        public static IMockMixin CreateExternalMockMixin(this MocksRepository repository, Type type, object mockObject, Behavior?behavior)
            if (behavior == null)
                behavior = DefaultBehavior;

            var supplementaryBehaviors = new List <IBehavior>();
            var fallbackBehaviors      = new List <IBehavior>();
            var mixins = new List <object>();

            DissectBehavior(behavior.Value, mixins, supplementaryBehaviors, fallbackBehaviors, constructorArgs: null, mockConstructorCall: null);
            return(repository.CreateExternalMockMixin(type, mockObject, mixins, supplementaryBehaviors, fallbackBehaviors));
        internal static CallPattern FromExpression(MocksRepository repository, Expression expr)
            var callPattern = new CallPattern();

            expr = ((LambdaExpression)expr).Body;

            // the expression may end with a boxing conversion, remove that
            while (expr.NodeType == ExpressionType.Convert)
                expr = ((UnaryExpression)expr).Operand;

            Expression target;
            MethodBase method = null;

            Expression[] args;

            // We're parsing either a property/field expression or a method call.
            // parse the top of the expression tree and extract the expressions
            // that will turn into the constituents of the call pattern.
            if (expr is MemberExpression)
                var memberExpr = (MemberExpression)expr;
                if (!(memberExpr.Member is PropertyInfo))
                    throw new MockException("Fields cannot be mocked, only properties.");

                var property = (PropertyInfo)memberExpr.Member;
                target = memberExpr.Expression;
                method = property.GetGetMethod(true);
                args   = null;
            else if (expr is MethodCallExpression)
                var methodCall = (MethodCallExpression)expr;

                method = methodCall.Method;
                target = methodCall.Object;
                args   = methodCall.Arguments.ToArray();

                if (target != null && !target.Type.IsInterface && !target.Type.IsProxy() && target.Type != method.DeclaringType)
                    method = MockingUtil.GetConcreteImplementer((MethodInfo)method, target.Type);
            else if (expr is NewExpression)
                if (ProfilerInterceptor.IsReJitEnabled)
                    throw new MockException("Mocking the new operator is not avaiable with OnDemand option enabled. Please use .IgnoreInstance()");

                var newExpr = (NewExpression)expr;

                method = newExpr.Constructor;

                if (method == null && newExpr.Type.IsValueType)
                    throw new MockException("Empty constructor of value type is not associated with runnable code and cannot be intercepted.");

                target = null;
                args   = newExpr.Arguments.ToArray();
            else if (expr is InvocationExpression)
                var invocation = (InvocationExpression)expr;
                target = invocation.Expression;
                args   = invocation.Arguments.ToArray();
            else if (expr.NodeType == ExpressionType.Assign)
                var binary = (BinaryExpression)expr;
                if (binary.Left is MemberExpression)
                    MemberExpression memberExpr = (MemberExpression)binary.Left;
                    if (!(memberExpr.Member is PropertyInfo))
                        throw new MockException("Fields cannot be mocked, only properties.");

                    var property = (PropertyInfo)memberExpr.Member;
                    target = memberExpr.Expression;
                    method = property.GetSetMethod(true);
                    args   = new[] { binary.Right };
                else if (binary.Left is IndexExpression)
                    IndexExpression indexExpr = (IndexExpression)binary.Left;
                    target = indexExpr.Object;
                    method = indexExpr.Indexer.GetSetMethod(true);
                    args   = indexExpr.Arguments.Concat(new[] { binary.Right }).ToArray();
                    throw new MockException("Left-hand of assignment is not a member or indexer.");
            else if (expr is IndexExpression)
                var index = (IndexExpression)expr;
                target = index.Object;
                var property = index.Indexer;
                method = property.GetGetMethod(true);
                args   = index.Arguments.ToArray();
                throw new MockException("The expression does not represent a method call, property access, new expression or a delegate invocation.");

            // Create the matcher for the instance part of the call pattern.
            // If the base of the target expression is a new expression (new T()),
            // or null (e.g. (null as T) or ((T) null)), then use AnyMatcher for the instance part,
            // otherwise evaluate the instance expression and use a value matcher with the evaluated result.
            var        rootTarget = expr;
            Expression prevToRoot = null;
            while (true)
                var memberExpr = rootTarget as MemberExpression;
                if (memberExpr != null && memberExpr.Expression != null && memberExpr.Member is PropertyInfo)
                    prevToRoot = rootTarget;
                    rootTarget = memberExpr.Expression;

                var callExpr = rootTarget as MethodCallExpression;
                if (callExpr != null && callExpr.Object != null)
                    prevToRoot = rootTarget;
                    rootTarget = callExpr.Object;

                if (rootTarget != null && (rootTarget.NodeType == ExpressionType.Convert || rootTarget.NodeType == ExpressionType.TypeAs))
                    rootTarget = ((UnaryExpression)rootTarget).Operand;

                if (rootTarget is InvocationExpression)
                    prevToRoot = rootTarget;
                    rootTarget = ((InvocationExpression)rootTarget).Expression;

                if (rootTarget is BinaryExpression)
                    prevToRoot = rootTarget;
                    rootTarget = ((BinaryExpression)rootTarget).Left;

                if (rootTarget is IndexExpression)
                    prevToRoot = rootTarget;
                    rootTarget = ((IndexExpression)rootTarget).Object;


