public async Task DefineTable_Throws_WhenStoreIsInitialized()
     var store = new MobileServiceSQLiteStore(TestDbName);
     await store.InitializeAsync();
     var ex = Throws<InvalidOperationException>(() => store.DefineTable(TestTable, new JObject()));
     Assert.AreEqual(ex.Message, "Cannot define a table after the store has been initialized.");
        public async Task InitializeAsync_InitializesTheStore()
            TestUtilities.DropTestTable(TestDbName, TestTable);

            var store = new MobileServiceSQLiteStore(TestDbName);
            store.DefineTable(TestTable, new JObject()
                {"id", String.Empty },
                {"createdAt", DateTime.UtcNow}
            await store.InitializeAsync();
        public async Task BasicOfflineTest()
            DateTime now    = DateTime.UtcNow;
            int      seed   = now.Year * 10000 + now.Month * 100 + now.Day;
            Random   rndGen = new Random(seed);

            CountingHandler handler = new CountingHandler();
            var             requestsSentToServer = 0;
            var             offlineReadyClient   = CreateClient(handler);

            var localStore = new MobileServiceSQLiteStore(StoreFileName);

            localStore.DefineTable <OfflineReadyItem>();

            await offlineReadyClient.SyncContext.InitializeAsync(localStore);

            var localTable  = offlineReadyClient.GetSyncTable <OfflineReadyItem>();
            var remoteTable = offlineReadyClient.GetTable <OfflineReadyItem>();

            var item = new OfflineReadyItem(rndGen);

                await localTable.InsertAsync(item);

                await Assert.ThrowsAsync <MobileServiceInvalidOperationException>(async() =>
                    await remoteTable.LookupAsync(item.Id);

                Func <int, bool> validateRequestCount = expectedCount => (handler.RequestCount == expectedCount);

                await offlineReadyClient.SyncContext.PushAsync();



                var serverItem = await remoteTable.LookupAsync(item.Id);

                Assert.Equal(serverItem, item);

                item.Flag = !item.Flag;
                item.Date = new DateTime(now.Year, now.Month, now.Day, now.Hour, now.Minute, now.Second, now.Millisecond, DateTimeKind.Utc);
                await localTable.UpdateAsync(item);

                var newItem = new OfflineReadyItem(rndGen);
                await localTable.InsertAsync(newItem);


                await offlineReadyClient.SyncContext.PushAsync();

                requestsSentToServer += 2;


                serverItem = await remoteTable.LookupAsync(item.Id);

                Assert.Equal(serverItem, item);

                serverItem = await remoteTable.LookupAsync(newItem.Id);

                Assert.Equal(serverItem, newItem);

                await localTable.DeleteAsync(item);

                await localTable.DeleteAsync(newItem);

                await offlineReadyClient.SyncContext.PushAsync();

                requestsSentToServer += 2;
            catch (MobileServicePushFailedException)
        private async Task AuthenticatedTableSyncTest()
            bool     isUserLoggedIn = false;
            DateTime now            = DateTime.UtcNow;
            int      seed           = now.Year * 10000 + now.Month * 100 + now.Day;

            Log("Using random seed: {0}", seed);
            Random rndGen = new Random(seed);

            var offlineReadyClient = CreateClient();

            var localStore = new MobileServiceSQLiteStore(StoreFileName);

            Log("Defined the table on the local store");
            localStore.DefineTable <OfflineReadyItemNoVersion>();

            await offlineReadyClient.SyncContext.InitializeAsync(localStore);

            Log("Initialized the store and sync context");

                var localTable  = offlineReadyClient.GetSyncTable <OfflineReadyItemNoVersion>();
                var remoteTable = offlineReadyClient.GetTable <OfflineReadyItemNoVersion>();

                var item = new OfflineReadyItemNoVersion(rndGen);
                await localTable.InsertAsync(item);

                Log("Inserted the item to the local store:", item);

                    await offlineReadyClient.SyncContext.PushAsync();

                    Log("Pushed the changes to the server");
                    if (isUserLoggedIn)
                        Log("As expected, push succeeded");
                        Assert.Fail("Error, table should only work with authenticated access, but user is not logged in");
                catch (MobileServicePushFailedException ex)
                    if (isUserLoggedIn)
                        Assert.Fail(string.Format("Error, user is logged in but push operation failed: {0}", ex));

                    Log("Got expected exception: {0}: {1}", ex.GetType().FullName, ex.Message);
                    Exception inner = ex.InnerException;
                    while (inner != null)
                        Log("  {0}: {1}", inner.GetType().FullName, inner.Message);
                        inner = inner.InnerException;

                if (!isUserLoggedIn)
                    Log("Push should have failed, so now will try to log in to complete the push operation");
                    MobileServiceUser user = await Utilities.GetDummyUser(offlineReadyClient);

                    offlineReadyClient.CurrentUser = user;
                    Log("Logged in as {0}", offlineReadyClient.CurrentUser.UserId);
                    await offlineReadyClient.SyncContext.PushAsync();

                    Log("Push succeeded");

                await localTable.PurgeAsync();

                Log("Purged the local table");
                await localTable.PullAsync(null, localTable.Where(i => i.Id == item.Id));

                Log("Pulled the data into the local table");
                List <OfflineReadyItemNoVersion> serverItems = await localTable.ToListAsync();

                Log("Retrieved items from the local table");

                Log("Removing item from the remote table");
                await remoteTable.DeleteAsync(item);

                if (!isUserLoggedIn)
                    Log("Logged out again");

                var firstServerItem = serverItems.FirstOrDefault();
                if (item.Equals(firstServerItem))
                    Log("Data round-tripped successfully");
                    Assert.Fail(string.Format("Error, data did not round-trip successfully. Expected: {0}, actual: {1}", item, firstServerItem));

                Log("Cleaning up");
                await localTable.PurgeAsync();

        public async Task UpsertAsync_Throws_WhenColumnInItemIsNotDefinedAndItIsLocal()
            TestUtilities.DropTestTable(TestDbName, TestTable);

            using (var store = new MobileServiceSQLiteStore(TestDbName))
                store.DefineTable(TestTable, new JObject()
                    { "id", String.Empty },
                    { "dob", DateTime.UtcNow }

                await store.InitializeAsync();

                var ex = await ThrowsAsync<InvalidOperationException>(() => store.UpsertAsync(TestTable, new[] { new JObject() { { "notDefined", "okok" } } }, ignoreMissingColumns: false));

                Assert.AreEqual(ex.Message, "Column with name 'notDefined' is not defined on the local table 'todo'.");
        private async Task NoOptimisticConcurrencyTest()
            // If a table does not have a version column, then offline will still
            // work, but there will be no conflicts
            DateTime now  = DateTime.UtcNow;
            int      seed = now.Year * 10000 + now.Month * 100 + now.Day;

            Log("Using random seed: {0}", seed);
            Random rndGen = new Random(seed);

            var offlineReadyClient = CreateClient();

            var localStore = new MobileServiceSQLiteStore(StoreFileName);

            Log("Defined the table on the local store");
            localStore.DefineTable <OfflineReadyItemNoVersion>();

            await offlineReadyClient.SyncContext.InitializeAsync(localStore);

            Log("Initialized the store and sync context");

            var localTable  = offlineReadyClient.GetSyncTable <OfflineReadyItemNoVersion>();
            var remoteTable = offlineReadyClient.GetTable <OfflineReadyItemNoVersion>();

            var item = new OfflineReadyItemNoVersion(rndGen);

                offlineReadyClient.CurrentUser = await Utilities.GetDummyUser(offlineReadyClient);

                await localTable.InsertAsync(item);

                Log("Inserted the item to the local store:", item);
                await offlineReadyClient.SyncContext.PushAsync();

                Log("Pushed the changes to the server");

                var serverItem = await remoteTable.LookupAsync(item.Id);

                serverItem.Name = "changed name";
                serverItem.Age  = 0;
                await remoteTable.UpdateAsync(serverItem);

                Log("Server item updated (changes will be overwritten later");

                item.Age  = item.Age + 1;
                item.Name = item.Name + " - modified";
                await localTable.UpdateAsync(item);

                Log("Updated item locally, will now push changes to the server: {0}", item);
                await offlineReadyClient.SyncContext.PushAsync();

                serverItem = await remoteTable.LookupAsync(item.Id);

                Log("Retrieved the item from the server: {0}", serverItem);

                if (serverItem.Equals(item))
                    Log("Items are the same");
                    Assert.Fail(string.Format("Items are different. Local: {0}; remote: {1}", item, serverItem));

                Log("Cleaning up");
                Log("Local table cleaned up. Now sync'ing once more");
                await offlineReadyClient.SyncContext.PushAsync();

            catch (MobileServicePushFailedException ex)
                Log("PushResult status: " + ex.PushResult.Status);
            await offlineReadyClient.LogoutAsync();
        private async Task CreateSyncConflict(bool autoResolve)
            bool     resolveConflictsOnClient = autoResolve;
            DateTime now  = DateTime.UtcNow;
            int      seed = now.Year * 10000 + now.Month * 100 + now.Day;

            Log("Using random seed: {0}", seed);
            Random rndGen = new Random(seed);

            var offlineReadyClient = CreateClient();

            var localStore = new MobileServiceSQLiteStore(StoreFileName);

