        private async Task HandleNoQuestion(IDialogContext context, Microsoft.Bot.Connector.Activity activity, QuestionModel questionModel, string channelId)
            var messageId = questionModel.MessageId;
            // We stripped the @mention and html tags. If nothing remains then this means the user forgot to tag the bot in the original question and tagged it in a reply, so we need to handle it
            // Get the ID of the parent message (which should be the root)
            var thisTeamsMessage = await GetMessage(questionModel.GroupId, channelId, messageId);

            // check for null below
            if (thisTeamsMessage == null)
                // Get root message
                var rootTeamsMessage = await GetRootMessage(questionModel.GroupId, channelId, messageId, questionModel.ConversationId);

                var question = MicrosoftTeamsChannelHelper.StripHtmlTags(rootTeamsMessage.Body.Content);
                messageId = rootTeamsMessage.Id;
                var conversationId = channelId + @";messageid=" + messageId;

                questionModel.QuestionText   = question;
                questionModel.MessageId      = messageId;
                questionModel.ConversationId = conversationId;

                // Get original poster
                var connector = new ConnectorClient(new Uri(activity.ServiceUrl));
                IList <ChannelAccount> members = await connector.Conversations.GetConversationMembersAsync(questionModel.TeamId);

                var teamsMembers = members.AsTeamsChannelAccounts();
                var originalPosterAsTeamsChannelAccount = teamsMembers.Where(x => x.ObjectId == rootTeamsMessage.From.User.Id).FirstOrDefault();
                var userUpn = originalPosterAsTeamsChannelAccount.UserPrincipalName;
                var user    = SQLService.GetUser(userUpn);

                // Handle if the bot gets tagged again in the same set of replies
                if (SQLService.DoesConversationIdExist(conversationId))
                    // WE DO NOTHING!
                    // get courseID
                    var courseID = SQLService.GetCourseIDByName(questionModel.TeamName.Trim());
                    var course   = SQLService.GetCourse(courseID);
                    questionModel.CourseID = courseID;
                    await HandleQuestionWorkflow(context, activity, course, questionModel);
                // Empty was the root, which means the user simply forgot to ask a question.
                await context.PostAsync($"If you have a question, please include it as part of your message.");
        private async Task HandleChannelConversation(IDialogContext context, Microsoft.Bot.Connector.Activity activity)
            var connector = new ConnectorClient(new Uri(activity.ServiceUrl));

            // Channel conversation

            // Get the question text, and team and channel details
            var    question       = activity.Text;
            var    messageId      = activity.Id;
            var    conversationId = activity.Conversation.Id;
            var    channelData    = activity.GetChannelData <TeamsChannelData>();
            string tenantId       = channelData.Tenant.Id;
            string teamId         = channelData.Team.Id;
            string channelId      = channelData.Channel.Id;

            TeamDetails teamDetails = connector.GetTeamsConnectorClient().Teams.FetchTeamDetails(teamId);
            var         teamName    = teamDetails.Name;
            var         groupId     = teamDetails.AadGroupId;

            ConversationList channelList = connector.GetTeamsConnectorClient().Teams.FetchChannelList(teamId);
            var channel     = channelList.Conversations.Where(x => x.Id == channelId).FirstOrDefault();
            var channelName = channel?.Name;
            var topic       = channelName ?? "General";

            IList <ChannelAccount> members = await connector.Conversations.GetConversationMembersAsync(teamId);

            var teamsMembers = members.AsTeamsChannelAccounts();

            // Get original poster
            var originalPosterAsTeamsChannelAccount = teamsMembers.Where(x => x.ObjectId == activity.From.Properties["aadObjectId"].ToString()).FirstOrDefault();
            var userUpn = originalPosterAsTeamsChannelAccount.UserPrincipalName;
            var user    = SQLService.GetUser(userUpn);

            // strip @bot mention for teams
            if (activity.ChannelId == "msteams")
                activity = MicrosoftTeamsChannelHelper.StripAtMentionText(activity);
                activity.Text = activity.Text.Trim();

            // strip the html tags
            question = MicrosoftTeamsChannelHelper.StripHtmlTags(activity.Text);

            var questionModel = new QuestionModel()
                ID                = 0,
                TenantId          = tenantId,
                GroupId           = groupId,
                TeamId            = teamId,
                TeamName          = teamName,
                ConversationId    = conversationId,
                MessageId         = messageId,
                Topic             = topic,
                QuestionText      = question,
                QuestionSubmitted = DateTime.Now,
                OriginalPoster    = user,
                Link              = CreateLink(conversationId, tenantId, groupId, messageId, teamName, topic),

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(question))
                await HandleNoQuestion(context, activity, questionModel, channelId);
                // get courseID
                var courseID = SQLService.GetCourseIDByName(teamName.Trim());
                var course   = SQLService.GetCourse(courseID);
                questionModel.CourseID = courseID;
                await HandleQuestionWorkflow(context, activity, course, questionModel);