[]{message, 295}, "Handicap");
        this.add(typeof(IS), false, 1, 2, new System.Object[]{message, 315}, "Living Will Code");
        this.add(typeof(IS), false, 1, 2, new System.Object[]{message, 316}, "Organ Donor Code");
        this.add(typeof(ID), false, 1, 1, new System.Object[]{message, 136}, "Separate Bill");
        this.add(typeof(CX), false, 0, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "Duplicate Patient");
        this.add(typeof(CE), false, 1, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "Publicity Code");
        this.add(typeof(ID), false, 1, 1, new System.Object[]{message, 136}, "Protection Indicator");
        this.add(typeof(DT), false, 1, 8, new System.Object[]{message}, "Protection Indicator Effective Date");
        this.add(typeof(XON), false, 0, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "Place of Worship");
        this.add(typeof(CE), false, 0, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "Advance Directive Code");
        this.add(typeof(IS), false, 1, 1, new System.Object[]{message, 441}, "Immunization Registry Status");
        this.add(typeof(DT), false, 1, 8, new System.Object[]{message}, "Immunization Registry Status Effective Date");
        this.add(typeof(DT), false, 1, 8, new System.Object[]{message}, "Publicity Code Effective Date");
        this.add(typeof(IS), false, 1, 5, new System.Object[]{message, 140}, "Military Branch");
        this.add(typeof(IS), false, 1, 2, new System.Object[]{message, 141}, "Military Rank/Grade");
        this.add(typeof(IS), false, 1, 3, new System.Object[]{message, 142}, "Military Status");
     } catch (HL7Exception he) {
     HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Can't instantiate " + this.getStructureName(), he);
文件: STF.cs 项目: snosrap/nhapi
    * Creates a STF (STF - staff identification segment) segment object that belongs to the given
    * message.
 public STF(Group parent, ModelClassFactory factory)
     : base(parent,factory)
     Message message = Message;
     try {
        this.add(typeof(CE), true, 1, 60, new System.Object[]{message}, "Primary Key Value - STF");
        this.add(typeof(CX), false, 0, 60, new System.Object[]{message}, "Staff ID Code");
        this.add(typeof(XPN), false, 0, 48, new System.Object[]{message}, "Staff Name");
        this.add(typeof(IS), false, 0, 2, new System.Object[]{message, 182}, "Staff Type");
        this.add(typeof(IS), false, 1, 1, new System.Object[]{message, 1}, "Sex");
        this.add(typeof(TS), false, 1, 26, new System.Object[]{message}, "Date/Time Of Birth");
        this.add(typeof(ID), false, 1, 1, new System.Object[]{message, 183}, "Active/Inactive Flag");
        this.add(typeof(CE), false, 0, 200, new System.Object[]{message}, "Department");
        this.add(typeof(CE), false, 0, 200, new System.Object[]{message}, "Hospital Service");
        this.add(typeof(XTN), false, 0, 40, new System.Object[]{message}, "Phone");
        this.add(typeof(XAD), false, 0, 106, new System.Object[]{message}, "Office/Home Address");
        this.add(typeof(DIN), false, 0, 26, new System.Object[]{message}, "Institution Activation Date");
        this.add(typeof(DIN), false, 0, 26, new System.Object[]{message}, "Institution Inactivation Date");
        this.add(typeof(CE), false, 0, 60, new System.Object[]{message}, "Backup Person ID");
        this.add(typeof(ST), false, 0, 40, new System.Object[]{message}, "E-Mail Address");
        this.add(typeof(CE), false, 1, 200, new System.Object[]{message}, "Preferred Method Of Contact");
        this.add(typeof(CE), false, 1, 80, new System.Object[]{message}, "Marital Status");
        this.add(typeof(ST), false, 1, 20, new System.Object[]{message}, "Job Title");
        this.add(typeof(JCC), false, 1, 20, new System.Object[]{message}, "Job Code/Class");
        this.add(typeof(IS), false, 1, 2, new System.Object[]{message, 66}, "Employment Status");
        this.add(typeof(ID), false, 1, 1, new System.Object[]{message, 136}, "Additional Insured on  Auto");
        this.add(typeof(DLN), false, 1, 25, new System.Object[]{message}, "Driver’s License Number - Staff");
        this.add(typeof(ID), false, 1, 1, new System.Object[]{message, 136}, "Copy  Auto Ins");
        this.add(typeof(DT), false, 1, 8, new System.Object[]{message}, "Auto Ins. Expires");
        this.add(typeof(DT), false, 1, 8, new System.Object[]{message}, "Date Last DMV Review");
        this.add(typeof(DT), false, 1, 8, new System.Object[]{message}, "Date Next DMV Review");
     } catch (HL7Exception he) {
     HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Can't instantiate " + this.getStructureName(), he);
  * Creates a new BAR_P05_VISIT Group.
 public BAR_P05_VISIT(Group parent, ModelClassFactory factory)
     : base(parent, factory)
         this.add(typeof(PV1), false, false);
         this.add(typeof(PV2), false, false);
         this.add(typeof(DB1), false, true);
         this.add(typeof(OBX), false, true);
         this.add(typeof(AL1), false, true);
         this.add(typeof(DG1), false, true);
         this.add(typeof(DRG), false, false);
         this.add(typeof(BAR_P05_PROCEDURE), false, true);
         this.add(typeof(GT1), false, true);
         this.add(typeof(NK1), false, true);
         this.add(typeof(BAR_P05_INSURANCE), false, true);
         this.add(typeof(ACC), false, false);
         this.add(typeof(UB1), false, false);
         this.add(typeof(UB2), false, false);
     catch(HL7Exception e)
         HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected error creating BAR_P05_VISIT - this is probably a bug in the source code generator.", e);
文件: CSR.cs 项目: snosrap/nhapi
    * Creates a CSR (Clinical Study Registration) segment object that belongs to the given
    * message.
 public CSR(Group parent, ModelClassFactory factory)
     : base(parent,factory)
     Message message = Message;
     try {
        this.add(typeof(EI), true, 1, 60, new System.Object[]{message}, "Sponsor Study ID");
        this.add(typeof(EI), false, 1, 60, new System.Object[]{message}, "Alternate Study ID");
        this.add(typeof(CE), false, 1, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "Institution Registering the Patient");
        this.add(typeof(CX), true, 1, 30, new System.Object[]{message}, "Sponsor Patient ID");
        this.add(typeof(CX), false, 1, 30, new System.Object[]{message}, "Alternate Patient ID - CSR");
        this.add(typeof(TS), true, 1, 26, new System.Object[]{message}, "Date/Time Of Patient Study Registration");
        this.add(typeof(XCN), false, 0, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "Person Performing Study Registration");
        this.add(typeof(XCN), true, 0, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "Study Authorizing Provider");
        this.add(typeof(TS), false, 1, 26, new System.Object[]{message}, "Date/time Patient Study Consent Signed");
        this.add(typeof(CE), false, 1, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "Patient Study Eligibility Status");
        this.add(typeof(TS), false, 3, 26, new System.Object[]{message}, "Study Randomization Date/time");
        this.add(typeof(CE), false, 3, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "Randomized Study Arm");
        this.add(typeof(CE), false, 3, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "Stratum for Study Randomization");
        this.add(typeof(CE), false, 1, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "Patient Evaluability Status");
        this.add(typeof(TS), false, 1, 26, new System.Object[]{message}, "Date/time Ended Study");
        this.add(typeof(CE), false, 1, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "Reason Ended Study");
     } catch (HL7Exception he) {
     HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Can't instantiate " + this.getStructureName(), he);
文件: UB2.cs 项目: snosrap/nhapi
    * Creates a UB2 (UB92 DATA) segment object that belongs to the given
    * message.
