public void EditShouldEditNameVersionDescriptionOfMod() { var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <ApplicationDbContext>() .UseInMemoryDatabase(databaseName: "EditShouldEditNameVersionDescriptionOfMod_DB") .Options; var dbContext = new ApplicationDbContext(options); var modService = new ModService(dbContext); var mod = new Mod { Name = "FlairDante", Version = "1.1", Description = "Purple Dante", }; dbContext.Mods.Add(mod); dbContext.SaveChanges(); string newName = "FlairDanteV2"; string newVersion = "2.0"; string newDescription = "Longer Hair"; modService.Edit(mod.Id, newName, newVersion, newDescription); Assert.Equal(newName, mod.Name); Assert.Equal(newVersion, mod.Version); Assert.Equal(newDescription, mod.Description); }
public CommandHandlingService(IServiceProvider provider, DiscordSocketClient discord, CommandService commands) { InitializeLoader(); LoadDatabase(); _discord = discord; _commands = commands; _provider = provider; _epService = _provider.GetService <EPService>(); _afkSertvice = _provider.GetService <AfkSertvice>(); _updateService = _provider.GetService <UserGuildUpdateService>(); _starBoardService = _provider.GetService <StarBoardService>(); _musicService = _provider.GetService <MusicService>(); _modService = _provider.GetService <ModService>(); _blackListService = _provider.GetService <BlackListService>(); _ratelimitService2 = _provider.GetService <RatelimitService2>(); _globalBans = _provider.GetService <GlobalBanService>(); _playingService = new PlayingWith(_discord); SentryService.client = _discord; ChangelogService.LoadChangelog(); _discord.MessageReceived += _epService.IncreaseEP; _discord.MessageReceived += _afkSertvice.Client_MessageReceived; _discord.UserJoined += _updateService.UserJoined; _discord.UserLeft += _updateService.UserLeft; _discord.ReactionAdded += _starBoardService.StarAddedNew; _discord.ReactionRemoved += _starBoardService.StarRemovedNew; _discord.UserVoiceStateUpdated += _musicService.CheckIfAlone; //Bans _discord.UserBanned += _modService.Client_UserBanned; _discord.UserUnbanned += _modService.Client_UserUnbanned; //Modlog _discord.MessageDeleted += _modService.Client_MessageDeleted; _discord.RoleCreated += _modService.Client_RoleCreated; _discord.RoleDeleted += _modService.Client_RoleDeleted; _discord.RoleUpdated += _modService.Client_RoleUpdated; _discord.ChannelCreated += _modService.Client_ChannelCreated; _discord.ChannelDestroyed += _modService.Client_ChannelDestroyed; _discord.ChannelUpdated += _modService.Client_ChannelUpdated; _discord.GuildUpdated += _modService.Client_GuildUpdated; //Owner _discord.MessageReceived += MessageReceived; _discord.GuildAvailable += Client_GuildAvailable; _discord.JoinedGuild += Client_JoinedGuild; _discord.LeftGuild += Client_LeftGuild; //CommandService _commands.Log += CommandsOnLog; }
public void DownloadsCountUpShpouldIncreaseDownloadCountForGameAndMod() { var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <ApplicationDbContext>() .UseInMemoryDatabase(databaseName: "DownloadsCountUpShpouldIncreaseDownloadCountForGameAndMod_DB") .Options; var dbContext = new ApplicationDbContext(options); var modService = new ModService(dbContext); var mod = new Mod { TotalDownloadCount = 100, }; var game = new Game { TotalDownloadCount = 56 }; dbContext.Mods.Add(mod); dbContext.Games.Add(game); dbContext.SaveChanges(); modService.DownloadsCountUp(mod.Id, game.Id); Assert.Equal(101, mod.TotalDownloadCount); Assert.Equal(57, game.TotalDownloadCount); }
public void DeleteShouldDeleteModAndReduceModCount() { var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <ApplicationDbContext>() .UseInMemoryDatabase(databaseName: "DeleteShouldDeleteModAndReduceModCount_DB") .Options; var dbContext = new ApplicationDbContext(options); var modService = new ModService(dbContext); var game = new Game { ModCount = 10, }; var user = new ApplicationUser { ModCount = 6, }; dbContext.Users.Add(user); dbContext.Games.Add(game); dbContext.SaveChanges(); var mod = new Mod { Game = game, User = user, }; dbContext.Mods.Add(mod); dbContext.SaveChanges(); modService.Delete(mod.Id); Assert.Equal(9, game.ModCount); Assert.Equal(5, user.ModCount); }
public void AddGalleryUrlsShouldAddMultipleImagesToMod() { var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <ApplicationDbContext>() .UseInMemoryDatabase(databaseName: "AddGalleryUrlsShouldAddMultipleImagesToMod_DB") .Options; var dbContext = new ApplicationDbContext(options); var modService = new ModService(dbContext); var urls = new List <string>(); urls.Add("qqq"); urls.Add("222"); urls.Add("rrr"); var mod = new Mod(); dbContext.Mods.Add(mod); dbContext.SaveChanges(); modService.AddGalleryUrls(mod.Id, urls); var gallery = mod.Pictures.ToList(); Assert.Equal(3, gallery.Count); }