            object targetMockObject = null;
            Type   targetMockType   = null;
            bool   isStatic         = false;
            var    rootMatcher      = MocksRepository.TryCreateMatcherFromArgMember(rootTarget);

            if (rootMatcher != null)
                callPattern.InstanceMatcher = rootMatcher;
            else if (rootTarget is MemberExpression)
                var memberExpr = (MemberExpression)rootTarget;
                targetMockObject = memberExpr.Member is FieldInfo?memberExpr.EvaluateExpression()
                                       : memberExpr.Expression != null?memberExpr.Expression.EvaluateExpression()
                                           : null;

                targetMockType = memberExpr.Member is FieldInfo ? memberExpr.Type : memberExpr.Member.DeclaringType;

                var asPropertyInfo = memberExpr.Member as PropertyInfo;
                isStatic = asPropertyInfo != null
                    ? (asPropertyInfo.GetGetMethod(true) ?? asPropertyInfo.GetSetMethod(true)).IsStatic
                    : false;
            else if (rootTarget is MethodCallExpression)
                var methodCallExpr = (MethodCallExpression)rootTarget;
                targetMockObject = methodCallExpr.Object != null?methodCallExpr.Object.EvaluateExpression() : null;

                targetMockType = methodCallExpr.Method.DeclaringType;
                isStatic       = methodCallExpr.Method.IsStatic;
            else if (rootTarget is NewExpression)
                callPattern.InstanceMatcher = new AnyMatcher();
            else if (rootTarget is ConstantExpression)
                var constant = (ConstantExpression)rootTarget;
                if (constant.Value == null)
                    callPattern.InstanceMatcher = new AnyMatcher();
                    if (constant.Type.IsCompilerGenerated() && prevToRoot != null && prevToRoot.Type != typeof(void))
                        targetMockObject = prevToRoot.EvaluateExpression();
                        targetMockType   = prevToRoot.Type;
                        targetMockObject = constant.Value;
                        targetMockType   = constant.Type;
            if (targetMockObject != null)
                targetMockType = targetMockObject.GetType();

            if (callPattern.InstanceMatcher != null && prevToRoot != expr && prevToRoot != null)
                throw new MockException("Using a matcher for the root member together with recursive mocking is not supported. Arrange the property or method of the root member in a separate statement.");

            if (callPattern.InstanceMatcher == null)
                // TODO: implicit creation of mock mixins shouldn't explicitly refer to behaviors, but
                // should get them from some configuration made outside the Core.
                Debug.Assert(targetMockObject != null || targetMockType != null);
                MockingUtil.UnwrapDelegateTarget(ref targetMockObject);
                var mixin = MocksRepository.GetMockMixin(targetMockObject, targetMockType);
                if (mixin == null)
                    if (isStatic)
                        MockCreationSettings settings = MockCreationSettings.GetSettings(Behavior.CallOriginal);
                        repository.InterceptStatics(targetMockType, settings, false);
                    else if (targetMockObject != null)
                        MockCreationSettings settings = MockCreationSettings.GetSettings(Behavior.CallOriginal);
                        repository.CreateExternalMockMixin(targetMockType, targetMockObject, settings);

                var targetValue = target != null?target.EvaluateExpression() : null;

                var delgMethod = MockingUtil.UnwrapDelegateTarget(ref targetValue);
                if (delgMethod != null)
                    method = delgMethod.GetInheritanceChain().First(m => !m.DeclaringType.IsProxy());

                callPattern.InstanceMatcher = new ReferenceMatcher(targetValue);

            // now we have the method part of the call pattern
            Debug.Assert(method != null);
            callPattern.SetMethod(method, checkCompatibility: true);

            //Finally, construct the arguments part of the call pattern.
            using (repository.StartArrangeArgMatching())
                bool hasParams = false;
                bool hasSingleValueInParams = false;

                if (args != null && args.Length > 0)
                    var lastParameter = method.GetParameters().Last();
                    if (Attribute.IsDefined(lastParameter, typeof(ParamArrayAttribute)) && args.Last() is NewArrayExpression)
                        hasParams = true;
                        var paramsArg = (NewArrayExpression)args.Last();
                        args = args.Take(args.Length - 1).Concat(paramsArg.Expressions).ToArray();
                        if (paramsArg.Expressions.Count == 1)
                            hasSingleValueInParams = true;

                    foreach (var argument in args)

                    if (hasParams)
                        int paramsCount = method.GetParameters().Count();
                        if (hasSingleValueInParams)
                            IMatcher      matcher     = callPattern.ArgumentMatchers[paramsCount - 1];
                            ITypedMatcher typeMatcher = matcher as ITypedMatcher;
                            if (typeMatcher != null && typeMatcher.Type != method.GetParameters().Last().ParameterType)
                                callPattern.ArgumentMatchers[paramsCount - 1] = new ParamsMatcher(new IMatcher[] { matcher });
                            IEnumerable <IMatcher> paramMatchers = callPattern.ArgumentMatchers.Skip(paramsCount - 1).Take(callPattern.ArgumentMatchers.Count - paramsCount + 1);
                            callPattern.ArgumentMatchers = callPattern.ArgumentMatchers.Take(paramsCount - 1).ToList();
                            callPattern.ArgumentMatchers.Add(new ParamsMatcher(paramMatchers.ToArray()));

            MethodBase methodFromCallPattern = repository.GetMethodFromCallPattern(callPattern);

            callPattern.SetMethod(methodFromCallPattern, checkCompatibility: false);