 public UB2(Group parent, ModelClassFactory factory)
     : base(parent,factory)
     Message message = Message;
     try {
        this.add(typeof(SI), false, 1, 4, new System.Object[]{message}, "Set ID - UB92");
        this.add(typeof(ST), false, 1, 3, new System.Object[]{message}, "Co-insurance days (9)");
        this.add(typeof(ID), false, 7, 2, new System.Object[]{message, 43}, "Condition code (24-30)");
        this.add(typeof(ST), false, 1, 3, new System.Object[]{message}, "Covered days (7)");
        this.add(typeof(ST), false, 1, 4, new System.Object[]{message}, "Non-covered days (8)");
        this.add(typeof(CM_UVC), false, 12, 11, new System.Object[]{message}, "Value amount and code (39-41)");
        this.add(typeof(CM_OCD), false, 8, 11, new System.Object[]{message}, "Occurrence code and date (32-35)");
        this.add(typeof(CM_OSP), false, 2, 28, new System.Object[]{message}, "Occurrence span code / dates (36)");
        this.add(typeof(ST), false, 2, 29, new System.Object[]{message}, "UB92 locator 2 (state)");
        this.add(typeof(ST), false, 2, 12, new System.Object[]{message}, "UB92 locator 11 (state)");
        this.add(typeof(ST), false, 1, 5, new System.Object[]{message}, "UB92 locator 31 (national)");
        this.add(typeof(ST), false, 3, 23, new System.Object[]{message}, "Document control number (37)");
        this.add(typeof(ST), false, 23, 4, new System.Object[]{message}, "UB92 locator 49 (national)");
        this.add(typeof(ST), false, 5, 14, new System.Object[]{message}, "UB92 locator 56 (state)");
        this.add(typeof(ST), false, 1, 27, new System.Object[]{message}, "UB92 locator 57 (national)");
        this.add(typeof(ST), false, 2, 2, new System.Object[]{message}, "UB92 Locator 78 (state)");
     } catch (HL7Exception he) {
     HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Can't instantiate " + this.getStructureName(), he);
文件: PEO.cs 项目: snosrap/nhapi
    * Creates a PEO (Product Experience Observation) segment object that belongs to the given
    * message.
 public PEO(Group parent, ModelClassFactory factory)
     : base(parent,factory)
     Message message = Message;
     try {
        this.add(typeof(CE), false, 0, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "Event Identifiers Used");
        this.add(typeof(CE), false, 0, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "Event Symptom/Diagnosis Code");
        this.add(typeof(TS), true, 1, 26, new System.Object[]{message}, "Event Onset Date/Time");
        this.add(typeof(TS), false, 1, 26, new System.Object[]{message}, "Event Exacerbation Date/Time");
        this.add(typeof(TS), false, 1, 26, new System.Object[]{message}, "Event Improved Date/Time");
        this.add(typeof(TS), false, 1, 26, new System.Object[]{message}, "Event Ended Data/Time");
        this.add(typeof(XAD), false, 0, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "Event Location Occurred Address");
        this.add(typeof(ID), false, 0, 1, new System.Object[]{message, 237}, "Event Qualification");
        this.add(typeof(ID), false, 1, 1, new System.Object[]{message, 238}, "Event Serious");
        this.add(typeof(ID), false, 1, 1, new System.Object[]{message, 239}, "Event Expected");
        this.add(typeof(ID), false, 0, 1, new System.Object[]{message, 240}, "Event Outcome");
        this.add(typeof(ID), false, 1, 1, new System.Object[]{message, 241}, "Patient Outcome");
        this.add(typeof(FT), false, 0, 600, new System.Object[]{message}, "Event Description From Others");
        this.add(typeof(FT), false, 0, 600, new System.Object[]{message}, "Event From Original Reporter");
        this.add(typeof(FT), false, 0, 600, new System.Object[]{message}, "Event Description From Patient");
        this.add(typeof(FT), false, 0, 600, new System.Object[]{message}, "Event Description From Practitioner");
        this.add(typeof(FT), false, 0, 600, new System.Object[]{message}, "Event Description From Autopsy");
        this.add(typeof(CE), false, 0, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "Cause Of Death");
        this.add(typeof(XPN), false, 0, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "Primary Observer Name");
        this.add(typeof(XAD), false, 0, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "Primary Observer Address");
        this.add(typeof(XTN), false, 0, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "Primary Observer Telephone");
        this.add(typeof(ID), false, 1, 1, new System.Object[]{message, 242}, "Primary Observer's Qualification");
        this.add(typeof(ID), false, 1, 1, new System.Object[]{message, 242}, "Confirmation Provided By");
        this.add(typeof(TS), false, 1, 26, new System.Object[]{message}, "Primary Observer Aware Date/Time");
        this.add(typeof(ID), false, 1, 1, new System.Object[]{message, 243}, "Primary Observer's identity May Be Divulged");
     } catch (HL7Exception he) {
     HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Can't instantiate " + this.getStructureName(), he);
文件: MSH.cs 项目: snosrap/nhapi
    * Creates a MSH (Message Header) segment object that belongs to the given
    * message.
 public MSH(Group parent, ModelClassFactory factory)
     : base(parent,factory)
     Message message = Message;
     try {
        this.add(typeof(ST), true, 1, 1, new System.Object[]{message}, "Field Separator");
        this.add(typeof(ST), true, 1, 4, new System.Object[]{message}, "Encoding Characters");
        this.add(typeof(HD), false, 1, 227, new System.Object[]{message}, "Sending Application");
        this.add(typeof(HD), false, 1, 227, new System.Object[]{message}, "Sending Facility");
        this.add(typeof(HD), false, 1, 227, new System.Object[]{message}, "Receiving Application");
        this.add(typeof(HD), false, 1, 227, new System.Object[]{message}, "Receiving Facility");
        this.add(typeof(TS), true, 1, 26, new System.Object[]{message}, "Date/Time Of Message");
        this.add(typeof(ST), false, 1, 40, new System.Object[]{message}, "Security");
        this.add(typeof(MSG), true, 1, 15, new System.Object[]{message}, "Message Type");
        this.add(typeof(ST), true, 1, 20, new System.Object[]{message}, "Message Control ID");
        this.add(typeof(PT), true, 1, 3, new System.Object[]{message}, "Processing ID");
        this.add(typeof(VID), true, 1, 60, new System.Object[]{message}, "Version ID");
        this.add(typeof(NM), false, 1, 15, new System.Object[]{message}, "Sequence Number");
        this.add(typeof(ST), false, 1, 180, new System.Object[]{message}, "Continuation Pointer");
        this.add(typeof(ID), false, 1, 2, new System.Object[]{message, 155}, "Accept Acknowledgment Type");
        this.add(typeof(ID), false, 1, 2, new System.Object[]{message, 155}, "Application Acknowledgment Type");
        this.add(typeof(ID), false, 1, 3, new System.Object[]{message, 399}, "Country Code");
        this.add(typeof(ID), false, 0, 16, new System.Object[]{message, 211}, "Character Set");
        this.add(typeof(CE), false, 1, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "Principal Language Of Message");
        this.add(typeof(ID), false, 1, 20, new System.Object[]{message, 356}, "Alternate Character Set Handling Scheme");
        this.add(typeof(EI), false, 0, 427, new System.Object[]{message}, "Message Profile Identifier");
     } catch (HL7Exception he) {
     HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Can't instantiate " + this.getStructureName(), he);
文件: BPX.cs 项目: snosrap/nhapi
    * Creates a BPX (Blood product dispense status) segment object that belongs to the given
    * message.
 public BPX(Group parent, ModelClassFactory factory)
     : base(parent,factory)
     Message message = Message;
     try {
        this.add(typeof(SI), true, 1, 4, new System.Object[]{message}, "Set ID _ BPX");
        this.add(typeof(CWE), true, 1, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "BP Dispense Status");
        this.add(typeof(ID), true, 1, 1, new System.Object[]{message, 511}, "BP Status");
        this.add(typeof(TS), true, 1, 26, new System.Object[]{message}, "BP Date/Time of Status");
        this.add(typeof(EI), false, 1, 22, new System.Object[]{message}, "BC Donation ID");
        this.add(typeof(CNE), false, 1, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "BC Component");
        this.add(typeof(CNE), false, 1, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "BC Donation Type / Intended Use");
        this.add(typeof(CWE), false, 1, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "CP Commercial Product");
        this.add(typeof(XON), false, 1, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "CP Manufacturer");
        this.add(typeof(EI), false, 1, 22, new System.Object[]{message}, "CP Lot Number");
        this.add(typeof(CNE), false, 1, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "BP Blood Group");
        this.add(typeof(CNE), false, 0, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "BC Special Testing");
        this.add(typeof(TS), false, 1, 26, new System.Object[]{message}, "BP Expiration Date/Time");
        this.add(typeof(NM), true, 1, 5, new System.Object[]{message}, "BP Quantity");
        this.add(typeof(NM), false, 1, 5, new System.Object[]{message}, "BP Amount");
        this.add(typeof(CE), false, 1, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "BP Units");
        this.add(typeof(EI), false, 1, 22, new System.Object[]{message}, "BP Unique ID");
        this.add(typeof(PL), false, 1, 80, new System.Object[]{message}, "BP Actual Dispensed To Location");
        this.add(typeof(XAD), false, 1, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "BP Actual Dispensed To Address");
        this.add(typeof(XCN), false, 1, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "BP Dispensed to Receiver");
        this.add(typeof(XCN), false, 1, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "BP Dispensing Individual");
     } catch (HL7Exception he) {
     HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Can't instantiate " + this.getStructureName(), he);
文件: SCH.cs 项目: snosrap/nhapi
    * Creates a SCH (SCH - schedule activity information segment) segment object that belongs to the given
    * message.
