private void VoteForEntry(AgentPrivate admin, AgentPrivate agent) { string message = "Kick and ban " + agent.AgentInfo.Name + " ?"; try { ModalDialog modalDialog = admin.Client.UI.ModalDialog; modalDialog.Show(message, "Yes", "No", (OperationCompleteEvent opc) => { if (modalDialog.Response == "Yes") { kicks = kicks + 1; if (DebugLogging) { Log.Write(admin.AgentInfo.Name + " voted to ban " + agent.AgentInfo.Name); } } else { keeps = keeps + 1; if (DebugLogging) { Log.Write(admin.AgentInfo.Name + " voted to keep " + agent.AgentInfo.Name); } } }); Wait(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(VoteTime)); modalDialog.Cancel(); if (DebugLogging) { Log.Write("kicks " + kicks + " keeps " + keeps); } if (kicks > keeps) { BanUser(agent); } else { if (DebugLogging) { Log.Write("Voted to keep " + agent.AgentInfo.Name); } } } catch (Exception e) { if (DebugLogging) { Log.Write("Voting Exception: " + e); } } }