public void ChangeSignature_Formatting_KeepCountsPerLine()
            var markup = @"
class C
    void $$Method(int a, int b, int c,
        int d, int e,
        int f)
            2, 3,
            4, 5, 6);
            var updatedSignature = new[] { 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0 };
            var expectedUpdatedCode = @"
class C
    void Method(int f, int e, int d,
        int c, int b,
        int a)
            5, 4,
            3, 2, 1);
            TestChangeSignatureViaCommand(LanguageNames.CSharp, markup, updatedSignature: updatedSignature, expectedUpdatedInvocationDocumentCode: expectedUpdatedCode);
        public void ReorderParameters_Cascade_ToOverriddenMethod()
            var markup = @"
class B
    public virtual void M(int x, string y)
    { }

class D : B
    $$public override void M(int x, string y)
    { }
            var permutation = new[] { 1, 0 };
            var updatedCode = @"
class B
    public virtual void M(string y, int x)
    { }

class D : B
    public override void M(string y, int x)
    { }

            TestChangeSignatureViaCommand(LanguageNames.CSharp, markup, updatedSignature: permutation, expectedUpdatedInvocationDocumentCode: updatedCode);
        public void ChangeSignature_Formatting_Method()
            var markup = @"
class C
    void $$Method(int a, 
        int b)
            var updatedSignature = new[] { 1, 0 };
            var expectedUpdatedCode = @"
class C
    void Method(int b,
        int a)
            TestChangeSignatureViaCommand(LanguageNames.CSharp, markup, updatedSignature: updatedSignature, expectedUpdatedInvocationDocumentCode: expectedUpdatedCode);
        public void ReorderParameters_Cascade_ToImplementingMethod()
            var markup = @"
interface I
    $$void M(int x, string y);

class C : I
    public void M(int x, string y)
    { }
            var permutation = new[] { 1, 0 };
            var updatedCode = @"
interface I
    void M(string y, int x);

class C : I
    public void M(string y, int x)
    { }

            TestChangeSignatureViaCommand(LanguageNames.CSharp, markup, updatedSignature: permutation, expectedUpdatedInvocationDocumentCode: updatedCode);
        public void ChangeSignature_Formatting_Constructor()
            var markup = @"
class SomeClass
    $$SomeClass(int a,
        int b)
        new SomeClass(1,
            var updatedSignature = new[] { 1, 0 };
            var expectedUpdatedCode = @"
class SomeClass
    SomeClass(int b,
        int a)
        new SomeClass(2,
            TestChangeSignatureViaCommand(LanguageNames.CSharp, markup, updatedSignature: updatedSignature, expectedUpdatedInvocationDocumentCode: expectedUpdatedCode);
        public void ReorderMethodParameters_InvokeAfterParameterList()
            var markup = @"
using System;
class MyClass
    public void Foo(int x, string y)$$
            var permutation = new[] { 1, 0 };
            var updatedCode = @"
using System;
class MyClass
    public void Foo(string y, int x)

            TestChangeSignatureViaCommand(LanguageNames.CSharp, markup, updatedSignature: permutation, expectedUpdatedInvocationDocumentCode: updatedCode);
        public void ChangeSignature_Formatting_ConstructorInitializers()
            var markup = @"
class B
    public $$B(int x, int y) { }
    public B() : this(1,
    { }

class D : B
    public D() : base(1,
    { }
            var updatedSignature = new[] { 1, 0 };
            var expectedUpdatedCode = @"
class B
    public B(int y, int x) { }
    public B() : this(2,
    { }

class D : B
    public D() : base(2,
    { }
            TestChangeSignatureViaCommand(LanguageNames.CSharp, markup, updatedSignature: updatedSignature, expectedUpdatedInvocationDocumentCode: expectedUpdatedCode);
        public void ChangeSignature_Formatting_AnonymousMethod()
            var markup = @"
class SomeClass
    delegate void $$MyDelegate(int a,
        int b);

    void M()
        MyDelegate myDel = delegate (int x,
            int y)
            // Nothing
            var updatedSignature = new[] { 1, 0 };
            var expectedUpdatedCode = @"
class SomeClass
    delegate void MyDelegate(int b,
        int a);

    void M()
        MyDelegate myDel = delegate (int y,
            int x)
            // Nothing
            TestChangeSignatureViaCommand(LanguageNames.CSharp, markup, updatedSignature: updatedSignature, expectedUpdatedInvocationDocumentCode: expectedUpdatedCode);
        public void ReorderMethodParameters_InvokeOnReference_OnlyHasCandidateSymbols()
            var markup = @"
class Test
    void M(int x, string y) { }
    void M(int x, double y) { }
    void M2() { $$M(""s"", 1); }
            var permutation = new[] { 1, 0 };
            var updatedCode = @"
class Test
    void M(string y, int x) { }
    void M(int x, double y) { }
    void M2() { M(1, ""s""); }

