        /// <summary>
        /// 取出1分钟数据的时间,开收盘价,高低价,成交量等信息输入该图
        /// </summary>
        private void Form_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            MasterPane myPaneMaster = zedG.MasterPane;

            myPaneMaster.Title.Text = secCode;
            myPaneMaster.Title.FontSpec.FontColor = Color.Black;

            GraphPane panePrice = new GraphPane(new Rectangle(10, 10, 10, 10), "Mes", " t ( h )", "Rate");

            myPaneMaster.PaneList[0] = (panePrice);
            GraphPane paneVolume = new GraphPane(new Rectangle(10, 10, 10, 10), "Mes", " t ( h )", "Rate");


            panePrice.Title.Text       = "K线图";
            panePrice.XAxis.Title.Text = "日期";
            panePrice.XAxis.Title.FontSpec.FontColor = Color.Black;
            panePrice.YAxis.Title.Text = "价格";
            panePrice.YAxis.Title.FontSpec.FontColor = Color.Black;

            StockPointList spl  = new StockPointList();
            Random         rand = new Random();

            XDate xStart = XDate.DateTimeToXLDate(startTime);
            XDate xEnd   = XDate.DateTimeToXLDate(endTime);

            List <DateTime> tradeDays = DateUtils.GetTradeDays(startTime, endTime);

            Dictionary <string, List <KLine> > data = new Dictionary <string, List <KLine> >();

            foreach (var tempDay in tradeDays)
                var stockData = Platforms.container.Resolve <StockMinuteRepository>().fetchFromLocalCsvOrWindAndSave(secCode, tempDay);
                if (!data.ContainsKey(secCode))
                    data.Add(secCode, stockData.Cast <KLine>().ToList());
                    data[secCode].AddRange(stockData.Cast <KLine>().ToList());

            Dictionary <string, List <KLine> > minuteData = new Dictionary <string, List <KLine> >();

            foreach (var variety in data)
                minuteData.Add(variety.Key, data[variety.Key]);

            double[] volume = new double[minuteData[secCode].Count];
            switch (frequency)
            case 0:

            //1min K线
            case 1:
                for (int i = 0; i < minuteData[secCode].Count; i++)
                    double timePoint = i;
                    double open      = minuteData[secCode][i].open;
                    double close     = minuteData[secCode][i].close;
                    double high      = minuteData[secCode][i].high;
                    double low       = minuteData[secCode][i].low;
                    volume[i] = minuteData[secCode][i].volume;

                    StockPt pt = new StockPt(timePoint, high, low, open, close, volume[i]);

                    // 时间加1分钟
                    // but skip the weekends
                    if (XDate.XLDateToDayOfWeek(xStart.XLDate) == 6)

            //显示5min K线
            case 2:
                Dictionary <string, List <KLine> > minuteData5Min = new Dictionary <string, List <KLine> >();
                foreach (var variety in data)
                    List <KLine> data5K = new List <KLine>();
                    data5K = MinuteFrequencyTransferUtils.MinuteToNPeriods(minuteData[variety.Key], "Minutely", 5);
                    minuteData5Min.Add(variety.Key, data5K);
                for (int i = 0; i < minuteData5Min[secCode].Count; i++)
                    double timePoint = i;
                    double open      = minuteData5Min[secCode][i].open;
                    double close     = minuteData5Min[secCode][i].close;
                    double high      = minuteData5Min[secCode][i].high;
                    double low       = minuteData5Min[secCode][i].low;
                    volume[i] = minuteData[secCode][i].volume;

                    StockPt pt = new StockPt(timePoint, high, low, open, close, volume[i]);

                    // 时间加5分钟
                    // but skip the weekends
                    if (XDate.XLDateToDayOfWeek(xStart.XLDate) == 6)

            //显示15min K线
            case 3:
                Dictionary <string, List <KLine> > minuteData15Min = new Dictionary <string, List <KLine> >();
                foreach (var variety in data)
                    List <KLine> data15K = new List <KLine>();
                    data15K = MinuteFrequencyTransferUtils.MinuteToNPeriods(minuteData[variety.Key], "Minutely", 15);
                    minuteData15Min.Add(variety.Key, data15K);
                for (int i = 0; i < minuteData15Min[secCode].Count; i++)
                    double timePoint = i;
                    double open      = minuteData15Min[secCode][i].open;
                    double close     = minuteData15Min[secCode][i].close;
                    double high      = minuteData15Min[secCode][i].high;
                    double low       = minuteData15Min[secCode][i].low;
                    volume[i] = minuteData[secCode][i].volume;

