/// <summary>
        /// 收货地址列表
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ActionResult AddressList()
            if (System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies[":userlogin"] == null || System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies[":userlogin"].Value == "")
                return View("/sswLogin/Login");
                mimodel = CookieEncrypt.DeserializeObject(System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies[":userlogin"].Value) as MemberBase;
                var list = _consigneeInfoBase.GetModelList(" c_StatusCode = 0 and c_IsDel = 0 and m_ID = " + mimodel.m_ID);
                if (list != null && list.Any())
                    ViewData["addressList"] = list;
                    return View();
                    ViewData["addressList"] = null;
                    return View();

            //if (LoginMember == null)
            //    Response.Redirect("/wapLogin/Login", true);

        /// <summary>
        /// 保存
        /// </summary>
        public string SaveRegister()
            string result = "";

            string name = RequestBase.GetString("name");
            string pwd = RequestBase.GetString("pwd");
            string phone = RequestBase.GetString("phone");
            string email = RequestBase.GetString("email");
            string yyzz = RequestBase.GetString("yyzz");
            if (name.Trim().Length < 6)
                result += "用户名不能小于6位<br>";
            if (pwd.Trim().Length < 6 || pwd.Trim().Length > 20)
                result += "密码必须为6-20位字符串<br>";
            if (!RegexHelper.IsPhone(phone))
                result += "电话号码格式不正确!<br>";
            if (!RegexHelper.IsEmail(email))
                result += "邮箱格式不正确!<br>";
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(result))
                    Model.MemberBase member = new Model.MemberBase();
                    member.m_UserName = name;
                    member.m_Password = Utils.MD5(pwd);
                    member.m_Email = email;
                    member.m_Phone = phone;
                    member.m_Score = 0;
                    member.m_Rank = 1;
                    member.m_ZheK = 1;
                    member.m_StatusCode = 0;
                    member.m_ShenPstatus = 1;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(yyzz))
                        member.m_YingYZZ = yyzz;
                        member.m_UserType = 2;
                    if (_member.Add(member) == 0)
                        result = "注册失败!";
                    result = "注册失败!";

            return result;
 //注册成功页面  验证邮箱页面
 // GET: /RegisterSuccessMail/
 public ActionResult RegisterSuccessPage()
     string successname = RequestBase.GetString("username");
     string successusertype = RequestBase.GetString("usertype");
     if (LoginMember != null)
         ViewData["IsLogin"] = true;
         ViewData["IsLogin"] = false;
     if (successname != null && successname != "" && successusertype == "0")
         BLL.MemberBase mbbll = new BLL.MemberBase();
         DataSet ds = mbbll.GetList(" m_UserName='******' and m_UserType=0");
         string id = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["m_ID"].ToString();
         Model.MemberBase mbmodel = new Model.MemberBase();
         mbmodel = mbbll.GetModel(int.Parse(id));
         mbmodel.m_StatusCode = 0;
         mbmodel.m_mailyanzheng = true;
         if (mbbll.Update(mbmodel))
             ViewData["ueername"] = "恭喜您," + successname + ",邮箱验证成功!";
             return View();
             ViewData["ueername"] = successname + ",数据异常,邮箱验证失败,请联系管理员!";
             return View();
         BLL.MemberBase mbbll = new BLL.MemberBase();
         DataSet ds = mbbll.GetList(" m_UserName='******' and m_UserType=2");
         string id = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["m_ID"].ToString();
         Model.MemberBase mbmodel = new Model.MemberBase();
         mbmodel = mbbll.GetModel(int.Parse(id));
         mbmodel.m_StatusCode = 0;
         mbmodel.m_ShenPstatus = 1;
         if (mbbll.Update(mbmodel))
             ViewData["ueername"] = "恭喜您," + successname + ",邮箱验证成功!";
             return View();
             ViewData["ueername"] = successname + ",数据异常,邮箱验证失败,请联系管理员!";
             return View();
        // GET: /AccountManage/
        /// <summary>
        /// 账户管理-账户资料页面
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ActionResult vipAccountData()
            //Model.MemberBase mbmodel = new Model.MemberBase();