public void CreatingModShouldIncreaseGameModCount() { var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <ApplicationDbContext>() .UseInMemoryDatabase(databaseName: "CreatingModShouldIncreaseGameModCount_DB") .Options; var dbContext = new ApplicationDbContext(options); var modService = new ModService(dbContext); var game = new Game { ModCount = 0, }; var user = new ApplicationUser { ModCount = 0, }; dbContext.Users.Add(user); dbContext.Games.Add(game); dbContext.SaveChanges(); var mod = new Mod { Game = game, User = user, }; modService.Create(mod); Assert.Equal(1, mod.Game.ModCount); }
public ManageModsViewModel() { var ms = new ModService(); AvailableMods = ms.ListAvailableMods(); InstalledMods = ms.ListInstalledMods(); }
public void DeleteImagesShouldRemoveTheImagesOfMod() { var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <ApplicationDbContext>() .UseInMemoryDatabase(databaseName: "RemoveImagesOnEditShouldRemoveTheImagesOfModOnEdit_DB") .Options; var dbContext = new ApplicationDbContext(options); var modService = new ModService(dbContext); var urls = new List <string>(); urls.Add("qqq"); urls.Add("222"); urls.Add("rrr"); var mod = new Mod(); dbContext.Mods.Add(mod); dbContext.SaveChanges(); modService.AddGalleryUrls(mod.Id, urls); modService.DeleteImages(mod.Id); Assert.Empty(mod.Pictures); }
public FactorioLoader() { var path = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location), Environment.Is64BitProcess ? "x64" : "x86", "7z.dll"); SevenZip.SevenZipBase.SetLibraryPath(path); Profiles = new ModProfileService(); Mods = new ModService(); Config = new LoaderConfig(); }
public ModViewModel( GamePathService gamePathService, ModService modService, LanguageService languageService) { _gamePathService = gamePathService; _modService = modService; _languageService = languageService; Mods = new BindableCollection <Mod>(); _selectedMods = new List <Mod>(32); }
// ReSharper disable once UnusedMember.Local public static void Main() { // Breaking the rules for the examine event because the result of the services is used in the following // service call. We still signal an event for this, but in general all of the logic should go into this method. using (new Profiler(nameof(mod_on_examine))) { NWPlayer examiner = (_.OBJECT_SELF); NWObject examinedObject = NWNXObject.StringToObject(NWNXEvents.GetEventData("EXAMINEE_OBJECT_ID")); if (ExaminationService.OnModuleExamine(examiner, examinedObject)) { MessageHub.Instance.Publish(new OnModuleExamine()); return; } string description; if (_.GetIsPC(examinedObject.Object) == true) { // // safest probably to get the modified (non-original) description only for players // may want to always get the modified description for later flexibility? description = _.GetDescription(examinedObject.Object, false) + "\n\n"; } else { description = _.GetDescription(examinedObject.Object, true) + "\n\n"; } if (examinedObject.IsCreature) { var racialID = Convert.ToInt32(_.Get2DAString("racialtypes", "Name", (int)_.GetRacialType(examinedObject))); string racialtype = _.GetStringByStrRef(racialID); if (!description.Contains(ColorTokenService.Green("Racial Type: ") + racialtype)) { description += ColorTokenService.Green("Racial Type: ") + racialtype; } } description = ModService.OnModuleExamine(description, examiner, examinedObject); description = ItemService.OnModuleExamine(description, examinedObject); description = DurabilityService.OnModuleExamine(description, examinedObject); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(description)) { _.SetDescription(examinedObject.Object, description, false); _.SetDescription(examinedObject.Object, description); } } MessageHub.Instance.Publish(new OnModuleExamine()); }
public void GetAllByUserNameShouldReturnAllModsDependingOnSortType() { var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <ApplicationDbContext>() .UseInMemoryDatabase(databaseName: "GetAllByUserNameShouldReturnAllModsDependingOnSortType_DB") .Options; var dbContext = new ApplicationDbContext(options); var modService = new ModService(dbContext); var user = new ApplicationUser { UserName = "******", }; dbContext.Users.Add(user); var mod1 = new Mod { UserId = user.Id, Views = 100, TotalDownloadCount = 25, VoteCount = 50, }; var mod2 = new Mod { UserId = user.Id, Views = 25, TotalDownloadCount = 100, VoteCount = 50, }; var mod3 = new Mod { UserId = user.Id, Views = 25, TotalDownloadCount = 50, VoteCount = 100, }; dbContext.Mods.Add(mod1); dbContext.Mods.Add(mod2); dbContext.Mods.Add(mod3); dbContext.SaveChanges(); var viewsSort = modService.GetAllByUserName(user.UserName, "Views").First(); var votesSort = modService.GetAllByUserName(user.UserName, "Votes").First(); var downloadsSort = modService.GetAllByUserName(user.UserName, "Downloads").First(); Assert.Equal(mod1.Views, viewsSort.Views); Assert.Equal(mod2.TotalDownloadCount, downloadsSort.TotalDownloadCount); Assert.Equal(mod3.VoteCount, votesSort.VoteCount); }