                    StockPt pt = new StockPt(timePoint, high, low, open, close, volume[i]);

                    // 时间加15分钟
                    // but skip the weekends
                    if (XDate.XLDateToDayOfWeek(xStart.XLDate) == 6)

            //显示30min K线
            case 4:
                Dictionary <string, List <KLine> > minuteData30Min = new Dictionary <string, List <KLine> >();
                foreach (var variety in data)
                    List <KLine> data30K = new List <KLine>();
                    data30K = MinuteFrequencyTransferUtils.MinuteToNPeriods(minuteData[variety.Key], "Minutely", 30);
                    minuteData30Min.Add(variety.Key, data30K);
                for (int i = 0; i < minuteData30Min[secCode].Count; i++)
                    double timePoint = i;
                    double open      = minuteData30Min[secCode][i].open;
                    double close     = minuteData30Min[secCode][i].close;
                    double high      = minuteData30Min[secCode][i].high;
                    double low       = minuteData30Min[secCode][i].low;
                    volume[i] = minuteData[secCode][i].volume;

                    StockPt pt = new StockPt(timePoint, high, low, open, close, volume[i]);

                    // 时间加30分钟
                    // but skip the weekends
                    if (XDate.XLDateToDayOfWeek(xStart.XLDate) == 6)

            //显示60min K线
            case 5:
                Dictionary <string, List <KLine> > minuteData60Min = new Dictionary <string, List <KLine> >();
                foreach (var variety in data)
                    List <KLine> data60K = new List <KLine>();
                    data60K = MinuteFrequencyTransferUtils.MinuteToNPeriods(minuteData[variety.Key], "Minutely", 60);
                    minuteData60Min.Add(variety.Key, data60K);
                for (int i = 0; i < minuteData60Min[secCode].Count; i++)
                    double timePoint = i;
                    double open      = minuteData60Min[secCode][i].open;
                    double close     = minuteData60Min[secCode][i].close;
                    double high      = minuteData60Min[secCode][i].high;
                    double low       = minuteData60Min[secCode][i].low;
                    volume[i] = minuteData[secCode][i].volume;

                    StockPt pt = new StockPt(timePoint, high, low, open, close, volume[i]);

                    // 时间加60分钟
                    // but skip the weekends
                    if (XDate.XLDateToDayOfWeek(xStart.XLDate) == 6)

            case 6:
                Dictionary <string, List <KLine> > minuteDataDaily = new Dictionary <string, List <KLine> >();
                foreach (var variety in data)
                    List <KLine> dataDaily = new List <KLine>();
                    dataDaily = MinuteFrequencyTransferUtils.MinuteToNPeriods(minuteData[variety.Key], "Minutely", 240);
                    minuteDataDaily.Add(variety.Key, dataDaily);
                for (int i = 0; i < minuteDataDaily[secCode].Count; i++)
                    double timePoint = i;
                    double open      = minuteDataDaily[secCode][i].open;
                    double close     = minuteDataDaily[secCode][i].close;
                    double high      = minuteDataDaily[secCode][i].high;
                    double low       = minuteDataDaily[secCode][i].low;
                    volume[i] = minuteData[secCode][i].volume;

                    StockPt pt = new StockPt(timePoint, high, low, open, close, volume[i]);

                    // 时间加1天
                    // but skip the weekends
                    if (XDate.XLDateToDayOfWeek(xStart.XLDate) == 6)

            //myPane.XAxis.MajorGrid.IsVisible = true;
            //myPane.YAxis.MajorGrid.IsVisible = true;
            //myPane.XAxis.MajorGrid.Color = Color.LightGray;
            //myPane.YAxis.MajorGrid.Color = Color.LightGray;
            //myPane.YAxis.MajorGrid.DashOff = 0;
            //myPane.XAxis.MajorGrid.DashOff = 0;

            panePrice.XAxis.Type         = AxisType.Date;
            panePrice.XAxis.Scale.Format = "MM-dd";
            //myPane.XAxis.Scale.FontSpec.Angle = 45;//X轴文字方向,0-90度
            //myPane.YAxis.Scale.Max = Math.Round(maxhi * 1.2, 2);//Math.Ceiling(maxhi);
            //myPane.YAxis.Scale.Min = Math.Round(minlow * 0.8, 2);

            panePrice.YAxis.Scale.MajorStep = 0.01;

