public JsonResult NotifyUrl() { string param = ""; //Request.QueryString.ToString().Substring(0, Request.QueryString.ToString().IndexOf("signature") - 1); param = "partner_code=" + Request["partner_code"] + "&access_key=" + Request["access_key"] + "&amount=" + Request["amount"] + "&order_id=" + Request["order_id"] + "&order_info=" + Request["order_info"] + "&order_type=" + Request["order_type"] + "&transaction_id=" + Request["transaction_id"] + "&mesage=" + Request["mesage"] + "&response_time=" + Request["response_time"] + "&status_code=" + Request["status_code"]; param = Server.UrlDecode(param); MoMoSecurity crypto = new MoMoSecurity(); string serectkey = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["serectkey"].ToString(); string status_code = Request["status_code"].ToString(); if ((status_code != "0")) { } else { } return(Json("", JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
public ActionResult ReturnUrl() { string param = Request.QueryString.ToString().Substring(0, Request.QueryString.ToString().IndexOf("signature") - 1); param = Server.UrlDecode(param); MoMoSecurity crypto = new MoMoSecurity(); string secretKey = MomoConfig.SecretKey; string signature = crypto.signSHA256(param, secretKey); if (signature != Request["Signature"].ToString()) { ViewBag.message = "Invalid Information"; return(View()); } if (!Request.QueryString["errorCode"].Equals("0")) { ViewBag.message = "Payment failed"; } else { ViewBag.message = "Payment Success"; } //Add Invoice // return(View()); }
public ActionResult Index() { string endpoint = ""; string partnerCode = "MOMOREA420200703"; string accessKey = "QlGE6S9AlZNwni3M"; string serectkey = "JHt0d6lBW8pg1TNGFDLxTxG3MDTUMvbj"; string orderInfo = "Thanh toán MoMo"; string returnUrl = ""; string notifyurl = ""; string amount = tongTien().ToString(); string orderid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); string requestId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); string extraData = ""; //Before sign HMAC SHA256 signature string rawHash = "partnerCode=" + partnerCode + "&accessKey=" + accessKey + "&requestId=" + requestId + "&amount=" + amount + "&orderId=" + orderid + "&orderInfo=" + orderInfo + "&returnUrl=" + returnUrl + "¬ifyUrl=" + notifyurl + "&extraData=" + extraData; log.Debug("rawHash = " + rawHash); MoMoSecurity crypto = new MoMoSecurity(); //sign signature SHA256 string signature = crypto.signSHA256(rawHash, serectkey); log.Debug("Signature = " + signature); //build body json request JObject message = new JObject { { "partnerCode", partnerCode }, { "accessKey", accessKey }, { "requestId", requestId }, { "amount", amount }, { "orderId", orderid }, { "orderInfo", orderInfo }, { "returnUrl", returnUrl }, { "notifyUrl", notifyurl }, { "extraData", extraData }, { "requestType", "captureMoMoWallet" }, { "signature", signature } }; log.Debug("Json request to MoMo: " + message.ToString()); string responseFromMomo = PaymentRequest.sendPaymentRequest(endpoint, message.ToString()); JObject jmessage = JObject.Parse(responseFromMomo); System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(jmessage.GetValue("payUrl").ToString()); return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Cart")); }
public void NotifyUrl() { string param = "partner_code=" + Request.Query["partner_code"] + "&access_key=" + Request.Query["access_key"] + "&amount=" + Request.Query["amount"] + "&order_id=" + Request.Query["order_id"] + "&order_info=" + Request.Query["order_info"] + "&order_type=" + Request.Query["order_type"] + "&transaction_id=" + Request.Query["transaction_id"] + "&message=" + Request.Query["message"] + "&response_time=" + Request.Query["response_time"] + "&status_code=" + Request.Query["status_code"]; param = WebUtility.UrlDecode(param); MoMoSecurity crypto = new MoMoSecurity(); string serectKey = SERECT_KEY; string status_code = Request.Query["status_code"].ToString(); if ((status_code != "0")) { //Thất bại - Cập nhật trạng thái đơn hàng } else { //Thành công - Cập nhật trạng thái đơn hàng } //return new Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializerSettings(); }
public string SignatureMomo(string requestId, string amount, string orderId, string orderInfo, string extraData = "") { string rawHash = string.Format( "partnerCode={0}" + "&accessKey={1}" + "&requestId={2}" + "&amount={3}" + "&orderId={4}" + "&orderInfo={5}" + "&returnUrl={6}" + "¬ifyUrl={7}" + "&extraData={8}", DefinePaymentMomo.PartnerCode, //0 partnerCode DefinePaymentMomo.AccessKey, //1 accessKey requestId, //2 requestId amount, //3 amount orderId, //4 orderId orderInfo, //5 orderInfo DefinePaymentMomo.ReturnUrl, //6 returnUrl DefinePaymentMomo.NotifyUrl, //7 notifyUrl extraData //8 extraData ); MoMoSecurity crypto = new MoMoSecurity(); string signature = crypto.signSHA256(rawHash, DefinePaymentMomo.SecretKey); return(signature); }
public ActionResult PayMomo(ViewPayMomo momo) { string endpoint = ""; string partnerCode = "MOMO828G20201211"; string accessKey = "I0M0E6bt9OC7nBfz"; string serectKey = "Bz4LGbbJ9AHHFRRSb92zL18B1Vq5XbfA"; string orderInfo = "DH" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss"); string returnUrl = "/Payments/Index"; string notifyUrl = "/Payments/Index"; string amount = momo.Amount; string orderId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); string requestId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); string extraData = ""; // before sign HMAC SHA256 signature string rawHash = "partnerCode=" + partnerCode + "&accessKey=" + accessKey + "&requestId=" + requestId + "&amount=" + amount + "&orderId=" + orderId + "&orderInfo=" + orderInfo + "&returnUrl=" + returnUrl + "¬ifyUrl=" + notifyUrl + "&extraData=" + extraData; MoMoSecurity crypto = new MoMoSecurity(); string signature = crypto.signSHA256(rawHash, serectKey); JObject message = new JObject() { { "partnerCode", partnerCode }, { "accessKey", accessKey }, { "requestId", requestId }, { "amount", amount }, { "orderId", orderId }, { "orderInfo", orderInfo }, { "returnUrl", returnUrl }, { "notifyUrl", notifyUrl }, { "requestType", "captureMoMoWallet" }, { "extraData", extraData }, { "signature", signature } }; string url = "partnerCode=" + partnerCode + "&accessKey=" + accessKey + "&requestId=" + requestId + "&amount=" + amount + "&orderId=" + orderId + "&signature=" + signature + "&orderInfo=" + orderInfo + "&returnUrl=" + returnUrl + "¬ifyUrl=" + notifyUrl + "&extraData=" + extraData + "&requestType=" + "captureMoMoWallet"; string responesFromMoMo = PaymentRequest.sendPaymentRequest(endpoint, message.ToString()); JObject jmessage = JObject.Parse(responesFromMoMo); string payUrl = jmessage.ToString(); return(Redirect("" + url)); }