 public SCH(Group parent, ModelClassFactory factory)
     : base(parent,factory)
     Message message = Message;
     try {
        this.add(typeof(EI), false, 1, 75, new System.Object[]{message}, "Placer Appointment ID");
        this.add(typeof(EI), false, 1, 75, new System.Object[]{message}, "Filler Appointment ID");
        this.add(typeof(NM), false, 1, 5, new System.Object[]{message}, "Occurrence Number");
        this.add(typeof(EI), false, 1, 22, new System.Object[]{message}, "Placer Group Number");
        this.add(typeof(CE), false, 1, 200, new System.Object[]{message}, "Schedule ID");
        this.add(typeof(CE), true, 1, 200, new System.Object[]{message}, "Event Reason");
        this.add(typeof(CE), false, 1, 200, new System.Object[]{message}, "Appointment Reason");
        this.add(typeof(CE), false, 1, 200, new System.Object[]{message}, "Appointment Type");
        this.add(typeof(NM), false, 1, 20, new System.Object[]{message}, "Appointment Duration");
        this.add(typeof(CE), false, 1, 200, new System.Object[]{message}, "Appointment Duration Units");
        this.add(typeof(TQ), true, 0, 200, new System.Object[]{message}, "Appointment Timing Quantity");
        this.add(typeof(XCN), false, 0, 48, new System.Object[]{message}, "Placer Contact Person");
        this.add(typeof(XTN), false, 1, 40, new System.Object[]{message}, "Placer Contact Phone Number");
        this.add(typeof(XAD), false, 0, 106, new System.Object[]{message}, "Placer Contact Address");
        this.add(typeof(PL), false, 1, 80, new System.Object[]{message}, "Placer Contact Location");
        this.add(typeof(XCN), true, 0, 38, new System.Object[]{message}, "Filler Contact Person");
        this.add(typeof(XTN), false, 1, 40, new System.Object[]{message}, "Filler Contact Phone Number");
        this.add(typeof(XAD), false, 0, 106, new System.Object[]{message}, "Filler Contact Address");
        this.add(typeof(PL), false, 1, 80, new System.Object[]{message}, "Filler Contact Location");
        this.add(typeof(XCN), true, 0, 48, new System.Object[]{message}, "Entered by Person");
        this.add(typeof(XTN), false, 0, 40, new System.Object[]{message}, "Entered by Phone Number");
        this.add(typeof(PL), false, 1, 80, new System.Object[]{message}, "Entered by Location");
        this.add(typeof(EI), false, 1, 75, new System.Object[]{message}, "Parent Placer Appointment ID");
        this.add(typeof(EI), false, 1, 75, new System.Object[]{message}, "Parent Filler Appointment ID");
        this.add(typeof(CE), false, 1, 200, new System.Object[]{message}, "Filler Status Code");
     } catch (HL7Exception he) {
     HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Can't instantiate " + this.getStructureName(), he);
文件: PCR.cs 项目: snosrap/nhapi
    * Creates a PCR (PCR - possible causal relationship segment) segment object that belongs to the given
    * message.
 public PCR(Group parent, ModelClassFactory factory)
     : base(parent,factory)
     Message message = Message;
     try {
        this.add(typeof(CE), true, 1, 60, new System.Object[]{message}, "Implicated Product");
        this.add(typeof(IS), false, 1, 1, new System.Object[]{message, 249}, "Generic Product");
        this.add(typeof(CE), false, 1, 60, new System.Object[]{message}, "Product Class");
        this.add(typeof(CQ), false, 1, 8, new System.Object[]{message}, "Total Duration Of Therapy");
        this.add(typeof(TS), false, 1, 26, new System.Object[]{message}, "Product Manufacture Date");
        this.add(typeof(TS), false, 1, 26, new System.Object[]{message}, "Product Expiration Date");
        this.add(typeof(TS), false, 1, 26, new System.Object[]{message}, "Product Implantation Date");
        this.add(typeof(TS), false, 1, 26, new System.Object[]{message}, "Product Explantation Date");
        this.add(typeof(IS), false, 1, 8, new System.Object[]{message, 244}, "Single Use Device");
        this.add(typeof(CE), false, 1, 60, new System.Object[]{message}, "Indication For Product Use");
        this.add(typeof(IS), false, 1, 8, new System.Object[]{message, 245}, "Product Problem");
        this.add(typeof(ST), false, 3, 30, new System.Object[]{message}, "Product Serial/Lot Number");
        this.add(typeof(IS), false, 1, 1, new System.Object[]{message, 246}, "Product Available For Inspection");
        this.add(typeof(CE), false, 1, 60, new System.Object[]{message}, "Product Evaluation Performed");
        this.add(typeof(CE), false, 1, 60, new System.Object[]{message}, "Product Evaluation Status");
        this.add(typeof(CE), false, 1, 60, new System.Object[]{message}, "Product Evaluation Results");
        this.add(typeof(ID), false, 1, 8, new System.Object[]{message, 248}, "Evaluated Product Source");
        this.add(typeof(TS), false, 1, 26, new System.Object[]{message}, "Date Product Returned To Manufacturer");
        this.add(typeof(ID), false, 1, 1, new System.Object[]{message, 242}, "Device Operator Qualifications");
        this.add(typeof(ID), false, 1, 1, new System.Object[]{message, 250}, "Relatedness Assessment");
        this.add(typeof(ID), false, 6, 2, new System.Object[]{message, 251}, "Action Taken In Response To The Event");
        this.add(typeof(ID), false, 6, 2, new System.Object[]{message, 252}, "Event Causality Observations");
        this.add(typeof(ID), false, 3, 1, new System.Object[]{message, 253}, "Indirect Exposure Mechanism");
     } catch (HL7Exception he) {
     HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Can't instantiate " + this.getStructureName(), he);
文件: ARQ.cs 项目: snosrap/nhapi
    * Creates a ARQ (Appointment Request) segment object that belongs to the given
    * message.
 public ARQ(Group parent, ModelClassFactory factory)
     : base(parent,factory)
     Message message = Message;
     try {
        this.add(typeof(EI), true, 1, 22, new System.Object[]{message}, "Placer Appointment ID");
        this.add(typeof(EI), false, 1, 22, new System.Object[]{message}, "Filler Appointment ID");
        this.add(typeof(NM), false, 1, 5, new System.Object[]{message}, "Occurrence Number");
        this.add(typeof(EI), false, 1, 37, new System.Object[]{message}, "Placer Group Number");
        this.add(typeof(CE), false, 1, 200, new System.Object[]{message}, "Schedule ID");
        this.add(typeof(CE), false, 1, 200, new System.Object[]{message}, "Request Event Reason");
        this.add(typeof(CE), false, 1, 200, new System.Object[]{message}, "Appointment Reason");
        this.add(typeof(CE), false, 1, 200, new System.Object[]{message}, "Appointment Type");
        this.add(typeof(NM), false, 1, 20, new System.Object[]{message}, "Appointment Duration");
        this.add(typeof(CE), false, 1, 200, new System.Object[]{message}, "Appointment Duration Units");
        this.add(typeof(DR), false, 0, 53, new System.Object[]{message}, "Requested Start Date/Time Range");
        this.add(typeof(ST), false, 1, 5, new System.Object[]{message}, "Priority");
        this.add(typeof(RI), false, 1, 100, new System.Object[]{message}, "Repeating Interval");
        this.add(typeof(ST), false, 1, 5, new System.Object[]{message}, "Repeating Interval Duration");
        this.add(typeof(XCN), false, 1, 48, new System.Object[]{message}, "Placer Contact Person");
        this.add(typeof(XTN), false, 1, 40, new System.Object[]{message}, "Placer Contact Phone Number");
        this.add(typeof(XAD), false, 1, 106, new System.Object[]{message}, "Placer Contact Address");
        this.add(typeof(PL), false, 1, 80, new System.Object[]{message}, "Placer Contact Location");
        this.add(typeof(XCN), true, 1, 48, new System.Object[]{message}, "Entered By Person");
        this.add(typeof(XTN), false, 0, 40, new System.Object[]{message}, "Entered By Phone Number");
        this.add(typeof(PL), false, 1, 80, new System.Object[]{message}, "Entered By Location");
        this.add(typeof(EI), false, 1, 75, new System.Object[]{message}, "Parent Placer Appointment ID");
        this.add(typeof(EI), false, 1, 75, new System.Object[]{message}, "Parent Filler Appointment ID");
     } catch (HL7Exception he) {
     HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Can't instantiate " + this.getStructureName(), he);
文件: UB2.cs 项目: snosrap/nhapi
    * Creates a UB2 (UB2 - UB92 data segment) segment object that belongs to the given
    * message.