            TestChangeSignatureViaCommand(LanguageNames.CSharp, markup, updatedSignature: permutation, expectedUpdatedInvocationDocumentCode: updatedCode);
        public void ReorderParameters_Cascade_ToMethods_Complex()
            ////     B   I   I2
            ////      \ / \ /
            ////       D  (I3)
            ////      / \   \
            ////   $$D2  D3  C

            var markup = @"
class B { public virtual void M(int x, string y) { } }
class D : B, I { public override void M(int x, string y) { } }
class D2 : D { public override void $$M(int x, string y) { } }
class D3 : D { public override void M(int x, string y) { } }
interface I { void M(int x, string y); }
interface I2 { void M(int x, string y); }
interface I3 : I, I2 { }
class C : I3 { public void M(int x, string y) { } }";

            var permutation = new[] { 1, 0 };
            var updatedCode = @"
class B { public virtual void M(string y, int x) { } }
class D : B, I { public override void M(string y, int x) { } }
class D2 : D { public override void M(string y, int x) { } }
class D3 : D { public override void M(string y, int x) { } }
interface I { void M(string y, int x); }
interface I2 { void M(string y, int x); }
interface I3 : I, I2 { }
class C : I3 { public void M(string y, int x) { } }";

            TestChangeSignatureViaCommand(LanguageNames.CSharp, markup, updatedSignature: permutation, expectedUpdatedInvocationDocumentCode: updatedCode);
        public void ChangeSignature_Formatting_Indexer()
            var markup = @"
class SomeClass
    public int $$this[int a,
        int b]
            return new SomeClass()[1,
            var updatedSignature = new[] { 1, 0 };
            var expectedUpdatedCode = @"
class SomeClass
    public int this[int b,
        int a]
            return new SomeClass()[2,
            TestChangeSignatureViaCommand(LanguageNames.CSharp, markup, updatedSignature: updatedSignature, expectedUpdatedInvocationDocumentCode: expectedUpdatedCode);
        public void ReorderDelegateParameters_ObjectCreation2()
            var markup = @"
public class CD<T>
    public delegate void D(T t, T u);
class Test
    public void M()
        var dele = new CD<int>.$$D((int x, int y) => { });
            var permutation = new[] { 1, 0 };
            var updatedCode = @"
public class CD<T>
    public delegate void D(T u, T t);
class Test
    public void M()
        var dele = new CD<int>.D((int y, int x) => { });

            TestChangeSignatureViaCommand(LanguageNames.CSharp, markup, updatedSignature: permutation, expectedUpdatedInvocationDocumentCode: updatedCode);
        public void ReorderDelegateParameters_ObjectCreation1()
            var markup = @"
public class C
    void T()
        var d = new $$D((x, y) => { });

    public delegate void D(int x, int y);
            var permutation = new[] { 1, 0 };
            var updatedCode = @"
public class C
    void T()
        var d = new D((y, x) => { });

    public delegate void D(int y, int x);

            TestChangeSignatureViaCommand(LanguageNames.CSharp, markup, updatedSignature: permutation, expectedUpdatedInvocationDocumentCode: updatedCode);
        public void ReorderIndexerParameters_InvokeOnReference_InArgumentList()
            var markup = @"
class Program
    void M(Program p)
        var t = p[5, ""test""$$];

    int this[int x, string y]
        get { return 5; }
        set { }
            var permutation = new[] { 1, 0 };
            var updatedCode = @"
class Program
    void M(Program p)
        var t = p[""test"", 5];

    int this[string y, int x]
        get { return 5; }
        set { }

            TestChangeSignatureViaCommand(LanguageNames.CSharp, markup, updatedSignature: permutation, expectedUpdatedInvocationDocumentCode: updatedCode);
        public void ReorderIndexerParameters_InvokeInAccessor()
            var markup = @"
class Program
    int this[int x, string y]
        get { return $$5; }
        set { }
            var permutation = new[] { 1, 0 };
            var updatedCode = @"
class Program
    int this[string y, int x]
        get { return 5; }
        set { }

            TestChangeSignatureViaCommand(LanguageNames.CSharp, markup, updatedSignature: permutation, expectedUpdatedInvocationDocumentCode: updatedCode);
        public void ReorderMethodParameters_InvokeOnReference_CallToBaseConstructor()
            var markup = @"
class B
    public B(int a, int b)

class D : B
    public D(int x, int y) : base(1, 2)$$
            var permutation = new[] { 1, 0 };
            var updatedCode = @"
class B
    public B(int b, int a)

class D : B
    public D(int x, int y) : base(2, 1)

