/// <summary>
        /// Posts a Search Query to GLM to retrieve any applicable search Results.  NOTE:  Since GLM is a bit goofy and return a JSON collection that does NOT have a name, we have to return an array of items appearing in the payload as opposed to a rapper named list or object
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="objSourceAddress"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public List <Model.SearchLocationService.AddressLocationQuery.AddressSearchLocationV2> PostAddressSearchToGLM(Model.SearchLocationService.AddressLocationQuery.AddressLocationQueryRequest objSourceAddress)
            // Instantiate a stopwatch to write runtimes to a log file
            Stopwatch objStopWatch = new Stopwatch();


            List <Model.SearchLocationService.AddressLocationQuery.AddressSearchLocationV2> lstArrayOfSearchResult = null;

                // Prep the Request object so it can be sent as the Content Body of a POST to GLM
                string strSourceAddressAsJsonContentString = Model.SerializationUtil.SerializeToJsonString(objSourceAddress);

                _strFinalRouteAndQueryString = _strRoute_SearchLocationService_AddressLocationQueryV2;

                // Initialize the objects used to POST the message to GLM
                HttpResponseMessage objHttpResponseMessage = null;
                using (_objHttpClient = new HttpClient())
                    // Prep the http client object with the required http header info and endpoint

                    // Since this is a POST, which has a concent body... create the http content body, and set the corresponding content-type header value
                    HttpContent objHttpContentBody = new StringContent(strSourceAddressAsJsonContentString);
                    objHttpContentBody.Headers.ContentType = new MediaTypeHeaderValue("application/json");

                    _objLogger.Debug(String.Concat("About to execute the post to GLM via REST.  Post Url = [", _strBaseUrl, "]"));

                    // Invoke the RESTful POST method
                    objHttpResponseMessage = _objHttpClient.PostAsync(_strFinalRouteAndQueryString, objHttpContentBody).Result;

                    _objLogger.Debug(String.Concat("Post Complete. Resulting Http Status Code = [", objHttpResponseMessage.StatusCode, "]"));

                    _httpStatusCodeResult = objHttpResponseMessage.StatusCode;

                    if (objHttpResponseMessage.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                        string strResult = objHttpResponseMessage.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;
                        lstArrayOfSearchResult = Model.SerializationUtil.DeserializeFromJson <List <Model.SearchLocationService.AddressLocationQuery.AddressSearchLocationV2> >(strResult);
                        string strErrorResult  = objHttpResponseMessage.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;
                        string strErrorMessage = String.Format("The HTTP response code received from GLM indicated failure.  The object returned to the caller will be null.  Http Response Code = [{0}], Http Content Body Received from GLM = [{1}]", objHttpResponseMessage.StatusCode, strErrorResult);

                        _objLogger.Warn(String.Format("The call to GLM failed.  An error message has been added to the list on this object. Error Message Added = [{0}]", strErrorMessage));

                        throw new Exception(strErrorMessage);

                    // We should not get here if the status code evaluation above is good, but just in case anything slips through... we now throw an exception if this was not a success status code
            catch (Exception ex)
                _objLogger.Warn(String.Concat("There was an issue while trying to POST the ADDRESS SEARCH to GLM.  An exception will be thrown.  Error Message = [", ex.Message, "]"));
                lstArrayOfSearchResult = null;

            // Stop the watch and log the call to the DB
            TimeSpan objTimeSpan = objStopWatch.Elapsed;


            // Return the result
        public void Test_PostAddressSearch_GLMSample()
            ///    POST http://glmenv1/GLMSWebServices/SearchLocationService.svc/AddressLocationQuery/v2 HTTP/1.1
            ///    Authorization: svc.asset_management
            ///    X - GLM - API - Authorization: 6775
            ///    Content - Type: application / json
            ///    Host: glmenv1
            ///    Content - Length: 155
            ///    {
            ///    "AddressLine1":"10475 Park Meadows Dr",
            ///    "City":"Lone Tree",
            ///    "StateCode":"CO",
            ///    "CountryCode":"USA",
            ///    "PostalCode":"",
            ///    "CreateSiteIfNotFound": true
            ///    }

            Model.SearchLocationService.AddressLocationQuery.AddressLocationQueryRequest objAdvancedLocationQueryV2Request = new Model.SearchLocationService.AddressLocationQuery.AddressLocationQueryRequest();

            objAdvancedLocationQueryV2Request.CreateSiteIfNotFound = true;
            objAdvancedLocationQueryV2Request.AddressLine1         = "10475 Park Meadows Dr";
            objAdvancedLocationQueryV2Request.City        = "Lone Tree";
            objAdvancedLocationQueryV2Request.StateCode   = "CO";
            objAdvancedLocationQueryV2Request.CountryCode = "USA";

            RAL.GLMCallManager objGLMCallManager = new RAL.GLMCallManager(_strBaseUrl, _strAuthorizationHeaderUsername_Authorization, _strAuthorizationHeaderApplicationID_XGLMAPIAuthorization);
            List <Model.SearchLocationService.AddressLocationQuery.AddressSearchLocationV2> lstSearchResultV2 = objGLMCallManager.PostAddressSearchToGLM(objAdvancedLocationQueryV2Request);

            Assert.IsTrue(lstSearchResultV2 != null);
            Assert.IsTrue(objGLMCallManager.ErrorMessages.Count == 0);