 public UB2(Group parent, ModelClassFactory factory)
     : base(parent,factory)
     Message message = Message;
     try {
        this.add(typeof(SI), false, 1, 4, new System.Object[]{message}, "Set ID - UB2");
        this.add(typeof(ST), false, 1, 3, new System.Object[]{message}, "Co-Insurance Days (9)");
        this.add(typeof(IS), false, 7, 2, new System.Object[]{message, 43}, "Condition Code (24-30)");
        this.add(typeof(ST), false, 1, 3, new System.Object[]{message}, "Covered Days (7)");
        this.add(typeof(ST), false, 1, 4, new System.Object[]{message}, "Non-Covered Days (8)");
        this.add(typeof(UVC), false, 12, 11, new System.Object[]{message}, "Value Amount & Code");
        this.add(typeof(OCD), false, 8, 11, new System.Object[]{message}, "Occurrence Code & Date (32-35)");
        this.add(typeof(OSP), false, 2, 28, new System.Object[]{message}, "Occurrence Span Code/Dates (36)");
        this.add(typeof(ST), false, 2, 29, new System.Object[]{message}, "UB92 Locator 2 (State)");
        this.add(typeof(ST), false, 2, 12, new System.Object[]{message}, "UB92 Locator 11 (State)");
        this.add(typeof(ST), false, 1, 5, new System.Object[]{message}, "UB92 Locator 31 (National)");
        this.add(typeof(ST), false, 3, 23, new System.Object[]{message}, "Document Control Number");
        this.add(typeof(ST), false, 23, 4, new System.Object[]{message}, "UB92 Locator 49 (National)");
        this.add(typeof(ST), false, 5, 14, new System.Object[]{message}, "UB92 Locator 56 (State)");
        this.add(typeof(ST), false, 1, 27, new System.Object[]{message}, "UB92 Locator 57 (National)");
        this.add(typeof(ST), false, 2, 2, new System.Object[]{message}, "UB92 Locator 78 (State)");
        this.add(typeof(NM), false, 1, 3, new System.Object[]{message}, "Special Visit Count");
     } catch (HL7Exception he) {
     HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Can't instantiate " + this.getStructureName(), he);
文件: IN3.cs 项目: snosrap/nhapi
    * Creates a IN3 (Insurance Additional Information, Certification) segment object that belongs to the given
    * message.
 public IN3(Group parent, ModelClassFactory factory)
     : base(parent,factory)
     Message message = Message;
     try {
        this.add(typeof(SI), true, 1, 4, new System.Object[]{message}, "Set ID - IN3");
        this.add(typeof(CX), false, 1, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "Certification Number");
        this.add(typeof(XCN), false, 0, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "Certified By");
        this.add(typeof(ID), false, 1, 1, new System.Object[]{message, 136}, "Certification Required");
        this.add(typeof(MOP), false, 1, 23, new System.Object[]{message}, "Penalty");
        this.add(typeof(TS), false, 1, 26, new System.Object[]{message}, "Certification Date/Time");
        this.add(typeof(TS), false, 1, 26, new System.Object[]{message}, "Certification Modify Date/Time");
        this.add(typeof(XCN), false, 0, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "Operator");
        this.add(typeof(DT), false, 1, 8, new System.Object[]{message}, "Certification Begin Date");
        this.add(typeof(DT), false, 1, 8, new System.Object[]{message}, "Certification End Date");
        this.add(typeof(DTN), false, 1, 6, new System.Object[]{message}, "Days");
        this.add(typeof(CE), false, 1, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "Non-Concur Code/Description");
        this.add(typeof(TS), false, 1, 26, new System.Object[]{message}, "Non-Concur Effective Date/Time");
        this.add(typeof(XCN), false, 0, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "Physician Reviewer");
        this.add(typeof(ST), false, 1, 48, new System.Object[]{message}, "Certification Contact");
        this.add(typeof(XTN), false, 0, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "Certification Contact Phone Number");
        this.add(typeof(CE), false, 1, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "Appeal Reason");
        this.add(typeof(CE), false, 1, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "Certification Agency");
        this.add(typeof(XTN), false, 0, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "Certification Agency Phone Number");
        this.add(typeof(ICD), false, 0, 40, new System.Object[]{message}, "Pre-Certification Requirement");
        this.add(typeof(ST), false, 1, 48, new System.Object[]{message}, "Case Manager");
        this.add(typeof(DT), false, 1, 8, new System.Object[]{message}, "Second Opinion Date");
        this.add(typeof(IS), false, 1, 1, new System.Object[]{message, 151}, "Second Opinion Status");
        this.add(typeof(IS), false, 0, 1, new System.Object[]{message, 152}, "Second Opinion Documentation Received");
        this.add(typeof(XCN), false, 0, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "Second Opinion Physician");
     } catch (HL7Exception he) {
     HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Can't instantiate " + this.getStructureName(), he);
文件: RXA.cs 项目: snosrap/nhapi
    * Creates a RXA (Pharmacy/Treatment Administration) segment object that belongs to the given
    * message.
 public RXA(Group parent, ModelClassFactory factory)
     : base(parent,factory)
     Message message = Message;
     try {
        this.add(typeof(NM), true, 1, 4, new System.Object[]{message}, "Give Sub-ID Counter");
        this.add(typeof(NM), true, 1, 4, new System.Object[]{message}, "Administration Sub-ID Counter");
        this.add(typeof(TS), true, 1, 26, new System.Object[]{message}, "Date/Time Start of Administration");
        this.add(typeof(TS), true, 1, 26, new System.Object[]{message}, "Date/Time End of Administration");
        this.add(typeof(CE), true, 1, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "Administered Code");
        this.add(typeof(NM), true, 1, 20, new System.Object[]{message}, "Administered Amount");
        this.add(typeof(CE), false, 1, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "Administered Units");
        this.add(typeof(CE), false, 1, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "Administered Dosage Form");
        this.add(typeof(CE), false, 0, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "Administration Notes");
        this.add(typeof(XCN), false, 0, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "Administering Provider");
        this.add(typeof(LA2), false, 1, 200, new System.Object[]{message}, "Administered-at Location");
        this.add(typeof(ST), false, 1, 20, new System.Object[]{message}, "Administered Per (Time Unit)");
        this.add(typeof(NM), false, 1, 20, new System.Object[]{message}, "Administered Strength");
        this.add(typeof(CE), false, 1, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "Administered Strength Units");
        this.add(typeof(ST), false, 0, 20, new System.Object[]{message}, "Substance Lot Number");
        this.add(typeof(TS), false, 0, 26, new System.Object[]{message}, "Substance Expiration Date");
        this.add(typeof(CE), false, 0, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "Substance Manufacturer Name");
        this.add(typeof(CE), false, 0, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "Substance/Treatment Refusal Reason");
        this.add(typeof(CE), false, 0, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "Indication");
        this.add(typeof(ID), false, 1, 2, new System.Object[]{message, 322}, "Completion Status");
        this.add(typeof(ID), false, 1, 2, new System.Object[]{message, 323}, "Action Code-RXA");
        this.add(typeof(TS), false, 1, 26, new System.Object[]{message}, "System Entry Date/Time");
     } catch (HL7Exception he) {
     HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Can't instantiate " + this.getStructureName(), he);
文件: PRB.cs 项目: snosrap/nhapi
    * Creates a PRB (Problem Details) segment object that belongs to the given
    * message.
 public PRB(Group parent, ModelClassFactory factory)
     : base(parent,factory)
     Message message = Message;
     try {
        this.add(typeof(ID), true, 1, 2, new System.Object[]{message, 287}, "Action Code");
        this.add(typeof(TS), true, 1, 26, new System.Object[]{message}, "Action Date/Time");
        this.add(typeof(CE), true, 1, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "Problem ID");
        this.add(typeof(EI), true, 1, 60, new System.Object[]{message}, "Problem Instance ID");
        this.add(typeof(EI), false, 1, 60, new System.Object[]{message}, "Episode of Care ID");
        this.add(typeof(NM), false, 1, 60, new System.Object[]{message}, "Problem List Priority");
        this.add(typeof(TS), false, 1, 26, new System.Object[]{message}, "Problem Established Date/Time");
        this.add(typeof(TS), false, 1, 26, new System.Object[]{message}, "Anticipated Problem Resolution Date/Time");
        this.add(typeof(TS), false, 1, 26, new System.Object[]{message}, "Actual Problem Resolution Date/Time");
        this.add(typeof(CE), false, 1, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "Problem Classification");
        this.add(typeof(CE), false, 0, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "Problem Management Discipline");
        this.add(typeof(CE), false, 1, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "Problem Persistence");
        this.add(typeof(CE), false, 1, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "Problem Confirmation Status");
        this.add(typeof(CE), false, 1, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "Problem Life Cycle Status");
        this.add(typeof(TS), false, 1, 26, new System.Object[]{message}, "Problem Life Cycle Status Date/Time");
        this.add(typeof(TS), false, 1, 26, new System.Object[]{message}, "Problem Date of Onset");
        this.add(typeof(ST), false, 1, 80, new System.Object[]{message}, "Problem Onset Text");
        this.add(typeof(CE), false, 1, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "Problem Ranking");
        this.add(typeof(CE), false, 1, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "Certainty of Problem");
        this.add(typeof(NM), false, 1, 5, new System.Object[]{message}, "Probability of Problem (0-1)");
        this.add(typeof(CE), false, 1, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "Individual Awareness of Problem");
        this.add(typeof(CE), false, 1, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "Problem Prognosis");
        this.add(typeof(CE), false, 1, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "Individual Awareness of Prognosis");
        this.add(typeof(ST), false, 1, 200, new System.Object[]{message}, "Family/Significant Other Awareness of Problem/Prognosis");
        this.add(typeof(CE), false, 1, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "Security/Sensitivity");
     } catch (HL7Exception he) {
     HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Can't instantiate " + this.getStructureName(), he);
文件: FT1.cs 项目: snosrap/nhapi
    * Creates a FT1 (FT1 - financial transaction segment) segment object that belongs to the given
    * message.