            //if (mbmodel.m_Provice != null && mbmodel.m_City != null && mbmodel.m_Count != null)

            int mid = 0;
            if (LoginMember != null)
                mid = (CookieEncrypt.DeserializeObject(System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies["UserInfo"].Value) as Model.MemberBase).m_ID;
                Model.MemberBase mbmodel = new Model.MemberBase();
                mbmodel = mbbll.GetModel(mid);

                #region 绑定居住地址

                if (mbmodel.m_Provice != null && mbmodel.m_City != null && mbmodel.m_Count != null)
                    var modelList = _regionBase.GetModelList(" reg_PId = 0");

                    List<SelectListItem> selectType = new List<SelectListItem>();
                    selectType = new List<SelectListItem> { new SelectListItem { Text = "请选择", Value = "chose" } };
                    foreach (var model in modelList)
                        selectType.Add(new SelectListItem
                            Value = model.reg_Code.ToString(),
                            Text = model.reg_Name
                    var modelList2 = _regionBase.GetModelList(" reg_PId=" + mbmodel.m_Provice);
                    List<SelectListItem> selectType2 = new List<SelectListItem>();
                    selectType2 = new List<SelectListItem> { new SelectListItem { Text = "请选择", Value = "chose" } };
                    foreach (var model in modelList2)
                        selectType2.Add(new SelectListItem
                            Value = model.reg_Code.ToString(),
                            Text = model.reg_Name
                    var modelList3 = _regionBase.GetModelList(" reg_PId=" + mbmodel.m_City);
                    List<SelectListItem> selectType3 = new List<SelectListItem>();
                    selectType3 = new List<SelectListItem> { new SelectListItem { Text = "请选择", Value = "chose" } };
                    foreach (var model in modelList3)
                        selectType3.Add(new SelectListItem
                            Value = model.reg_Code.ToString(),
                            Text = model.reg_Name
                    ViewData["selectType"] = new SelectList(selectType, "Value", "Text", mbmodel.m_Provice);

                    ViewData["selectType2"] = new SelectList(selectType2, "Value", "Text", mbmodel.m_City);

                    ViewData["selectType3"] = new SelectList(selectType3, "Value", "Text", mbmodel.m_Count);
                    var modelList = _regionBase.GetModelList(" reg_PId = 0");

                    List<SelectListItem> selectType = new List<SelectListItem>();
                    selectType = new List<SelectListItem> { new SelectListItem { Text = "请选择", Value = "chose" } };
                    foreach (var model in modelList)
                        selectType.Add(new SelectListItem
                            Value = model.reg_Code.ToString(),
                            Text = model.reg_Name
                    ViewData["selectType"] = new SelectList(selectType, "Value", "Text", "请选择");
                    List<SelectListItem> selectType2 = new List<SelectListItem>();
                    selectType2 = new List<SelectListItem> { new SelectListItem { Text = "请选择", Value = "chose" } };
                    ViewData["selectType2"] = new SelectList(selectType2, "Value", "Text", "请选择");
                    List<SelectListItem> selectType3 = new List<SelectListItem>();
                    selectType3 = new List<SelectListItem> { new SelectListItem { Text = "请选择", Value = "chose" } };
                    ViewData["selectType3"] = new SelectList(selectType3, "Value", "Text", "请选择");

                ViewData["sex"] = mbmodel.m_Sex;
                ViewData["headimg"] = mbmodel.m_HeadImg;
                return View(mbmodel);
                return View();
        /// <summary>
        /// 企业会员注册方法
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ActionResult companyRegisterAdd()
            string username = Request.Form["email"];
            string password = Request.Form["password"];
            string md5password = Utils.MD5(password);
            string lianxiren = Request.Form["lxname"];
            string phone = Request.Form["phone"];
            string lxemail = Request.Form["lxemail"];
            string qq = Request.Form["qq"];
            string gsname = Request.Form["gsname"];
            string yyzz = Request.Form["yyzz"];
            string xxdizhi = Request.Form["xxadress"];
            int shengfen = Convert.ToInt32(Request.Form["selectType"]);
            int shi = Convert.ToInt32(Request.Form["selectType2"]);
            int quyu = Convert.ToInt32(Request.Form["selectType3"]);