public void GetAllByGameIdShouldReturnAllModsDependingOnSortType() { var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <ApplicationDbContext>() .UseInMemoryDatabase(databaseName: "AddGalleryUrlsShouldAddMultipleImagesToMod_DB") .Options; var dbContext = new ApplicationDbContext(options); var modService = new ModService(dbContext); var game = new Game(); dbContext.Games.Add(game); var mod1 = new Mod { GameId = game.Id, Views = 100, TotalDownloadCount = 25, VoteCount = 50, }; var mod2 = new Mod { GameId = game.Id, Views = 25, TotalDownloadCount = 100, VoteCount = 50, }; var mod3 = new Mod { GameId = game.Id, Views = 25, TotalDownloadCount = 50, VoteCount = 100, }; dbContext.Mods.Add(mod1); dbContext.Mods.Add(mod2); dbContext.Mods.Add(mod3); dbContext.SaveChanges(); var viewsSort = modService.GetAllByGameId(game.Id, "Views").First(); var votesSort = modService.GetAllByGameId(game.Id, "Votes").First(); var downloadsSort = modService.GetAllByGameId(game.Id, "Downloads").First(); Assert.Equal(mod1.Views, viewsSort.Views); Assert.Equal(mod2.TotalDownloadCount, downloadsSort.TotalDownloadCount); Assert.Equal(mod3.VoteCount, votesSort.VoteCount); }
public void AddFileUrlShouldAddFileToMod() { var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <ApplicationDbContext>() .UseInMemoryDatabase(databaseName: "AddFileUrlShouldAddFileToMod_DB") .Options; var dbContext = new ApplicationDbContext(options); var modService = new ModService(dbContext); var file = new Mock <IFormFile>(); var mod = new Mod(); dbContext.Mods.Add(mod); dbContext.SaveChanges(); modService.AddFileUrl(mod.Id, null, null, null, 10000000); Assert.Single(mod.Files); }
public void DeleteFilesShouldDeleteFilesFromMod() { var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <ApplicationDbContext>() .UseInMemoryDatabase(databaseName: "DeleteFilesShouldDeleteFilesFromMod_DB") .Options; var dbContext = new ApplicationDbContext(options); var modService = new ModService(dbContext); var mod = new Mod(); dbContext.Mods.Add(mod); dbContext.SaveChanges(); modService.AddFileUrl(mod.Id, null, null, null, 10000000); modService.DeleteFiles(mod.Id); Assert.Empty(mod.Files); }
public void ViewUpShouldIncreaseTheViewsOfMod() { var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <ApplicationDbContext>() .UseInMemoryDatabase(databaseName: "ViewUpShouldIncreaseTheViewsOfMod_DB") .Options; var dbContext = new ApplicationDbContext(options); var modService = new ModService(dbContext); var mod = new Mod { Views = 10, }; dbContext.Mods.Add(mod); dbContext.SaveChanges(); modService.ViewUp(mod.Id); Assert.Equal(11, mod.Views); }
public void GetByIdShouldReturnCorrectMod() { var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <ApplicationDbContext>() .UseInMemoryDatabase(databaseName: "GetByIdShouldReturnCorrectMod_DB") .Options; var dbContext = new ApplicationDbContext(options); var modService = new ModService(dbContext); var mod = new Mod { Name = "DevilSwordNero", }; dbContext.Mods.Add(mod); dbContext.SaveChanges(); var test = modService.GetById(mod.Id); Assert.Equal(mod.Name, test.Name); }
// ReSharper disable once UnusedMember.Local private static void Main() { // Breaking the rules for the examine event because the result of the services is used in the following // service call. We still signal an event for this, but in general all of the logic should go into this method. using (new Profiler(nameof(mod_on_examine))) { NWPlayer examiner = (Object.OBJECT_SELF); NWObject examinedObject = NWNXEvents.OnExamineObject_GetTarget(); if (ExaminationService.OnModuleExamine(examiner, examinedObject)) { MessageHub.Instance.Publish(new OnModuleExamine()); return; } string description = _.GetDescription(examinedObject.Object, _.TRUE) + "\n\n"; if (examinedObject.IsCreature) { int racialID = Convert.ToInt32(_.Get2DAString("racialtypes", "Name", _.GetRacialType(examinedObject))); string racialtype = _.GetStringByStrRef(racialID); description += ColorTokenService.Green("Racial Type: ") + racialtype; } description = ModService.OnModuleExamine(description, examiner, examinedObject); description = ItemService.OnModuleExamine(description, examiner, examinedObject); description = DurabilityService.OnModuleExamine(description, examinedObject); description = FarmingService.OnModuleExamine(description, examinedObject); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(description)) { _.SetDescription(examinedObject.Object, description, _.FALSE); _.SetDescription(examinedObject.Object, description); } } MessageHub.Instance.Publish(new OnModuleExamine()); }
public void AddImageUrlShouldAddAnImageToMod() { var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <ApplicationDbContext>() .UseInMemoryDatabase(databaseName: "AddImageUrlShouldAddAnImageToMod_DB") .Options; var dbContext = new ApplicationDbContext(options); var modService = new ModService(dbContext); string imageUrl = "qweqwe"; var mod = new Mod { MainPicturePath = "asdasd", }; dbContext.Mods.Add(mod); dbContext.SaveChanges(); modService.AddImageUrl(mod.Id, imageUrl); Assert.Equal(imageUrl, mod.MainPicturePath); }