            Log("Defined the table on the local store");
            localStore.DefineTable <OfflineReadyItem>();

            ConflictResolvingSyncHandler <OfflineReadyItem> .ConflictResolution conflictHandlingPolicy;
            conflictHandlingPolicy = (client, server) =>
                                     new OfflineReadyItem
                Id             = client.Id,
                Age            = Math.Max(client.Age, server.Age),
                Date           = client.Date > server.Date ? client.Date : server.Date,
                Flag           = client.Flag || server.Flag,
                FloatingNumber = Math.Max(client.FloatingNumber, server.FloatingNumber),
                Name           = client.Name
            if (resolveConflictsOnClient)
                var handler = new ConflictResolvingSyncHandler <OfflineReadyItem>(this, offlineReadyClient, conflictHandlingPolicy);
                await offlineReadyClient.SyncContext.InitializeAsync(localStore, handler);
                await offlineReadyClient.SyncContext.InitializeAsync(localStore);

            Log("Initialized the store and sync context");

            var localTable  = offlineReadyClient.GetSyncTable <OfflineReadyItem>();
            var remoteTable = offlineReadyClient.GetTable <OfflineReadyItem>();

            await localTable.PurgeAsync();

            Log("Removed all items from the local table");

            var item = new OfflineReadyItem(rndGen);
            await remoteTable.InsertAsync(item);

            Log("Inserted the item to the remote store:", item);

            var pullQuery = "$filter=id eq '" + item.Id + "'";
            await localTable.PullAsync(null, pullQuery);

            Log("Changing the item on the server");
            await remoteTable.UpdateAsync(item);

            Log("Updated the item: {0}", item);

            var localItem = await localTable.LookupAsync(item.Id);

            Log("Retrieved the item from the local table, now updating it");
            localItem.Date = localItem.Date.AddDays(1);
            await localTable.UpdateAsync(localItem);

            Log("Updated the item on the local table");

            Log("Now trying to pull changes from the server (will trigger a push)");
            string errorMessage = string.Empty;

                await localTable.PullAsync(null, pullQuery);

                if (!autoResolve)
                    errorMessage = "Error, pull (push) should have caused a conflict, but none happened.";
                    var expectedMergedItem = conflictHandlingPolicy(localItem, item);
                    var localMergedItem    = await localTable.LookupAsync(item.Id);

                    if (localMergedItem.Equals(expectedMergedItem))
                        Log("Item was merged correctly.");
                        errorMessage = string.Format("Error, item not merged correctly. Expected: {0}, Actual: {1}", expectedMergedItem, localMergedItem);
            catch (MobileServicePushFailedException ex)
                Log("Push exception: {0}", ex);
                if (autoResolve)
                    errorMessage = "Error, push should have succeeded.";
                    Log("Expected exception was thrown.");

            Log("Cleaning up");
            await localTable.DeleteAsync(item);

            Log("Local table cleaned up. Now sync'ing once more");
            await offlineReadyClient.SyncContext.PushAsync();

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(errorMessage))
 private static void DefineTables(MobileServiceSQLiteStore store)
     store.DefineTable <TodoItem>();
 /*                          Define the Tables                        */
 public void DefineTables()
     _eagleDatabase.DefineTable <Assignment>();
     _eagleDatabase.DefineTable <Course>();
     _eagleDatabase.DefineTable <FourWindsItem>();
     _eagleDatabase.DefineTable <VarsityItem>();
     _eagleDatabase.DefineTable <GrabAndGoItem>();
     _eagleDatabase.DefineTable <Student>();
     _eagleDatabase.DefineTable <AzureToken>();
     _eagleDatabase.DefineTable <LocalToken>();
     _eagleDatabase.DefineTable <Events>();
     _eagleDatabase.DefineTable <StudentEvent>();
     _eagleDatabase.DefineTable <EventSlot>();
     _eagleDatabase.DefineTable <ClassAttendance>();
     _eagleDatabase.DefineTable <Offense>();
     _eagleDatabase.DefineTable <OffenseCategory>();
     _eagleDatabase.DefineTable <ProfessorTimes>();
        private static ZumoTest CreateBasicTest()
            return(new ZumoTest("Basic offline scenario", async delegate(ZumoTest test)
                DateTime now = DateTime.UtcNow;
                int seed = now.Year * 10000 + now.Month * 100 + now.Day;
                test.AddLog("Using random seed: {0}", seed);
                Random rndGen = new Random(seed);

                CountingHandler handler = new CountingHandler();
                var requestsSentToServer = 0;
                var offlineReadyClient = CreateClient(handler);

                var localStore = new MobileServiceSQLiteStore(StoreFileName);
                test.AddLog("Defined the table on the local store");
                localStore.DefineTable <OfflineReadyItem>();

                await offlineReadyClient.SyncContext.InitializeAsync(localStore);
                test.AddLog("Initialized the store and sync context");

                var localTable = offlineReadyClient.GetSyncTable <OfflineReadyItem>();
                var remoteTable = offlineReadyClient.GetTable <OfflineReadyItem>();

                var item = new OfflineReadyItem(rndGen);
                await localTable.InsertAsync(item);
                test.AddLog("Inserted the item to the local store:", item);

                test.AddLog("Validating that the item is not in the server table");
                    await remoteTable.LookupAsync(item.Id);
                    test.AddLog("Error, item is present in the server");
                    return false;
                catch (MobileServiceInvalidOperationException ex)
                    test.AddLog("Ok, item is not in the server: {0}", ex.Message);

                Func <int, bool> validateRequestCount = expectedCount =>
                    test.AddLog("So far {0} requests sent to the server", handler.RequestCount);
                    if (handler.RequestCount != expectedCount)
                        test.AddLog("Error, expected {0} requests to have been sent to the server", expectedCount);
                        return false;
                        return true;

                if (!validateRequestCount(requestsSentToServer))
                    return false;

                test.AddLog("Pushing changes to the server");
                await offlineReadyClient.SyncContext.PushAsync();

                if (!validateRequestCount(requestsSentToServer))
                    return false;

                test.AddLog("Push done; now verifying that item is in the server");

                var serverItem = await remoteTable.LookupAsync(item.Id);
                test.AddLog("Retrieved item from server: {0}", serverItem);
                if (serverItem.Equals(item))
                    test.AddLog("Items are the same");
                    test.AddLog("Items are different. Local: {0}; remote: {1}", item, serverItem);
                    return false;

                test.AddLog("Now updating the item locally");
                item.Flag = !item.Flag;
                item.Date = new DateTime(now.Year, now.Month, now.Day, now.Hour, now.Minute, now.Second, now.Millisecond, DateTimeKind.Utc);
                await localTable.UpdateAsync(item);
                test.AddLog("Item has been updated");

                var newItem = new OfflineReadyItem(rndGen);
                test.AddLog("Adding a new item to the local table: {0}", newItem);
                await localTable.InsertAsync(newItem);

                if (!validateRequestCount(requestsSentToServer))
                    return false;

                test.AddLog("Pushing the new changes to the server");
                await offlineReadyClient.SyncContext.PushAsync();
                requestsSentToServer += 2;

                if (!validateRequestCount(requestsSentToServer))
                    return false;

                test.AddLog("Push done. Verifying changes on the server");
                serverItem = await remoteTable.LookupAsync(item.Id);
                if (serverItem.Equals(item))
                    test.AddLog("Updated items are the same");
                    test.AddLog("Items are different. Local: {0}; remote: {1}", item, serverItem);
                    return false;

                serverItem = await remoteTable.LookupAsync(newItem.Id);
                if (serverItem.Equals(newItem))
                    test.AddLog("New inserted item is the same");
                    test.AddLog("Items are different. Local: {0}; remote: {1}", item, serverItem);
                    return false;

                test.AddLog("Cleaning up");
                await localTable.DeleteAsync(item);
                await localTable.DeleteAsync(newItem);
                test.AddLog("Local table cleaned up. Now sync'ing once more");
                await offlineReadyClient.SyncContext.PushAsync();
                requestsSentToServer += 2;
                if (!validateRequestCount(requestsSentToServer))
                    return false;
                return true;
            }, ZumoTestGlobals.RuntimeFeatureNames.STRING_ID_TABLES));
        private static ZumoTest CreateNoOptimisticConcurrencyTest()
            // If a table does not have a __version column, then offline will still
            // work, but there will be no conflicts
            return(new ZumoTest("Offline without version column", async delegate(ZumoTest test)
                if (ZumoTestGlobals.Instance.IsNetRuntime)
                    return true;

                DateTime now = DateTime.UtcNow;
                int seed = now.Year * 10000 + now.Month * 100 + now.Day;
                test.AddLog("Using random seed: {0}", seed);
                Random rndGen = new Random(seed);

                var offlineReadyClient = CreateClient();

                var localStore = new MobileServiceSQLiteStore(StoreFileName);
                test.AddLog("Defined the table on the local store");
                localStore.DefineTable <OfflineReadyItemNoVersion>();

                await offlineReadyClient.SyncContext.InitializeAsync(localStore);
                test.AddLog("Initialized the store and sync context");

                var localTable = offlineReadyClient.GetSyncTable <OfflineReadyItemNoVersion>();
                var remoteTable = offlineReadyClient.GetTable <OfflineReadyItemNoVersion>();

                var item = new OfflineReadyItemNoVersion(rndGen);
                await localTable.InsertAsync(item);
                test.AddLog("Inserted the item to the local store:", item);

                await offlineReadyClient.SyncContext.PushAsync();
                test.AddLog("Pushed the changes to the server");

                var serverItem = await remoteTable.LookupAsync(item.Id);
                serverItem.Name = "changed name";
                serverItem.Age = 0;
                await remoteTable.UpdateAsync(serverItem);
                test.AddLog("Server item updated (changes will be overwritten later");

                item.Age = item.Age + 1;
                item.Name = item.Name + " - modified";
                await localTable.UpdateAsync(item);
                test.AddLog("Updated item locally, will now push changes to the server: {0}", item);
                await offlineReadyClient.SyncContext.PushAsync();

                serverItem = await remoteTable.LookupAsync(item.Id);
                test.AddLog("Retrieved the item from the server: {0}", serverItem);

                if (serverItem.Equals(item))
                    test.AddLog("Items are the same");
                    test.AddLog("Items are different. Local: {0}; remote: {1}", item, serverItem);
                    return false;

                test.AddLog("Cleaning up");
                await localTable.DeleteAsync(item);
                test.AddLog("Local table cleaned up. Now sync'ing once more");
                await offlineReadyClient.SyncContext.PushAsync();
                return true;
 public void Init(MobileServiceSQLiteStore store)
     client = Xamarin.Forms.DependencyService.Get <IAzureClient>();
     store.DefineTable <T>();
     SyncTable = client.MobileService.GetSyncTable <T>();
        public async Task InitializeAsync()
            var file = DependencyService.Get <IDatabaseConnection>().DbConnection(dbVersion);

            _store = new MobileServiceSQLiteStore(file);
            _store.DefineTable <Game>();
            _store.DefineTable <Player>();
            _store.DefineTable <GamePlayer>();
            _store.DefineTable <Venue>();
            _store.DefineTable <VenueAvailabilityPeriod>();
            _store.DefineTable <VenueFacilities>();
            _store.DefineTable <Facility>();
            _store.DefineTable <Availability>();
            _store.DefineTable <AvailabilityPeriod>();
            _store.DefineTable <Tee>();
            _store.DefineTable <Score>();

            await App.MobileService.SyncContext.InitializeAsync(_store).ConfigureAwait(false);

            await CleanupGames();

            //var players = await PlayersTable.ToListAsync();
            //if (players.Count == 0)
            await SyncAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);


            MessagingCenter.Send(this, ServiceMessage.DataServiceInitialized);
        public static async Task InitStore(MobileServiceClient client)
                if (_databaseInitialized)

                var store = new MobileServiceSQLiteStore(Constants.DbFileName);

                store.DefineTable <UserAccount>(); //INIT all data tables here

                //Initializes the SyncContext using the default IMobileServiceSyncHandler.
                var initializeAsync = SharedClient.CurrentClient?.SyncContext.InitializeAsync(store);
                if (initializeAsync != null)
                        await initializeAsync;
                    catch (Exception e)

                if (Settings.FirstRun)
                    //Pre-fill tables

                    var wishesList       = new List <Wish>(FakeDataGenerator.GetWishes());
                    var wishesRepository = App.DryIocContainer.Resolve <IWishesRepository>();
                    foreach (var wish in wishesList)
                        await wishesRepository.CreateWishAsync(wish);

                    //if (!Settings.InitialWizardRequired)
                    ///else we would never get the accounts list there
                    var accountsSms = FakeDataGenerator.GetAccountsRepositorySms().ToList();

                    var bankAccountsSmsRepository = App.DryIocContainer.Resolve <IBankAccountsSmsRepository>();
                    foreach (var accountSms in accountsSms)
                        await bankAccountsSmsRepository.CreateAccountAsync(accountSms);
                    // }

                    var accountsApi     = FakeDataGenerator.GetAccountsApiRepository1().ToList();
                    var bankAccountsApi = App.DryIocContainer.Resolve <IBankAccountsApiRepository>();
                    foreach (var accountApi in accountsApi)
                        await bankAccountsApi.CreateAccountAsync(accountApi);
                    var banks = FakeDataGenerator.GetDescriptorApiRepositorySms().ToList();
                    var bankAccountsSmsDescriptors = App.DryIocContainer.Resolve <IBankAccountDescriptorSmsRepository>();
                    foreach (var accountDescriptorSms in banks)
                        await bankAccountsSmsDescriptors.CreateAccountDescriptorAsync(accountDescriptorSms);

                    var banksApi = FakeDataGenerator.GetDescriptorApiRepositoryApi().ToList();
                    var bankAccountsApiDescriptors = App.DryIocContainer.Resolve <IBankAccountDescriptorApiRepository>();
                    foreach (var accountDescriptorApi in banksApi)
                        await bankAccountsApiDescriptors.CreateAccountDescriptorAsync(accountDescriptorApi);

                    var regularPaymentTemplates           = FakeDataGenerator.GetRegularPaymentTemplates().ToList();
                    var regularPaymentTemplatesRepository = App.DryIocContainer.Resolve <IRegularPaymentTemplatesRepository>();
                    foreach (var regularPaymentTemplate in regularPaymentTemplates)
                        await regularPaymentTemplatesRepository.CreateRegularPaymentTemplateAsync(

                    var regularPayments           = FakeDataGenerator.GetRegularPayments().ToList();
                    var regularPaymentsRepository = App.DryIocContainer.Resolve <IRegularPaymentsRepository>();
                    foreach (var regularPaymentTemplate in regularPayments)
                        await regularPaymentsRepository.CreateRegularPaymentAsync(

                    var bankTemplates           = FakeDataGenerator.GetBankTemplates().ToList();
                    var bankTemplatesRepository = App.DryIocContainer.Resolve <IBankTemplateRepository>();
                    foreach (var templateBank in bankTemplates)
                        await bankTemplatesRepository.CreateTemplateAsync(templateBank);

                    var regularPaymentsPaid           = FakeDataGenerator.GetRegularPaymentsPaid().ToList();
                    var regularPaymentsPaidRepository = App.DryIocContainer.Resolve <IRegularPaymentsPaidRepository>();

                    foreach (var regularPaymentPaid in regularPaymentsPaid)
                        await regularPaymentsPaidRepository.CreateRegularPaymentPaidAsync(regularPaymentPaid);
                if (Settings.FirstRun)
                    //Pre-fill tables

                Settings.FirstRun    = false;
                _databaseInitialized = true;
            catch (Exception e)
        private async Task CreateSyncConflict(bool autoResolve)
            bool     resolveConflictsOnClient = autoResolve;
            DateTime now    = DateTime.UtcNow;
            int      seed   = now.Year * 10000 + now.Month * 100 + now.Day;
            Random   rndGen = new Random(seed);

            var offlineReadyClient = CreateClient();

            var localStore = new MobileServiceSQLiteStore(StoreFileName);

            localStore.DefineTable <OfflineReadyItem>();

            ConflictResolvingSyncHandler <OfflineReadyItem> .ConflictResolution conflictHandlingPolicy;
            conflictHandlingPolicy = (client, server) =>
                                     new OfflineReadyItem
                Id             = client.Id,
                Age            = Math.Max(client.Age, server.Age),
                Date           = client.Date > server.Date ? client.Date : server.Date,
                Flag           = client.Flag || server.Flag,
                FloatingNumber = Math.Max(client.FloatingNumber, server.FloatingNumber),
                Name           = client.Name
            if (resolveConflictsOnClient)
                var handler = new ConflictResolvingSyncHandler <OfflineReadyItem>(this, offlineReadyClient, conflictHandlingPolicy);
                await offlineReadyClient.SyncContext.InitializeAsync(localStore, handler);
                await offlineReadyClient.SyncContext.InitializeAsync(localStore);

            var localTable  = offlineReadyClient.GetSyncTable <OfflineReadyItem>();
            var remoteTable = offlineReadyClient.GetTable <OfflineReadyItem>();

            await localTable.PurgeAsync();

            var item = new OfflineReadyItem(rndGen);
            await remoteTable.InsertAsync(item);

            var pullQuery = "$filter=id eq '" + item.Id + "'";
            await localTable.PullAsync(null, pullQuery);

            await remoteTable.UpdateAsync(item);

            var localItem = await localTable.LookupAsync(item.Id);

            localItem.Date = localItem.Date.AddDays(1);
            await localTable.UpdateAsync(localItem);

            string errorMessage = string.Empty;

                await localTable.PullAsync(null, pullQuery);

                if (!autoResolve)
                    errorMessage = "Error, pull (push) should have caused a conflict, but none happened.";
                    var expectedMergedItem = conflictHandlingPolicy(localItem, item);
                    var localMergedItem    = await localTable.LookupAsync(item.Id);