            string quhao = Request.Form["quhao"];
            string gdhaoma = Request.Form["gdhaoma"];
            string fenji = Request.Form["fenji"];
            string gudingdianhao = "";//固定电话
            if (quhao != null && quhao != "")
                gudingdianhao += quhao;
            if (gdhaoma != null && gdhaoma != "")
                gudingdianhao += gdhaoma;
            if (fenji != null && fenji != "")
                gudingdianhao += fenji;
                Model.MemberBase mb = new Model.MemberBase();
                mb.m_UserName = username;
                mb.m_Password = md5password;
                mb.m_RealName = lianxiren;//联系人
                if (gudingdianhao != "")
                    mb.m_GDPhone = gudingdianhao;
                mb.m_Phone = phone;
                mb.m_Email = lxemail;
                mb.m_QQ = qq;
                mb.m_GongSiName = gsname;
                mb.m_YingYZZ = yyzz;
                mb.m_Provice = shengfen;
                mb.m_City = shi;
                mb.m_Count = quyu;
                mb.m_GongSiAddress = xxdizhi;

                mb.m_Score = 0;
                mb.m_Rank = 1;
                mb.m_ZheK = 1;
                mb.m_UserType = 2;
                mb.m_StatusCode = 0;
                mb.m_ShenPstatus = 0;
                //string url = GetUrl();
                //string mailAccount = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["mailAccount"].ToString();//发送者邮箱
                //string mima = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["mailPassWord"].ToString();//发送者邮箱密码
                //string mailShowName = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["mailShowName"].ToString();//邮件主题
                //string body = "欢迎注册月月兴企业会员!请点击<div><a href='http://" + url + "?username="******"&usertype=2'>月月兴验证</a>链接完成注册!</div>";
                //if (MailMessageExtensions.SendMail(mailShowName, body, mailAccount, mb.m_Email, mima))
                Session["newcmid"]=new BLL.MemberBase().Add(mb);
                if (int.Parse(Session["newcmid"].ToString()) > 0)
                    Session["registerusername"] = username;
                    Session["registeremail"] = lxemail;
                    Session["usertype"] = "2";
                    return View("successRegiser"  );
                    return Content("<script>alert('注册失败,系统信息异常!');location.href='companyRegister'</script>");
                //    return Content("<script>alert('注册失败,您输入邮箱的不存在!');location.href='companyRegister'</script>");
            catch (Exception)
                return Content("<script>alert('注册失败,系统异常!');location.href='companyRegister'</script>");
 /// <summary>
 /// 注册个人会员方法
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public ActionResult singleRegisterAdd()
     string username = Request.Form["userName"];
     string password = Request.Form["password"];
     string md5password = Utils.MD5(password);
     string email = Request.Form["email"];
     string phone = Request.Form["phone"];
         Model.MemberBase mb = new Model.MemberBase();
         mb.m_UserName = username;
         mb.m_Password = md5password;
         mb.m_Email = email;
         mb.m_Phone = phone;
         mb.m_Score = 0;
         mb.m_Rank = 1;
         mb.m_ZheK = 1;
         mb.m_StatusCode = 0;
         mb.m_ShenPstatus = 1;
         string url = GetUrl();
         //string successemailpage=ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["RegisterSuccessPage"].ToString();
         //string mailAccount = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["mailAccount"].ToString();//发送者邮箱
         //string mima = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["mailPassWord"].ToString();//发送者邮箱密码
         //string mailShowName = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["mailShowName"].ToString();//邮件主题
         //string body = "欢迎注册月月兴个人会员!请点击<div><a href='http://" + url + "?username="******"&usertype=0'>月月兴验证</a>链接完成注册!</div>";
         //if (MailMessageExtensions.SendMail(mailShowName, body, mailAccount, mb.m_Email, mima))
         Session["newpmid"]=new BLL.MemberBase().Add(mb);
         if (int.Parse(Session["newpmid"].ToString())> 0)
             Session["registerusername"] = username;
             Session["registeremail"] = email;
             return View("successRegiser");
             return Content("<script>alert('注册失败,系统信息异常!');location.href='singleRegister'</script>");
         //    return Content("<script>alert('注册失败,您输入邮箱的不存在!');location.href='singleRegister'</script>");
     catch (Exception)
         return Content("<script>alert('注册失败,系统信息异常!');location.href='singleRegister'</script>");
        /// <summary>
        /// 得到一个对象实体
        /// </summary>
        public Model.MemberBase GetModel(int m_ID)
            StringBuilder strSql = new StringBuilder();
            strSql.Append("select  top 1 * from MemberBase ");
            strSql.Append(" where m_ID=@m_ID");
            SqlParameter[] parameters = {
                    new SqlParameter("@m_ID", SqlDbType.Int,4)
            parameters[0].Value = m_ID;