public CommandHandler(IServiceProvider provider, DiscordSocketClient client, CommandService commandService, AfkService afkService, RatelimitingService ratelimitingService, StarboardService starboardService, SelfAssignableRolesService selfService, AnnouncementService announcementService, ModService modService, GuildCountUpdaterService guildUpdate, ExpService expService, BanService banService, InteractionsService interactionsService) { _client = client; _commands = commandService; _afkService = afkService; _services = provider; _ratelimitingService = ratelimitingService; _starboardService = starboardService; _selfAssignableRolesService = selfService; _announcementService = announcementService; _modService = modService; _guildCount = guildUpdate; _banService = banService; _interactionsService = interactionsService; _guildCount.Initialize(client.ShardId, Utility.TOTAL_SHARDS, client.Guilds.Count); _client.MessageReceived += HandleCommandsAsync; //_client.MessageReceived += _afkService.Client_MessageReceived; _commands.Log += CommandsOnLog; _client.JoinedGuild += ClientOnJoinedGuild; _client.LeftGuild += ClientOnLeftGuild; _client.MessageReceived += expService.IncreaseEpOnMessageReceive; _client.ReactionAdded += _starboardService.ClientOnReactionAdded; _client.ReactionRemoved += _starboardService.ClientOnReactionRemoved; _client.UserJoined += _selfAssignableRolesService.ClientOnUserJoined; _client.UserJoined += _announcementService.ClientOnUserJoined; _client.UserLeft += _announcementService.ClientOnUserLeft; //mod Service _client.UserBanned += _modService.ClientOnUserBanned; _client.UserUnbanned += _modService.ClientOnUserUnbanned; }
private static void Main(string[] args) { //var sourceDirectory = @"C:\Users\Stephen Weistra\gitrepos\RogueTech"; //var sourceDirectory = @"D:\XLRP Fixes\XLRP - Reference - 20190725 - With CAB"; //var sourceDirectory = @"C:\Users\Stephen Weistra\gitrepos\XLRP-Sammael\Build\XLRP\1.8 Clean Build"; //var sourceDirectory = @"C:\Users\Stephen Weistra\gitrepos\XLRP-Complete"; //var sourceDirectory = @"D:\Test Data\XAI"; //var sourceDirectory = @"C:\Users\Stephen Weistra\gitrepos\XLRP-Complete"; //var btDirectory = @"D:\Test Data\BT Base Data"; //var dlcDirectory = @"C:\Users\Stephen Weistra\gitrepos\bt-dlc-designdata"; var sourceDirectory = @"C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\BATTLETECH\Mods"; var btDirectory = @"C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\BATTLETECH"; var dlcDirectory = @"C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\BATTLETECH\Repository\bt-dlc-designdata"; var manifestService = new ManifestService(); var manifest = manifestService.InitManifestFromDisk(btDirectory, dlcDirectory); System.Console.WriteLine("Unknown types = \r\n" + $"{string.Join("\r\n", VersionManifestParser.UnknownTypes.ToList())}"); var modService = new ModService(); var modCollection = modService.LoadModCollectionFromDirectory(sourceDirectory); modService.PublishLoadResults(modCollection); /*var typeUnion = VersionManifestParser.AllTypes; * modCollection.Mods.SelectMany(mod => mod.ManifestEntryGroups.Select(group => group.Type)).Distinct() * .ToList().ForEach(s => typeUnion.Add(s)); * var sortedTypes = typeUnion.ToList(); * sortedTypes.Sort(string.CompareOrdinal); * var typeEnumString = TypeEnumGenerator.GenerateEnum( * sortedTypes, * "", * "GameObjectTypeEnum" * ); * * System.Console.WriteLine("Generated Type Enum:\r\n" + * $"{typeEnumString}");*/ modCollection.ExpandManifestGroups(); var result = ModMerger.Merge(manifest, modCollection); System.Console.WriteLine("Failed Merges : \r\n" + $"{string.Join("\r\n", ModMerger.FailedMerges.Select(tuple => $"{tuple.Item1.FileInfo.FullName} - {tuple.Item2}"))}"); /*var objectsWithStatusEffects = result.mergedManifestEntries.Where(entry => * { * if (entry.GameObjectType == GameObjectTypeEnum.Prefab || !entry.FileInfo.Extension.Contains("json")) * { * return false; * } * * var statusEffects = entry.Json["statusEffects"]; * if (statusEffects == null) * { * return false; * } * * if (!(statusEffects is JArray)) * { * if (statusEffects.Type != JTokenType.Null) * { * return true; * } * * return false; * } * * statusEffects = (JArray) statusEffects; * foreach (var statusEffect in statusEffects) * { * var description = statusEffect["Description"]; * if (description == null) * { * return true; * } * * var id = description["Id"]; * if (id == null) * { * return true; * } * } * * return false; * });*/ ContentExtractors.GenerateStoreContentList(result.mergedManifestEntries, @"C:\tmp\", @"test-xlrp-store-content.xlsx"); // ContentExtractors.GenerateTacticalContentList(result.mergedManifestEntries, @"C:\tmp\", @"content.xlsx"); /*var planetTags = PlanetTagEnumerator.EnumeratePlanetTags(result.mergedManifestEntries); * planetTags.GroupBy(tag => tag.category, tag => tag.value, (category, tags) => new {category = category, tags = tags}).ToList().ForEach(tagGroup => * { * System.Console.WriteLine($"-----{tagGroup.category}"); * System.Console.WriteLine(string.Join("\r\n", tagGroup.tags)); * });*/ //System.Console.WriteLine(string.Join("\r\n", ); /*System.Console.WriteLine($"Objects with JObject statusEffects, status effects with NULL descriptions or description.IDs:\r\n" + * $"{string.Join("\r\n", objectsWithStatusEffects.Select(entry => entry.FileInfo.FullName))}");*/ //var ablities = result.mergedManifestEntries.Where(entry => entry.GameObjectType == GameObjectTypeEnum.AbilityDef).ToList(); //var bad_abilities = ablities.Where(entry => entry.Json["Description"] == null || entry.Json["Description"].ToString() == string.Empty).ToList(); /*var modifiedIds = result.manifestEntryStackById.Where(pair => pair.Value.Count > 1); * System.Console.WriteLine($"Ids modified multiple times via modifications:\r\n" + * $"{string.Join("\r\n", modifiedIds.Select(pair => $"\t{pair.Key} - {pair.Value.Count}"))}");*/ /*var weapons = result.mergedManifestEntries.Where(entry => entry.GameObjectType == GameObjectTypeEnum.WeaponDef).Select(entry => WeaponBase.FromJson(entry.Json.ToString())).ToList(); * weapons.Sort((weapon1, weapon2) => string.CompareOrdinal(weapon1.Description.Id, weapon2.Description.Id)); * using (var file = File.CreateText(@"c:\tmp\btms-weapons.csv")) * { * file.WriteLine($"Description.Id|Category|AttackRecoil|weapon.AccuracyModifier|weapon.AmmoCategory|weapon.AoeCapable|" + * $"weapon.BonusValueA|weapon.BonusValueB|weapon.CanExplode|weapon.Category|weapon.CriticalChanceMultiplier|" + * $"weapon.Damage|weapon.DamageVariance|weapon.EvasiveDamageMultiplier|weapon.EvasivePipsIgnored|weapon.HeatDamage|weapon.HeatGenerated|" + * $"weapon.IndirectFireCapable|weapon.Instability|weapon.InventorySize|weapon.MaxRange|weapon.MinRange|weapon.OverheatedDamageMultiplier|" + * $"weapon.ProjectilesPerShot|weapon.RefireModifier|weapon.ShotsWhenFired|weapon.StartingAmmoCapacity|weapon.RangeSplit|" + * $"weapon.WeaponSubType"); * foreach (var weapon in weapons) * { * file.WriteLine($"{weapon.Description.Id}|{weapon.Category}|{weapon.AttackRecoil}|{weapon.AccuracyModifier}|{weapon.AmmoCategory}|{weapon.AoeCapable}|" + * $"'{weapon.BonusValueA}|'{weapon.BonusValueB}|{weapon.CanExplode}|{weapon.Category}|{weapon.CriticalChanceMultiplier}|" + * $"{weapon.Damage}|{weapon.DamageVariance}|{weapon.EvasiveDamageMultiplier}|{weapon.EvasivePipsIgnored}|{weapon.HeatDamage}|{weapon.HeatGenerated}|" + * $"{weapon.IndirectFireCapable}|{weapon.Instability}|{weapon.InventorySize}|{weapon.MaxRange}|{weapon.MinRange}|{weapon.OverheatedDamageMultiplier}|" + * $"{weapon.ProjectilesPerShot}|{weapon.RefireModifier}|{weapon.ShotsWhenFired}|{weapon.StartingAmmoCapacity}|{string.Join(",", weapon.RangeSplit)}|" + * $"{weapon.WeaponSubType}"); * } * }*/ /*System.Console.WriteLine($"Mechs!\r\n" + * $"{string.Join("\r\n", result.mergedManifestEntries.Where(entry => entry.GameObjectType == GameObjectTypeEnum.MechDef).Select(entry => entry.Id))}");*/ /*var weapons = result.mergedManifestEntries.Where(entry => entry.GameObjectType == GameObjectTypeEnum.WeaponDef).Select(entry => $"{entry.Id} - {entry.GameObjectType} - {entry.AssetBundleName}").ToList(); * weapons.Sort(); * System.Console.WriteLine("Distinct Weapon Definitions:\r\n" + * $"{string.Join("\r\n", weapons)}"); * * System.Console.WriteLine($"Mechs!\r\n" + * $"{string.Join("\r\n", result.mergedManifestEntries.Where(entry => entry.GameObjectType == GameObjectTypeEnum.MechDef).Select(entry => entry.Id))}"); * * System.Console.WriteLine($"mechdef_annihilator_ANH-1A\r\n" + * $"{result.mergedManifestEntries.First(entry => entry.Id == "mechdef_annihilator_ANH-1A").Json}");*/ System.Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit..."); System.Console.ReadKey(); }
public PlatformBansController(ModService service) { _service = service; }
public ModModule(ModService ser) { _modService = ser; }
public static void Main(string[] args) { args.ToList().ForEach(s => { if (!Directory.Exists(s)) { throw new InvalidProgramException($"Specified directory [{s}] cannot be found."); } }); var designsDirectory = args[0]; var btDirectory = args[1]; var dlcDirectory = args[2]; var sourceDirectory = args[3]; // Load all Battle Engine designs available from the specified directory... var designFiles = Directory.EnumerateFiles(designsDirectory, "*.bed", SearchOption.AllDirectories); var mechDesigns = new List <MechDesign>(); designFiles .ToList() .ForEach(filePath => { var mechDesign = MechDesign.MechDesignFromFile(filePath); mechDesigns.Add(mechDesign); }); Console.WriteLine($"Processed [{mechDesigns.Count()}] designs..."); // Load the base HBS BT manifest... var manifestService = new ManifestService(); var manifest = manifestService.InitManifestFromDisk(btDirectory, dlcDirectory); // Load the Mod Collection resources... var modService = new ModService(); var modCollection = modService.LoadModCollectionFromDirectory(sourceDirectory); modService.PublishLoadResults(modCollection); modCollection.ExpandManifestGroups(); // Merge the base manifest with the mod collection resources var result = ModMerger.Merge(manifest, modCollection); var groupedData = result.mergedManifestEntries.GroupBy(entry => entry.GameObjectType, entry => entry, (type, entries) => new { GameObjectType = type, objects = entries }); // Build up a handy-dandy type dictionary from the merged