                    Assert.Equal(expectedMergedItem, localMergedItem);
            catch (MobileServicePushFailedException)
                if (autoResolve)
                    errorMessage = "Error, push should have succeeded.";

            await localTable.DeleteAsync(item);

            await offlineReadyClient.SyncContext.PushAsync();

        private async Task AbortPushDuringSync(SyncAbortLocation whereToAbort)
            SyncAbortLocation abortLocation = whereToAbort;
            DateTime          now           = DateTime.UtcNow;
            int    seed   = now.Year * 10000 + now.Month * 100 + now.Day;
            Random rndGen = new Random(seed);

            var offlineReadyClient = CreateClient();

            var items = Enumerable.Range(0, 10).Select(_ => new OfflineReadyItem(rndGen)).ToArray();

            foreach (var item in items)
                item.Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("D");

            int abortIndex = abortLocation == SyncAbortLocation.Start ? 0 :
                             (abortLocation == SyncAbortLocation.End ? items.Length - 1 : rndGen.Next(1, items.Length - 1));
            var idToAbort = items[abortIndex].Id;

            var localStore = new MobileServiceSQLiteStore(StoreFileName);

            localStore.DefineTable <OfflineReadyItem>();

            var syncHandler = new AbortingSyncHandler(this, id => id == idToAbort);
            await offlineReadyClient.SyncContext.InitializeAsync(localStore, syncHandler);

            var localTable  = offlineReadyClient.GetSyncTable <OfflineReadyItem>();
            var remoteTable = offlineReadyClient.GetTable <OfflineReadyItem>();

                foreach (var item in items)
                    await localTable.InsertAsync(item);

                await Assert.ThrowsAsync <MobileServicePushFailedException>(() => offlineReadyClient.SyncContext.PushAsync());

                var expectedOperationQueueSize = items.Length - abortIndex;
                Assert.False(expectedOperationQueueSize != offlineReadyClient.SyncContext.PendingOperations);

                foreach (var allItemsPushed in new bool[] { false, true })
                    HashSet <OfflineReadyItem> itemsInServer, itemsNotInServer;
                    if (allItemsPushed)
                        itemsInServer    = new HashSet <OfflineReadyItem>(items.ToArray());
                        itemsNotInServer = new HashSet <OfflineReadyItem>(Enumerable.Empty <OfflineReadyItem>());
                        itemsInServer    = new HashSet <OfflineReadyItem>(items.Where((item, index) => index < abortIndex));
                        itemsNotInServer = new HashSet <OfflineReadyItem>(items.Where((item, index) => index >= abortIndex));

                    foreach (var item in items)
                        var itemFromServer = (await remoteTable.Where(i => i.Id == item.Id).Take(1).ToEnumerableAsync()).FirstOrDefault();
                        Assert.False(itemsInServer.Contains(item) && itemFromServer == null);
                        Assert.False(itemsNotInServer.Contains(item) && itemFromServer != null);

                    if (!allItemsPushed)
                        syncHandler.AbortCondition = _ => false;
                        await offlineReadyClient.SyncContext.PushAsync();

                syncHandler.AbortCondition = _ => false;

                foreach (var item in items)
                    await localTable.DeleteAsync(item);

                await offlineReadyClient.SyncContext.PushAsync();
        public async Task Upsert_ThenLookup_ThenUpsert_ThenDelete_ThenLookup()
            TestUtilities.DropTestTable(TestDbName, TestTable);

            using (var store = new MobileServiceSQLiteStore(TestDbName))
                // define item with all type of supported fields
                var originalItem = new JObject()
                    { "id", "abc" },
                    { "bool", true },
                    { "int", 45 },
                    { "double", 123.45d },
                    { "guid", Guid.NewGuid() },
                    { "date", testDate },
                    { "options", new JObject(){ {"class", "A"} } },  
                    { "friends", new JArray(){ "Eric", "Jeff" } }
                store.DefineTable(TestTable, originalItem);

                // create the table
                await store.InitializeAsync();

                // first add an item
                await store.UpsertAsync(TestTable, new[] { originalItem }, ignoreMissingColumns: false);

                // read the item back
                JObject itemRead = await store.LookupAsync(TestTable, "abc");

                // make sure everything was persisted the same
                Assert.AreEqual(originalItem.ToString(), itemRead.ToString());

                // change the item
                originalItem["double"] = 111.222d;

                // upsert the item
                await store.UpsertAsync(TestTable, new[] { originalItem }, ignoreMissingColumns: false);

                // read the updated item
                JObject updatedItem = await store.LookupAsync(TestTable, "abc");

                // make sure the float was updated
                Assert.AreEqual(updatedItem.Value<double>("double"), 111.222d);

                // make sure the item is same as updated item
                Assert.AreEqual(originalItem.ToString(), updatedItem.ToString());

                // make sure item is not same as its initial state
                Assert.AreNotEqual(originalItem.ToString(), itemRead.ToString());

                // now delete the item
                await store.DeleteAsync(TestTable, new[] { "abc" });

                // now read it back
                JObject item4 = await store.LookupAsync(TestTable, "abc");

                // it should be null because it doesn't exist
        private static ZumoTest CreateSyncConflictTest(bool autoResolve)
            var testName = "Offline - dealing with conflicts - " +
                           (autoResolve ? "client resolves conflicts" : "push fails after conflicts");
            bool resolveConflictsOnClient = autoResolve;

            return(new ZumoTest(testName, async delegate(ZumoTest test)
                DateTime now = DateTime.UtcNow;
                int seed = now.Year * 10000 + now.Month * 100 + now.Day;
                test.AddLog("Using random seed: {0}", seed);
                Random rndGen = new Random(seed);

                var offlineReadyClient = CreateClient();

                var localStore = new MobileServiceSQLiteStore(StoreFileName);
                test.AddLog("Defined the table on the local store");
                localStore.DefineTable <OfflineReadyItem>();

                ConflictResolvingSyncHandler <OfflineReadyItem> .ConflictResolution conflictHandlingPolicy;
                conflictHandlingPolicy = (client, server) =>
                                         new OfflineReadyItem
                    Id = client.Id,
                    Age = Math.Max(client.Age, server.Age),
                    Date = client.Date > server.Date ? client.Date : server.Date,
                    Flag = client.Flag || server.Flag,
                    FloatingNumber = Math.Max(client.FloatingNumber, server.FloatingNumber),
                    Name = client.Name
                if (resolveConflictsOnClient)
                    var handler = new ConflictResolvingSyncHandler <OfflineReadyItem>(test, offlineReadyClient, conflictHandlingPolicy);
                    await offlineReadyClient.SyncContext.InitializeAsync(localStore, handler);
                    await offlineReadyClient.SyncContext.InitializeAsync(localStore);

                test.AddLog("Initialized the store and sync context");

                var localTable = offlineReadyClient.GetSyncTable <OfflineReadyItem>();
                var remoteTable = offlineReadyClient.GetTable <OfflineReadyItem>();

                await localTable.PurgeAsync();
                test.AddLog("Removed all items from the local table");

                var item = new OfflineReadyItem(rndGen);
                await remoteTable.InsertAsync(item);
                test.AddLog("Inserted the item to the remote store:", item);

                var pullQuery = "$filter=id eq '" + item.Id + "'";
                await localTable.PullAsync(null, pullQuery);

                test.AddLog("Changing the item on the server");
                await remoteTable.UpdateAsync(item);
                test.AddLog("Updated the item: {0}", item);

                var localItem = await localTable.LookupAsync(item.Id);
                test.AddLog("Retrieved the item from the local table, now updating it");
                localItem.Date = localItem.Date.AddDays(1);
                await localTable.UpdateAsync(localItem);
                test.AddLog("Updated the item on the local table");

                test.AddLog("Now trying to pull changes from the server (will trigger a push)");
                bool testResult = true;
                    await localTable.PullAsync(null, pullQuery);
                    if (!autoResolve)
                        test.AddLog("Error, pull (push) should have caused a conflict, but none happened.");
                        testResult = false;
                        var expectedMergedItem = conflictHandlingPolicy(localItem, item);
                        var localMergedItem = await localTable.LookupAsync(item.Id);
                        if (localMergedItem.Equals(expectedMergedItem))
                            test.AddLog("Item was merged correctly.");
                            test.AddLog("Error, item not merged correctly. Expected: {0}, Actual: {1}", expectedMergedItem, localMergedItem);
                            testResult = false;
                catch (MobileServicePushFailedException ex)
                    test.AddLog("Push exception: {0}", ex);
                    if (autoResolve)
                        test.AddLog("Error, push should have succeeded.");
                        testResult = false;
                        test.AddLog("Expected exception was thrown.");

                test.AddLog("Cleaning up");
                await localTable.DeleteAsync(item);
                test.AddLog("Local table cleaned up. Now sync'ing once more");
                await offlineReadyClient.SyncContext.PushAsync();

                return testResult;
            }, ZumoTestGlobals.RuntimeFeatureNames.STRING_ID_TABLES));
 public static void DefineTestTable(MobileServiceSQLiteStore store)
     store.DefineTable(TestTable, new JObject()
         { "id", String.Empty },
         { "text", String.Empty },
         { "createdAt", DateTime.Now }
        private static ZumoTest CreateSyncTestForAuthenticatedTable(bool userIsLoggedIn)
            bool isLoggedIn = userIsLoggedIn;
            var  testName   = "Sync test for authenticated table, with user " + (isLoggedIn ? "logged in" : "not logged in");

