    virtual protected void Awake()
        gM = GameManager.Instance;

        myTownCenter = gM.myTownCenter;

        mMovement   = GetComponent <MinerMovement>();
        mActions    = GetComponent <MinerAction>();
        mAnimations = GetComponentInChildren <MinerAnimations>();

        timeLeft = timeToTryFinding;
    /// <summary>
    /// Determines if an NPC should undock
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>
    /// <para>
    /// All eligble NPCs can undock at the same time. An NPC is eligible if they have been
    /// docked greater than or equal to their dockTime value plus a small random value.
    /// </para>
    /// <para>
    /// This method handles both merchants and miners in the same query.
    /// </para>
    /// <para>
    /// The NPC should have already had their facing set to their next destination
    /// in the NPCMovement script, so when they reactivate, they'll be facing in
    /// the proper direction already.
    /// </para>
    /// </remarks>
    void UndockNPC()
        float currentTime = Time.time;

        List <GameObject> dockedNPCs = (from m in merchantNPCList
                                        where m.GetComponent <MerchantMovement>().isDocked.Equals(true) &&
                                        (m.GetComponent <MerchantMovement>().dockTime + sc.GetRandomInt(5, 30) + 5.0f) < currentTime
                                        select m)
                                           (from m in minerNPCList
                                           where m.GetComponent <MinerMovement>().isDocked.Equals(true) &&
                                           (m.GetComponent <MinerMovement>().dockTime + sc.GetRandomInt(5, 30) + 5.0f) < currentTime
                                           select m

        //All eligible NPCs. Clear their IsDocked flags and reset their dockTime
        //Individual movement scripts will handle the forward movement at that point
        foreach (GameObject go in dockedNPCs)
            NPC thisNPC = go.GetComponent <NPC>();
            switch (thisNPC.NPCType)
            case NPC.NPCTYPE.Merchant:
                MerchantMovement merchantMovement = go.GetComponent <MerchantMovement>();
                merchantMovement.isDocked = false;
                merchantMovement.dockTime = 0.0f;

            case NPC.NPCTYPE.Pirate:

            case NPC.NPCTYPE.Police:

            case NPC.NPCTYPE.Miner:
                MinerMovement minerMovement = go.GetComponent <MinerMovement>();
                minerMovement.isDocked = false;
                minerMovement.dockTime = 0.0f;


            //Activate the docked object
    /// <summary>
    /// Spawns a miner and places them in the world
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="minerCount">The current iterator from the merchant pool</param>
    /// <remarks>
    /// <para>
    /// Miner spawning is the more complex of the NPCs.
    /// </para>
    /// <para>
    /// For each Miner we're spawning, we have to pick a random asteroid. Asteroids
    /// have an AsteroidController which creates a series of eligible spawn points around the
    /// center point of the game object. Using the minerCount in conjunction with these
    /// spawn points, we place miners at unique spawn points around the asteroid game object.
    /// </para>
    /// <para>
    /// We do this because miners need to not spawn on top of one another, and to the
    /// point where the miners spawn, they must return when they leave the station.
    /// </para>
    /// <para>
    /// Myabe in the future we can spawn NPCs at asteroids which have the most lucritive
    /// yield, although that would take up all slots on the asteroid.
    /// </para>
    /// <para>
    /// Note2Dev: If we have 6 spawn points per asteroid, and all spots are taken up,
    /// then the minerCount value will exceed the ability to place new miners because we use that
    /// value to determine the numbered spawn point. Maybe we can randomly select a
    /// spawn point rather than rely on the number scheme.
    /// </para>
    /// </remarks>
    IEnumerator SpawnMinerNPC(int minerCount)
        if (minerNPCList.Count > 0)
            GameObject newNPC = GetMinerFromPool();

            NPC           npcComponent = newNPC.GetComponent <NPC>();
            MinerMovement npcMove      = newNPC.GetComponent <MinerMovement>();

            //Get a random asteroid in the scene.
            GameObject         startingObject = sc.GetRandomAsteroid();
            AsteroidController ac             = startingObject.GetComponent <AsteroidController>();

            if (startingObject != null)
                //Each asteroid should have some children named "ast_egressPoint[X]", where X is an integer.
                if (startingObject.transform.childCount > 0)
                    //Find an egressPoint which matches the minerCount.
                    GameObject child = startingObject.transform.FindChild("ast_egressPoint" + minerCount).gameObject;
                    //Check the asteroid's assigned points list. If this point isn't in there, use it
                    if (child != null && !ac.egressAssigned.Contains(child.name))
                        //Mark as used

                        //Spawn the NPC at this point
                        Vector3 spawnPos = child.transform.position;
                        newNPC.transform.position = spawnPos;

                        //Set demographics, turn, and activate
                        npcComponent.currentSector = sc.sectorID;
                        npcMove.isMining           = true;
                        transform.LookAt(startingObject.transform, Vector3.up);
        yield return(null);