        public static MixHessInfo GetHessMixEAnmDefault(Universe univ, IList <Vector> coords, ILinAlg la
                                                        , IList <ResInfo> lstResAllAtom, out string errmsg
                                                        , bool bGetIntmInfo
            ///                                                 |  (    all,     ca,   mixd,   site)  |                  |  (    all,     ca,   mixd,   site)
            /// =============================================================================================================================================
            /// Nma-MT000000Anm                                 |  (    NaN, 0.6755, 0.6799, 0.5250)  |                  |
            /// Nma-TCstCstAnmMix04                             |  (    NaN, 0.4992, 0.2807, 0.6534)  |                  |
            /// Nma-TCstCstAnmMix13                             |  (    NaN, 0.6126, 0.6031, 0.5708)  |                  |
            /// Nma-TCstCstAnmMix0413                           |  (    NaN, 0.7010, 0.7010, 0.7505)  |                  |
            /// Nma-TCstCstVdwMix                               |  (    NaN, 0.4754, 0.2479, 0.6612)  |                  |
            /// Nma-TFrcFrcFrcMix                               |  (    NaN, 0.4851, 0.2692, 0.6819)  |                  |
            /// Nma-TCstCstVdw                                  |  ( 0.8664, 0.9107, 0.8832, 0.8689)  |                  |
            /// Nma-TCstCstAnm                                  |  ( 0.7949, 0.8695, 0.8298, 0.7669)  |                  |
            /// Nma-T000000Anm                                  |  ( 0.4127, 0.8141, 0.7096, 0.6308)  |                  |
            /// Nma-CTStem                                      |  (    NaN, 0.7520,    NaN,    NaN)  |                  |
            /// Nma-CTAnm                                       |  (    NaN, 0.7423,    NaN,    NaN)  |                  |
            /// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            /// Nma-TCstCstAnmMix-04010-NCaC13008-07009         |  (    NaN, 0.7649, 0.7857, 0.7665)  |  TCstCstAnm-...  |  (    NaN, 0.8753, 0.8969, 0.9616)
            /// Nma-TCstCstAnmMix-04010-NCaC13008-10009         |  (    NaN, 0.7363, 0.7636, 0.7335)  |  TCstCstAnm-...  |  (    NaN, 0.8443, 0.8778, 0.9422)
            /// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            /// Nma-TCstCstAnmMix-04100-NCaC13070-07080         |  (    NaN, 0.7700, 0.7892, 0.7580)  |  TCstCstAnm-...  |  (    NaN, 0.8852, 0.9453, 0.9915)
            /// Nma-TCstCstAnmMix-04100-NCaC13070-10080         |  (    NaN, 0.7436, 0.7644, 0.7201)  |  TCstCstAnm-...  |  (    NaN, 0.8551, 0.9223, 0.9617)
            /// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            ///<Nma-TCstCstAnmMix-04100-NCaC13070-07085 ******  |  (    NaN, 0.7704, 0.7893, 0.7575)  |  TCstCstAnm-...  |  (    NaN, 0.8853, 0.9456, 0.9911)>
            /// Nma-TCstCstAnmMix-04100-NCaC13070-10085         |  (    NaN, 0.7409, 0.7624, 0.7180)  |  TCstCstAnm-...  |  (    NaN, 0.8518, 0.9199, 0.9597)
            /// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            /// Nma-TCstCstAnmMix-04100-NCaC13070-07090         |  (    NaN, 0.7707, 0.7894, 0.7570)  |  TCstCstAnm-...  |  (    NaN, 0.8853, 0.9459, 0.9908)
            /// Nma-TCstCstAnmMix-04100-NCaC13070-10090         |  (    NaN, 0.7383, 0.7604, 0.7160)  |  TCstCstAnm-...  |  (    NaN, 0.8486, 0.9176, 0.9577)

            double anmCutoffAll = 4.5; double anmSprcstAll = 1.00;          ///     04100 =>        04.5, 1.00
            double anmCutoffCoarse = 13.0; double anmSprcstCoarse = 0.70;   /// NCaC13070 => "NCaC" 13.0, 0.70
            double anmCutoffMix = 7.0; double anmSprcstMix = 0.85;          ///     07085 =>        07.0, 0.85
            bool   bAllowAllToCoarse       = true;
            bool   bOnlyCoarseConnBackbone = false;
            string strBkbnReso             = "NCaC";