public IActionResult MoMoCallback(string partnerCode, string accessKey, string orderId, string localMessage, string message, string transId, string orderInfo, string amount, string errorCode, string responseTime, string requestId, string extraData, string payType, string orderType, string signature) { string rawHash = "partnerCode=" + partnerCode + "&accessKey=" + accessKey + "&requestId=" + requestId + "&amount=" + amount + "&orderId=" + orderId + "&orderInfo=" + orderInfo + "&orderType=" + orderType + "&transId=" + transId + "&message=" + message + "&localMessage=" + localMessage + "&responseTime=" + responseTime + "&errorCode=" + errorCode + "&payType=" + payType + "&extraData=" + extraData; string serectkey = "XcCyHTwk2JXwXZQkDY3but2On0HKjqyQ"; MoMoSecurity crypto = new MoMoSecurity(); //sign signature SHA256 string partnerSignature = crypto.signSHA256(rawHash, serectkey); if (signature.Equals(partnerSignature)) { // Lưu dữ liệu lại nè: Recharge recharge = new Recharge(); recharge.User = this.GetCurrentUser(); recharge.Amount = Int32.Parse(amount); recharge.Type = "MoMo"; recharge.Money = recharge.Amount / 1000; recharge.User.Gold += recharge.Money; _context.Add(recharge); _context.SaveChanges(); // Di chuyển sang lịch sử giao dịch nha return(RedirectToAction(nameof(History))); } else { return(RedirectToAction(nameof(Index))); } }
/// <summary> /// Kiem tra trang thai giao dich offline /// </summary> /// <param name="partnerCode">Ma doi tac do momo cung cap</param> /// <param name="merchantRefId">Ma don hang luu tren he thong momo</param> /// <param name="publicKey">Public key do momo cung cap</param> /// <param name="requestId">Request id</param> /// <param name="description"></param> /// <param name="test">Test=true la moi truong test, test=false la moi truong production. Mac dinh la false</param> /// <returns></returns> public static string QueryTransactionStatusPayOffline(string partnerCode, string merchantRefId, string publicKey, string requestId, string description, bool test = false) { string endpoint = test ? "" : ""; string version = CommonConstant.MOMO_VERSION; publicKey = RsaKeyConverter.PemToXml(RsaKeyConverter.FormatPem(publicKey, "PUBLIC KEY")); //get hash MoMoSecurity momoCrypto = new MoMoSecurity(); string hash = momoCrypto.buildQueryHash(partnerCode, merchantRefId, requestId, publicKey); //request to MoMo string jsonRequest = "{\"partnerCode\":\"" + partnerCode + "\",\"partnerRefId\":\"" + merchantRefId + "\",\"description\":\"" + description + "\",\"version\":" + version + ",\"hash\":\"" + hash + "\"}"; //response from MoMo string responseFromMomo = PaymentRequest.sendPaymentRequest(endpoint, jsonRequest); Logger.Debug(responseFromMomo); return(responseFromMomo); }
public ActionResult ReturnUrl() { string param = Request.QueryString.ToString().Substring(0, Request.QueryString.ToString().IndexOf("signature") - 1); param = Server.UrlDecode(param); string serctkey = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["serctkey"].ToString(); MoMoSecurity crypto = new MoMoSecurity(); string signature = crypto.signSHA256(param, serctkey); if (signature != Request["signature"].ToString()) { ViewBag.message = " Thông tin Request không hợp lệ"; return(View()); } if (!Request.QueryString["errorCode"].Equals("0")) { ViewBag.message = "Thanh toán thất bại"; } else { ViewBag.message = "Thanh toán thành công"; Session["Cart"] = new List <GioHang>(); } return(View()); }
public ActionResult PayMoMo(int?id) { var coo = new FunctionsController(); var idus = coo.CookieID(); Pakage pakage = db.Pakages.Find(id); var money = pakage.pakage_coin * 1000; //request params need to request to MoMo system string endpoint = ""; string partnerCode = "MOMO5RGX20191128"; string accessKey = "M8brj9K6E22vXoDB"; string serectkey = "nqQiVSgDMy809JoPF6OzP5OdBUB550Y4"; string orderInfo = "Nạp " + pakage.pakage_coin + " vào tài khoản " + idus.user_email; string returnUrl = "https://localhost:44327/Pays/ReturnUrl"; string notifyurl = "https://localhost:44327/Pays/ReturnUrl"; string amount = money.ToString(); string orderid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); string requestId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); string extraData = ""; //Before sign HMAC SHA256 signature string rawHash = "partnerCode=" + partnerCode + "&accessKey=" + accessKey + "&requestId=" + requestId + "&amount=" + amount + "&orderId=" + orderid + "&orderInfo=" + orderInfo + "&returnUrl=" + returnUrl + "¬ifyUrl=" + notifyurl + "&extraData=" + extraData; MoMoSecurity crypto = new MoMoSecurity(); string signature = crypto.signSHA256(rawHash, serectkey); //build body json request JObject message = new JObject { { "partnerCode", partnerCode }, { "accessKey", accessKey }, { "requestId", requestId }, { "amount", amount }, { "orderId", orderid }, { "orderInfo", orderInfo }, { "returnUrl", returnUrl }, { "notifyUrl", notifyurl }, { "extraData", extraData }, { "requestType", "captureMoMoWallet" }, { "signature", signature } }; string responseFromMomo = PaymentRequest.sendPaymentRequest(endpoint, message.ToString()); JObject jmessage = JObject.Parse(responseFromMomo); Session["idpake"] = id; return(Redirect(jmessage.GetValue("payUrl").ToString())); }