            //myPane.XAxis.Scale.FontSpec.FontColor = Color.Black;
            //myPane.YAxis.Scale.FontSpec.FontColor = Color.Black;

            panePrice.XAxis.Type = AxisType.DateAsOrdinal;
            //myPane.Legend.FontSpec.Size = 18f;
            //myPane.Legend.Position = LegendPos.InsideTopRight;
            //myPane.Legend.Location = new Location(0.5f, 0.6f, CoordType.PaneFraction,
            //    AlignH.Right, AlignV.Top);
            JapaneseCandleStickItem myCurve = panePrice.AddJapaneseCandleStick(secCode, spl);

            myCurve.Stick.IsAutoSize = true;
            //myCurve.Stick.Color = Color.Blue;
            myCurve.Stick.FallingFill = new Fill(Color.Green); //下跌颜色
            myCurve.Stick.RisingFill  = new Fill(Color.Red);   //上扬颜色

            // pretty it up a little
            //myPane.Chart.Fill = new Fill(Color.LightBlue, Color.LightGoldenrodYellow, 135.0f);
            //myPane.Fill = new Fill(Color.Orange, Color.FromArgb(220, 220, 255), 45.0f);
            Color c1 = ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#ffffff");
            Color c2 = ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#ffd693");

            panePrice.Chart.Fill = new Fill(c1); //图形区域颜色
            panePrice.Fill       = new Fill(c2); //整体颜色

            // Set the Titles
            paneVolume.Title.Text       = "成交量";
            paneVolume.XAxis.Title.Text = "Time";
            paneVolume.YAxis.Title.Text = "Volume Num";

            // Make up some random data points
            //string[] labels = { "Panther", "Lion", "Cheetah","Cougar", "Tiger", "Leopard" };

            //double[] y1 = { 100, 115, 75, 22, 98, 40, -100, -20 };
            //double[] y2 = { 90, 100, 95, 35, 80, 35 };
            //double[] y3 = { 80, 110, 65, 15, 54, 67 };
            //double[] y4 = { 120, 125, 100, 40, 105, 75 };

            // Generate a red bar with "Curve 1" in the legend
            BarItem myBar = paneVolume.AddBar(null, null, volume, Color.Red);

            //myBar.Bar.Fill = new Fill(Color.Red);

            // Generate a blue bar with "Curve 2" in the legend
            //myBar = paneVolume.AddBar("Curve 2", null, y2, Color.Blue);
            //myBar.Bar.Fill = new Fill(Color.Blue, Color.White, Color.Blue);
            paneVolume.BarSettings.ClusterScaleWidth = 0.5;
            paneVolume.BarSettings.Type = BarType.Cluster;

            // Generate a green bar with "Curve 3" in the legend
            //myBar = myPane.AddBar("Curve 3", null, y3, Color.Green);
            //myBar.Bar.Fill = new Fill(Color.Green, Color.White,
            // Color.Green);

            // Generate a black line with "Curve 4" in the legend
            //LineItem myCurve = myPane.AddCurve("Curve 4",
            //null, y4, Color.Black, SymbolType.Circle);
            //myCurve.Line.Fill = new Fill(Color.White,
            //Color.LightSkyBlue, -45F);

            // Fix up the curve attributes a little
            //myCurve.Symbol.Size = 8.0F;
            //myCurve.Symbol.Fill = new Fill(Color.White);
            //myCurve.Line.Width = 2.0F;

            // Draw the X tics between the labels instead of
            // at the labels
            paneVolume.XAxis.MajorTic.IsBetweenLabels = true;

            // Set the XAxis labels
            //myPane.XAxis.Scale.TextLabels = labels;
            // Set the XAxis to Text type
            paneVolume.XAxis.Type = AxisType.Text;

            // Fill the Axis and Pane backgrounds
            paneVolume.Chart.Fill = new Fill(Color.White,
                                             Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 166), 90F);
            paneVolume.Fill = new Fill(Color.FromArgb(250, 250, 255));

            using (Graphics g = CreateGraphics())
                myPaneMaster.SetLayout(g, 2, 0);
        /// <summary>
        /// 50ETF择时策略测试,N-Days Reversion,单边多
        /// </summary>
        public void compute()
            log.Info("开始回测(回测期{0}到{1})", Kit.ToInt_yyyyMMdd(startDate), Kit.ToInt_yyyyMMdd(endDate));