            var         anmSprcstCutoffAll    = new Tuple <double, double>(anmCutoffAll, anmSprcstAll);       ///     04100
            var         anmSprcstCutoffCoarse = new Tuple <double, double>(anmCutoffCoarse, anmSprcstCoarse); /// NCaC13070
            var         anmSprcstCutoffMix    = new Tuple <double, double>(anmCutoffMix, anmSprcstMix);       ///     07085
            MixHessInfo hessinfo = GetHessMixEAnm(univ, coords, la, lstResAllAtom, bAllowAllToCoarse, bOnlyCoarseConnBackbone
                                                  , anmSprcstCutoffAll, anmSprcstCutoffMix, anmSprcstCutoffCoarse
                                                  , out errmsg, bGetIntmInfo, strBkbnReso);

        public static MixHessInfo GetHessMixEAnm(Universe univ, IList <Vector> coords, ILinAlg la
                                                 , IList <ResInfo> lstResAllAtom, double anmCutoff, out string errmsg
                                                 , bool bGetIntmInfo, string strBkbnReso
            HDebug.Assert(anmCutoff >= 0);
            var         anmSprcstCutoffAll      = new Tuple <double, double>(1, anmCutoff);
            var         anmSprcstCutoffCoarse   = new Tuple <double, double>(1, anmCutoff);
            var         anmSprcstCutoffMix      = new Tuple <double, double>(1, anmCutoff);
            bool        bAllowAllToCoarse       = true;
            bool        bOnlyCoarseConnBackbone = false;
            MixHessInfo hessinfo = GetHessMixEAnm(univ, coords, la, lstResAllAtom, bAllowAllToCoarse, bOnlyCoarseConnBackbone
                                                  , anmSprcstCutoffAll, anmSprcstCutoffMix, anmSprcstCutoffCoarse
                                                  , out errmsg, bGetIntmInfo, strBkbnReso);

            public static MixHessInfo GetHessMixModel(Universe univ, IList <Vector> coords, ILinAlg la
                                                      , IList <ResInfo> lstResAllAtom, FnGetHess GetHess, out string errmsg
                                                      , bool bGetIntmInfo, string strBkbnReso
                FnGetHess lGetHess = delegate(Universe luniv, IList <Vector> lcoords, int[] lidxAll, int[] lidxBuffer, int[] lidxCoarse, int[] idxBackbone)
                    // double check if all three indices are disjoint
                    HDebug.Assert(lidxAll.HUnion().Length == lidxAll.Length);
                    HDebug.Assert(lidxBuffer.HUnion().Length == lidxBuffer.Length);
                    HDebug.Assert(lidxCoarse.HUnion().Length == lidxCoarse.Length);
                    HDebug.Assert(lidxAll.HListCommonT(lidxBuffer).Count == 0);
                    HDebug.Assert(lidxBuffer.HListCommonT(lidxCoarse).Count == 0);
                    HDebug.Assert(lidxCoarse.HListCommonT(lidxAll).Count == 0);
                    if (HDebug.IsDebuggerAttached)
                        foreach (int idx in lidxAll)
                            HDebug.Assert(lcoords[idx] != null);
                        foreach (int idx in lidxBuffer)
                            HDebug.Assert(lcoords[idx] != null);
                        foreach (int idx in lidxCoarse)
                            HDebug.Assert(lcoords[idx] != null);

                    var hessinfo = GetHess(luniv, lcoords, lidxAll, lidxBuffer, lidxCoarse, idxBackbone);

                bool   bVerifySteps = false; // HDebug.IsDebuggerAttached;
                Vector bfactorFull  = null;

                if (bVerifySteps && HDebug.IsDebuggerAttached)
                    int[] idxAll       = HEnum.HEnumCount(coords.Count).ToArray();
                    var   hessinfo     = lGetHess(univ, coords, idxAll, new int[0], new int[0], new int[0]);
                    var   modes        = hessinfo.GetModesMassReduced();
                    var   modesPosZero = modes.SeparateTolerants();
                    HDebug.Assert(modesPosZero.Item2.Length == 6);
                    bfactorFull = modesPosZero.Item1.GetBFactor().ToArray();

                IList <Pdb.Atom> pdbatoms = univ.atoms.ListPdbAtoms();

