    // Touch to select target
    void SelectTarget()
        // Keep updating till camera move to right place
        if (requirements.camera.transform.position.y > MinY &&
            changeInCamera = true;

        RaycastHit TargetHit;
        int        touchcount = Moba_Camera_Inputs.GetTouchCount();

        if (touchcount != 1)
            Moba_Camera_Inputs.TouchEx touch0 = Moba_Camera_Inputs.GetTouch(0);
            Vector3 TouchPoint = new Vector3(touch0.position.x, touch0.position.y, 0);

            // Record touch begin time once Stationary touchs, but need to reject other type of touches
            if (touch0.phase == TouchPhase.Began &&
                StartTime == 0.0f)
                StartTime = Time.time;
            else if (touch0.phase == TouchPhase.Stationary &&
                     StartTime != 0.0f)
                // elapse time big enough
                if ((Time.time - StartTime) > elapseTimeThreadhold)
                    CastrayToPOI = true;
            else if (touch0.phase == TouchPhase.Ended ||
                     (StartTime != 0 &&
                      touch0.phase != TouchPhase.Stationary))
                StartTime = 0.0f;

            // Do a ray cast
            if (CastrayToPOI &&
                Physics.Raycast(requirements.camera.ScreenPointToRay(TouchPoint), out TargetHit, Mathf.Infinity, LayerPOI))
                CastrayToPOI      = false;
                MoveToPOI         = true;
                changeInCamera    = true;               // Tell the camera update at the first time from here, the rest update lies on the bottom seeting.
                SelectedTargetPos = TargetHit.point;
//				requirements.pivot.position = TargetHit.point;

    void CalculateCameraMovement()
        // Camera Movement : When mouse is near the screens edge

        int touchcount = Moba_Camera_Inputs.GetTouchCount();

        if (touchcount <= 0)

        Moba_Camera_Inputs.TouchEx touch;
        touch = Moba_Camera_Inputs.GetTouch(0);
        // Lock / Unlock camera movement

/*		if ((touch.phase == TouchPhase.Stationary) &&
 *                      (settings.lockTargetTransform != null))
 *              {
 *                      //flip bool value
 *                      settings.cameraLocked = !settings.cameraLocked;
 *              }
 *              // if camera is locked or if character focus, set move pivot to target
 *              if(settings.lockTargetTransform != null && (settings.cameraLocked ||
 *                      ((Input.GetKey(inputs.keycodes.characterFocus)):
 *                              (Input.GetButton(inputs.axis.button_char_focus)))))
 *              {
 *                      Vector3 target = settings.lockTargetTransform.position;
 *                      if((requirements.pivot.position - target).magnitude > 0.2f) {
 *                              if(settings.movement.useDefualtHeight
 *                                      && !settings.movement.useLockTargetHeight)
 *                              {
 *                                      target.y = settings.movement.defualtHeight;
 *                              }
 *                              else if (!settings.movement.useLockTargetHeight)
 *                              {
 *                                      target.y = requirements.pivot.position.y;
 *                              }
 *                              // Lerp between the target and current position
 *                              requirements.pivot.position = Vector3.Lerp(requirements.pivot.position, target, settings.movement.lockTransitionRate);
 *                      }
 *              }
 *              else
 *              {*/
        Vector3 movementVector = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);

        if (touchcount == 1 &&
            touch.phase == TouchPhase.Moved)
            // Get movement of the finger since last frame
            Vector2 touchDeltaPosition = touch.deltaPosition;

            // Clamp to (-1, 1)
            Vector3 temp = Vector3.zero;
            temp.x = touchDeltaPosition.x / touchDeltaPosition.magnitude;
            temp.y = touchDeltaPosition.y / touchDeltaPosition.magnitude;

            Vector3 CamVecForward = requirements.camera.transform.TransformDirection(Vector3.up);
            Vector3 CamVecRight   = requirements.camera.transform.TransformDirection(Vector3.right);

            // movement is invert with touch direction
            movementVector = (-temp.x) * CamVecRight + (-temp.y) * CamVecForward;

            requirements.camera.transform.position += zoomlevel * settings.movement.cameraMovementRate *
                                                      movementVector * touch.deltaTime;
//		}
    void CalculateCameraRotation()
        // Camera rotate
        float changeInRotationX = 0.0f;
        float changeInRotationY = 0.0f;
        float threshold         = 10.0f;

        //two fingers touch gestures
        int touchcount = Moba_Camera_Inputs.GetTouchCount();

        if (touchcount < 2)

        // two finger touches
        Moba_Camera_Inputs.TouchEx touch0;
        Moba_Camera_Inputs.TouchEx touch1;
        touch0 = Moba_Camera_Inputs.GetTouch(0);
        touch1 = Moba_Camera_Inputs.GetTouch(1);