            Model.MemberBase model = new Model.MemberBase();
            DataSet ds = DbHelperSQL.Query(strSql.ToString(), parameters);
            if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                return DataRowToModel(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]);
                return null;
 /// <summary>
 /// 得到一个对象实体
 /// </summary>
 public Model.MemberBase DataRowToModel(DataRow row)
     Model.MemberBase model = new Model.MemberBase();
     if (row != null)
         if (row["m_ID"] != null && row["m_ID"].ToString() != "")
             model.m_ID = int.Parse(row["m_ID"].ToString());
         if (row["m_UserName"] != null)
             model.m_UserName = row["m_UserName"].ToString();
         if (row["m_Password"] != null)
             model.m_Password = row["m_Password"].ToString();
         if (row["m_UserType"] != null && row["m_UserType"].ToString() != "")
             model.m_UserType = int.Parse(row["m_UserType"].ToString());
         if (row["m_YingYZZ"] != null)
             model.m_YingYZZ = row["m_YingYZZ"].ToString();
         if (row["m_Score"] != null && row["m_Score"].ToString() != "")
             model.m_Score = int.Parse(row["m_Score"].ToString());
         if (row["m_Rank"] != null && row["m_Rank"].ToString() != "")
             model.m_Rank = int.Parse(row["m_Rank"].ToString());
         if (row["m_NickName"] != null)
             model.m_NickName = row["m_NickName"].ToString();
         if (row["m_RealName"] != null)
             model.m_RealName = row["m_RealName"].ToString();
         if (row["m_Sex"] != null && row["m_Sex"].ToString() != "")
             model.m_Sex = int.Parse(row["m_Sex"].ToString());
         if (row["m_Birthday"] != null && row["m_Birthday"].ToString() != "")
             model.m_Birthday = DateTime.Parse(row["m_Birthday"].ToString());
         if (row["m_Phone"] != null)
             model.m_Phone = row["m_Phone"].ToString();
         if (row["m_Email"] != null)
             model.m_Email = row["m_Email"].ToString();
         if (row["m_QQ"] != null)
             model.m_QQ = row["m_QQ"].ToString();
         if (row["m_CreatedOn"] != null && row["m_CreatedOn"].ToString() != "")
             model.m_CreatedOn = DateTime.Parse(row["m_CreatedOn"].ToString());
         if (row["m_ZheK"] != null && row["m_ZheK"].ToString() != "")
             model.m_ZheK = decimal.Parse(row["m_ZheK"].ToString());
         if (row["m_StatusCode"] != null && row["m_StatusCode"].ToString() != "")
             model.m_StatusCode = int.Parse(row["m_StatusCode"].ToString());
         if (row["m_ShenPstatus"] != null && row["m_ShenPstatus"].ToString() != "")
             model.m_ShenPstatus = int.Parse(row["m_ShenPstatus"].ToString());
         if (row["m_GDPhone"] != null && row["m_GDPhone"].ToString() != "")
             model.m_GDPhone = row["m_GDPhone"].ToString();
         if (row["m_GongSiName"] != null && row["m_GongSiName"].ToString() != "")
             model.m_GongSiName =row["m_GongSiName"].ToString();
         if (row["m_GongSiDiQu"] != null && row["m_GongSiDiQu"].ToString() != "")
             model.m_GongSiDiQu =row["m_GongSiDiQu"].ToString();
         if (row["m_Introduction"] != null && row["m_Introduction"].ToString() != "")
             model.m_Introduction = row["m_Introduction"].ToString();
         if (row["m_GongSiAddress"] != null && row["m_GongSiAddress"].ToString() != "")
             model.m_GongSiAddress = row["m_GongSiAddress"].ToString();
         if (row["m_CloseDate"] != null && row["m_CloseDate"].ToString() != "")
             model.m_CloseDate = DateTime.Parse(row["m_CloseDate"].ToString());
         if (row["m_HeadImg"] != null && row["m_HeadImg"].ToString() != "")
             model.m_HeadImg = row["m_HeadImg"].ToString();
         if (row["m_Provice"] != null && row["m_Provice"].ToString() != "")
             model.m_Provice = int.Parse(row["m_Provice"].ToString());
         if (row["m_City"] != null && row["m_City"].ToString() != "")
             model.m_City = int.Parse(row["m_City"].ToString());
         if (row["m_Count"] != null && row["m_Count"].ToString() != "")
             model.m_Count = int.Parse(row["m_Count"].ToString());
         if (row["m_mailyanzheng"] != null)
             model.m_mailyanzheng = bool.Parse(row["m_mailyanzheng"].ToString());
         if (row["m_ZhiYe"] != null)
             model.m_ZhiYe = row["m_ZhiYe"].ToString();
     return model;
 /// <summary>
 /// 获得数据列表
 /// </summary>
 public List<Model.MemberBase> DataTableToList(DataTable dt)
     List<Model.MemberBase> modelList = new List<Model.MemberBase>();
     int rowsCount = dt.Rows.Count;
     if (rowsCount > 0)
         Model.MemberBase model;
         for (int n = 0; n < rowsCount; n++)
             model = new Model.MemberBase();
             if (dt.Rows[n]["m_ID"] != null && dt.Rows[n]["m_ID"].ToString() != "")
                 model.m_ID = int.Parse(dt.Rows[n]["m_ID"].ToString());
             if (dt.Rows[n]["m_UserName"] != null && dt.Rows[n]["m_UserName"].ToString() != "")
                 model.m_UserName = dt.Rows[n]["m_UserName"].ToString();