 public FT1(Group parent, ModelClassFactory factory)
     : base(parent,factory)
     Message message = Message;
     try {
        this.add(typeof(SI), false, 1, 4, new System.Object[]{message}, "Set ID - FT1");
        this.add(typeof(ST), false, 1, 12, new System.Object[]{message}, "Transaction ID");
        this.add(typeof(ST), false, 1, 10, new System.Object[]{message}, "Transaction Batch ID");
        this.add(typeof(TS), true, 1, 26, new System.Object[]{message}, "Transaction Date");
        this.add(typeof(TS), false, 1, 26, new System.Object[]{message}, "Transaction Posting Date");
        this.add(typeof(IS), true, 1, 8, new System.Object[]{message, 17}, "Transaction Type");
        this.add(typeof(CE), true, 1, 80, new System.Object[]{message}, "Transaction Code");
        this.add(typeof(ST), false, 1, 40, new System.Object[]{message}, "Transaction Description");
        this.add(typeof(ST), false, 1, 40, new System.Object[]{message}, "Transaction Description - Alt");
        this.add(typeof(NM), false, 1, 6, new System.Object[]{message}, "Transaction Quantity");
        this.add(typeof(CP), false, 1, 12, new System.Object[]{message}, "Transaction Amount - Extended");
        this.add(typeof(CP), false, 1, 12, new System.Object[]{message}, "Transaction Amount - Unit");
        this.add(typeof(CE), false, 1, 60, new System.Object[]{message}, "Department Code");
        this.add(typeof(CE), false, 1, 60, new System.Object[]{message}, "Insurance Plan ID");
        this.add(typeof(CP), false, 1, 12, new System.Object[]{message}, "Insurance Amount");
        this.add(typeof(PL), false, 1, 80, new System.Object[]{message}, "Assigned Patient Location");
        this.add(typeof(IS), false, 1, 1, new System.Object[]{message, 24}, "Fee Schedule");
        this.add(typeof(IS), false, 1, 2, new System.Object[]{message, 18}, "Patient Type");
        this.add(typeof(CE), false, 0, 60, new System.Object[]{message}, "Diagnosis Code - FT1");
        this.add(typeof(XCN), false, 0, 120, new System.Object[]{message}, "Performed By Code");
        this.add(typeof(XCN), false, 0, 120, new System.Object[]{message}, "Ordered By Code");
        this.add(typeof(CP), false, 1, 12, new System.Object[]{message}, "Unit Cost");
        this.add(typeof(EI), false, 1, 22, new System.Object[]{message}, "Filler Order Number");
        this.add(typeof(XCN), false, 0, 120, new System.Object[]{message}, "Entered By Code");
        this.add(typeof(CE), false, 1, 80, new System.Object[]{message}, "Procedure Code");
        this.add(typeof(CE), false, 0, 80, new System.Object[]{message}, "Procedure Code Modifier");
     } catch (HL7Exception he) {
     HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Can't instantiate " + this.getStructureName(), he);
文件: OBX.cs 项目: snosrap/nhapi
    * Creates a OBX (Observation segment) segment object that belongs to the given
    * message.
 public OBX(Group parent, ModelClassFactory factory)
     : base(parent,factory)
     Message message = Message;
     try {
        this.add(typeof(SI), false, 1, 4, new System.Object[]{message}, "Set ID - OBX");
        this.add(typeof(ID), true, 1, 2, new System.Object[]{message, 125}, "Value Type");
        this.add(typeof(CE), true, 1, 590, new System.Object[]{message}, "Observation Identifier");
        this.add(typeof(ST), false, 1, 20, new System.Object[]{message}, "Observation Sub-ID");
        this.add(typeof(Varies), false, 0, 65536, new System.Object[]{message}, "Observation Value");
        this.add(typeof(CE), false, 1, 60, new System.Object[]{message}, "Units");
        this.add(typeof(ST), false, 1, 10, new System.Object[]{message}, "References Range");
        this.add(typeof(ID), false, 5, 5, new System.Object[]{message, 78}, "Abnormal Flags");
        this.add(typeof(NM), false, 1, 5, new System.Object[]{message}, "Probability");
        this.add(typeof(ID), false, 1, 2, new System.Object[]{message, 80}, "Nature of Abnormal Test");
        this.add(typeof(ID), true, 1, 1, new System.Object[]{message, 85}, "Observ Result Status");
        this.add(typeof(TS), false, 1, 26, new System.Object[]{message}, "Date Last Obs Normal Values");
        this.add(typeof(ST), false, 1, 20, new System.Object[]{message}, "User Defined Access Checks");
        this.add(typeof(TS), false, 1, 26, new System.Object[]{message}, "Date/Time of the Observation");
        this.add(typeof(CE), false, 1, 60, new System.Object[]{message}, "Producer's ID");
        this.add(typeof(XCN), false, 1, 80, new System.Object[]{message}, "Responsible Observer");
        this.add(typeof(CE), false, 0, 80, new System.Object[]{message}, "Observation Method");
     } catch (HL7Exception he) {
     HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Can't instantiate " + this.getStructureName(), he);
文件: RXG.cs 项目: snosrap/nhapi
    * Creates a RXG (Pharmacy/Treatment Give) segment object that belongs to the given
    * message.
 public RXG(Group parent, ModelClassFactory factory)
     : base(parent,factory)
     Message message = Message;
     try {
        this.add(typeof(NM), true, 1, 4, new System.Object[]{message}, "Give Sub-ID Counter");
        this.add(typeof(NM), false, 1, 4, new System.Object[]{message}, "Dispense Sub-ID Counter");
        this.add(typeof(TQ), false, 1, 200, new System.Object[]{message}, "Quantity/Timing");
        this.add(typeof(CE), true, 1, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "Give Code");
        this.add(typeof(NM), true, 1, 20, new System.Object[]{message}, "Give Amount - Minimum");
        this.add(typeof(NM), false, 1, 20, new System.Object[]{message}, "Give Amount - Maximum");
        this.add(typeof(CE), true, 1, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "Give Units");
        this.add(typeof(CE), false, 1, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "Give Dosage Form");
        this.add(typeof(CE), false, 0, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "Administration Notes");
        this.add(typeof(ID), false, 1, 1, new System.Object[]{message, 167}, "Substitution Status");
        this.add(typeof(LA2), false, 1, 200, new System.Object[]{message}, "Dispense-to Location");
        this.add(typeof(ID), false, 1, 1, new System.Object[]{message, 136}, "Needs Human Review");
        this.add(typeof(CE), false, 0, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "Pharmacy/Treatment Supplier's Special Administration Instructions");
        this.add(typeof(ST), false, 1, 20, new System.Object[]{message}, "Give Per (Time Unit)");
        this.add(typeof(ST), false, 1, 6, new System.Object[]{message}, "Give Rate Amount");
        this.add(typeof(CE), false, 1, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "Give Rate Units");
        this.add(typeof(NM), false, 1, 20, new System.Object[]{message}, "Give Strength");
        this.add(typeof(CE), false, 1, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "Give Strength Units");
        this.add(typeof(ST), false, 0, 20, new System.Object[]{message}, "Substance Lot Number");
        this.add(typeof(TS), false, 0, 26, new System.Object[]{message}, "Substance Expiration Date");
        this.add(typeof(CE), false, 0, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "Substance Manufacturer Name");
        this.add(typeof(CE), false, 0, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "Indication");
        this.add(typeof(NM), false, 1, 5, new System.Object[]{message}, "Give Drug Strength Volume");
        this.add(typeof(CWE), false, 1, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "Give Drug Strength Volume Units");
        this.add(typeof(CWE), false, 1, 60, new System.Object[]{message}, "Give Barcode Identifier");
        this.add(typeof(ID), false, 1, 1, new System.Object[]{message, 480}, "Pharmacy Order Type");
     } catch (HL7Exception he) {
     HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Can't instantiate " + this.getStructureName(), he);
  * Creates a new ADR_A19_QUERY_RESPONSE Group.