        //current position of touches
        Vector2 currentPos0 = touch0.position;
        Vector2 currentPos1 = touch1.position;

        if (touch0.phase == TouchPhase.Moved &&
            touch1.phase == TouchPhase.Moved)
            Vector2 vec0 = prePos1 - prePos0;
            Vector2 vec1 = currentPos1 - currentPos0;
            float   diff = Mathf.Abs(vec0.magnitude - vec1.magnitude);

            if (diff < threshold)
                bRotateAlongCenter = true;

                bool    clockwise;
                Vector3 cross = Vector3.Cross(vec0, vec1);

                // determine the roatation guester: counter clockwise or clockwise
                if (cross.z > 0)
                    clockwise = true;
                    clockwise = false;

                if (!settings.rotation.lockRotationX)
                    float deltaVertical = currentPos0.y - prePos0.y;
                    if (deltaVertical != 0.0)
                        if (settings.rotation.constRotationRate)
                            if (clockwise)
                                changeInRotationX = -3.0f;
                                changeInRotationX = 3.0f;
                            changeInRotationX = deltaVertical;
                        changeInCamera = true;

                if (!settings.rotation.lockRotationY)
                    float deltaHorizontal = currentPos1.x - prePos1.x;
                    if (deltaHorizontal != 0.0f)
                        if (settings.rotation.constRotationRate)
                            if (clockwise)
                                changeInRotationY = 3.0f;
                                changeInRotationY = -3.0f;
                            changeInRotationY = deltaHorizontal;

                        changeInCamera = true;
            bRotateAlongCenter = false;             //reset

        // apply change in Y rotation
        _currentCameraRotation.y += changeInRotationY * settings.rotation.cameraRotationRate.y * Time.deltaTime;
        _currentCameraRotation.x += changeInRotationX * settings.rotation.cameraRotationRate.x * Time.deltaTime;

        // restore the position for next touch
        prePos0 = currentPos0;
        prePos1 = currentPos1;
    void CalculateCameraZoom()
        // Camera Zoom In/Out
        float zoomChange = 0.0f;
        int   inverted   = 1;

        // two fingers touch gesture
        int touchcount = Moba_Camera_Inputs.GetTouchCount();

        if (touchcount < 2)

        // two finger touches
        Moba_Camera_Inputs.TouchEx touch0;
        Moba_Camera_Inputs.TouchEx touch1;
        touch0 = Moba_Camera_Inputs.GetTouch(0);
        touch1 = Moba_Camera_Inputs.GetTouch(1);

        if (touch0.phase == TouchPhase.Moved &&
            touch1.phase == TouchPhase.Moved)
            // current position of touches
            Vector2 currentPos0 = touch0.position;
            Vector2 currentPos1 = touch1.position;

            // caculate the midpoint for two figers to caculate the Raycast
            if (midpoint.x == 0)
                midpoint.x   = (currentPos0.x + currentPos1.x) / 2;
                midpoint.y   = (currentPos0.y + currentPos1.y) / 2;
                bCastZoomRay = true;

            //Caculate the gesture
            float preDistant = (prePos0 - prePos1).magnitude;
            float curDistant = (currentPos0 - currentPos1).magnitude;

            // Set the a camera value has changed
            changeInCamera = true;

            if (settings.zoom.constZoomRate)
                if (preDistant < curDistant)
                    //Zoom In
                    zoomChange = 3.0f;
                    //Zoom out
                    zoomChange = -3.0f;
                zoomChange = curDistant - preDistant;

            //change the zoom amount based on if zoom is inverted
            if (!settings.zoom.invertZoom)
                inverted = -1;

            _currentZoomAmount += zoomChange * settings.zoom.zoomRate * inverted * Time.deltaTime;

            // set the new zoom level
            zoomlevel = (_currentZoomAmount + settings.zoom.defaultZoom) / settings.zoom.defaultZoom;

            // Cast Zoom Ray to get the hit point
            if (bCastZoomRay)
                RaycastHit hit;

                // Zoom Raycast only happens on floor layer
                if (Physics.Raycast(requirements.camera.ScreenPointToRay(midpoint), out hit, Mathf.Infinity, LayerFloor))
                    // Set hitposition
                    hitPosition = hit.point;

                    // Reset bool castray
                    bCastZoomRay = false;

                    // Print info on the screen
                    if (guiText == null)
                        gameObject.AddComponent <GUIText>();

                    guiText.text = "Raycast got hit";
                else                 // missed the hit, do nothing, keep the original pivot
                    // midpoint.Set (0, 0, 0);
            // leveve the restore to the rotation phase to aviod zero rotation.
            //prePos0 = currentPos0;
            //prePos1 = currentPos1;
            // Reset the midpoint to zero
            midpoint.Set(0, 0, 0);