             if (dt.Rows[n]["m_Password"] != null && dt.Rows[n]["m_Password"].ToString() != "")
                 model.m_Password = dt.Rows[n]["m_Password"].ToString();
             if (dt.Rows[n]["m_UserType"] != null && dt.Rows[n]["m_UserType"].ToString() != "")
                 model.m_UserType = int.Parse(dt.Rows[n]["m_UserType"].ToString());
             if (dt.Rows[n]["m_YingYZZ"] != null && dt.Rows[n]["m_YingYZZ"].ToString() != "")
                 model.m_YingYZZ =dt.Rows[n]["m_YingYZZ"].ToString();
             if (dt.Rows[n]["m_Score"] != null && dt.Rows[n]["m_Score"].ToString() != "")
                 model.m_Score = int.Parse(dt.Rows[n]["m_Score"].ToString());
             if (dt.Rows[n]["m_Rank"] != null && dt.Rows[n]["m_Rank"].ToString() != "")
                 model.m_Rank = int.Parse(dt.Rows[n]["m_Rank"].ToString());
             if (dt.Rows[n]["m_NickName"] != null && dt.Rows[n]["m_NickName"].ToString() != "")
                 model.m_NickName = dt.Rows[n]["m_NickName"].ToString();
             if (dt.Rows[n]["m_RealName"] != null && dt.Rows[n]["m_RealName"].ToString() != "")
                 model.m_RealName = dt.Rows[n]["m_RealName"].ToString();
             if (dt.Rows[n]["m_Sex"] != null && dt.Rows[n]["m_Sex"].ToString() != "")
                 model.m_Sex = int.Parse(dt.Rows[n]["m_Sex"].ToString());
             if (dt.Rows[n]["m_Birthday"] != null && dt.Rows[n]["m_Birthday"].ToString() != "")
                 model.m_Birthday = DateTime.Parse( dt.Rows[n]["m_Birthday"].ToString());
             if (dt.Rows[n]["m_Phone"] != null && dt.Rows[n]["m_Phone"].ToString() != "")
                 model.m_Phone = dt.Rows[n]["m_Phone"].ToString();
             if (dt.Rows[n]["m_Email"] != null && dt.Rows[n]["m_Email"].ToString() != "")
                 model.m_Email = dt.Rows[n]["m_Email"].ToString();
             if (dt.Rows[n]["m_QQ"] != null && dt.Rows[n]["m_QQ"].ToString() != "")
                 model.m_QQ = dt.Rows[n]["m_QQ"].ToString();
             if (dt.Rows[n]["m_CreatedOn"] != null && dt.Rows[n]["m_CreatedOn"].ToString() != "")
                 model.m_CreatedOn = DateTime.Parse( dt.Rows[n]["m_CreatedOn"].ToString());
             if (dt.Rows[n]["m_ZheK"] != null && dt.Rows[n]["m_ZheK"].ToString() != "")
                 model.m_ZheK = decimal.Parse( dt.Rows[n]["m_ZheK"].ToString());
             if (dt.Rows[n]["m_StatusCode"] != null && dt.Rows[n]["m_StatusCode"].ToString() != "")
                 model.m_StatusCode =int.Parse( dt.Rows[n]["m_StatusCode"].ToString());
             if (dt.Rows[n]["m_ShenPstatus"] != null && dt.Rows[n]["m_ShenPstatus"].ToString() != "")
                 model.m_ShenPstatus = int.Parse(dt.Rows[n]["m_ShenPstatus"].ToString());
             if (dt.Rows[n]["m_GDPhone"] != null && dt.Rows[n]["m_GDPhone"].ToString() != "")
                 model.m_GDPhone = dt.Rows[n]["m_GDPhone"].ToString();
             if (dt.Rows[n]["m_GongSiName"] != null && dt.Rows[n]["m_GongSiName"].ToString() != "")
                 model.m_GongSiName = dt.Rows[n]["m_GongSiName"].ToString();
             if (dt.Rows[n]["m_GongSiDiQu"] != null && dt.Rows[n]["m_GongSiDiQu"].ToString() != "")
                 model.m_GongSiDiQu = dt.Rows[n]["m_GongSiDiQu"].ToString();
             if (dt.Rows[n]["m_GongSiAddress"] != null && dt.Rows[n]["m_GongSiAddress"].ToString() != "")
                 model.m_GongSiAddress = dt.Rows[n]["m_GongSiAddress"].ToString();
             if (dt.Rows[n]["m_CloseDate"] != null && dt.Rows[n]["m_CloseDate"].ToString() != "")
                 model.m_CloseDate = DateTime.Parse(dt.Rows[n]["m_CloseDate"].ToString());
             if (dt.Rows[n]["m_Introduction"] != null && dt.Rows[n]["m_Introduction"].ToString() != "")
                 model.m_Introduction = dt.Rows[n]["m_Introduction"].ToString();
             if (dt.Rows[n]["m_HeadImg"] != null && dt.Rows[n]["m_HeadImg"].ToString() != "")
                 model.m_HeadImg = dt.Rows[n]["m_HeadImg"].ToString();
             if (dt.Rows[n]["m_Provice"] != null && dt.Rows[n]["m_Provice"].ToString() != "")
                 model.m_Provice = int.Parse(dt.Rows[n]["m_Provice"].ToString());
             if (dt.Rows[n]["m_City"] != null && dt.Rows[n]["m_City"].ToString() != "")
                 model.m_City = int.Parse(dt.Rows[n]["m_City"].ToString());
             if (dt.Rows[n]["m_Count"] != null && dt.Rows[n]["m_Count"].ToString() != "")
                 model.m_Count = int.Parse(dt.Rows[n]["m_Count"].ToString());
             if (dt.Rows[n]["m_mailyanzheng"] != null && dt.Rows[n]["m_mailyanzheng"].ToString() != "")
                 model.m_mailyanzheng = bool.Parse(dt.Rows[n]["m_mailyanzheng"].ToString());
             if (dt.Rows[n]["m_ZhiYe"] != null && dt.Rows[n]["m_ZhiYe"].ToString() != "")
                 model.m_ZhiYe = dt.Rows[n]["m_ZhiYe"].ToString();
             if (model != null)
     return modelList;
        private string SavePCRegister()
            string nickname = Form["nickname"];
            string phone = Form["phone"];
            string address = Form["address"];
            string email = Form["email"];
            string password = Form["password"];
            string result = "";