 public ADR_A19_QUERY_RESPONSE(Group parent, ModelClassFactory factory)
     : base(parent, factory)
         this.add(typeof(EVN), false, false);
         this.add(typeof(PID), true, false);
         this.add(typeof(PD1), false, false);
         this.add(typeof(NK1), false, true);
         this.add(typeof(PV1), true, false);
         this.add(typeof(PV2), false, false);
         this.add(typeof(DB1), false, true);
         this.add(typeof(OBX), false, true);
         this.add(typeof(AL1), false, true);
         this.add(typeof(DG1), false, true);
         this.add(typeof(DRG), false, false);
         this.add(typeof(ADR_A19_PROCEDURE), false, true);
         this.add(typeof(GT1), false, true);
         this.add(typeof(ADR_A19_INSURANCE), false, true);
         this.add(typeof(ACC), false, false);
         this.add(typeof(UB1), false, false);
         this.add(typeof(UB2), false, false);
     catch(HL7Exception e)
         HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Unexpected error creating ADR_A19_QUERY_RESPONSE - this is probably a bug in the source code generator.", e);
文件: ORC.cs 项目: snosrap/nhapi
    * Creates a ORC (Common Order) segment object that belongs to the given
    * message.
 public ORC(Group parent, ModelClassFactory factory)
     : base(parent,factory)
     Message message = Message;
     try {
        this.add(typeof(ID), true, 1, 2, new System.Object[]{message, 119}, "Order Control");
        this.add(typeof(EI), false, 1, 22, new System.Object[]{message}, "Placer Order Number");
        this.add(typeof(EI), false, 1, 22, new System.Object[]{message}, "Filler Order Number");
        this.add(typeof(EI), false, 1, 22, new System.Object[]{message}, "Placer Group Number");
        this.add(typeof(ID), false, 1, 2, new System.Object[]{message, 38}, "Order Status");
        this.add(typeof(ID), false, 1, 1, new System.Object[]{message, 121}, "Response Flag");
        this.add(typeof(TQ), false, 0, 200, new System.Object[]{message}, "Quantity/Timing");
        this.add(typeof(EIP), false, 1, 200, new System.Object[]{message}, "Parent");
        this.add(typeof(TS), false, 1, 26, new System.Object[]{message}, "Date/Time of Transaction");
        this.add(typeof(XCN), false, 0, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "Entered By");
        this.add(typeof(XCN), false, 0, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "Verified By");
        this.add(typeof(XCN), false, 0, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "Ordering Provider");
        this.add(typeof(PL), false, 1, 80, new System.Object[]{message}, "Enterer's Location");
        this.add(typeof(XTN), false, 2, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "Call Back Phone Number");
        this.add(typeof(TS), false, 1, 26, new System.Object[]{message}, "Order Effective Date/Time");
        this.add(typeof(CE), false, 1, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "Order Control Code Reason");
        this.add(typeof(CE), false, 1, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "Entering Organization");
        this.add(typeof(CE), false, 1, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "Entering Device");
        this.add(typeof(XCN), false, 0, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "Action By");
        this.add(typeof(CE), false, 1, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "Advanced Beneficiary Notice Code");
        this.add(typeof(XON), false, 0, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "Ordering Facility Name");
        this.add(typeof(XAD), false, 0, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "Ordering Facility Address");
        this.add(typeof(XTN), false, 0, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "Ordering Facility Phone Number");
        this.add(typeof(XAD), false, 0, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "Ordering Provider Address");
        this.add(typeof(CWE), false, 1, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "Order Status Modifier");
     } catch (HL7Exception he) {
     HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Can't instantiate " + this.getStructureName(), he);
文件: RXO.cs 项目: snosrap/nhapi
    * Creates a RXO (Pharmacy prescription order segment) segment object that belongs to the given
    * message.
 public RXO(Group parent, ModelClassFactory factory)
     : base(parent,factory)
     Message message = Message;
     try {
        this.add(typeof(CE), true, 1, 100, new System.Object[]{message}, "Requested Give Code");
        this.add(typeof(NM), true, 1, 20, new System.Object[]{message}, "Requested Give Amount - Minimum");
        this.add(typeof(NM), false, 1, 20, new System.Object[]{message}, "Requested Give Amount - Maximum");
        this.add(typeof(CE), true, 1, 60, new System.Object[]{message}, "Requested Give Units");
        this.add(typeof(CE), false, 1, 60, new System.Object[]{message}, "Requested Dosage Form");
        this.add(typeof(CE), false, 0, 200, new System.Object[]{message}, "Provider's Pharmacy Instructions");
        this.add(typeof(CE), false, 0, 200, new System.Object[]{message}, "Provider's Administration Instructions");
        this.add(typeof(CM_LA1), false, 1, 200, new System.Object[]{message}, "Deliver To Location");
        this.add(typeof(ID), false, 1, 1, new System.Object[]{message, 161}, "Allow Substitutions");
        this.add(typeof(CE), false, 1, 100, new System.Object[]{message}, "Requested Dispense Code");
        this.add(typeof(NM), false, 1, 20, new System.Object[]{message}, "Requested Dispense Amount");
        this.add(typeof(CE), false, 1, 60, new System.Object[]{message}, "Requested Dispense Units");
        this.add(typeof(NM), false, 1, 3, new System.Object[]{message}, "Number of Refills");
        this.add(typeof(CN), false, 1, 60, new System.Object[]{message}, "Ordering Provider's DEA Number");
        this.add(typeof(CN), false, 1, 60, new System.Object[]{message}, "Pharmacist/Treatment Supplier's Verifier ID");
        this.add(typeof(ID), false, 1, 1, new System.Object[]{message, 136}, "Needs Human Review");
        this.add(typeof(ST), false, 1, 20, new System.Object[]{message}, "Requested Give Per (Time Unit)");
        this.add(typeof(NM), false, 1, 20, new System.Object[]{message}, "Requested Give Strength");
        this.add(typeof(CE), false, 1, 60, new System.Object[]{message}, "Requested Give Strength Units");
        this.add(typeof(CE), false, 1, 200, new System.Object[]{message}, "Indication");
        this.add(typeof(ST), false, 1, 6, new System.Object[]{message}, "Requested Give Rate Amount");
        this.add(typeof(CE), false, 1, 60, new System.Object[]{message}, "Requested Give Rate Units");
     } catch (HL7Exception he) {
     HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Can't instantiate " + this.getStructureName(), he);
文件: PRC.cs 项目: snosrap/nhapi
    * Creates a PRC (Pricing) segment object that belongs to the given
    * message.
 public PRC(Group parent, ModelClassFactory factory)
     : base(parent,factory)
     Message message = Message;
     try {
        this.add(typeof(CE), true, 1, 200, new System.Object[]{message}, "Primary Key Value");
        this.add(typeof(EI), true, 0, 60, new System.Object[]{message}, "Facility ID");
        this.add(typeof(CE), false, 0, 30, new System.Object[]{message}, "Department");
        this.add(typeof(ID), false, 0, 1, new System.Object[]{message, 4}, "Valid Patient Classes");
        this.add(typeof(CP), false, 0, 12, new System.Object[]{message}, "Price");
        this.add(typeof(ST), false, 0, 200, new System.Object[]{message}, "Formula");
        this.add(typeof(NM), false, 1, 4, new System.Object[]{message}, "Minimum Quantity");
        this.add(typeof(NM), false, 1, 4, new System.Object[]{message}, "Maximum Quantity");
        this.add(typeof(MO), false, 1, 12, new System.Object[]{message}, "Minimum Price");
        this.add(typeof(MO), false, 1, 12, new System.Object[]{message}, "Maximum Price");
        this.add(typeof(TS), false, 1, 26, new System.Object[]{message}, "Effective Start Date");
        this.add(typeof(TS), false, 1, 26, new System.Object[]{message}, "Effective End Date");
        this.add(typeof(ID), false, 1, 1, new System.Object[]{message, 268}, "Price Override Flag");
        this.add(typeof(CE), false, 0, 60, new System.Object[]{message}, "Billing Category");
        this.add(typeof(ID), false, 1, 1, new System.Object[]{message, 136}, "Chargeable Flag");
        this.add(typeof(ID), false, 1, 1, new System.Object[]{message, 183}, "Active/Inactive Flag");
        this.add(typeof(MO), false, 1, 12, new System.Object[]{message}, "Cost");
        this.add(typeof(ID), false, 1, 1, new System.Object[]{message, 269}, "Charge On Indicator");
     } catch (HL7Exception he) {
     HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Can't instantiate " + this.getStructureName(), he);
文件: UB1.cs 项目: snosrap/nhapi
    * Creates a UB1 (UB82 DATA) segment object that belongs to the given
    * message.