            SortedDictionary <DateTime, Dictionary <string, PositionsWithDetail> > positions = new SortedDictionary <DateTime, Dictionary <string, PositionsWithDetail> >();
            BasicAccount myAccount = new BasicAccount();

            myAccount.totalAssets   = initialCapital;
            myAccount.freeCash      = myAccount.totalAssets;
            myAccount.initialAssets = initialCapital;
            List <BasicAccount> accountHistory = new List <BasicAccount>();
            List <double> benchmark = new List <double>();

            List <DateTime> tradeDays = DateUtils.GetTradeDays(startDate, endDate);
            Dictionary <string, List <KLine> > data = new Dictionary <string, List <KLine> >();

            foreach (var tempDay in tradeDays)
                var ETFData = Platforms.container.Resolve <StockMinuteRepository>().fetchFromLocalCsvOrWindAndSave(targetVariety, tempDay);
                if (!data.ContainsKey(targetVariety))
                    data.Add(targetVariety, ETFData.Cast <KLine>().ToList());
                    data[targetVariety].AddRange(ETFData.Cast <KLine>().ToList());

            List <KLine> data_5min  = MinuteFrequencyTransferUtils.MinuteToNPeriods(data[targetVariety], "Minutely", 5);
            List <KLine> data_15min = MinuteFrequencyTransferUtils.MinuteToNPeriods(data[targetVariety], "Minutely", 15);
            //List<KLine> data_1Day = MinuteFrequencyTransferUtils.MinuteToNPeriods(data[targetVariety], "Daily", 1);
            //List<KLine> data_1Month = MinuteFrequencyTransferUtils.MinuteToNPeriods(data[targetVariety], "Monthly", 1);
            // List<KLine> data_1Week = MinuteFrequencyTransferUtils.MinuteToNPeriods(data[targetVariety], "Weekly", 1);

            int indexOfNow   = -1; //记录整个data的索引,一分钟K线上的索引
            int indexOf5min  = 0;  //五分钟K线上的索引
            int indexOf15min = 0;  //十五分钟K线上的索引

            //回测循环--By Day
            foreach (var day in tradeDays)
                Dictionary <string, List <KLine> > dataToday = new Dictionary <string, List <KLine> >();
                foreach (var variety in data)
                    dataToday.Add(variety.Key, data[variety.Key].FindAll(s => s.time.Year == day.Year && s.time.Month == day.Month && s.time.Day == day.Day));

                int index = 0;
                bool tradingOn = true; //总交易开关
                bool openingOn = true; //开仓开关
                bool closingOn = true; //平仓开关

                bool isLastDayOfBackTesting = day.Equals(endDate);

                //回测循环 -- By Minute
                while (index < 240)
                    int nextIndex = index + 1;
                    //N分钟k线的当前索引值是当前时间的之前第一个完整的k线,为避免data snooping不取当前时间的索引
                    indexOf5min  = indexOfNow / 5;
                    indexOf15min = indexOfNow / 15;


                    if (indexOfNow < lengthOfBackLooking - 1 || indexOf5min < lengthOfBackLooking - 1)
                        index = nextIndex;

                    DateTime now = TimeListUtility.IndexToMinuteDateTime(Kit.ToInt_yyyyMMdd(day), index);
                    Dictionary <string, MinuteSignal> signal = new Dictionary <string, MinuteSignal>();
                    DateTime next = new DateTime();
                    myAccount.time = now;
                    //int indexOfNow = data[targetVariety].FindIndex(s => s.time == now);
                    double nowClose = dataToday[targetVariety][index].close;

                    double nowUpReversionPoint   = ComputeReversionPoint02.findUpReversionPoint(data_5min, indexOf5min, NDays, lengthOfBackLooking);
                    double nowDownReversionPoint = ComputeReversionPoint02.findDownReversionPoint(data_5min, indexOf5min, NDays, lengthOfBackLooking);

                    if (nowDownReversionPoint < 0 || nowUpReversionPoint < 0)
                        index = nextIndex;

                        //若当前有持仓 且 允许平仓
                        bool isEmptyPosition = positions.Count != 0 ? positions[positions.Keys.Last()].Values.Sum(x => Math.Abs(x.volume)) == 0 : true;
                        if (!isEmptyPosition && closingOn)
                            /// (1)若当前为 回测结束日 或 tradingOn 为false,平仓
                            /// (2)若当前下穿下反转点*(1-容忍度),平多
                            //(1)若当前为 回测结束日 或 tradingOn 为false,平仓
                            if (isLastDayOfBackTesting || tradingOn == false)
                                next = MinuteCloseAllPositonsWithSlip.closeAllPositions(dataToday, ref positions, ref myAccount, now: now, slipPoint: slipPoint);