                DataSet ds = new BLL.MemberBase().GetList(" m_StatusCode!=2 and m_UserName='******'");
                if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                    result = "{'result':'被注册!'}";
                    Model.MemberBase mb = new Model.MemberBase();
                    mb.m_NickName = nickname;
                    mb.m_Phone = phone;
                    mb.m_GongSiAddress = address;
                    mb.m_UserName = email;
                    string pwd = FormsAuthentication.HashPasswordForStoringInConfigFile(password, "MD5");
                    mb.m_Password = pwd;
                    mb.m_Email = email;
                    mb.m_UserType = 0;
                    mb.m_ZheK = 1;
                    mb.m_ShenPstatus = 1;
                    mb.m_Rank = 1;
                    mb.m_Score = 0;
                    int flog = new BLL.MemberBase().Add(mb);

                    if (flog > 0)
                        result = "{'result':'保存成功!'}";
                        result = "{'result':'保存失败!'}";
                return result;
            catch (Exception)
                result = "{'result':'保存失败!'}";
        public ActionResult vipscore()
            int pageSize = 6;//每一页的行数
            int pageNumber = 1;//当前页数
            DateTime from, to;
            string where = "";
            int mid = 0;
            if (LoginMember != null)
                mid = (CookieEncrypt.DeserializeObject(System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies["UserInfo"].Value) as Model.MemberBase).m_ID;