 public UB1(Group parent, ModelClassFactory factory)
     : base(parent,factory)
     Message message = Message;
     try {
        this.add(typeof(SI), false, 1, 4, new System.Object[]{message}, "SET ID - UB82");
        this.add(typeof(ST), false, 1, 1, new System.Object[]{message}, "BLOOD DEDUCTIBLE");
        this.add(typeof(ST), false, 1, 2, new System.Object[]{message}, "BLOOD FURN.-PINTS OF (40)");
        this.add(typeof(ST), false, 1, 2, new System.Object[]{message}, "BLOOD REPLACED-PINTS (41)");
        this.add(typeof(ST), false, 1, 2, new System.Object[]{message}, "BLOOD NOT RPLCD-PINTS(42)");
        this.add(typeof(ST), false, 1, 2, new System.Object[]{message}, "CO-INSURANCE DAYS (25)");
        this.add(typeof(ID), false, 5, 2, new System.Object[]{message, 43}, "CONDITION CODE");
        this.add(typeof(ST), false, 1, 3, new System.Object[]{message}, "COVERED DAYS - (23)");
        this.add(typeof(ST), false, 1, 3, new System.Object[]{message}, "NON COVERED DAYS - (24)");
        this.add(typeof(CM), false, 8, 12, new System.Object[]{message}, "VALUE AMOUNT & CODE");
        this.add(typeof(ST), false, 1, 2, new System.Object[]{message}, "NUMBER OF GRACE DAYS (90)");
        this.add(typeof(ID), false, 1, 2, new System.Object[]{message, 0}, "SPEC. PROG. INDICATOR(44)");
        this.add(typeof(ID), false, 1, 1, new System.Object[]{message, 0}, "PSRO/UR APPROVAL IND. (87)");
        this.add(typeof(DT), false, 1, 8, new System.Object[]{message}, "PSRO/UR APRVD STAY-FM(88)");
        this.add(typeof(DT), false, 1, 8, new System.Object[]{message}, "PSRO/UR APRVD STAY-TO(89)");
        this.add(typeof(ID), false, 5, 20, new System.Object[]{message, 0}, "OCCURRENCE (28-32)");
        this.add(typeof(ID), false, 1, 2, new System.Object[]{message, 0}, "OCCURRENCE SPAN (33)");
        this.add(typeof(DT), false, 1, 8, new System.Object[]{message}, "OCCURRENCE SPAN START DATE(33)");
        this.add(typeof(DT), false, 1, 8, new System.Object[]{message}, "OCCUR. SPAN END DATE (33)");
        this.add(typeof(ST), false, 1, 30, new System.Object[]{message}, "UB-82 LOCATOR 2");
        this.add(typeof(ST), false, 1, 7, new System.Object[]{message}, "UB-82 LOCATOR 9");
        this.add(typeof(ST), false, 1, 8, new System.Object[]{message}, "UB-82 LOCATOR 27");
        this.add(typeof(ST), false, 1, 17, new System.Object[]{message}, "UB-82 LOCATOR 45");
     } catch (HL7Exception he) {
     HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Can't instantiate " + this.getStructureName(), he);
文件: TXA.cs 项目: snosrap/nhapi
    * Creates a TXA (Transcription Document Header) segment object that belongs to the given
    * message.
 public TXA(Group parent, ModelClassFactory factory)
     : base(parent,factory)
     Message message = Message;
     try {
        this.add(typeof(SI), true, 1, 4, new System.Object[]{message}, "Set ID- TXA");
        this.add(typeof(IS), true, 1, 30, new System.Object[]{message, 270}, "Document Type");
        this.add(typeof(ID), false, 1, 2, new System.Object[]{message, 191}, "Document Content Presentation");
        this.add(typeof(TS), false, 1, 26, new System.Object[]{message}, "Activity Date/Time");
        this.add(typeof(XCN), false, 0, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "Primary Activity Provider Code/Name");
        this.add(typeof(TS), false, 1, 26, new System.Object[]{message}, "Origination Date/Time");
        this.add(typeof(TS), false, 1, 26, new System.Object[]{message}, "Transcription Date/Time");
        this.add(typeof(TS), false, 0, 26, new System.Object[]{message}, "Edit Date/Time");
        this.add(typeof(XCN), false, 0, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "Originator Code/Name");
        this.add(typeof(XCN), false, 0, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "Assigned Document Authenticator");
        this.add(typeof(XCN), false, 0, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "Transcriptionist Code/Name");
        this.add(typeof(EI), true, 1, 30, new System.Object[]{message}, "Unique Document Number");
        this.add(typeof(EI), false, 1, 30, new System.Object[]{message}, "Parent Document Number");
        this.add(typeof(EI), false, 0, 22, new System.Object[]{message}, "Placer Order Number");
        this.add(typeof(EI), false, 1, 22, new System.Object[]{message}, "Filler Order Number");
        this.add(typeof(ST), false, 1, 30, new System.Object[]{message}, "Unique Document File Name");
        this.add(typeof(ID), true, 1, 2, new System.Object[]{message, 271}, "Document Completion Status");
        this.add(typeof(ID), false, 1, 2, new System.Object[]{message, 272}, "Document Confidentiality Status");
        this.add(typeof(ID), false, 1, 2, new System.Object[]{message, 273}, "Document Availability Status");
        this.add(typeof(ID), false, 1, 2, new System.Object[]{message, 275}, "Document Storage Status");
        this.add(typeof(ST), false, 1, 30, new System.Object[]{message}, "Document Change Reason");
        this.add(typeof(PPN), false, 0, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "Authentication Person, Time Stamp");
        this.add(typeof(XCN), false, 0, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "Distributed Copies (Code and Name of Recipients)");
     } catch (HL7Exception he) {
     HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Can't instantiate " + this.getStructureName(), he);
文件: DG1.cs 项目: snosrap/nhapi
    * Creates a DG1 (Diagnosis) segment object that belongs to the given
    * message.
 public DG1(Group parent, ModelClassFactory factory)
     : base(parent,factory)
     Message message = Message;
     try {
        this.add(typeof(SI), true, 1, 4, new System.Object[]{message}, "Set ID - DG1");
        this.add(typeof(ID), false, 1, 2, new System.Object[]{message, 53}, "Diagnosis Coding Method");
        this.add(typeof(CE), false, 1, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "Diagnosis Code - DG1");
        this.add(typeof(ST), false, 1, 40, new System.Object[]{message}, "Diagnosis Description");
        this.add(typeof(TS), false, 1, 26, new System.Object[]{message}, "Diagnosis Date/Time");
        this.add(typeof(IS), true, 1, 2, new System.Object[]{message, 52}, "Diagnosis Type");
        this.add(typeof(CE), false, 1, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "Major Diagnostic Category");
        this.add(typeof(CE), false, 1, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "Diagnostic Related Group");
        this.add(typeof(ID), false, 1, 1, new System.Object[]{message, 136}, "DRG Approval Indicator");
        this.add(typeof(IS), false, 1, 2, new System.Object[]{message, 56}, "DRG Grouper Review Code");
        this.add(typeof(CE), false, 1, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "Outlier Type");
        this.add(typeof(NM), false, 1, 3, new System.Object[]{message}, "Outlier Days");
        this.add(typeof(CP), false, 1, 12, new System.Object[]{message}, "Outlier Cost");
        this.add(typeof(ST), false, 1, 4, new System.Object[]{message}, "Grouper Version And Type");
        this.add(typeof(ID), false, 1, 2, new System.Object[]{message, 359}, "Diagnosis Priority");
        this.add(typeof(XCN), false, 0, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "Diagnosing Clinician");
        this.add(typeof(IS), false, 1, 3, new System.Object[]{message, 228}, "Diagnosis Classification");
        this.add(typeof(ID), false, 1, 1, new System.Object[]{message, 136}, "Confidential Indicator");
        this.add(typeof(TS), false, 1, 26, new System.Object[]{message}, "Attestation Date/Time");
     } catch (HL7Exception he) {
     HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Can't instantiate " + this.getStructureName(), he);
文件: INV.cs 项目: snosrap/nhapi
    * Creates a INV (Inventory Detail) segment object that belongs to the given
    * message.