                                if (data[targetVariety][indexOfNow - 1].close >= nowDownReversionPoint * (1 - toleranceDegree) && nowClose < nowDownReversionPoint * (1 - toleranceDegree))
                                    next = MinuteCloseAllPositonsWithSlip.closeAllPositions(dataToday, ref positions, ref myAccount, now: now, slipPoint: slipPoint);
                        //空仓 且可交易 可开仓
                        else if (isEmptyPosition && tradingOn && openingOn)
                            /// 可用资金足够,且出现上反转信号
                            double nowFreeCash = myAccount.freeCash;
                            double openVolume = Math.Truncate(nowFreeCash / data[targetVariety][indexOfNow].close / contractTimes) * contractTimes;
                            //若剩余资金至少购买一手 且 出上反转信号 开仓
                            if (openVolume >= 1 && data[targetVariety][indexOfNow - 1].close <= nowUpReversionPoint * (1 + toleranceDegree) && nowClose > nowUpReversionPoint * (1 + toleranceDegree))
                                MinuteSignal openSignal = new MinuteSignal()
                                    code = targetVariety, volume = openVolume, time = now, tradingVarieties = "stock", price = dataToday[targetVariety][index].close, minuteIndex = index
                                signal.Add(targetVariety, openSignal);
                                next = MinuteTransactionWithSlip.computeMinuteOpenPositions(signal, dataToday, ref positions, ref myAccount, slipPoint: slipPoint, now: now);
                                closingOn = false;

                        AccountUpdatingForMinute.computeAccountUpdating(ref myAccount, positions, now, dataToday);

                    catch (Exception)
                    nextIndex = Math.Max(nextIndex, TimeListUtility.MinuteToIndex(next));
                    index     = nextIndex;
                //账户信息记录By Day
                BasicAccount tempAccount = new BasicAccount();
                tempAccount.time          = myAccount.time;
                tempAccount.freeCash      = myAccount.freeCash;
                tempAccount.margin        = myAccount.margin;
                tempAccount.positionValue = myAccount.positionValue;
                tempAccount.totalAssets   = myAccount.totalAssets;

                Console.WriteLine("Time:{0,-8:F},netWorth:{1,-8:F3}", day, myAccount.totalAssets / initialCapital);


             * foreach (var account in accountHistory)
             *  Console.WriteLine("time:{0,-8:F}, netWorth:{1,-8:F3}\n", account.time, account.totalAssets / initialCapital);
            PerformanceStatisics myStgStats = new PerformanceStatisics();

            myStgStats = PerformanceStatisicsUtils.compute(accountHistory, positions, benchmark.ToArray());

            //统计指标在console 上输出
            Console.WriteLine("--------Strategy Performance Statistics--------\n");
            Console.WriteLine(" netProfit:{0,-3:F} \n totalReturn:{1,-3:F} \n anualReturn:{2,-3:F} \n anualSharpe :{3,-3:F} \n winningRate:{4,-3:F} \n PnLRatio:{5,-3:F} \n maxDrawDown:{6,-3:F} \n maxProfitRatio:{7,-3:F} \n informationRatio:{8,-3:F} \n alpha:{9,-3:F} \n beta:{10,-3:F} \n averageHoldingRate:{11,-3:F} \n", myStgStats.netProfit, myStgStats.totalReturn, myStgStats.anualReturn, myStgStats.anualSharpe, myStgStats.winningRate, myStgStats.PnLRatio, myStgStats.maxDrawDown, myStgStats.maxProfitRatio, myStgStats.informationRatio, myStgStats.alpha, myStgStats.beta, myStgStats.averageHoldingRate);

            Dictionary <string, double[]> line = new Dictionary <string, double[]>();

            double[] netWorth = accountHistory.Select(a => a.totalAssets / initialCapital).ToArray();
            line.Add("NetWorth", netWorth);

            List <double> netWorthOfBenchmark = benchmark.Select(x => x / benchmark[0]).ToList();

            line.Add("50ETF", netWorthOfBenchmark.ToArray());

            string[] datestr = accountHistory.Select(a => a.time.ToString("yyyyMMdd")).ToArray();
            Application.Run(new PLChart(line, datestr));

             * //将accountHistory输出到csv
             * var resultPath = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["CacheData.ResultPath"] + "accountHistory.csv";
             * var dt = DataTableUtils.ToDataTable(accountHistory);          // List<MyModel> -> DataTable
             * CsvFileUtils.WriteToCsvFile(resultPath, dt);	// DataTable -> CSV File