public string SignatureMomoSendResponse(string requestId, string orderId, string errorCode, string message, string responseTime, string extraData) { string rawHash = string.Format( "partnerCode={0}" + "&accessKey={1}" + "&requestId={2}" + "&orderId={3}" + "&errorCode={4}" + "&message={5}" + "&responseTime={6}" + "&extraData={7}", DefinePaymentMomo.PartnerCode, //0 partnerCode DefinePaymentMomo.AccessKey, //1 accessKey requestId, //2 requestId orderId, //4 orderId errorCode, message, //8 extraData responseTime, extraData ); MoMoSecurity crypto = new MoMoSecurity(); string signature = crypto.signSHA256(rawHash, DefinePaymentMomo.SecretKey); return(signature); }
public object SetOrderByMomo(Guid orderNo, decimal money) { var orderData = _unitOfWork.Orders.Get().SingleOrDefault(x => x.OrderNo == orderNo); var jsonRequesy = new JsonRequest() { ApiEndPoint = "", PartnerCode = "MOMOVYHR20200208", AccessKey = "dIn9mqdLZF6htCr5", RequestId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), Amount = ((int)money * 1000).ToString(), OrderId = orderNo.ToString(), OrderInfo = "Thanh toán khách sạn", ReturnUrl = "https://localhost:44338/", NotifyUrl = "https://localhost:5001/api/", RequestType = "captureMoMoWallet", SecretKey = "iI0Fg6R7nJUzpda4qbsYd4iFQHE9HDny", Signature = "", ExtraData = "" }; string rawHash = "partnerCode=" + jsonRequesy.PartnerCode + "&accessKey=" + jsonRequesy.AccessKey + "&requestId=" + jsonRequesy.RequestId + "&amount=" + jsonRequesy.Amount + "&orderId=" + jsonRequesy.OrderId + "&orderInfo=" + jsonRequesy.OrderInfo + "&returnUrl=" + jsonRequesy.ReturnUrl + "¬ifyUrl=" + jsonRequesy.NotifyUrl + "&extraData=" + jsonRequesy.ExtraData; string signature = new MoMoSecurity().signSHA256(rawHash, jsonRequesy.SecretKey); JObject message = new JObject { { "partnerCode", jsonRequesy.PartnerCode }, { "accessKey", jsonRequesy.AccessKey }, { "requestId", jsonRequesy.RequestId }, { "amount", jsonRequesy.Amount }, { "orderId", jsonRequesy.OrderId }, { "orderInfo", jsonRequesy.OrderInfo }, { "returnUrl", jsonRequesy.ReturnUrl }, { "notifyUrl", jsonRequesy.NotifyUrl }, { "extraData", jsonRequesy.ExtraData }, { "requestType", "captureMoMoWallet" }, { "signature", signature } }; string responseFromMomo = PaymentRequest.sendPaymentRequest(jsonRequesy.ApiEndPoint, message.ToString()); JObject jmessage = JObject.Parse(responseFromMomo); return(jmessage.GetValue("payUrl").ToString()); }
protected string ThanhToanMoMo(string maDonHang, string tongCong) { string endpoint = ""; string partnerCode = "MOMOHDRK20200430"; string accessKey = "68tVdaHzCcvtfzwH"; string serectkey = "8AWejATXBF96XL3CqeICtqiiKwheEUAv"; string orderInfo = "OrderBook"; string returnUrl = ""; string notifyurl = ""; string amount = tongCong; string orderid = maDonHang; string requestId = maDonHang; string extraData = ""; string rawHash = "partnerCode=" + partnerCode + "&accessKey=" + accessKey + "&requestId=" + requestId + "&amount=" + amount + "&orderId=" + orderid + "&orderInfo=" + orderInfo + "&returnUrl=" + returnUrl + "¬ifyUrl=" + notifyurl + "&extraData=" + extraData; log.Debug("rawHash = " + rawHash); MoMoSecurity crypto = new MoMoSecurity(); //sign signature SHA256 string signature = crypto.signSHA256(rawHash, serectkey); log.Debug("Signature = " + signature); //build body json request JObject message = new JObject { { "partnerCode", partnerCode }, { "accessKey", accessKey }, { "requestId", requestId }, { "amount", amount }, { "orderId", orderid }, { "orderInfo", orderInfo }, { "returnUrl", returnUrl }, { "notifyUrl", notifyurl }, { "extraData", extraData }, { "requestType", "captureMoMoWallet" }, { "signature", signature } }; log.Debug("Json request to MoMo: " + message.ToString()); string responseFromMomo = PaymentRequest.sendPaymentRequest(endpoint, message.ToString()); JObject jmessage = JObject.Parse(responseFromMomo); log.Debug("Return from MoMo: " + jmessage.ToString()); return(jmessage.GetValue("payUrl").ToString()); }
public ActionResult PayByMomo(string totalMoney) { string endpoint = ""; string partnerCode = "MOMOBKUN20180529"; string accessKey = "klm05TvNBzhg7h7j"; string serectkey = "at67qH6mk8w5Y1nAyMoYKMWACiEi2bsa"; string orderInfo = "Thanh toán đơn hàng"; string returnUrl = "http://localhost:3000/order_success_page"; string notifyurl = ""; string amount = totalMoney; string orderid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); string requestId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); string extraData = "merchantName=Payment"; //Before sign HMAC SHA256 signature string rawHash = "partnerCode=" + partnerCode + "&accessKey=" + accessKey + "&requestId=" + requestId + "&amount=" + amount + "&orderId=" + orderid + "&orderInfo=" + orderInfo + "&returnUrl=" + returnUrl + "¬ifyUrl=" + notifyurl + "&extraData=" + extraData; MoMoSecurity crypto = new MoMoSecurity(); //sign signature SHA256 string signature = crypto.signSHA256(rawHash, serectkey); //build body json request JObject message = new JObject { { "partnerCode", partnerCode }, { "accessKey", accessKey }, { "requestId", requestId }, { "amount", amount }, { "orderId", orderid }, { "orderInfo", orderInfo }, { "returnUrl", returnUrl }, { "notifyUrl", notifyurl }, { "extraData", extraData }, { "requestType", "captureMoMoWallet" }, { "signature", signature } }; string responseFromMomo = PaymentRequest.sendPaymentRequest(endpoint, message.ToString()); JObject jMessage = JObject.Parse(responseFromMomo); return(Ok(jMessage["payUrl"].ToString())); }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- public ActionResult PaymentWithMoMo(User user) { var cart = (List <CartItem>)Session[CartSession]; string endpoint = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["endpoint"].ToString(); string partnerCode = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["partnerCode"].ToString(); string