 public INV(Group parent, ModelClassFactory factory)
     : base(parent,factory)
     Message message = Message;
     try {
        this.add(typeof(CE), true, 1, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "Substance Identifier");
        this.add(typeof(CE), true, 0, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "Substance Status");
        this.add(typeof(CE), false, 1, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "Substance Type");
        this.add(typeof(CE), false, 1, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "Inventory Container Identifier");
        this.add(typeof(CE), false, 1, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "Container Carrier Identifier");
        this.add(typeof(CE), false, 1, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "Position on Carrier");
        this.add(typeof(NM), false, 1, 20, new System.Object[]{message}, "Initial Quantity");
        this.add(typeof(NM), false, 1, 20, new System.Object[]{message}, "Current Quantity");
        this.add(typeof(NM), false, 1, 20, new System.Object[]{message}, "Available Quantity");
        this.add(typeof(NM), false, 1, 20, new System.Object[]{message}, "Consumption Quantity");
        this.add(typeof(CE), false, 1, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "Quantity Units");
        this.add(typeof(TS), false, 1, 26, new System.Object[]{message}, "Expiration Date/Time");
        this.add(typeof(TS), false, 1, 26, new System.Object[]{message}, "First Used Date/Time");
        this.add(typeof(TQ), false, 1, 200, new System.Object[]{message}, "On Board Stability Duration");
        this.add(typeof(CE), false, 0, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "Test/Fluid Identifier(s)");
        this.add(typeof(ST), false, 1, 200, new System.Object[]{message}, "Manufacturer Lot Number");
        this.add(typeof(CE), false, 1, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "Manufacturer Identifier");
        this.add(typeof(CE), false, 1, 250, new System.Object[]{message}, "Supplier Identifier");
     } catch (HL7Exception he) {
     HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Can't instantiate " + this.getStructureName(), he);
文件: FT1.cs 项目: snosrap/nhapi
    * Creates a FT1 (FINANCIAL TRANSACTION) segment object that belongs to the given
    * message.
 public FT1(Group parent, ModelClassFactory factory)
     : base(parent,factory)
     Message message = Message;
     try {
        this.add(typeof(SI), false, 1, 4, new System.Object[]{message}, "Set ID - financial transaction");
        this.add(typeof(ST), false, 1, 12, new System.Object[]{message}, "Transaction ID");
        this.add(typeof(ST), false, 1, 10, new System.Object[]{message}, "Transaction batch ID");
        this.add(typeof(DT), true, 1, 8, new System.Object[]{message}, "Transaction date");
        this.add(typeof(DT), false, 1, 8, new System.Object[]{message}, "Transaction posting date");
        this.add(typeof(ID), true, 1, 8, new System.Object[]{message, 17}, "Transaction type");
        this.add(typeof(CE), true, 1, 20, new System.Object[]{message}, "Transaction code");
        this.add(typeof(ST), false, 1, 40, new System.Object[]{message}, "Transaction description");
        this.add(typeof(ST), false, 1, 40, new System.Object[]{message}, "Transaction description - alternate");
        this.add(typeof(NM), false, 1, 4, new System.Object[]{message}, "Transaction quantity");
        this.add(typeof(NM), false, 1, 12, new System.Object[]{message}, "Transaction amount - extended");
        this.add(typeof(NM), false, 1, 12, new System.Object[]{message}, "Transaction amount - unit");
        this.add(typeof(CE), false, 1, 60, new System.Object[]{message}, "Department code");
        this.add(typeof(ID), true, 1, 8, new System.Object[]{message, 72}, "Insurance plan ID");
        this.add(typeof(NM), false, 1, 12, new System.Object[]{message}, "Insurance amount");
        this.add(typeof(CM_INTERNAL_LOCATION), false, 1, 12, new System.Object[]{message}, "Assigned Patient Location");
        this.add(typeof(ID), false, 1, 1, new System.Object[]{message, 24}, "Fee schedule");
        this.add(typeof(ID), false, 1, 2, new System.Object[]{message, 18}, "Patient type");
        this.add(typeof(CE), false, 0, 8, new System.Object[]{message}, "Diagnosis code");
        this.add(typeof(CN_PERSON), false, 1, 60, new System.Object[]{message}, "Performed by code");
        this.add(typeof(CN_PERSON), false, 1, 60, new System.Object[]{message}, "Ordered by code");
        this.add(typeof(NM), false, 1, 12, new System.Object[]{message}, "Unit cost");
        this.add(typeof(CM_FILLER), false, 1, 75, new System.Object[]{message}, "Filler Order Number");
     } catch (HL7Exception he) {
     HapiLogFactory.getHapiLog(GetType()).error("Can't instantiate " + this.getStructureName(), he);
  * Creates a new ARD_A19 Group with custom ModelClassFactory.
 public ARD_A19(ModelClassFactory factory) : base(factory)
  * Creates a new MDM_T08 Group with custom ModelClassFactory.
 public MDM_T08(ModelClassFactory factory) : base(factory)
  * Creates a new RSP_K13 Group with custom ModelClassFactory.
 public RSP_K13(ModelClassFactory factory) : base(factory)
  * Creates a new OML_O21 Group with custom ModelClassFactory.
 public OML_O21(ModelClassFactory factory) : base(factory)
  * Creates a new CRM_C07 Group with custom ModelClassFactory.
 public CRM_C07(ModelClassFactory factory) : base(factory)
  * Creates a new ADT_A08 Group with custom ModelClassFactory.
 public ADT_A08(ModelClassFactory factory) : base(factory)
  * Creates a new RRD_O14 Group with custom ModelClassFactory.
 public RRD_O14(ModelClassFactory factory) : base(factory)
  * Creates a new QRY_T12 Group with custom ModelClassFactory.
 public QRY_T12(ModelClassFactory factory) : base(factory)
  * Creates a new MFR_M01 Group with custom ModelClassFactory.
 public MFR_M01(ModelClassFactory factory) : base(factory)
  * Creates a new MFN_M10 Group with custom ModelClassFactory.
 public MFN_M10(ModelClassFactory factory) : base(factory)
  * Creates a new OMN_O07 Group with custom ModelClassFactory.
 public OMN_O07(ModelClassFactory factory) : base(factory)
  * Creates a new OUL_R21 Group with custom ModelClassFactory.
 public OUL_R21(ModelClassFactory factory) : base(factory)
  * Creates a new RPL_I02 Group with custom ModelClassFactory.
 public RPL_I02(ModelClassFactory factory) : base(factory)
  * Creates a new OSQ_Q06 Group with custom ModelClassFactory.
 public OSQ_Q06(ModelClassFactory factory) : base(factory)
  * Creates a new SIU_S16 Group with custom ModelClassFactory.
 public SIU_S16(ModelClassFactory factory) : base(factory)
  * Creates a new RQP_I04 Group with custom ModelClassFactory.
 public RQP_I04(ModelClassFactory factory) : base(factory)
  * Creates a new PPR_PC2 Group with custom ModelClassFactory.
 public PPR_PC2(ModelClassFactory factory) : base(factory)
  * Creates a new EQQ_Q04 Group with custom ModelClassFactory.
 public EQQ_Q04(ModelClassFactory factory) : base(factory)
  * Creates a new SUR_P09 Group with custom ModelClassFactory.
 public SUR_P09(ModelClassFactory factory) : base(factory)
  * Creates a new SRM_S01 Group with custom ModelClassFactory.
 public SRM_S01(ModelClassFactory factory) : base(factory)
  * Creates a new ORU_R01 Group with custom ModelClassFactory.
 public ORU_R01(ModelClassFactory factory) : base(factory)
  * Creates a new VXR_V03 Group with custom ModelClassFactory.
 public VXR_V03(ModelClassFactory factory) : base(factory)
  * Creates a new DSR_Q03 Group with custom ModelClassFactory.
 public DSR_Q03(ModelClassFactory factory) : base(factory)
  * Creates a new QBP_Z73 Group with custom ModelClassFactory.
 public QBP_Z73(ModelClassFactory factory) : base(factory)
  * Creates a new ORR_O02 Group with custom ModelClassFactory.
 public ORR_O02(ModelClassFactory factory) : base(factory)
  * Creates a new PTR_PCF Group with custom ModelClassFactory.
 public PTR_PCF(ModelClassFactory factory) : base(factory)
  * Creates a new SRR_S07 Group with custom ModelClassFactory.
 public SRR_S07(ModelClassFactory factory) : base(factory)
  * Creates a new RAR_RAR Group with custom ModelClassFactory.
 public RAR_RAR(ModelClassFactory factory) : base(factory)
  * Creates a new SQM_S25 Group with custom ModelClassFactory.
 public SQM_S25(ModelClassFactory factory) : base(factory)
  * Creates a new CSU_C11 Group with custom ModelClassFactory.
 public CSU_C11(ModelClassFactory factory) : base(factory)