                Model.MemberBase mmodel = new Model.MemberBase();
                Model.OrderBase omodel = new Model.OrderBase();
                int fen = 0;
                decimal fenj = 0;
                var list = new BLL.OrderBase().GetModelListbypric(" m_ID=" + mid + " and o_StatusCode=4 and o_IsDel=0 order by o_CreateOn desc");
                foreach (var i in list)
                    fen += int.Parse(i.o_Score.ToString());
                var pagelist = list.ToPagedList(pageNumber, pageSize);
                var mlist = new BLL.MemberBase().GetModel(mid);
                ViewData["mScore"] = mlist.m_Score;
                ViewData["mid"] = mid;
                ViewData["count"] = list.Count;
                ViewData["pagerows"] = pageSize;
                ViewData["page"] = pageNumber;
                var jifen = new BLL.NewsBase().GetModelList(" n_Title='积分规则' and n_StatusCode=0 and n_IsDel=0");
                ViewBag.jifen = jifen[0].n_Content;
                ViewBag.orderinfo = pagelist.ToList();
                List<Model.RejectionBase> lvlist = new BLL.RejectionBase().GetModelList("  m_ID=" + mid + " and r_Status=2 and r_Isdelete=0");

                foreach (var i in lvlist)
                    if ((i.r_Price.ToString()).IndexOf('.') > 0)
                        fenj += int.Parse((i.r_Price.ToString()).Substring(0, (i.r_Price.ToString()).IndexOf('.')));
                if (fen - int.Parse(fenj.ToString()) > 0)
                    ViewData["jifenshu"] = fen - int.Parse(fenj.ToString());
                    ViewData["jifenshu"] = 0;
                return View(lvlist.ToList());
                return View();
        public ActionResult LeftMenu()
            int mid = 0;
            if (LoginMember != null)
                mid = (CookieEncrypt.DeserializeObject(System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies["UserInfo"].Value) as Model.MemberBase).m_ID;
                Model.MemberBase mbmodel = new Model.MemberBase();
                mbmodel = new BLL.MemberBase().GetModel(mid);
                if (mbmodel.m_UserType == 0)
                    ViewData["Iscompany"] = false;
                    ViewData["Iscompany"] = true;

            return View();