                ResInfo[] resinfos = pdbatoms.ListResInfo(true);

                int[] idxCa;   // idxs of Ca atoms
                int[] idxBkbn; // idxs of backbone atoms
                int[] idxSele; // idxs of all atoms of lstResAllAtom (selected)
                int[] idxCntk; // idxs of all atoms contacting idxSele
                    string[] nameBkbn;
                    switch (strBkbnReso)
                    case "NCaC": nameBkbn = new string[] { "N", "CA", "C" }; break;

                    case "NCaC-O": nameBkbn = new string[] { "N", "CA", "C", "O" }; break;

                    case "NCaC-OHn": nameBkbn = new string[] { "N", "CA", "C", "O", "HN" }; break;

                    case "NCaC-O-Ha": nameBkbn = new string[] { "N", "CA", "C", "O", "HA" }; break;

                    case "NCaC-OHn-HaCb": nameBkbn = new string[] { "N", "CA", "C", "O", "HN", "HA", "CB" }; break;

                    default: throw new NotImplementedException();

                    idxCa = univ.atoms.ListPdbAtoms().IdxByName(true, "CA");
                    //idxBkbn = univ.atoms.ListPdbAtoms().IdxByName(true, "N", "CA", "C", "O", "HA");
                    idxBkbn = univ.atoms.ListPdbAtoms().IdxByName(true, nameBkbn);

                    idxSele = resinfos.HIdxEqual(ResInfo.Equals, lstResAllAtom.ToArray());
                    Vector[] coordSele = coords.HSelectByIndex(idxSele);

                    int[]     idxCtof = coords.HIdxWithinCutoff(4.5, coordSele);
                    ResInfo[] resCtof = resinfos.HSelectByIndex(idxCtof);
                    resCtof = resCtof.HUnion();                                                 // remove redundant residues
                    resCtof = resCtof.HRemoveAll(lstResAllAtom.ToArray()).ToArray();            // remove active site residues
                    idxCntk = resinfos.HIdxEqual(ResInfo.Equals, resCtof);

                    bool plot = false;
                    if (plot)
                    #region verify by plotting
                        Pdb.ToFile(@"C:\temp\mix.pdb", pdbatoms, coords);
                        Pymol.Py.CgoOld.WriteBlank(@"C:\temp\mix.py", false);
                        Pymol.Py.CgoOld.WriteSphere(@"C:\temp\mix.py", "Ca", coords.HSelectByIndex(idxCa).HRemoveAllNull(), 0.3);
                        Pymol.Py.CgoOld.WriteSphere(@"C:\temp\mix.py", "backbone", coords.HSelectByIndex(idxBkbn).HRemoveAllNull(), 0.3);
                        Pymol.Py.CgoOld.WriteSphere(@"C:\temp\mix.py", "active", coordSele.HRemoveAllNull()
                                                    , 0.3
                                                    , red: 1, green: 0, blue: 0);
                        Pymol.Py.CgoOld.WriteSphere(@"C:\temp\mix.py", "connect", coords.HSelectByIndex(idxCntk).HRemoveAllNull()
                                                    , 0.3
                                                    , red: 0, green: 0, blue: 1);
                        HFile.WriteAllLines(@"C:\temp\mix.pml", new string[]
                            "load mix.pdb",
                            "run mix.py",

                //idxBkbn = HEnum.HSequence(coords.Count).ToArray();
                int[]    idxFull      = idxSele.HUnionWith(idxCntk).HUnionWith(idxBkbn);
                Vector[] coordsFull   = coords.HCopyIdx(idxFull, null);
                var      hessinfoFull = lGetHess(univ, coordsFull
                                                 , idxAll: idxSele
                                                 , idxBuffer: idxCntk.HRemoveAll(idxSele)
                                                 , idxCoarse: idxBkbn.HRemoveAll(idxSele).HRemoveAll(idxCntk)
                                                 , idxBackbone: idxBkbn
                HDebug.Assert(hessinfoFull.hess.IsComputable() == false);
                //    var modes = hessinfoFull.GetModesMassReduced(false, la);
                //    var modesPosZero = modes.SeparateTolerants();
                //    Vector bf = modesPosZero.Item1.GetBFactor().ToArray();
                //    Vector nma = ext as Vector;
                //    double corr = BFactor.Corr(bf, nma);

                var hessinfoSub = hessinfoFull.GetSubHessInfo(idxFull);
                HDebug.Assert(hessinfoSub.hess.IsComputable() == true);
                if (HDebug.IsDebuggerAttached)
                    Mode[] lmodes = hessinfoSub.GetModesMassReduced();
                    if (lmodes.SeparateTolerants().Item2.Length != 6)
                        //throw new Exception();
                if (bVerifySteps && HDebug.IsDebuggerAttached)
                    var    modes        = hessinfoSub.GetModesMassReduced();
                    var    modesPosZero = modes.SeparateTolerants();
                    Vector bf0          = modesPosZero.Item1.GetBFactor().ToArray();
                    Vector bf           = new double[coords.Count]; bf.SetValue(double.NaN);
                    for (int i = 0; i < idxFull.Length; i++)
                        bf[idxFull[i]] = bf0[i];
                    int[]  idxCax   = idxCa.HRemoveAll(idxSele).HRemoveAll(idxCntk);
                    double corr     = HBioinfo.BFactor.Corr(bf, bfactorFull, idxFull);
                    double corrCa   = HBioinfo.BFactor.Corr(bf, bfactorFull, idxCa);
                    double corrCax  = HBioinfo.BFactor.Corr(bf, bfactorFull, idxCax);
                    double corrBkbn = HBioinfo.BFactor.Corr(bf, bfactorFull, idxBkbn);
                    double corrSele = HBioinfo.BFactor.Corr(bf, bfactorFull, idxSele);
                    double corrCntk = HBioinfo.BFactor.Corr(bf, bfactorFull, idxCntk);