            return(new ZumoTest(testName, async delegate(ZumoTest test)
                DateTime now = DateTime.UtcNow;
                int seed = now.Year * 10000 + now.Month * 100 + now.Day;
                test.AddLog("Using random seed: {0}", seed);
                Random rndGen = new Random(seed);

                var offlineReadyClient = CreateClient();

                var localStore = new MobileServiceSQLiteStore(StoreFileName);
                test.AddLog("Defined the table on the local store");
                localStore.DefineTable <OfflineReadyItemNoVersion>();

                await offlineReadyClient.SyncContext.InitializeAsync(localStore);
                test.AddLog("Initialized the store and sync context");

                var localTable = offlineReadyClient.GetSyncTable <OfflineReadyItemNoVersion>();
                var remoteTable = offlineReadyClient.GetTable <OfflineReadyItemNoVersion>();

                var item = new OfflineReadyItemNoVersion(rndGen);
                await localTable.InsertAsync(item);
                test.AddLog("Inserted the item to the local store:", item);

                    await offlineReadyClient.SyncContext.PushAsync();
                    test.AddLog("Pushed the changes to the server");
                    if (isLoggedIn)
                        test.AddLog("As expected, push succeeded");
                        test.AddLog("Error, table should only work with authenticated access, but user is not logged in");
                        return false;
                catch (MobileServicePushFailedException ex)
                    if (isLoggedIn)
                        test.AddLog("Error, user is logged in but push operation failed: {0}", ex);
                        return false;

                    test.AddLog("Got expected exception: {0}: {1}", ex.GetType().FullName, ex.Message);
                    Exception inner = ex.InnerException;
                    while (inner != null)
                        test.AddLog("  {0}: {1}", inner.GetType().FullName, inner.Message);
                        inner = inner.InnerException;

                if (!isLoggedIn)
                    test.AddLog("Push should have failed, so now will try to log in to complete the push operation");
                    await offlineReadyClient.LoginAsync(MobileServiceAuthenticationProvider.Facebook);
                    test.AddLog("Logged in as {0}", offlineReadyClient.CurrentUser.UserId);
                    await offlineReadyClient.SyncContext.PushAsync();
                    test.AddLog("Push succeeded");

                await localTable.PurgeAsync();
                test.AddLog("Purged the local table");
                await localTable.PullAsync(null, localTable.Where(i => i.Id == item.Id));
                test.AddLog("Pulled the data into the local table");
                List <OfflineReadyItemNoVersion> serverItems = await localTable.ToListAsync();
                test.AddLog("Retrieved items from the local table");

                test.AddLog("Removing item from the remote table");
                await remoteTable.DeleteAsync(item);

                if (!isLoggedIn)
                    test.AddLog("Logged out again");

                var firstServerItem = serverItems.FirstOrDefault();
                bool testResult = true;
                if (item.Equals(firstServerItem))
                    test.AddLog("Data round-tripped successfully");
                    test.AddLog("Error, data did not round-trip successfully. Expected: {0}, actual: {1}", item, firstServerItem);
                    testResult = false;

                test.AddLog("Cleaning up");
                await localTable.PurgeAsync();
                return testResult;
                CanRunUnattended = false
        public async Task InitializeAsync()
            MobileServiceSQLiteStore store;

            lock (locker)
                if (IsInitialized)

                IsInitialized = true;
                var dbId = Settings.DatabaseId;
                var path = $"syncstore{dbId}.db";
                // Old app service from the app-conference demo. Check: for more information
                //MobileService = new MobileServiceClient ("");
                MobileService = new MobileServiceClient("");
                store         = new MobileServiceSQLiteStore(path);
                store.DefineTable <Category> ();
                store.DefineTable <Favorite> ();
                store.DefineTable <Notification> ();
                store.DefineTable <FeaturedEvent> ();
                store.DefineTable <Feedback> ();
                store.DefineTable <Room> ();
                store.DefineTable <Session> ();
                store.DefineTable <Speaker> ();
                store.DefineTable <Sponsor> ();
                store.DefineTable <SponsorLevel> ();
                store.DefineTable <StoreSettings> ();
                store.DefineTable <MiniHack> ();

            await MobileService.SyncContext.InitializeAsync(store, new MobileServiceSyncHandler()).ConfigureAwait(false);

            await LoadCachedTokenAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
        public async Task InitializeAsync()
            MobileServiceSQLiteStore store;

            lock (locker)
                if (IsInitialized)

                IsInitialized = true;

                var dbId = Settings.DatabaseId;

                string path = "";

                if (dbId == 0)
                    path = $"syncstore.db";
                    path = $"syncstore{dbId}.db";

                MobileService = new MobileServiceClient(Constants.EndUrl);
                store         = new MobileServiceSQLiteStore(path);

                store.DefineTable <Partner>();
                store.DefineTable <PartnerCategory>();
                store.DefineTable <Country>();
                store.DefineTable <Currency>();
                store.DefineTable <Models.DataObjects.PartnerGrade>();
                store.DefineTable <PartnerTitle>();
                store.DefineTable <User>();

                store.DefineTable <SaleOrder>();
                store.DefineTable <SaleOrderLine>();
                store.DefineTable <Message>();
                store.DefineTable <Checkin>();
                store.DefineTable <Document>();
                store.DefineTable <Company>();
                store.DefineTable <AccountTax>();
                store.DefineTable <Accessory>();
                store.DefineTable <Saddle>();
                store.DefineTable <Service>();
                store.DefineTable <Models.DataObjects.State>();
                store.DefineTable <Contract>();

                store.DefineTable <StoreSettings>();

                store.DefineTable <SaddleAttribute>();
                store.DefineTable <SaddleModel>();
                store.DefineTable <SaddleValue>();

                //TODO Add rest of the tables

            await MobileService.SyncContext.InitializeAsync(store, new MobileServiceSyncHandler()).ConfigureAwait(false);

            await LoadCachedTokenAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
        public async Task InitializeAsync()
            MobileServiceSQLiteStore store;

            lock (locker)
                if (IsInitialized)

                IsInitialized = true;
                var dbId = Settings.DatabaseId;
                var path = $"syncstore{dbId}.db";
                MobileService = new MobileServiceClient("");
                store         = new MobileServiceSQLiteStore(path);
                store.DefineTable <Category> ();
                store.DefineTable <Favorite> ();
                store.DefineTable <Notification> ();
                store.DefineTable <FeaturedEvent> ();
                store.DefineTable <Feedback> ();
                store.DefineTable <Room> ();
                store.DefineTable <Session> ();
                store.DefineTable <Speaker> ();
                store.DefineTable <Sponsor> ();
                store.DefineTable <SponsorLevel> ();
                store.DefineTable <StoreSettings> ();
                store.DefineTable <MiniHack> ();

            await MobileService.SyncContext.InitializeAsync(store, new MobileServiceSyncHandler()).ConfigureAwait(false);

            await LoadCachedTokenAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
 public PatientDatabase(string dbPath)
     database = new MobileServiceSQLiteStore(dbPath);
     database.DefineTable <Patient>();
        private async Task AbortPushDuringSync(SyncAbortLocation whereToAbort)
            SyncAbortLocation abortLocation = whereToAbort;
            DateTime          now           = DateTime.UtcNow;
            int seed = now.Year * 10000 + now.Month * 100 + now.Day;

            Log("Using random seed: {0}", seed);
            Random rndGen = new Random(seed);

            var offlineReadyClient = CreateClient();

            var items = Enumerable.Range(0, 10).Select(_ => new OfflineReadyItem(rndGen)).ToArray();

            foreach (var item in items)
                item.Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("D");

            int abortIndex = abortLocation == SyncAbortLocation.Start ? 0 :
                             (abortLocation == SyncAbortLocation.End ? items.Length - 1 : rndGen.Next(1, items.Length - 1));
            var idToAbort = items[abortIndex].Id;

            Log("Will send {0} items, aborting when id = {1}", items.Length, idToAbort);

            var localStore = new MobileServiceSQLiteStore(StoreFileName);

            Log("Defined the table on the local store");
            localStore.DefineTable <OfflineReadyItem>();

            var syncHandler = new AbortingSyncHandler(this, id => id == idToAbort);
            await offlineReadyClient.SyncContext.InitializeAsync(localStore, syncHandler);

            Log("Initialized the store and sync context");

            var localTable  = offlineReadyClient.GetSyncTable <OfflineReadyItem>();
            var remoteTable = offlineReadyClient.GetTable <OfflineReadyItem>();

                foreach (var item in items)
                    await localTable.InsertAsync(item);

                Log("Inserted {0} items in the local table. Now pushing those", items.Length);

                    await offlineReadyClient.SyncContext.PushAsync();