manifests... var typeDictionary = groupedData .ToDictionary(arg => arg.GameObjectType, arg => arg.objects.ToList()); // Build up a handy-dandy list of mech asset bundles from chassis data... var chassisUsedAssetBundles = typeDictionary[GameObjectTypeEnum.ChassisDef] .Select(entry => entry.Json["PrefabIdentifier"].ToString().ToLower()).Distinct(); var foundAssetBundles = typeDictionary[GameObjectTypeEnum.AssetBundle].Select(entry => entry.Id.ToLower()); var unionAssetBundles = chassisUsedAssetBundles.Union(foundAssetBundles).Distinct().ToList(); // Console.WriteLine(string.Join("\r\n", unionAssetBundles)); System.Console.WriteLine("Failed Merges : \r\n" + $"{string.Join("\r\n", ModMerger.FailedMerges.Select(tuple => $"{tuple.Item1.FileInfo.FullName} - {tuple.Item2}"))}"); var filterEras = new List <Era>() { Era.Star_League, Era.EarlySuccessionWar, Era.LateSuccessionWarLosTech, Era.LateSuccessionWarRenaissance, Era.Clan_Invasion }; var filterTech = new List <TechLevel>() { TechLevel.IS }; var filterChassisType = new List <ChassisType>() { ChassisType.Biped }; var filteredDesigns = mechDesigns .Where(design => design.Eras.Any(data => filterEras.Contains(data.EraDetail.Era))) .Where(design => filterTech.Contains(design.TechLevel)) .Where(design => filterChassisType.Contains(design.ChassisType)) .ToList(); Console.WriteLine( $"Filtered designs from [{mechDesigns.Count()}] to [{filteredDesigns.Count()}]. Filtering by available asset bundles..."); var assetFilteredDesigns = filteredDesigns .Where(design => unionAssetBundles.Any(s => s.Contains(design.InnerSphereChassisDesignation.ToLower()) || (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(design.FilthyClanChassisDesignation) && s.Contains(design.FilthyClanChassisDesignation.ToLower())))) .ToList(); Console.WriteLine($"Found [{assetFilteredDesigns.Count}] designs with dedicated asset bundles, filtering by chassis defs..."); var chassisFilteredDesigns = assetFilteredDesigns .Where(design => typeDictionary[GameObjectTypeEnum.ChassisDef] .Where(entry => (entry.Id.ToLower().Contains(design.InnerSphereChassisDesignation.ToLower()) || (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(design.FilthyClanChassisDesignation) && entry.Id.ToLower().Contains(design.FilthyClanChassisDesignation.ToLower())))) .Any(entry => { var id = entry.Id.ToLower(); var parts = id.ToLower().Split('_'); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(design.VariantDesignation) && !parts.Contains(design.VariantDesignation.ToLower())) { return(false); } // Must contain all hero designations if any exist var missingHeroDesignations = design.HeroDesignations.Except(parts); if (missingHeroDesignations.Any()) { return(false); } return(true); })) .ToList(); Console.WriteLine($"Found [{chassisFilteredDesigns.Count()}] designs with dedicated chassis defs..."); var outputDirectory = @"c:\tmp\Beds"; if (Directory.Exists(outputDirectory)) { Directory.Delete(outputDirectory); } Directory.CreateDirectory(outputDirectory); chassisFilteredDesigns.AsParallel().ForAll(design => File.Copy(design.FileInfo.FullName, Path.Combine(outputDirectory, design.FileInfo.Name))); }
public void ApplyEffects(NWCreature user, NWItem modItem, NWObject target, Location targetLocation, CustomData customData) { NWPlayer player = (user.Object); NWItem targetItem = (target.Object); ModSlots slots = ModService.GetModSlots(targetItem); CustomItemPropertyType modType = ModService.GetModType(modItem); int modID = modItem.GetLocalInt("RUNE_ID"); string[] modArgs = modItem.GetLocalString("RUNE_VALUE").Split(','); int modLevel = modItem.RecommendedLevel; int levelIncrease = modItem.LevelIncrease; var mod = ModService.GetModHandler(modID); mod.Apply(player, targetItem, modArgs); string description = mod.Description(player, targetItem, modArgs); bool usePrismatic = false; switch (modType) { case CustomItemPropertyType.RedMod: if (slots.FilledRedSlots < slots.RedSlots) { targetItem.SetLocalInt("MOD_SLOT_RED_" + (slots.FilledRedSlots + 1), modID); targetItem.SetLocalString("MOD_SLOT_RED_DESC_" + (slots.FilledRedSlots + 1), description); player.SendMessage("Mod installed into " + ColorTokenService.Red("red") + " slot #" + (slots.FilledRedSlots + 1)); } else { usePrismatic = true; } break; case CustomItemPropertyType.BlueMod: if (slots.FilledBlueSlots < slots.BlueSlots) { targetItem.SetLocalInt("MOD_SLOT_BLUE_" + (slots.FilledBlueSlots + 1), modID); targetItem.SetLocalString("MOD_SLOT_BLUE_DESC_" + (slots.FilledBlueSlots + 1), description); player.SendMessage("Mod installed into " + ColorTokenService.Blue("blue") + " slot #" + (slots.FilledBlueSlots + 1)); } else { usePrismatic = true; } break; case CustomItemPropertyType.GreenMod: if (slots.FilledBlueSlots < slots.GreenSlots) { targetItem.SetLocalInt("MOD_SLOT_GREEN_" + (slots.FilledGreenSlots + 1), modID); targetItem.SetLocalString("MOD_SLOT_GREEN_DESC_" + (slots.FilledGreenSlots + 1), description); player.SendMessage("Mod installed into " + ColorTokenService.Green("green") + " slot #" + (slots.FilledGreenSlots + 1)); } else { usePrismatic = true; } break; case CustomItemPropertyType.YellowMod: if (slots.FilledBlueSlots < slots.YellowSlots) { targetItem.SetLocalInt("MOD_SLOT_YELLOW_" + (slots.FilledYellowSlots + 1), modID); targetItem.SetLocalString("MOD_SLOT_YELLOW_DESC_" + (slots.FilledYellowSlots + 1), description); player.SendMessage("Mod installed into " + ColorTokenService.Yellow("yellow") + " slot #" + (slots.FilledYellowSlots + 1)); } else { usePrismatic = true; } break; } if (usePrismatic) { string prismaticText = ModService.PrismaticString(); targetItem.SetLocalInt("MOD_SLOT_PRISMATIC_" + (slots.FilledPrismaticSlots + 1), modID); targetItem.SetLocalString("MOD_SLOT_PRISMATIC_DESC_" + (slots.FilledPrismaticSlots + 1), description); player.SendMessage("Mod installed into " + prismaticText + " slot #" + (slots.FilledPrismaticSlots + 1)); } targetItem.RecommendedLevel += levelIncrease; modItem.Destroy(); SkillType skillType; if (ArmorBaseItemTypes.Contains(targetItem.BaseItemType)) { skillType = SkillType.Armorsmith; } else if (WeaponsmithBaseItemTypes.Contains(targetItem.BaseItemType)) { skillType = SkillType.Weaponsmith; } else if (EngineeringBaseItemTypes.Contains(targetItem.BaseItemType)) { skillType = SkillType.Engineering; } else { return; } int rank = SkillService.GetPCSkillRank(player, skillType); int xp = (int)SkillService.CalculateRegisteredSkillLevelAdjustedXP(400, modLevel, rank); SkillService.GiveSkillXP(player, skillType, xp); }
public string IsValidTarget(NWCreature user, NWItem mod, NWObject target, Location targetLocation) { if (target.ObjectType != OBJECT_TYPE_ITEM) { return("Only items may be targeted by mods."); } if (!user.IsPlayer) { return("Only players may use mods."); } NWPlayer player = (user.Object); NWItem targetItem = (target.Object); int modLevel = mod.RecommendedLevel; int itemLevel = targetItem.RecommendedLevel; int requiredPerkLevel = modLevel / 5; if (requiredPerkLevel <= 0) { requiredPerkLevel = 1; } int perkLevel = 0; CustomItemPropertyType modType = ModService.GetModType(mod); ModSlots modSlots = ModService.GetModSlots(targetItem); int modID = mod.GetLocalInt("RUNE_ID"); string[] modArgs = mod.GetLocalString("RUNE_VALUE").Split(','); // Check for a misconfigured mod item. if (modType == CustomItemPropertyType.Unknown) { return("Mod color couldn't be found. Notify an admin that this mod item is not set up properly."); } if (modID <= 0) { return("Mod ID couldn't be found. Notify an admin that this mod item is not set up properly."); } if (modArgs.Length <= 0) { return("Mod value couldn't be found. Notify an admin that this mod item is not set up properly."); } // No available slots on target item if (modType == CustomItemPropertyType.RedMod && !modSlots.CanRedModBeAdded) { return("That item has no available red mod slots."); } if (modType == CustomItemPropertyType.BlueMod && !modSlots.CanBlueModBeAdded) { return("That item has no available blue mod slots."); } if (modType == CustomItemPropertyType.GreenMod && !modSlots.CanGreenModBeAdded) { return("That item has no available green mod slots."); } if (modType == CustomItemPropertyType.YellowMod && !modSlots.CanYellowModBeAdded) { return("That item has no available yellow mod slots."); } // Get the perk level based on target item type and mod type. if (WeaponsmithBaseItemTypes.Contains(targetItem.BaseItemType)) { switch (modType) { case CustomItemPropertyType.RedMod: perkLevel = PerkService.GetPCPerkLevel(player, PerkType.CombatModInstallationWeapons); break; case CustomItemPropertyType.BlueMod: perkLevel = PerkService.GetPCPerkLevel(player, PerkType.ForceModInstallationWeapons); break; case CustomItemPropertyType.GreenMod: perkLevel = PerkService.GetPCPerkLevel(player, PerkType.CraftingModInstallationWeapons); break; case CustomItemPropertyType.YellowMod: perkLevel = PerkService.GetPCPerkLevel(player, PerkType.SpecialModInstallationWeapons); break; default: perkLevel = 0; break; } } else if (ArmorBaseItemTypes.Contains(targetItem.BaseItemType)) { switch (modType) { case CustomItemPropertyType.RedMod: perkLevel = PerkService.GetPCPerkLevel(player, PerkType.CombatModInstallationArmors); break; case CustomItemPropertyType.BlueMod: perkLevel = PerkService.GetPCPerkLevel(player, PerkType.ForceModInstallationArmors); break; case CustomItemPropertyType.GreenMod: perkLevel = PerkService.GetPCPerkLevel(player, PerkType.CraftingModInstallationArmors); break; case CustomItemPropertyType.YellowMod: perkLevel = PerkService.GetPCPerkLevel(player, PerkType.SpecialModInstallationArmors); break; default: perkLevel = 0; break; } } else if (EngineeringBaseItemTypes.Contains(targetItem.BaseItemType)) { switch (modType) { case CustomItemPropertyType.RedMod: perkLevel = PerkService.GetPCPerkLevel(player, PerkType.CombatModInstallationEngineering); break; case CustomItemPropertyType.BlueMod: perkLevel = PerkService.GetPCPerkLevel(player, PerkType.ForceModInstallationEngineering); break; case CustomItemPropertyType.GreenMod: perkLevel = PerkService.GetPCPerkLevel(player, PerkType.CraftingModInstallationEngineering); break; case CustomItemPropertyType.YellowMod: perkLevel = PerkService.GetPCPerkLevel(player, PerkType.SpecialModInstallationEngineering); break; default: perkLevel = 0; break; } } // Ensure item isn't equipped. for (int slot = 0; slot < NUM_INVENTORY_SLOTS; slot++) { if (_.GetItemInSlot(slot, user.Object) == targetItem.Object) { return("Targeted item must be unequipped before installing a mod."); } } // Check for perk level requirement if (perkLevel < requiredPerkLevel) { return("You do not have the necessary perk rank required. (Required: " + requiredPerkLevel + ", Your level: " + perkLevel + ")"); } // Can't modify items above perk level * 10 if (itemLevel > perkLevel * 10) { return("Your current perks allow you to add mods to items up to level " + perkLevel * 10 + ". This item is level " + itemLevel + " so you can't install a mod into it."); } // Item must be in the user's inventory. if (!targetItem.Possessor.Equals(player)) { return("Targeted item must be in your inventory."); } var handler = ModService.GetModHandler(modID); // Run the individual mod's rules for application. Will return the error message or a null. return(handler.CanApply(player, targetItem, modArgs)); }
public ModActionController(ModService service) { _service = service; }
public string IsValidTarget(NWCreature user, NWItem mod, NWObject target, Location targetLocation) { if (target.ObjectType != ObjectType.Item) { return("Only items may be targeted by mods."); } if (!user.IsPlayer && !user.IsDM) { return("Only players may use mods."); } NWPlayer player = (user.Object); NWItem targetItem = (target.Object); int modLevel = mod.RecommendedLevel; int itemLevel = targetItem.RecommendedLevel; int requiredPerkLevel = modLevel / 5; if (requiredPerkLevel <= 0) { requiredPerkLevel = 1; } int perkLevel = 0; ItemPropertyType modType = ModService.GetModType(mod); ModSlots modSlots = ModService.GetModSlots(targetItem); int modID = mod.GetLocalInt("RUNE_ID"); string[] modArgs = mod.GetLocalString("RUNE_VALUE").Split(','); // Check for a misconfigured mod item. if (modType == ItemPropertyType.Invalid) { return("Mod color couldn't be found. Notify an admin that this mod item is not set up properly."); } if (modID <= 0) { return("Mod ID couldn't be found. Notify an admin that this mod item is not set up properly."); } if (modArgs.Length <= 0) { return("Mod value couldn't be found. Notify an admin that this mod item is not set up properly."); } // No available slots on target item if (modType == ItemPropertyType.RedMod && !modSlots.CanRedModBeAdded) { return("That item has no available red mod slots."); } if (modType == ItemPropertyType.BlueMod && !modSlots.CanBlueModBeAdded) { return("That item has no available blue mod slots."); } if (modType == ItemPropertyType.GreenMod && !modSlots.CanGreenModBeAdded) { return("That item has no available green mod slots."); } if (modType == ItemPropertyType.YellowMod && !modSlots.CanYellowModBeAdded) { return("That item has no available yellow mod slots."); } // Get the perk level based on target item type and mod type. if (GetLocalBool(targetItem, "LIGHTSABER") == false && WeaponsmithBaseItemTypes.Contains(targetItem.BaseItemType)) { perkLevel = PerkService.GetCreaturePerkLevel(player, PerkType.WeaponModInstallation); } else if (ArmorBaseItemTypes.Contains(targetItem.BaseItemType)) { perkLevel = PerkService.GetCreaturePerkLevel(player, PerkType.ArmorModInstallation); } else if (GetLocalBool(targetItem, "LIGHTSABER") == true || EngineeringBaseItemTypes.Contains(targetItem.BaseItemType)) { perkLevel = PerkService.GetCreaturePerkLevel(player, PerkType.EngineeringModInstallation); } // Ensure item isn't equipped. for (int slot = 0; slot < NumberOfInventorySlots; slot++) { if (_.GetItemInSlot((InventorySlot)slot, user.Object) == targetItem.Object) { return("Targeted item must be unequipped before installing a mod."); } } // Check for perk level requirement if (perkLevel < requiredPerkLevel && !player.IsDM) { return("You do not have the necessary perk rank required. (Required: " + requiredPerkLevel + ", Your level: " + perkLevel + ")"); } // Can't modify items above perk level * 10 if (itemLevel > perkLevel * 10 && !player.IsDM) { return("Your current perks allow you to add mods to items up to level " + perkLevel * 10 + ". This item is level " + itemLevel + " so you can't install a mod into it."); } // Item must be in the user's inventory. if (!targetItem.Possessor.Equals(player)) { return("Targeted item must be in your inventory."); } // It's possible that this mod is no longer usable. Notify the player if we can't find one registered. if (!ModService.IsModHandlerRegistered(modID)) { return("Unfortunately, this mod can no longer be used."); } var handler = ModService.GetModHandler(modID); // Run the individual mod's rules for application. Will return the error message or a null. return(handler.CanApply(player, targetItem, modArgs)); }
public ModModule(ModService modService) { _modService = modService; }