                int[] idxMix;
                    Universe.Atom[] mixAtoms    = hessinfoSub.atoms.HToType <object, Universe.Atom>();
                    Pdb.Atom[]      mixPdbAtoms = mixAtoms.ListPdbAtoms();
                    ResInfo[]       mixResinfos = mixPdbAtoms.ListResInfo(true);
                    int[]           mixIdxCa    = mixPdbAtoms.IdxByName(true, "CA");
                    int[]           mixIdxSele  = mixResinfos.HIdxEqual(ResInfo.Equals, lstResAllAtom.ToArray());
                    idxMix = mixIdxCa.HUnionWith(mixIdxSele).HSort();

                HessMatrix hessMix = Hess.GetHessCoarseBlkmat(hessinfoSub.hess, idxMix, la);
                if (hessMix.IsComputable() == false)
                    // hessSub (=hessinfoSub.hess) is computable, but hessMix become in-computable.
                    // This happens when 1. hessSub=[A,B;C,D] has more then 6 zero eigenvalues,
                    //                   2. the D matrix become singular,
                    //                   3. inv(D) is incomputable
                    //                   4. "A - B inv(D) C" becomes incomputable.
                    errmsg = "hess(Sele,Cntk,Bkbn)->hess(Sele,Ca) becomes incomputable";

                MixHessInfo hessinfoMix = new MixHessInfo
                    hess          = hessMix,
                    mass          = hessinfoSub.mass.ToArray().HSelectByIndex(idxMix),
                    atoms         = hessinfoSub.atoms.ToArray().HSelectByIndex(idxMix),
                    coords        = hessinfoSub.coords.ToArray().HSelectByIndex(idxMix),
                    numZeroEigval = 6,
                if (bGetIntmInfo)
                    hessinfoMix.intmHessinfoAllMidBkbn = hessinfoSub;
                    hessinfoMix.intmAtomCa             = univ.atoms.ToArray().HSelectByIndex(idxCa);
                    hessinfoMix.intmAtomAll            = univ.atoms.ToArray().HSelectByIndex(idxSele);
                    hessinfoMix.intmAtomMid            = univ.atoms.ToArray().HSelectByIndex(idxCntk);
                    hessinfoMix.intmAtomBkbn           = univ.atoms.ToArray().HSelectByIndex(idxBkbn);

                if (HDebug.IsDebuggerAttached)
                    Mode[] lmodes = hessinfoMix.GetModesMassReduced();
                    if (lmodes.SeparateTolerants().Item2.Length != 6)
                        throw new Exception();
                if (bVerifySteps && HDebug.IsDebuggerAttached)
                    var    modes        = hessinfoMix.GetModesMassReduced();
                    var    modesPosZero = modes.SeparateTolerants();
                    Vector bf0          = modesPosZero.Item1.GetBFactor().ToArray();
                    Vector bf           = new double[coords.Count]; bf.SetValue(double.NaN);
                    for (int i = 0; i < idxMix.Length; i++)
                        bf[idxFull[idxMix[i]]] = bf0[i];
                    int[]  idxCax   = idxCa.HRemoveAll(idxSele).HRemoveAll(idxCntk);
                    double corr     = HBioinfo.BFactor.Corr(bf, bfactorFull, true);
                    double corrCa   = HBioinfo.BFactor.Corr(bf, bfactorFull, idxCa);
                    double corrCax  = HBioinfo.BFactor.Corr(bf, bfactorFull, idxCax);
                    double corrBkbn = HBioinfo.BFactor.Corr(bf, bfactorFull, idxBkbn);
                    double corrSele = HBioinfo.BFactor.Corr(bf, bfactorFull, idxSele);
                    double corrCntk = HBioinfo.BFactor.Corr(bf, bfactorFull, idxCntk);

                errmsg = null;