                    Assert.Fail("Error, push call should have failed");
                catch (MobileServicePushFailedException ex)
                    Log("Caught (expected) exception: {0}", ex);

                var expectedOperationQueueSize = items.Length - abortIndex;
                Log("Current operation queue size: {0}", offlineReadyClient.SyncContext.PendingOperations);
                if (expectedOperationQueueSize != offlineReadyClient.SyncContext.PendingOperations)
                    Assert.Fail(string.Format("Error, expected {0} items in the queue", expectedOperationQueueSize));

                foreach (var allItemsPushed in new bool[] { false, true })
                    HashSet <OfflineReadyItem> itemsInServer, itemsNotInServer;
                    if (allItemsPushed)
                        itemsInServer    = new HashSet <OfflineReadyItem>(items.ToArray());
                        itemsNotInServer = new HashSet <OfflineReadyItem>(Enumerable.Empty <OfflineReadyItem>());
                        itemsInServer    = new HashSet <OfflineReadyItem>(items.Where((item, index) => index < abortIndex));
                        itemsNotInServer = new HashSet <OfflineReadyItem>(items.Where((item, index) => index >= abortIndex));

                    foreach (var item in items)
                        var itemFromServer = (await remoteTable.Where(i => i.Id == item.Id).Take(1).ToEnumerableAsync()).FirstOrDefault();
                        Log("Item with id = {0} from server: {1}", item.Id,
                            itemFromServer == null ? "<<null>>" : itemFromServer.ToString());
                        if (itemsInServer.Contains(item) && itemFromServer == null)
                            Assert.Fail(string.Format("Error, the item {0} should have made to the server", item.Id));
                        else if (itemsNotInServer.Contains(item) && itemFromServer != null)
                            Assert.Fail(string.Format("Error, the item {0} should not have made to the server", item.Id));

                    if (!allItemsPushed)
                        Log("Changing the handler so that it doesn't abort anymore.");
                        syncHandler.AbortCondition = _ => false;
                        Log("Pushing again");
                        await offlineReadyClient.SyncContext.PushAsync();

                        Log("Finished pushing all elements");

                Log("Changing the handler so that it doesn't abort anymore.");
                syncHandler.AbortCondition = _ => false;

                Log("Cleaning up");
                foreach (var item in items)
                    await localTable.DeleteAsync(item);

                await offlineReadyClient.SyncContext.PushAsync();

        public async Task InitializeAsync()
            MobileServiceSQLiteStore store;

            lock (locker)
                if (IsInitialized)

                IsInitialized = true;

                MobileService = new MobileServiceClient(Constants.ApplicationURL);

                var dbId = Settings.DatabaseId;

                string path = "";

                if (dbId == 0)
                    path = $"syncstore.db";
                    path = $"syncstore{dbId}.db";

                store = new MobileServiceSQLiteStore(path);

                store.DefineTable <ContactCustomField>();
                store.DefineTable <ContactCustomFieldSource>();
                store.DefineTable <ContactCustomFieldSourceEntry>();
                store.DefineTable <Contact>();
                store.DefineTable <Company>();
                store.DefineTable <Checkin>();
                store.DefineTable <CollectSource>();
                store.DefineTable <SalesTeam>();
                store.DefineTable <UserSalesTeam>();
                store.DefineTable <Tag>();
                store.DefineTable <Notification>();
                store.DefineTable <Note>();
                store.DefineTable <CheckinType>();
                store.DefineTable <Opportunity>();
                store.DefineTable <ContactSequence>();

                store.DefineTable <User>();

                //TODO Add rest of the tables

            await MobileService.SyncContext.InitializeAsync(store, new MobileServiceSyncHandler()).ConfigureAwait(false);

        public async Task Upsert_ThenLookup_ThenUpsert_ThenDelete_ThenLookup()
            TestUtilities.DropTestTable(TestDbName, TestTable);

            using (var store = new MobileServiceSQLiteStore(TestDbName))
                // define item with all type of supported fields
                var originalItem = new JObject()
                    { "id", "abc" },
                    { "bool", true },
                    { "int", 45 },
                    { "double", 123.45d },
                    { "guid", Guid.NewGuid() },
                    { "date", testDate },
                    { "options", new JObject()
                          { "class", "A" }
                      } },
                    { "friends", new JArray()
                          "Eric", "Jeff"
                      } }
                store.DefineTable(TestTable, originalItem);

                // create the table
                await store.InitializeAsync();

                // first add an item
                await store.UpsertAsync(TestTable, new[] { originalItem }, ignoreMissingColumns : false);

                // read the item back
                JObject itemRead = await store.LookupAsync(TestTable, "abc");

                // make sure everything was persisted the same
                Assert.AreEqual(originalItem.ToString(), itemRead.ToString());

                // change the item
                originalItem["double"] = 111.222d;

                // upsert the item
                await store.UpsertAsync(TestTable, new[] { originalItem }, ignoreMissingColumns : false);

                // read the updated item
                JObject updatedItem = await store.LookupAsync(TestTable, "abc");

                // make sure the float was updated
                Assert.AreEqual(updatedItem.Value <double>("double"), 111.222d);

                // make sure the item is same as updated item
                Assert.AreEqual(originalItem.ToString(), updatedItem.ToString());

                // make sure item is not same as its initial state
                Assert.AreNotEqual(originalItem.ToString(), itemRead.ToString());

                // now delete the item
                await store.DeleteAsync(TestTable, new[] { "abc" });

                // now read it back
                JObject item4 = await store.LookupAsync(TestTable, "abc");

                // it should be null because it doesn't exist
        public async Task UpsertAsync_DoesNotThrow_WhenItemIsEmpty()
            TestUtilities.DropTestTable(TestDbName, TestTable);

            using (var store = new MobileServiceSQLiteStore(TestDbName))
                store.DefineTable(TestTable, new JObject()
                    { "id", String.Empty },
                    { "dob", DateTime.UtcNow }

                await store.InitializeAsync();

                await store.UpsertAsync(TestTable, new[] { new JObject() }, ignoreMissingColumns: true);
                await store.UpsertAsync(TestTable, new[] { new JObject() }, ignoreMissingColumns: false);
        private async Task BasicOfflineTest()
            await ClearStore();

            DateTime now  = DateTime.UtcNow;
            int      seed = now.Year * 10000 + now.Month * 100 + now.Day;

            Log("Using random seed: {0}", seed);
            Random rndGen = new Random(seed);

            CountingHandler handler = new CountingHandler();
            var             requestsSentToServer = 0;
            var             offlineReadyClient   = CreateClient(handler);

            var localStore = new MobileServiceSQLiteStore(StoreFileName);

            Log("Defined the table on the local store");
            localStore.DefineTable <OfflineReadyItem>();

            await offlineReadyClient.SyncContext.InitializeAsync(localStore);

            Log("Initialized the store and sync context");

            var localTable  = offlineReadyClient.GetSyncTable <OfflineReadyItem>();
            var remoteTable = offlineReadyClient.GetTable <OfflineReadyItem>();

            var item = new OfflineReadyItem(rndGen);

                await localTable.InsertAsync(item);

                Log("Inserted the item to the local store:", item);

                Log("Validating that the item is not in the server table");
                    await remoteTable.LookupAsync(item.Id);

                    Assert.Fail("Error, item is present in the server");
                catch (MobileServiceInvalidOperationException ex)
                    Log("Ok, item is not in the server: {0}", ex.Message);

                Func <int, bool> validateRequestCount = expectedCount =>
                    Log("So far {0} requests sent to the server", handler.RequestCount);
                    if (handler.RequestCount != expectedCount)
                        Log("Error, expected {0} requests to have been sent to the server", expectedCount);

                if (!validateRequestCount(requestsSentToServer))
                    Assert.Fail(string.Format("Error, expected {0} requests to have been sent to the server", requestsSentToServer));
                Log("Pushing changes to the server");
                await offlineReadyClient.SyncContext.PushAsync();


                if (!validateRequestCount(requestsSentToServer))
                    Assert.Fail(string.Format("Error, expected {0} requests to have been sent to the server", requestsSentToServer));

                Log("Push done; now verifying that item is in the server");

                var serverItem = await remoteTable.LookupAsync(item.Id);

                Log("Retrieved item from server: {0}", serverItem);
                if (serverItem.Equals(item))
                    Log("Items are the same");
                    Assert.Fail(string.Format("Items are different. Local: {0}; remote: {1}", item, serverItem));

                Log("Now updating the item locally");
                item.Flag = !item.Flag;
                item.Date = new DateTime(now.Year, now.Month, now.Day, now.Hour, now.Minute, now.Second, now.Millisecond, DateTimeKind.Utc);
                await localTable.UpdateAsync(item);

                Log("Item has been updated");

                var newItem = new OfflineReadyItem(rndGen);
                Log("Adding a new item to the local table: {0}", newItem);
                await localTable.InsertAsync(newItem);

                if (!validateRequestCount(requestsSentToServer))
                    Assert.Fail(string.Format("Error, expected {0} requests to have been sent to the server", requestsSentToServer));

                Log("Pushing the new changes to the server");
                await offlineReadyClient.SyncContext.PushAsync();

                requestsSentToServer += 2;

                if (!validateRequestCount(requestsSentToServer))
                    Assert.Fail(string.Format("Error, expected {0} requests to have been sent to the server", requestsSentToServer));

                Log("Push done. Verifying changes on the server");
                serverItem = await remoteTable.LookupAsync(item.Id);

                if (serverItem.Equals(item))
                    Log("Updated items are the same");
                    Assert.Fail(string.Format("Items are different. Local: {0}; remote: {1}", item, serverItem));

                serverItem = await remoteTable.LookupAsync(newItem.Id);

                if (serverItem.Equals(newItem))
                    Log("New inserted item is the same");
                    Assert.Fail(string.Format("Items are different. Local: {0}; remote: {1}", item, serverItem));

                Log("Cleaning up");
                await localTable.DeleteAsync(item);

                await localTable.DeleteAsync(newItem);

                Log("Local table cleaned up. Now sync'ing once more");
                await offlineReadyClient.SyncContext.PushAsync();

                requestsSentToServer += 2;
                if (!validateRequestCount(requestsSentToServer))
                    Assert.Fail(string.Format("Error, expected {0} requests to have been sent to the server", requestsSentToServer));
            catch (MobileServicePushFailedException ex)
                Log("Push Result status from MobileServicePushFailedException: " + ex.PushResult.Status);
        public async Task UpsertAsync_Throws_WhenInsertingRecordsWhichAreTooLarge()
            TestUtilities.DropTestTable(TestDbName, TestTable);

            using (var store = new MobileServiceSQLiteStore(TestDbName))
                var template = new JObject
                    { "id", 0 },

                //SQLite limits us to 999 "parameters" per prepared statement
                for (var i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
                    template["column" + i] = "Hello, world";

                store.DefineTable(TestTable, template);

                //create the table
                await store.InitializeAsync();

                //attempt to insert a couple of items
                var item1 = new JObject(template);
                item1["id"] = 1;

                var item2 = new JObject(template);
                item1["id"] = 2;

                InvalidOperationException ex = await AssertEx.Throws<InvalidOperationException>(() => store.UpsertAsync(TestTable, new[] { item1, item2 }, ignoreMissingColumns: false));

                Assert.AreEqual("The number of fields per entity in an upsert operation is limited to 800.", ex.Message);
        public async Task SystemPropertiesArePreserved_OnlyWhenReturnedFromServer()

            var hijack = new TestHttpHandler();
            var store  = new MobileServiceSQLiteStore(TestDbName);

            store.DefineTable <ToDoWithSystemPropertiesType>();

            IMobileServiceClient service = await CreateClient(hijack, store);

            IMobileServiceSyncTable <ToDoWithSystemPropertiesType> table = service.GetSyncTable <ToDoWithSystemPropertiesType>();

            // first insert an item
            var updatedItem = new ToDoWithSystemPropertiesType()
                Id        = "b",
                String    = "Hey",
                Version   = "abc",
                CreatedAt = new DateTime(2013, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, DateTimeKind.Utc),
                UpdatedAt = new DateTime(2013, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, DateTimeKind.Utc)
            await table.UpdateAsync(updatedItem);

            var lookedupItem = await table.LookupAsync("b");

            Assert.AreEqual(lookedupItem.String, "Hey");
            Assert.AreEqual(lookedupItem.Version, "abc");
            // we ignored the sys properties on the local object
            Assert.AreEqual(lookedupItem.CreatedAt, new DateTime(0, DateTimeKind.Utc));
            Assert.AreEqual(lookedupItem.UpdatedAt, new DateTime(0, DateTimeKind.Utc));

            Assert.AreEqual(service.SyncContext.PendingOperations, 1L); // operation pending

            hijack.OnSendingRequest = async req =>
                // we request all the system properties present on DefineTable<> object
                Assert.AreEqual(req.RequestUri.Query, "?__systemproperties=__createdAt%2C__updatedAt%2C__version%2C__deleted");

                string content = await req.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

                Assert.AreEqual(content, @"{""id"":""b"",""String"":""Hey""}"); // the system properties are not sent to server
            string updateResult = "{\"id\":\"b\",\"String\":\"Wow\",\"__version\":\"def\",\"__createdAt\":\"2014-01-29T23:01:33.444Z\", \"__updatedAt\":\"2014-01-30T23:01:33.444Z\"}";

            hijack.Responses.Add(new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.OK)
                Content = new StringContent(updateResult)
            });                                                                                                             // push
            await service.SyncContext.PushAsync();

            Assert.AreEqual(service.SyncContext.PendingOperations, 0L); // operation removed

            lookedupItem = await table.LookupAsync("b");

            Assert.AreEqual(lookedupItem.String, "Wow");
            Assert.AreEqual(lookedupItem.Version, "def");
            // we preserved the system properties returned from server on update
            Assert.AreEqual(lookedupItem.CreatedAt.ToUniversalTime(), new DateTime(2014, 01, 29, 23, 1, 33, 444, DateTimeKind.Utc));
            Assert.AreEqual(lookedupItem.UpdatedAt.ToUniversalTime(), new DateTime(2014, 01, 30, 23, 1, 33, 444, DateTimeKind.Utc));
        private async Task InitLocalStoreAsync()
            // new code to initialize the SQLite store
            string path = Path.Combine(System.Environment.GetFolderPath(System.Environment.SpecialFolder.Personal), localDbFilename);

            if (!File.Exists(path))

            var store = new MobileServiceSQLiteStore(localDbFilename);

            BeaconActivity      beaconact      = new BeaconActivity();
            GuiSettingsActivity guisettingsact = new GuiSettingsActivity();

            store.DefineTable <Beacon>();
            store.DefineTable <GuiSettings>();
            store.DefineTable <Location>();
            store.DefineTable <Map>();
            store.DefineTable <Prompt>();
            store.DefineTable <PromptStep>();
            store.DefineTable <Reminder>();
            store.DefineTable <Settings>();
            store.DefineTable <UserSettings>();
            store.DefineTable <Users>();
            store.DefineTable <UserMaps>();

            // Uses the default conflict handler, which fails on conflict
            // To use a different conflict handler, pass a parameter to InitializeAsync. For more details, see
            await client.SyncContext.InitializeAsync(store);
        public async Task UpsertAsync_InsertsTheRow_WhenItemHasNullValues()
            TestUtilities.DropTestTable(TestDbName, TestTable);

            // insert a row and make sure it is inserted
            using (var store = new MobileServiceSQLiteStore(TestDbName))
                store.DefineTable(TestTable, new JObject()
                    { "id", String.Empty },
                    { "dob", DateTime.UtcNow },
                    { "age", 0},
                    { "weight", 3.5 },
                    { "code", Guid.NewGuid() },   
                    { "options", new JObject(){} },  
                    { "friends", new JArray(){} },  
                    { "version", String.Empty }

                await store.InitializeAsync();

                var inserted = new JObject() 
                    { "id", "abc" }, 
                    { "dob", null },
                    { "age", null },
                    { "weight", null },
                    { "code", null }, 
                    { "options", null },  
                    { "friends", null },  
                    { "version", null }
                await store.UpsertAsync(TestTable, new[] { inserted }, ignoreMissingColumns: false);

                JObject read = await store.LookupAsync(TestTable, "abc");

                Assert.AreEqual(inserted.ToString(), read.ToString());
        public async Task PushAsync_RetriesOperation_WhenConflictOccursInLastPush()

            var    hijack         = new TestHttpHandler();
            string conflictResult = "{\"id\":\"b\",\"String\":\"Hey\",\"__version\":\"def\"}";

            hijack.Responses.Add(new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.PreconditionFailed)
                Content = new StringContent(conflictResult)
            });                                                                                                                               // first push
            string successResult = "{\"id\":\"b\",\"String\":\"Wow\",\"__version\":\"def\"}";

            hijack.Responses.Add(new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.OK)
                Content = new StringContent(successResult)
            });                                                                                                              // second push

            var store = new MobileServiceSQLiteStore(TestDbName);

            store.DefineTable <ToDoWithSystemPropertiesType>();

            IMobileServiceClient service = await CreateClient(hijack, store);

            IMobileServiceSyncTable <ToDoWithSystemPropertiesType> table = service.GetSyncTable <ToDoWithSystemPropertiesType>();

            // first insert an item
            var updatedItem = new ToDoWithSystemPropertiesType()
                Id = "b", String = "Hey", Version = "abc"
            await table.UpdateAsync(updatedItem);

            // then push it to server
            var ex = await ThrowsAsync <MobileServicePushFailedException>(service.SyncContext.PushAsync);

            Assert.AreEqual(ex.PushResult.Status, MobileServicePushStatus.Complete);
            Assert.AreEqual(ex.PushResult.Errors.Count(), 1);
            MobileServiceTableOperationError error = ex.PushResult.Errors.FirstOrDefault();

            Assert.AreEqual(error.Handled, false);
            Assert.AreEqual(error.OperationKind, MobileServiceTableOperationKind.Update);
            Assert.AreEqual(error.RawResult, conflictResult);
            Assert.AreEqual(error.TableName, TestTable);
            Assert.AreEqual(error.Status, HttpStatusCode.PreconditionFailed);

            var errorItem = error.Item.ToObject <ToDoWithSystemPropertiesType>(JsonSerializer.Create(service.SerializerSettings));

            Assert.AreEqual(errorItem.Id, updatedItem.Id);
            Assert.AreEqual(errorItem.String, updatedItem.String);
            Assert.AreEqual(errorItem.Version, updatedItem.Version);
            Assert.AreEqual(errorItem.CreatedAt, updatedItem.CreatedAt);
            Assert.AreEqual(errorItem.UpdatedAt, updatedItem.UpdatedAt);

            Assert.AreEqual(error.Result.ToString(Formatting.None), conflictResult);

            Assert.AreEqual(service.SyncContext.PendingOperations, 1L); // operation not removed
            updatedItem = await table.LookupAsync("b");

            Assert.AreEqual(updatedItem.String, "Hey"); // item is not updated

            await service.SyncContext.PushAsync();

            Assert.AreEqual(service.SyncContext.PendingOperations, 0L); // operation now succeeds

            updatedItem = await table.LookupAsync("b");

            Assert.AreEqual(updatedItem.String, "Wow"); // item is updated
        public async Task UpsertAsync_CanProcessManyRecordsAtOnce()
            TestUtilities.DropTestTable(TestDbName, TestTable);

            using (var store = new MobileServiceSQLiteStore(TestDbName))
                var template = new JObject 
                    { "id", 0 },
                    { "value1", "Hello, world" },
                    { "value2", "Hello, world" },
                    { "value3", "Hello, world" },
                    { "value4", "Hello, world" },
                    { "value5", "Hello, world" }

                store.DefineTable(TestTable, template);

                //create the table
                await store.InitializeAsync();

                //add a whole bunch of items. We want {number of items} * {number of fields} to exceed sqlite's parameter limit
                const int insertedItemCount = 500;

                var itemsToInsert = Enumerable.Range(1, insertedItemCount)
                                              .Select(id =>
                                                  var o = new JObject(template);
                                                  o["id"] = id;
                                                  return o;

                //Insert the items
                await store.UpsertAsync(TestTable, itemsToInsert, ignoreMissingColumns: false);

                JArray records = (JArray)await store.ReadAsync(MobileServiceTableQueryDescription.Parse(TestTable, "$orderby=id"));

                //Verify that all 500 records were inserted
                Assert.AreEqual(records.Count, insertedItemCount);

                //Verify that all fields are intact
                for (var i = 0; i < insertedItemCount; i++)
                    Assert.IsTrue(JToken.DeepEquals(itemsToInsert[i], records[i]), "Results retrieved from DB do not match input");
        public async Task Insert_AllTypes_ThenRead_ThenPush_ThenLookup()

            var hijack = new TestHttpHandler();
            var store  = new MobileServiceSQLiteStore(TestDbName);

            store.DefineTable <AllBaseTypesWithAllSystemPropertiesType>();

            IMobileServiceClient service = await CreateClient(hijack, store);

            IMobileServiceSyncTable <AllBaseTypesWithAllSystemPropertiesType> table = service.GetSyncTable <AllBaseTypesWithAllSystemPropertiesType>();

            // first insert an item
            var inserted = new AllBaseTypesWithAllSystemPropertiesType()
                Id               = "abc",
                Bool             = true,
                Byte             = 11,
                SByte            = -11,
                UShort           = 22,
                Short            = -22,
                UInt             = 33,
                Int              = -33,
                ULong            = 44,
                Long             = -44,
                Float            = 55.66f,
                Double           = 66.77,
                Decimal          = 77.88M,
                String           = "EightyEight",
                Char             = '9',
                DateTime         = new DateTime(2010, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, DateTimeKind.Utc),
                DateTimeOffset   = new DateTimeOffset(2011, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, TimeSpan.Zero),
                Nullable         = 12.13,
                NullableDateTime = new DateTime(2010, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, DateTimeKind.Utc),
                TimeSpan         = new TimeSpan(0, 12, 12, 15, 95),
                Uri              = new Uri(""),
                Enum1            = Enum1.Enum1Value2,
                Enum2            = Enum2.Enum2Value2,
                Enum3            = Enum3.Enum3Value2,
                Enum4            = Enum4.Enum4Value2,
                Enum5            = Enum5.Enum5Value2,
                Enum6            = Enum6.Enum6Value2

            await table.InsertAsync(inserted);

            IList <AllBaseTypesWithAllSystemPropertiesType> records = await table.ToListAsync();

            Assert.AreEqual(records.Count, 1);

            Assert.AreEqual(records.First(), inserted);

            // now push
            await service.SyncContext.PushAsync();

            AllBaseTypesWithAllSystemPropertiesType lookedUp = await table.LookupAsync("abc");

            inserted.Version = "XYZ";
            Assert.AreEqual(inserted, lookedUp);
        public async Task InitializeAsync()
            MobileServiceSQLiteStore store;

            lock (locker)
                if (IsInitialized)

                IsInitialized = true;
                var dbId = Settings.DatabaseId;
                var path = System.IO.Path.Combine(Settings.SqlitePath, $"syncstore{dbId}.db");
                MobileService = new MobileServiceClient("");
                store         = new MobileServiceSQLiteStore(path);
                store.DefineTable <Category>();
                store.DefineTable <Favorite>();
                store.DefineTable <Notification>();
                store.DefineTable <FeaturedEvent>();
                store.DefineTable <Feedback>();
                store.DefineTable <Room>();
                store.DefineTable <Session>();
                store.DefineTable <Workshop>();
                store.DefineTable <Speaker>();
                store.DefineTable <Sponsor>();
                store.DefineTable <SponsorLevel>();
                store.DefineTable <StoreSettings>();
                store.DefineTable <ApplicationData>();

                await MobileService.SyncContext.InitializeAsync(store, new MobileServiceSyncHandler()).ConfigureAwait(false);

                await LoadCachedTokenAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
            } catch (Exception ex)
        private async Task InitLocalStoreAsync()
            // new code to initialize the SQLite store


            var store = new MobileServiceSQLiteStore(localDbFilename);

            store.DefineTable <caapa.SharedBeacon>();
            store.DefineTable <GuiSettings>();
            store.DefineTable <Location>();
            store.DefineTable <Map>();
            store.DefineTable <Prompt>();
            store.DefineTable <PromptStep>();
            store.DefineTable <Reminder>();
            store.DefineTable <Settings>();
            store.DefineTable <UserMaps>();
            store.DefineTable <UserSettings>();
            store.DefineTable <Users>();


            // Uses the default conflict handler, which fails on conflict
            // To use a different conflict handler, pass a parameter to InitializeAsync. For more details, see
            await client.SyncContext.InitializeAsync(store);
        public async Task UpsertAsync_ThenReadAsync_AllTypes()
            TestUtilities.DropTestTable(TestDbName, TestTable);

            // first create a table called todo
            using (MobileServiceSQLiteStore store = new MobileServiceSQLiteStore(TestDbName))
                store.DefineTable(TestTable, JObjectTypes.GetObjectWithAllTypes());

                await store.InitializeAsync();

                var upserted = new JObject()
                    { "id", "xyz" },
                    { "Object", new JObject() { {"id", "abc"} }},
                    { "Array", new JArray() { new JObject(){{"id", 3}} } },
                    { "Integer", 123L },
                    { "Float", 12.5m },
                    { "String", "def" },
                    { "Boolean", true },
                    { "Date", new DateTime(2003, 5, 6, 4, 5, 1, DateTimeKind.Utc) },
                    { "Bytes", new byte[] { 1, 2, 3} },
                    { "Guid", new Guid("AB3EB1AB-53CD-4780-928B-A7E1CB7A927C") },
                    { "TimeSpan", new TimeSpan(1234) }
                await store.UpsertAsync(TestTable, new[] { upserted }, false);

                var query = new MobileServiceTableQueryDescription(TestTable);
                var items = await store.ReadAsync(query) as JArray;
                Assert.AreEqual(items.Count, 1);

                var lookedup = items.First as JObject;
                Assert.AreEqual(upserted.ToString(Formatting.None), lookedup.ToString(Formatting.None));
        private void InitializeLocal(string table)
            var    sqliteFilename = "WellSpringSQLite.db3";
            string documentsPath  = System.Environment.GetFolderPath(System.Environment.SpecialFolder.Personal); // Documents folder
            var    path           = Path.Combine(documentsPath, sqliteFilename);

            if (!File.Exists(path))
            var store = new MobileServiceSQLiteStore(path);

            if (table == "CalendarTable")
                store.DefineTable <CalendarTable>();
            else if (table == "CommentTable")
            else if (table == "CommunityPostTable")
                store.DefineTable <CommunityPostTable>();
            else if (table == "ConsultTable")
                store.DefineTable <ConsultTable>();
            else if (table == "CustomFoodsTable")
            else if (table == "ExerciseEnteredTable")
                store.DefineTable <ExerciseEnteredTable>();
            else if (table == "ExerciseTable")
                store.DefineTable <ExerciseTable>();
            else if (table == "FoodEnteredTable")
                store.DefineTable <FoodEnteredTable>();
            else if (table == "FoodsTable")
                store.DefineTable <FoodsTable>();
            else if (table == "GoalTable")
                store.DefineTable <GoalTable>();
            else if (table == "GroupMeetUpMemberTable")
            else if (table == "JourneyTable")
            else if (table == "MeetUpMemberTable")
            else if (table == "MeetupsTable")
                store.DefineTable <MeetupsTable>();
            else if (table == "NurseTable")
            else if (table == "UserTable")
                store.DefineTable <UserTable>();
                store.DefineTable <TodoItem>();