accessKey = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["accessKey"].ToString(); string serectkey = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["serectkey"].ToString(); string orderInfo = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["orderInfo"].ToString(); string returnUrl = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["returnUrl"].ToString(); string notifyurl = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["notifyurl"].ToString(); string amount = cart.Sum(n => n.Product.Price).ToString(); string orderid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); string requestId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); string extraData = ""; //Before sign HMAC SHA256 signature string rawHash = "partnerCode=" + partnerCode + "&accessKey=" + accessKey + "&requestId=" + requestId + "&amount=" + amount + "&orderId=" + orderid + "&orderInfo=" + orderInfo + "&returnUrl=" + returnUrl + "¬ifyUrl=" + notifyurl + "&extraData=" + extraData; MoMoSecurity crypto = new MoMoSecurity(); //sign signature SHA256 string signature = crypto.signSHA256(rawHash, serectkey); JObject message = new JObject { { "partnerCode", partnerCode }, { "accessKey", accessKey }, { "requestId", requestId }, { "amount", amount }, { "orderId", orderid }, { "orderInfo", orderInfo }, { "returnUrl", returnUrl }, { "notifyUrl", notifyurl }, { "extraData", extraData }, { "requestType", "captureMoMoWallet" }, { "signature", signature } }; string responseFromMomo = PaymentRequest.sendPaymentRequest(endpoint, message.ToString()); JObject jmessage = JObject.Parse(responseFromMomo); return(Redirect(jmessage.GetValue("payUrl").ToString())); }
private static string TransactionOnline(Dictionary <string, string> obj, string secretKey, bool test, string requestType = "") { string endpoint = test ? "" : ""; StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); string condition = string.Empty; foreach (var item in obj) { builder.AppendFormat("{0}{1}={2}", condition, item.Key, item.Value); condition = "&"; } var rawHash = builder.ToString(); var crypto = new MoMoSecurity(); //sign signature SHA256 var signature = crypto.signSHA256(rawHash, secretKey); //build body json request var message = new JObject(); foreach (var item in obj) { message.Add(item.Key, item.Value); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(requestType)) { message.Add("requestType", requestType); } message.Add("signature", signature); Logger.Debug("Json request to MoMo: " + message); var responseFromMomo = PaymentRequest.sendPaymentRequest(endpoint, message.ToString()); return(responseFromMomo); }
/// <summary> /// Thanh toan momo offline bang cach quet ma vach tren app momo /// </summary> /// <param name="partnerCode">Ma doi tac do momo cung cap</param> /// <param name="merchantRefId">Ma don hang luu tren he thong momo</param> /// <param name="amount">So tien can thanh toan</param> /// <param name="paymentCode">Ma so quet tren app momo cua khach hang</param> /// <param name="storeId">Store id cua hang</param> /// <param name="storeName">Store name cua hang</param> /// <param name="description">Thong tin don hang</param> /// <param name="publicKey">Public key do momo cung cap</param> /// <param name="test">Test=true la moi truong test, test=false la moi truong production. Mac dinh la false</param> /// <returns></returns> public static string SendPayOffline(string partnerCode, string merchantRefId, string amount, string paymentCode, string storeId, string storeName, string description, string publicKey, bool test = false) { try { var endpoint = test ? "" : ""; var version = CommonConstant.MOMO_VERSION; publicKey = RsaKeyConverter.PemToXml(RsaKeyConverter.FormatPem(publicKey, "PUBLIC KEY")); //get hash var momoCrypto = new MoMoSecurity(); var hash = momoCrypto.getHash(partnerCode, merchantRefId, amount, paymentCode, storeId, storeName, publicKey); //request to MoMo var jsonRequest = "{\"partnerCode\":\"" + partnerCode + "\",\"partnerRefId\":\"" + merchantRefId + "\",\"description\":\"" + description + "\",\"amount\":" + amount + ",\"version\":" + version + ",\"hash\":\"" + hash + "\"}"; Logger.Debug(jsonRequest); //response from MoMo var responseFromMomo = PaymentRequest.sendPaymentRequest(endpoint, jsonRequest); Logger.Debug(responseFromMomo); return(responseFromMomo); } catch (Exception exception) { Logger.Debug(exception); } return(string.Empty); }
public ActionResult ThanhToan() { List <GioHang> gioHang = Session["Cart"] as List <GioHang>; string endpoint = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["endpoint"].ToString(); string partnerCode = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["partnerCode"].ToString(); string accessKey = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["accessKey"].ToString(); string serectkey = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["serectkey"].ToString(); string orderInfo = "DH" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss"); string returnUrl = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["returnUrl"].ToString(); string notifyurl = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["notifyurl"].ToString(); string amount = gioHang.Sum(n => n._ThanhTien).ToString(); string orderid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); string requestId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); string extraData = ""; //before sign HMAC SHA256 signature abc string rawHash = "partnerCode" + partnerCode + "&accessKey=" + accessKey + "&requestId=" + requestId + "&amount=" + amount + "&orderId=" + orderid + "&orderInfo" + orderInfo + "&returnUrl" + returnUrl + "¬ifyUrl" + notifyurl + "&extraData" + extraData; MoMoSecurity crypto = new MoMoSecurity(); string signature = crypto.signSHA256(rawHash, serectkey); JObject message = new JObject { { "partnerCode", partnerCode }, { "accessKey", accessKey }, { "requestId", requestId }, { "amount", amount }, { "orderId", orderid }, { "orderInfo", partnerCode }, { "returnUrl", partnerCode }, { "notifyUrl", notifyurl }, { "requestType", "captureMoMoWallet" }, { "signature", signature } }; string responseFromMomo = PaymentRequest.sendPaymentRequest(endpoint, message.ToString()); JObject jmessage = JObject.Parse(responseFromMomo); return(Redirect(jmessage.GetValue("payUrl").ToString())); }
public string payment() { string endpoint = ""; string partnerCode = PARTNER_CODE; string accessKey = ACCESS_KEY; string serectKey = SERECT_KEY; string orderInfo = "DH" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss"); string returnUrl = RETURN_URL; string notifyUrl = NOTIFY_URL; string amount = "10000"; string orderId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); string requestId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); string extraData = ""; string rawHash = "partnerCode=" + partnerCode + "&accessKey=" + accessKey + "&requestId=" + requestId + "&amount=" + amount + "&orderId=" + orderId + "&orderInfo=" + orderInfo + "&returnUrl=" + returnUrl + "¬ifyUrl=" + notifyUrl + "&extraData=" + extraData; MoMoSecurity crypto = new MoMoSecurity(); string signature = crypto.signSHA256(rawHash, serectKey); JObject message = new JObject { { "partnerCode", partnerCode }, { "accessKey", accessKey }, { "requestId", requestId }, { "amount", amount }, { "orderId", orderId }, { "orderInfo", orderInfo }, { "returnUrl", returnUrl }, { "notifyUrl", notifyUrl }, { "requestType", "captureMoMoWallet" }, { "signature", signature } }; string responseFromMomo = PaymentRequest.sendPaymentRequest(endpoint, message.ToString()); JObject jmessage = JObject.Parse(responseFromMomo); return(jmessage.GetValue("payUrl").ToString()); }
public JsonResult NotifyUrl() { string param = ""; // Request.Form.ToString().Substring(0, Request.Form.ToString().IndexOf("signature") -1); param = "partner_Code=" + Request["partner_code"] + "&access_key=" + Request["access_key"] + "&amount=" + Request["access_key"] + "&order_id=" + Request["order_id"] + "&order_info=" + Request["order_info"] + "&order_type=" + Request["order_type"] + "&transaction_id=" + Request["transaction_id"] + "&message=" + Request["message"] + "&response_time=" + Request["response_time"] + "&status_code=" + Request["status_code"]; param = Server.UrlDecode(param); MoMoSecurity crypto = new MoMoSecurity(); string serectkey = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["serectkey"].ToString(); string signature = crypto.signSHA256(param, serectkey); //Không được phép cập nhật trạng thái đơn khi trạng đơn trong databasse khác trạng đang chờ thanh toán //Trạng thái đơn kích nút thanh toán - Đang chờ thanh toán(-1) //Trạng thái giao dịch thành công(1) //Trạng thái giao dịch thất bại(0) if (signature != Request["signature"].ToString()) { //Kiểm tra đơn hàng của các bạn trong database có khác trạng thái đang chờ thanh toán hay không //Nếu mà bạn đã cập nhật trạng thái đơn hàng về (1) hoặc 0 rồi thì không cần phải cập nhật nữa //Nếu trạng thái đơn hàng của các bạn đang là chờ thanh toán thì các ạn cập nhật trạng thái = 0 là thất bại ở đây //Khi nào thì mới cập nhật trạng thái đơn hàng? } string status_code = Request["status_code"].ToString(); if ((status_code != "0")) { //Thất bại - Cập nhật trạng thái đơn hàng } else { //Thành công - Cập nhật trạng thái đơn hàng } return(Json("", JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
public void ReturnUrl() { string param = Request.QueryString.ToString().Substring(0, Request.QueryString.ToString().IndexOf("signature") - 1); param = WebUtility.UrlDecode(param); MoMoSecurity crypto = new MoMoSecurity(); string serectKey = SERECT_KEY; string signature = crypto.signSHA256(param, serectKey); if (signature != Request.Query["signature"].ToString()) { Console.WriteLine("Thông tin Request không hợp lệ"); } if (!Request.Query["errorCode"].Equals("0")) { Console.WriteLine("Thanh toán thất bại"); } else { Console.WriteLine("Thanh toán thành công"); } }
public JsonResult NotifyUrl() { string param = "partner_code=" + Request["partner_code"] + "&access_keys=" + Request["access_keys"] + "&amount=" + Request["amount"] + "&order_id=" + Request["order_id"] + "&order_info=" + Request["order_info"] + "&order_type=" + Request["order_type"] + "&transaction_id=" + Request["transaction_id"] + "&message=" + Request["message"] + "&response_time=" + Request["response_time"] + "&status_code=" + Request["status_code"]; param = Server.UrlDecode(param); MoMoSecurity scryto = new MoMoSecurity(); string secretKey = MomoConfig.SecretKey; string signature = scryto.signSHA256(param, secretKey); string statusCode = Request["status_code"].ToString(); /* * if (signature != Request["Signature"].ToString()) * { * ViewBag.message = "Invalid Information"; * return ; * } */ if (statusCode != "0") { //Failed } else { //Success } return(Json("", JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
public string SignatureMomoRequest(string requestId, string amount, string orderId, string orderInfo, string orderType, string transId, string message, string localMessage, string responseTime, string errorCode, string payType, string extraData) { string rawHash = string.Format( "partnerCode={0}" + "&accessKey={1}" + "&requestId={2}" + "&amount={3}" + "&orderId={4}" + "&orderInfo={5}" + "&orderType={6}" + "&transId={7}" + "&message={8}" + "&localMessage={9}" + "&responseTime={10}" + "&errorCode={11}" + "&payType={12}" + "&extraData={13}", DefinePaymentMomo.PartnerCode, //0 partnerCode DefinePaymentMomo.AccessKey, //1 accessKey requestId, //2 requestId amount, //3 amount orderId, //4 orderId orderInfo, //5 orderInfo orderType, //6 returnUrl transId, //7 notifyUrl message, //8 extraData localMessage, responseTime, errorCode, payType, extraData ); MoMoSecurity crypto = new MoMoSecurity(); string signature = crypto.signSHA256(rawHash, DefinePaymentMomo.SecretKey); return(signature); }
public string SignatureCheckResponseMomo(string requestId, string orderId, string message, string localMessage, string payUrl, string errorCode, string requestType) { string rawHash = string.Format( "requestId={0}" + "&orderId={1}" + "&message={2}" + "&localMessage={3}" + "&payUrl={4}" + "&errorCode={5}" + "&requestType={6}", requestId, //2 requestId orderId, //3 amount message, //4 orderId localMessage, //5 orderlocalMessageInfo payUrl, //6 payUrl errorCode, //7 errorCode requestType //8 requestType ); MoMoSecurity crypto = new MoMoSecurity(); string signature = crypto.signSHA256(rawHash, DefinePaymentMomo.SecretKey); return(signature); }
public ActionResult Index(Morder order) { Random rand = new Random((int)DateTime.Now.Ticks); int numIterations = 0; numIterations = rand.Next(1, 100000); DateTime time = DateTime.Now; string orderCode = numIterations + "" + time; string sumOrder = Request["sumOrder"]; string payment_method = Request["option_payment"]; // Neu Ship COde if (payment_method.Equals("COD")) { // cap nhat thong tin sau khi dat hang thanh cong saveOrder(order, "COD", 2, orderCode); var cart = Session[SessionCart]; var list = new List <Cart_item>(); ViewBag.cart = (List <Cart_item>)cart; Session["SessionCart"] = null; var listProductOrder = db.Orderdetails.Where(m => m.orderid == order.ID); return(View("payment")); } //Neu Thanh toan MOMO else if (payment_method.Equals("MOMO")) { //request params need to request to MoMo system string endpoint = momoInfo.endpoint; string partnerCode = momoInfo.partnerCode; string accessKey = momoInfo.accessKey; string serectkey = momoInfo.serectkey; string orderInfo = momoInfo.orderInfo; string returnUrl = momoInfo.returnUrl; string notifyurl = momoInfo.notifyurl; string amount = sumOrder; string orderid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); string requestId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); string extraData = ""; //Before sign HMAC SHA256 signature string rawHash = "partnerCode=" + partnerCode + "&accessKey=" + accessKey + "&requestId=" + requestId + "&amount=" + amount + "&orderId=" + orderid + "&orderInfo=" + orderInfo + "&returnUrl=" + returnUrl + "¬ifyUrl=" + notifyurl + "&extraData=" + extraData; log.Debug("rawHash = " + rawHash); MoMoSecurity crypto = new MoMoSecurity(); //sign signature SHA256 string signature = crypto.signSHA256(rawHash, serectkey); log.Debug("Signature = " + signature); //build body json request JObject message = new JObject { { "partnerCode", partnerCode }, { "accessKey", accessKey }, { "requestId", requestId }, { "amount", amount }, { "orderId", orderid }, { "orderInfo", orderInfo }, { "returnUrl", returnUrl }, { "notifyUrl", notifyurl }, { "extraData", extraData }, { "requestType", "captureMoMoWallet" }, { "signature", signature } }; log.Debug("Json request to MoMo: " + message.ToString()); string responseFromMomo = PaymentRequest.sendPaymentRequest(endpoint, message.ToString()); JObject jmessage = JObject.Parse(responseFromMomo); saveOrder(order, "Cổng thanh toán MOMO", 2, orderid); return(Redirect(jmessage.GetValue("payUrl").ToString())); } //Neu Thanh toan Ngan Luong else if (payment_method.Equals("NL")) { string str_bankcode = Request["bankcode"]; RequestInfo info = new RequestInfo(); info.Merchant_id = nganluongInfo.Merchant_id; info.Merchant_password = nganluongInfo.Merchant_password; info.Receiver_email = nganluongInfo.Receiver_email; info.cur_code = "vnd"; info.bank_code = str_bankcode; info.Order_code = orderCode; info.Total_amount = sumOrder; info.fee_shipping = "0"; info.Discount_amount = "0"; info.order_description = "Thanh toán ngân lượng cho đơn hàng"; info.return_url = nganluongInfo.return_url; info.cancel_url = nganluongInfo.cancel_url; info.Buyer_fullname = order.deliveryname; info.Buyer_email = order.deliveryemail; info.Buyer_mobile = order.deliveryphone; APICheckoutV3 objNLChecout = new APICheckoutV3(); ResponseInfo result = objNLChecout.GetUrlCheckout(info, payment_method); // neu khong gap loi gi if (result.Error_code == "00") { saveOrder(order, "Cổng thanh toán Ngân Lượng", 2, orderCode); // chuyen sang trang ngan luong return(Redirect(result.Checkout_url)); } else { ViewBag.errorPaymentOnline = result.Description; return(View("payment")); } } //Neu Thanh Toán ATM online else if (payment_method.Equals("ATM_ONLINE")) { string str_bankcode = Request["bankcode"]; RequestInfo info = new RequestInfo(); info.Merchant_id = nganluongInfo.Merchant_id; info.Merchant_password = nganluongInfo.Merchant_password; info.Receiver_email = nganluongInfo.Receiver_email; info.cur_code = "vnd"; info.bank_code = str_bankcode; info.Order_code = orderCode; info.Total_amount = sumOrder; info.fee_shipping = "0"; info.Discount_amount = "0"; info.order_description = "Thanh toán ngân lượng cho đơn hàng"; info.return_url = nganluongInfo.return_url; info.cancel_url = nganluongInfo.cancel_url; info.Buyer_fullname = order.deliveryname; info.Buyer_email = order.deliveryemail; info.Buyer_mobile = order.deliveryphone; APICheckoutV3 objNLChecout = new APICheckoutV3(); ResponseInfo result = objNLChecout.GetUrlCheckout(info, payment_method); // neu khong gap loi gi if (result.Error_code == "00") { saveOrder(order, "ATM Online qua ngân lượng", 2, orderCode); return(Redirect(result.Checkout_url)); } else { ViewBag.errorPaymentOnline = result.Description; return(View("payment")); } } return(View("payment")); }
