private void btnDelete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (ValidateMandUserFields()) { if (SelectedId > 0) { ModelBookStore.UserDetail objUserDetail = new ModelBookStore.UserDetail(); { = SelectedId; } Delete(objUserDetail); Reset(); MessageBox.Show("Deleted Successfully"); } else { MessageBox.Show("No Data in Grid or please select any row from Grid"); } } else { lblValidationSummary.Visible = true; } }
private void btnRegister_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { string ControlFocus = string.Empty; if (ValidateMandUserFields()) { lblEmailExpression.Visible = false; lblPhoneNoExpression.Visible = false; if (ValidaeUserFields(txtEmailId.Text, txtPhoneNo.Text, out ControlFocus)) { ModelBookStore.UserDetail objUserDetail = new ModelBookStore.UserDetail(); { // objUserDetail.UserId =; objUserDetail.FirstName = txtFirstName.Text; objUserDetail.LastName = txtLastName.Text; objUserDetail.PhoneNumber = txtPhoneNo.Text; objUserDetail.EmailId = txtEmailId.Text; objUserDetail.DOB = dtpDOB.Value; objUserDetail.Address = txtAddress.Text; objUserDetail.state = cmbState.Text; = cmbCity.Text; if (chkMembership.Checked == true) { objUserDetail.IsMembership = "Y"; } else { objUserDetail.IsMembership = "N"; } = SelectedId; // objUserDetail.Login = objLogin; }; //objLogin.UserDetails.Add(objUserDetail); if (SelectedId > 0) { Update(objUserDetail); MessageBox.Show("Customer Updated Successfully"); Reset(); } else { Save(objUserDetail); MessageBox.Show("Customer Added Successfully"); Reset(); } //DialogResult dialogResult = MessageBox.Show("You have added successfully and Would you like to add new customer , please click yes else no to login","",MessageBoxButtons.YesNo); //if (dialogResult == DialogResult.No) //{ // FrmLogin objLoginfrm = new FrmLogin(); // objLoginfrm.Show(); // this.Hide(); //} //if (dialogResult == DialogResult.Yes) //{ // Reset(); //} } else { if (ControlFocus == "Email") { txtEmailId.Focus(); lblEmailExpression.Visible = true; } else if (ControlFocus == "PhoneNo") { txtPhoneNo.Focus(); lblPhoneNoExpression.Visible = true; } } } else { lblValidationSummary.Visible = true; } } catch (Exception ex) { // throw new Exception(ex.Message); MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } }
private void Delete(ModelBookStore.UserDetail objUserDetail) { objBLLogin.Delete(objUserDetail); }
private void Update(ModelBookStore.UserDetail objUserDetail) { objBLLogin.Update(objUserDetail); }
private void Save(ModelBookStore.UserDetail objUserDetail) { objBLLogin.Add(objUserDetail); }
private void btnRegister_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { string ControlFocus = string.Empty; if (ValidateMandUserFields()) { lblUserIdExpression.Visible = false; lblPasswordExpression.Visible = false; lblConfPasswordExpression.Visible = false; lblEmailExpression.Visible = false; lblPhoneNoExpression.Visible = false; if (ValidaeUserFields(txtUserId.Text, txtPassword.Text, txtConfirmPassword.Text, txtEmailId.Text, txtPhoneNo.Text, out ControlFocus)) { ModelBookStore.Login objLogin = new ModelBookStore.Login(); { objLogin.UserId = txtUserId.Text; objLogin.Password = txtPassword.Text; ModelBookStore.UserDetail objUserDetail = new ModelBookStore.UserDetail(); { // objUserDetail.UserId =; objUserDetail.FirstName = txtFirstName.Text; objUserDetail.LastName = txtLastName.Text; objUserDetail.PhoneNumber = txtPhoneNo.Text; objUserDetail.EmailId = txtEmailId.Text; objUserDetail.DOB = dtpDOB.Value; objUserDetail.Address = txtAddress.Text; objUserDetail.state = cmbState.Text; = cmbCity.Text; // objUserDetail.Login = objLogin; }; List <ModelBookStore.UserDetail> userDetails = new List <ModelBookStore.UserDetail>(); userDetails.Add(objUserDetail); objLogin.UserDetails = userDetails; }; //objLogin.UserDetails.Add(objUserDetail); Save(objLogin); DialogResult dialogResult = MessageBox.Show("You have added successfully and Would you like to add new customer , please click yes else no to login", "", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo); if (dialogResult == DialogResult.No) { FrmLogin objLoginfrm = new FrmLogin(); objLoginfrm.Show(); this.Hide(); } if (dialogResult == DialogResult.Yes) { Reset(); } } else { if (ControlFocus == "UserId") { txtUserId.Focus(); // txtPassword.Focus(); lblUserIdExpression.Visible = true; } else if (ControlFocus.StartsWith("Password")) { txtPassword.Focus(); // txtPassword.Focus(); lblPasswordExpression.Text = ControlFocus; lblPasswordExpression.Visible = true; } else if (ControlFocus.Contains("ConfPassword")) { txtConfirmPassword.Focus(); lblConfPasswordExpression.Visible = true; } else if (ControlFocus == "Email") { txtEmailId.Focus(); lblEmailExpression.Visible = true; } else if (ControlFocus == "PhoneNo") { txtPhoneNo.Focus(); lblPhoneNoExpression.Visible = true; } } } else { lblValidationSummary.Visible = true; } } catch (Exception ex) { // throw new Exception(ex.Message); MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } }