private void SetupWorkshopAssetRows() { var workshopAssetCount = WorkshopAssetMonitor.Instance.GetWorkshopAssetCount(); ModLogger.Debug("{0} workshop assets found", workshopAssetCount); Enumerable.Range(0, workshopAssetCount).ForEach(i => _rows.Add(_scrollablePanel.AddUIComponent <UIWorkshopAssetRow>())); }
private void PopulateWorkshopAssets() { var workshopAssetRowDatas = _workshopAssetListState.GetCurrentList(); ModLogger.Debug("Populate " + workshopAssetRowDatas.Count()); Enumerable.Range(0, workshopAssetRowDatas.Count).ForEach(i => _rows[i].Load(workshopAssetRowDatas[i], i % 2 == 0)); }
public void RemoveRow(IUIWorkshopAssetRowData workshopAssetRowData) { try { ModLogger.Debug("Trying to remove row"); var row = _rows.FirstOrDefault(r => r.WorkshopId == workshopAssetRowData.WorkshopId); if (row != null) { ModLogger.Debug("Removing row '{0}'", workshopAssetRowData.ReadableName); _scrollablePanel.RemoveUIComponent(row); _rows.Remove(row); } else { ModLogger.Debug("Row '{0}' not found", workshopAssetRowData.ReadableName); } ClearWorkshopAssets(); PopulateWorkshopAssets(); } catch (Exception ex) { ModLogger.Exception(ex); } }
protected override void InitializeMonitor() { ModLogger.Debug("Initializing prop monitor"); try { // Clear any existing data from the overwatch container OverwatchPropContainer.Instance.ClearCache(); // Process the list of existing props when initializing to make sure the list is up-to-date var capacity = Singleton <PropManager> .instance.m_props.m_buffer.Count(); Enumerable.Range(0, capacity).DoAll(i => ProcessProp((ushort)i)); // Store a reference to the current frame index so we know from which frame we need to process on the next update cycle MarkFrame(); // Mark the monitor as initialized and spinning MarkInitialized(); OverwatchControl.Instance.PropMonitorSpun = true; ModLogger.Debug("Prop monitor initialized"); } catch (Exception ex) { ModLogger.Error("An error occured while initializing the prop monitor"); ModLogger.Exception(ex); MarkTerminated(); } }
public sealed override void OnLevelLoaded(LoadMode mode) { _mode = mode; // Don't load in asset and map editor if (mode != LoadMode.LoadGame && mode != LoadMode.NewGame) { return; } try { ModLogger.Debug("Creating main window"); // Get a handle to the main game view UIView aView = UIView.GetAView(); // Create the gameobject and attach a mainwindow instance GameObject goMainWindow = new GameObject(WorkshopMonitorMainWindowGameObjectName); _mainWindow = goMainWindow.AddComponent <UIMainWindow>(); _mainWindow.transform.parent = aView.transform; ModLogger.Debug("Main window created"); } catch (Exception ex) { ModLogger.Error("An error occured while creating the main window"); ModLogger.Exception(ex); } }
public override void OnLevelUnloading() { // Don't unload in asset and map editor if (_mode != LoadMode.LoadGame && _mode != LoadMode.NewGame) { return; } try { ModLogger.Debug("Destroying main window"); // Destroy the mainwindow when unloading to make sure a fresh new window is used for the next game if (_mainWindow != null) { GameObject.Destroy(_mainWindow.gameObject); } ModLogger.Debug("Main window destroyed"); } catch (Exception ex) { ModLogger.Error("An error occured while destroying the main window"); ModLogger.Exception(ex); } }
public static bool InitAlbumDatas() { try { string activeOption = SingletonScriptableObject <LocalizationSettings> .instance.GetActiveOption("Language"); string albums_lang = $"albums_{activeOption}"; var configManager = Singleton <ConfigManager> .instance; var m_Dictionary = (Dictionary <string, JArray>)AccessTools.Field(typeof(ConfigManager), "m_Dictionary").GetValue(configManager); if (!m_Dictionary.ContainsKey(albums_lang)) { // Trigger the load ModLogger.Debug($"Trigger the load{albums_lang}"); var notused = Singleton <ConfigManager> .instance["albums"]; } if (!m_Dictionary.ContainsKey(albums_lang)) { // Trigger failed ModLogger.Debug("Cannot Trigger load Albums title"); return(true); } ModLogger.Debug("Trigger load Albums success"); var found = false; foreach (var obj in m_Dictionary[albums_lang]) { ModLogger.Debug($"{obj}"); if (obj.Value <string>("title") == language[activeOption]) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) { // Not Found Custom ModLogger.Debug($"Add {language[activeOption]}"); var @object = new JObject(); @object.Add("title", language[activeOption]); m_Dictionary[albums_lang].Add(@object); } var jobj = new JObject(); jobj.Add("uid", "custom"); jobj.Add("title", "Custom Maps"); jobj.Add("prefabsName", "AlbumCustom"); jobj.Add("price", "Free"); jobj.Add("jsonName", "custom"); jobj.Add("needPurchase", false); jobj.Add("free", true); m_Dictionary["albums"].Add(jobj); } catch (Exception ex) { ModLogger.Debug(ex); } return(true); }
public override void CacheAsset(ushort assetId, Building asset) { base.CacheAsset(assetId, asset); if (asset.Info == null) { ModLogger.Debug(string.Format("Asset with id {0} has no info", assetId)); return; } if (asset.Info.m_props == null) { ModLogger.Debug(string.Format("Info of asset with id {0} has no props", assetId)); return; } for (var i = 0; i < asset.Info.m_props.Length; i++) { var prop = asset.Info.m_props[i]; if (prop == null) { ModLogger.Debug(string.Format("Asset with id {0} has null-prop at index {1}", assetId, i)); return; } if (prop.m_prop != null) { var wrapper = new OverwatchPropWrapper(assetId, i, prop.m_prop); ModLogger.Debug("caching child prop " + wrapper.TechnicalName); OverwatchPropContainer.Instance.CacheChildAsset(wrapper); } } }
public List <IUIWorkshopAssetRowData> GetCurrentList() { try { ModLogger.Debug("Creating workshop item list with filter {0} and sortfield {1}", _currentFilter, _currentSortField); // Filter the current list and sort it var result = WorkshopAssetMonitor.Instance.GetWorkshopAssets() .Where(a => (a.AssetType & _currentFilter) == a.AssetType) .Cast <IUIWorkshopAssetRowData>() .ToList(); result.Sort(new WorkshopAssetComparer(_currentSortField, _descending)); ModLogger.Debug("Created workshop item list with {0} items after filter", result.Count()); return(result); } catch (Exception ex) { ModLogger.Debug("An unexpected error occured while creating a filtered and sorted list of workshop items"); ModLogger.Exception(ex); return(new List <IUIWorkshopAssetRowData>()); } }
private void captionPanel_Sort(object sender, SortEventArgs e) { ModLogger.Debug("Sorting data on {0}", e.SortField); ClearWorkshopAssets(); _workshopAssetListState.SetSortField(e.SortField); PopulateWorkshopAssets(); ModLogger.Debug("Sorted data on {0}", e.SortField); }
private void UICustomButton_eventClick(UIComponent component, UIMouseEventParameter eventParam) { ModLogger.Debug("Triggering command '{0}' from clickhandler", _command.GetType().Name); if (_command != null) { _command.Execute(); } }
public void Stop() { var workshopAssetCount = _workshopAssets.Count; _workshopAssets = new List <WorkshopAsset>(); ModLogger.Debug("WorkshopAssetMonitor unloaded {0} workshop assets", workshopAssetCount); }
public override void OnCreated(IThreading threading) { _initialized = false; _terminated = false; base.OnCreated(threading); ModLogger.Debug(string.Format("{0} created", _monitorType)); }
public override void OnReleased() { _initialized = false; _terminated = false; base.OnReleased(); ModLogger.Debug(string.Format("{0} released", _monitorType)); }
public void Execute() { ModLogger.Debug("Executing ShowWorkshopAssetInfo command for workshopid '{0}'", _workshopAssetRowData.WorkshopId); if (Steam.IsOverlayEnabled() && _workshopAssetRowData.WorkshopId > 0) { Steam.ActivateGameOverlayToWorkshopItem(new PublishedFileId(_workshopAssetRowData.WorkshopId)); } else { ConfirmPanel.ShowModal(UITexts.WorkshopAssetInfoOpenInBrowserTitle, UITexts.WorkshopAssetInfoOpenInBrowserMessage, AskInfoModalCallback); } }
public static void GetJsonPrefix(string name, bool localization, ref Dictionary <string, JArray> ___m_Dictionary) { try { string activeOption = SingletonScriptableObject <LocalizationSettings> .instance.GetActiveOption("Language"); if (name.StartsWith("ALBUMCUSTOM")) { string albums_lang = $"ALBUMCUSTOM_{activeOption}"; // Load localization custom album songs, title and another if (!___m_Dictionary.ContainsKey(albums_lang)) { ModLogger.Debug($"Load custom album tab: {albums_lang}"); var obj = new JObject(); obj.Add("name", "测试"); obj.Add("author", "某10"); var arr = new JArray(); arr.Add(obj); ___m_Dictionary.Add(albums_lang, arr); } // Load songs if (!___m_Dictionary.ContainsKey(name)) { ModLogger.Debug($"Load custom songs list: {name}"); var obj = new JObject(); obj.Add("uid", "custom-0"); obj.Add("name", "Test"); obj.Add("author", "某10"); obj.Add("bpm", "128"); obj.Add("music", "iyaiya_music"); obj.Add("demo", "iyaiya_demo"); obj.Add("cover", "iyaiya_cover"); obj.Add("noteJson", "iyaiya_map"); obj.Add("scene", "scene_05"); obj.Add("levelDesigner", "Lyt99"); obj.Add("difficulty1", "1"); obj.Add("difficulty2", "20"); obj.Add("difficulty3", "0"); obj.Add("unlockLevel", "1"); var arr = new JArray(); arr.Add(obj); ___m_Dictionary.Add(name, arr); } } }catch (Exception ex) { ModLogger.Debug(ex); } }
public static void CompTrack(GameObject gameObject, int layer = 0) { foreach (var comps in gameObject.GetComponents(typeof(object))) { ModLogger.Debug($"{layer} Name:{} Component:{comps.GetType()}"); } if (gameObject.transform.childCount > 0) { ++layer; for (var i = 0; i < gameObject.transform.childCount; i++) { CompTrack(gameObject.transform.GetChild(i).gameObject, layer); } } }
protected override void OnKeyDown(UIKeyEventParameter p) { if (!p.used && p.keycode == KeyCode.Escape) { ModLogger.Debug("Hiding WorkshopMonitor window"); this.Hide(); if (this.parent != null) { this.parent.Focus(); } p.Use(); ModLogger.Debug("WorkshopMonitor window hidden"); } base.OnKeyDown(p); }
public override void Start() { ModLogger.Debug("Starting WorkshopMonitor window"); base.Start(); // Register this window instance with the commandfactory CommandFactory.Instance.SetMainWindow(this); _rows = new List <UIWorkshopAssetRow>(); _workshopAssetListState = new WorkshopAssetListState(AssetType.All); // Make the window invisible by default Hide(); // Set the fixed window size width = UIConstants.MainWindowWidth; height = UIConstants.MainWindowHeight; // Define the window look backgroundSprite = UIConstants.MainWindowBackgroundSprite; UITextureAtlas atlas = Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll <UITextureAtlas>().FirstOrDefault(a => == "Ingame"); if (atlas != null) { this.atlas = atlas; } // Make the window interactive canFocus = true; isInteractive = true; // Set the layout settings autoLayout = true; autoLayoutDirection = LayoutDirection.Vertical; autoLayoutPadding = UIConstants.AutoLayoutPadding; autoLayoutStart = LayoutStart.TopLeft; // Create the window panels, scrollpanel and workshopassetrows SetupPanels(); SetupScrollPanel(); SetupWorkshopAssetRows(); // Populate the workshopasset with workshopasset data PopulateWorkshopAssets(); ModLogger.Debug("WorkshopMonitor window started"); }
private void filterPanel_FilterChanged(object sender, FilterChangedEventArgs e) { try { ModLogger.Debug("Changing filter to {0}", e.NewFilter); ClearWorkshopAssets(); _workshopAssetListState.SetFilter(e.NewFilter); PopulateWorkshopAssets(); ModLogger.Debug("Changed filter to {0}", e.NewFilter); } catch (Exception ex) { ModLogger.Exception(ex); throw; } }
public override void Update() { base.Update(); if (isActivationKeyUsed()) { ModLogger.Debug("Displaying WorkshopMonitor window"); // Always update the workshop monitor before showing the main window to ensure that the latest statistics are loaded WorkshopAssetMonitor.Instance.Update(); showWindow(); ModLogger.Debug("WorkshopMonitor window displayed"); } }
private void AskUnsubscribeModalCallback(UIComponent component, int result) { if (result == 1) { if (Steam.workshop.Unsubscribe(new PublishedFileId(_workshopAssetRowData.WorkshopId))) { ModLogger.Debug("Successfully unsubscribed '{0}'", _workshopAssetRowData.ReadableName); WorkshopAssetMonitor.Instance.Remove(_workshopAssetRowData.WorkshopAssetId); _mainWindow.RemoveRow(_workshopAssetRowData); } else { ModLogger.Debug("Failed to unsbuscribe '{0}'", _workshopAssetRowData.ReadableName); } } }
public void SaveConfiguration() { ModLogger.Debug("Saving configuration to '{0}'", _filename); // Make sure the directory exists string dirname = Path.GetDirectoryName(_filename); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dirname) && !Directory.Exists(dirname)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(dirname); } // Serialize the configuration to the xml file using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(_filename)) { new XmlSerializer(this.GetType()).Serialize(sw, this); } }
private void SetupPanels() { ModLogger.Debug("Setting up panels"); // Create and add the title panel _titlePanel = AddUIComponent <UITitlePanel>(); _titlePanel.Parent = this; // Create and add the filter panel _filterPanel = AddUIComponent <UIAssetTypeFilterPanel>(); _filterPanel.FilterChanged += filterPanel_FilterChanged; // Create and add the caption panel _captionPanel = AddUIComponent <UICaptionPanel>(); _captionPanel.Sort += captionPanel_Sort; ModLogger.Debug("Panels set up"); }
public static void LoadFromName(string name) { //if(type != typeof(TextAsset)) //{ // ModLogger.Debug($"type {type} {name}"); // return; //} ModLogger.Debug($"json {name}"); //string activeOption = SingletonScriptableObject<LocalizationSettings>.instance.GetActiveOption("Language"); //string albums_lang = $"albums_{activeOption}"; //if (name.StartsWith(albums_lang)) //{ // ModLogger.Debug($"language {name}"); //}else if (name.StartsWith("albums")) //{ // ModLogger.Debug($"json {name}"); //} }
public void Update() { try { int workshopAssetCount = _workshopAssets.Count(); ModLogger.Debug("WorkshopAssetMonitor is updating {0} workshop assets", workshopAssetCount); foreach (var item in _workshopAssets) { item.UpdateInstanceCount(); } ModLogger.Debug("WorkshopMonitor updated {0} workshop assets", workshopAssetCount); } catch (Exception ex) { ModLogger.Error("An error occured while updating the workshop item list, the numbers displayed could be incorrect"); ModLogger.Exception(ex); } }
public override void OnLevelUnloading() { // Don't stop in asset and map editor if (_mode != LoadMode.LoadGame && _mode != LoadMode.NewGame) { return; } try { ModLogger.Debug("Stopping WorkshopAssetMonitor"); WorkshopAssetMonitor.Instance.Stop(); ModLogger.Debug("WorkshopAssetMonitor stopped"); } catch (Exception ex) { ModLogger.Error("An error occured while stopping the WorkshopAssetMonitor"); ModLogger.Exception(ex); } }
public static bool OnEnable() { try { int num = Singleton <ConfigManager> .instance["albums"].Count - 2; int[] freeAlbumIndexs = Singleton <WeekFreeManager> .instance.freeAlbumIndexs; Dictionary <int, Transform> dictionary = new Dictionary <int, Transform>(); for (int i = 1; i < num; i++) { Transform value = GameObject.Find(string.Format("ImgAlbum{0}", i)).transform; int key = num - i + 2; dictionary.Add(key, value); } dictionary = (from d in dictionary orderby d.Key descending select d).ToDictionary((KeyValuePair <int, Transform> d) => d.Key, (KeyValuePair <int, Transform> d) => d.Value); foreach (KeyValuePair <int, Transform> keyValuePair in dictionary) { keyValuePair.Value.SetSiblingIndex(keyValuePair.Key); } if (freeAlbumIndexs != null && freeAlbumIndexs.Length > 0) { for (int j = 0; j < freeAlbumIndexs.Length; j++) { int num2 = freeAlbumIndexs[j]; Transform transform = GameObject.Find(string.Format("ImgAlbum{0}", num2)).transform; transform.SetSiblingIndex(j + 3); } } } catch (Exception ex) { ModLogger.Debug(ex); } return(false); }
public static ConfigurationContainer LoadConfiguration(string filename) { ModLogger.Debug("Loading configuration from '{0}'", filename); ConfigurationContainer result = null; // Check if the file exists. If so, deserialize it to a new instance. If not so, create a new empty instance if (File.Exists(filename)) { using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(filename)) result = (ConfigurationContainer) new XmlSerializer(typeof(ConfigurationContainer)).Deserialize(sr); } else { result = new ConfigurationContainer(); } // Assign the filename to the result. This is used later on when saving the configuration. result._filename = filename; ModLogger.Debug("Configuration loaded from '{0}'", filename); return(result); }
public static void RebuildChildren(FancyScrollView __instance) { if ( == "FancyScrollAlbum") { string activeOption = SingletonScriptableObject <LocalizationSettings> .instance.GetActiveOption("Language"); if (GameObject.Find($"ImgAlbumCustom") == null) { // Add new tab gameobject var gameobject = GameObject.Find("ImgAlbumCollection"); GameObject customTab = GameObject.Instantiate(gameobject, gameobject.transform.parent); = $"ImgAlbumCustom"; customTab.transform.SetSiblingIndex(2); // CompTrack(gameobject.transform.parent.gameObject); CompTrack(customTab); var a = customTab.GetComponent <VariableBehaviour>(); if (a != null) { ModLogger.Debug($"{a.result}:{a.variable.result} {a.variable}"); } var b = customTab.transform.Find("TxtAlbumTitle"); if (b != null) { b.GetComponent <UnityEngine.UI.Text>().text = language[activeOption]; var l18n = b.GetComponent <Localization>(); foreach (var opt in l18n.optionPairs) { ((TextOption)opt.option).value = language[]; ModLogger.Debug($" opt:{} val:{((TextOption)opt.option).value.ToString()}"); } } ModLogger.Debug("Add custom map tab"); } } }