public ActionResult DatHang() { //Kiểm tra đăng nhập if ((Session["TaiKhoan"] == null) || (Session["TaiKhoan"].ToString() == "")) { return(RedirectToAction("DangNhap", "NguoiDung")); } //Kiểm tra giỏ hàng if (Session["GioHang"] == null) { RedirectToAction("Index", "Home"); } //thêm đơn hàng DonHang dh = new DonHang(); KhachHang kh = (KhachHang)Session["TaiKhoan"]; List <GioHang> gh = LayGioHang(); dh.MaKH = kh.MaKH; dh.DaThanhToan = Convert.ToInt32(TongTien()); dh.TinhTrangGiaoHang = 0; dh.NgayDat = DateTime.Now; dh.NgayGiao = DateTime.Now; db.DonHangs.Add(dh); db.SaveChanges(); //Thêm chi tiết đơn hàng foreach (var item in gh) { ChiTietDonHang ctdh = new ChiTietDonHang(); ctdh.MaDonHang = dh.MaDonHang; ctdh.MaGiay = item._MaGiay; ctdh.SoLuong = item._SoLuong; ctdh.DonGia = item._DonGia.ToString(); Giay giay = db.Giays.SingleOrDefault(n => n.MaGiay == item._MaGiay); giay.SoLuongTon -= item._SoLuong; db.ChiTietDonHangs.Add(ctdh); db.SaveChanges(); Session["GioHang"] = null; } //momopay string endpoint = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["endpoint"].ToString(); string partnerCode = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["partnerCode"].ToString(); string accessKey = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["accessKey"].ToString(); string serectkey = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["serectkey"].ToString(); string orderInfo = "DH" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss"); string returnUrl = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["returnUrl"].ToString(); string notifyurl = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["notifyurl"].ToString(); string amount = gh.Sum(n => n._ThanhTien).ToString(); string orderid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); string requestId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); string extraData = ""; //Before sign HMAC SHA256 signature string rawHash = "partnerCode=" + partnerCode + "&accessKey=" + accessKey + "&requestId=" + requestId + "&amount=" + amount + "&orderId=" + orderid + "&orderInfo=" + orderInfo + "&returnUrl=" + returnUrl + "¬ifyUrl=" + notifyurl + "&extraData=" + extraData; MoMoSecurity crypto = new MoMoSecurity(); string signature = crypto.signSHA256(rawHash, serectkey); JObject message = new JObject { { "partnerCode", partnerCode }, { "accessKey", accessKey }, { "requestId", requestId }, { "amount", amount }, { "orderId", orderid }, { "orderInfo", orderInfo }, { "returnUrl", returnUrl }, { "notifyUrl", notifyurl }, { "extraData", extraData }, { "requestType", "captureMoMoWallet" }, { "signature", signature } }; string responseFromMomo = PaymentRequest.sendPaymentRequest(endpoint, message.ToString()); JObject jmessage = JObject.Parse(responseFromMomo); return(Redirect(jmessage.GetValue("payUrl").ToString())); //mômopay }
public ActionResult Payment(string shipName, string address, string mobile, string email) { var session = (UserLogin)Session[Common.CommonConstants.USER_SESSION]; var order = new Order(); if (session != null) { order.CustomerID = session.UserID; order.CreateDate = DateTime.Now; order.ShipAddress = address; order.ShipEmail = email; order.ShipMobile = mobile; order.ShipName = shipName; order.Status = false; } else { order.CreateDate = DateTime.Now; order.ShipAddress = address; order.ShipEmail = email; order.ShipMobile = mobile; order.ShipName = shipName; order.Status = false; } try { var id = new OrderDao().Insert(order); var cart = (List <CartItem>)Session[CartSession]; var detailDao = new OrderDetailDao(); var orderdao = new OrderDao(); decimal total = 0; foreach (var item in cart) { var orderr = new Order(); var orderDetail = new OrderDetail(); orderDetail.ProductID = item.Product.ID; orderDetail.Price = item.Product.Price; orderDetail.OrderID = id; orderDetail.Quantity = item.Quantity; total += (item.Product.Price.GetValueOrDefault(0) * item.Quantity); orderDetail.Total = total; detailDao.Insert(orderDetail); } string content = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(Server.MapPath("~/Assets/client/template/neworder.html")); content = content.Replace("{{CustomerName}}", shipName); content = content.Replace("{{Phone}}", mobile); content = content.Replace("{{Email}}", email); content = content.Replace("{{Address}}", address); content = content.Replace("{{Total}}", total.ToString("N0")); var toEmail = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["FromEmailAddress"].ToString(); /* new MailHelper().SendMail(email, "Đơn hàng mới từ OnlineShop", content); * new MailHelper().SendMail(toEmail, "Đơn hàng mới từ OnlineShop", content);*/ string endpoint = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["endpoint"].ToString(); string partnerCode = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["partnerCode"].ToString(); string accessKey = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["accessKey"].ToString(); string serectKey = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["serectKey"].ToString(); string orderInfo = "DH" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss"); string returnUrl = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["returnUrl"].ToString(); string notifyUrl = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["notifyUrl"].ToString(); string amount = total.ToString(); string orderId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); string requestId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); string extraData = order.ShipName + "SP" + order.ShipMobile; string rawHash = "partnerCode=" + partnerCode + "&accessKey=" + accessKey + "&requestId=" + requestId + "&amount=" + amount + "&orderId=" + orderId + "&orderInfo=" + orderInfo + "&returnUrl=" + returnUrl + "¬ifyUrl=" + notifyUrl + "&extraData=" + extraData; MoMoSecurity crypto = new MoMoSecurity(); //sign signature SHA256 string signature = crypto.signSHA256(rawHash, serectKey); JObject message = new JObject { { "partnerCode", partnerCode }, { "accessKey", accessKey }, { "requestId", requestId }, { "amount", amount }, { "orderId", orderId }, { "orderInfo", orderInfo }, { "returnUrl", returnUrl }, { "notifyUrl", notifyUrl }, { "extraData", extraData }, { "requestType", "captureMoMoWallet" }, { "signature", signature } }; string responseFromMomo = PaymentRequest.sendPaymentRequest(endpoint, message.ToString()); JObject jmessage = JObject.Parse(responseFromMomo); return(Redirect(jmessage.GetValue("payUrl").ToString())); } catch (Exception ex) { throw (ex); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> WebPaymentRequest(string orderInfo, string amount) { //request params need to request to MoMo system string endpoint = ""; string partnerCode = configMomo.partnerCode; string accessKey = configMomo.accessKey; string serectkey = configMomo.serectkey; string returnUrl = ""; string notifyurl = ""; string orderid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); string requestId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); string extraData = ""; //Before sign HMAC SHA256 signature string rawHash = "partnerCode=" + partnerCode + "&accessKey=" + accessKey + "&requestId=" + requestId + "&amount=" + amount + "&orderId=" + orderid + "&orderInfo=" + orderInfo + "&returnUrl=" + returnUrl + "¬ifyUrl=" + notifyurl + "&extraData=" + extraData; log.Debug("rawHash = " + rawHash); MoMoSecurity crypto = new MoMoSecurity(); //sign signature SHA256 string signature = crypto.signSHA256(rawHash, serectkey); log.Debug("Signature = " + signature); //build body json request JObject message = new JObject { { "partnerCode", partnerCode }, { "accessKey", accessKey }, { "requestId", requestId }, { "amount", amount }, { "orderId", orderid }, { "orderInfo", orderInfo }, { "returnUrl", returnUrl }, { "notifyUrl", notifyurl }, { "extraData", extraData }, { "requestType", "captureMoMoWallet" }, { "signature", signature } }; log.Debug("Json request to MoMo: " + message.ToString()); string responseFromMomo = PaymentRequest.sendPaymentRequest(endpoint, message.ToString()); JObject jmessage = JObject.Parse(responseFromMomo); log.Debug("Return from MoMo: " + jmessage.ToString()); //DialogResult result = MessageBox.Show(responseFromMomo, "Open in browser", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel); //if (result == DialogResult.OK) //{ // //yes... //return Ok(System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(jmessage.GetValue("payUrl").ToString())); //} //else if (result == DialogResult.Cancel) //{ // //no... //} return(Ok(jmessage.GetValue("payUrl").ToString())); }
public IActionResult MoMo(string Amount) { int amountInt = Int32.Parse(Amount); if (amountInt < 1000 || amountInt > 20000000) { return(RedirectToAction(nameof(Index))); } //request params need to request to MoMo system string endpoint = ""; string partnerCode = "MOMO3R5720190725"; string accessKey = "ZarJz6vwlJUijSih"; string serectkey = "XcCyHTwk2JXwXZQkDY3but2On0HKjqyQ"; string orderInfo = "Nạp tiền nè các bạn"; string returnUrl = "https://localhost:44372/Payment/MomoCallback"; string notifyurl = ""; string amount = Amount; string orderid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); string requestId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); string extraData = ""; //Before sign HMAC SHA256 signature string rawHash = "partnerCode=" + partnerCode + "&accessKey=" + accessKey + "&requestId=" + requestId + "&amount=" + amount + "&orderId=" + orderid + "&orderInfo=" + orderInfo + "&returnUrl=" + returnUrl + "¬ifyUrl=" + notifyurl + "&extraData=" + extraData; MoMoSecurity crypto = new MoMoSecurity(); //sign signature SHA256 string signature = crypto.signSHA256(rawHash, serectkey); //build body json request JObject message = new JObject { { "partnerCode", partnerCode }, { "accessKey", accessKey }, { "requestId", requestId }, { "amount", amount }, { "orderId", orderid }, { "orderInfo", orderInfo }, { "returnUrl", returnUrl }, { "notifyUrl", notifyurl }, { "extraData", extraData }, { "requestType", "captureMoMoWallet" }, { "signature", signature } }; string responseFromMomo = PaymentRequest.sendPaymentRequest(endpoint, message.ToString()); JObject jmessage = JObject.Parse(responseFromMomo); return(Redirect(jmessage.GetValue("payUrl").ToString())); // return View(); }
private void doMomoPayment() { //request params need to request to MoMo system string endpoint = ""; string accessKey = "M8brj9K6E22vXoDB"; string partnerCode = "MOMO5RGX20191128"; string serectkey = "nqQiVSgDMy809JoPF6OzP5OdBUB550Y4"; string orderInfo = "Payment by Momo for customer"; string returnUrl = ""; string notifyurl = ""; string amount = total.ToString(); string orderId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); string requestId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); string extraData = ""; //Before sign HMAC SHA256 signature string rawHash = "partnerCode=" + partnerCode + "&accessKey=" + accessKey + "&requestId=" + requestId + "&amount=" + amount + "&orderId=" + orderId + "&orderInfo=" + orderInfo + "&returnUrl=" + returnUrl + "¬ifyUrl=" + notifyurl + "&extraData=" + extraData; log.Debug("rawHash = " + rawHash); MoMoSecurity crypto = new MoMoSecurity(); //sign signature SHA256 string signature = crypto.signSHA256(rawHash, serectkey); log.Debug("Signature = " + signature); //build body json request JObject message = new JObject { { "partnerCode", partnerCode }, { "accessKey", accessKey }, { "requestId", requestId }, { "amount", amount }, { "orderId", orderId }, { "orderInfo", orderInfo }, { "returnUrl", returnUrl }, { "notifyUrl", notifyurl }, { "extraData", extraData }, { "requestType", "captureMoMoWallet" }, { "signature", signature } }; log.Debug("Json request to MoMo: " + message.ToString()); PaymentRequest pq = new PaymentRequest(); string responseFromMomo = PaymentRequest.sendPaymentRequest(endpoint, message.ToString()); JObject jmessage = JObject.Parse(responseFromMomo); log.Debug("Return from MoMo: " + jmessage.ToString()); if (MessageBox.Show("Bạn có muốn thanh toán cho đơn hàng này", "Checkout", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) == DialogResult.Yes) { System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(jmessage.GetValue("payUrl").ToString()); this.Alert("Đơn hàng của bạn đang được chuẩn bị", Notice.enmType.Waiting); updateOrderLine(); } }