            TestChangeSignatureViaCommand(LanguageNames.CSharp, markup, updatedSignature: permutation, expectedUpdatedInvocationDocumentCode: updatedCode);
        public void ReorderMethodParameters_InvokeOnReference_CallToOtherConstructor()
            var markup = @"
class Program
    public Program(int x, int y) : this(1, 2, 3)$$

    public Program(int x, int y, int z)
            var permutation = new[] { 2, 1, 0 };
            var updatedCode = @"
class Program
    public Program(int x, int y) : this(3, 2, 1)

    public Program(int z, int y, int x)

            TestChangeSignatureViaCommand(LanguageNames.CSharp, markup, updatedSignature: permutation, expectedUpdatedInvocationDocumentCode: updatedCode);
        public void ChangeSignature_Formatting_Attribute()
            var markup = @"
class CustomAttribute : System.Attribute
    public $$CustomAttribute(int x, int y) { }
            var updatedSignature = new[] { 1, 0 };
            var expectedUpdatedCode = @"
class CustomAttribute : System.Attribute
    public CustomAttribute(int y, int x) { }
            TestChangeSignatureViaCommand(LanguageNames.CSharp, markup, updatedSignature: updatedSignature, expectedUpdatedInvocationDocumentCode: expectedUpdatedCode);
        public void ChangeSignature_Formatting_LambdaAsArgument()
            var markup = @"class C
    void M(System.Action<int, int> f, int z$$)
        M((x, y) => System.Console.WriteLine(x + y), 5);
            var updatedSignature = new[] { 0 };
            var expectedUpdatedCode = @"class C
    void M(System.Action<int, int> f)
        M((x, y) => System.Console.WriteLine(x + y));
            TestChangeSignatureViaCommand(LanguageNames.CSharp, markup, updatedSignature: updatedSignature, expectedUpdatedInvocationDocumentCode: expectedUpdatedCode);
        public void ReorderMethodParameters_CodeRefactoring_InvokeBeforeMethodName()
            var markup = @"
using System;
class MyClass
    public void [||]Foo(int x, string y)
            var permutation = new[] { 1, 0 };
            var updatedCode = @"
using System;
class MyClass
    public void Foo(string y, int x)
            TestChangeSignatureViaCodeAction(markup, expectedCodeAction: true, updatedSignature: permutation, expectedCode: updatedCode);
        public void ReorderMethodParameters_CodeRefactoring_InLambda()
            var markup = @"
class Program
    void M(int x)
        System.Func<int, int, int> f = (a, b)[||] => { return a; };
            var permutation = new[] { 1, 0 };
            var updatedCode = @"
class Program
    void M(int x)
        System.Func<int, int, int> f = (b, a) => { return a; };
            TestChangeSignatureViaCodeAction(markup, expectedCodeAction: true, updatedSignature: permutation, expectedCode: updatedCode);
        public void ReorderMethodParameters_CodeRefactoring_AtCallSite()
            var markup = @"
class Program
    void M(int x, int y)
        M([|5|], 6);
            var permutation = new[] { 1, 0 };
            var updatedCode = @"
class Program
    void M(int y, int x)
        M(6, 5);
            TestChangeSignatureViaCodeAction(markup, expectedCodeAction: true, updatedSignature: permutation, expectedCode: updatedCode);
        public void RemoveParameters1()
            var markup = @"
static class Ext
    /// <summary>
    /// This is a summary of <see cref=""M(object, int, string, bool, int, string, int[])""/>
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name=""o""></param>
    /// <param name=""a""></param>
    /// <param name=""b""></param>
    /// <param name=""c""></param>
    /// <param name=""x""></param>
    /// <param name=""y""></param>
    /// <param name=""p""></param>
    static void $$M(this object o, int a, string b, bool c, int x = 0, string y = ""Zero"", params int[] p)
        object t = new object();

        M(t, 1, ""two"", true, 3, ""four"", new[] { 5, 6 });
        M(t, 1, ""two"", true, 3, ""four"", 5, 6);
        t.M(1, ""two"", true, 3, ""four"", new[] { 5, 6 });
        t.M(1, ""two"", true, 3, ""four"", 5, 6);

        M(t, 1, ""two"", true, 3, ""four"");
        M(t, 1, ""two"", true, 3);
        M(t, 1, ""two"", true);

        M(t, 1, ""two"", c: true);
        M(t, 1, ""two"", true, 3, y: ""four"");

        M(t, 1, ""two"", true, 3, p: new[] { 5 });
        M(t, 1, ""two"", true, p: new[] { 5 });
        M(t, 1, ""two"", true, y: ""four"");
        M(t, 1, ""two"", true, x: 3);

        M(t, 1, ""two"", true, y: ""four"", x: 3);
        M(t, 1, y: ""four"", x: 3, b: ""two"", c: true);
        M(t, y: ""four"", x: 3, c: true, b: ""two"", a: 1);
        M(t, p: new[] { 5 }, y: ""four"", x: 3, c: true, b: ""two"", a: 1);
        M(p: new[] { 5 }, y: ""four"", x: 3, c: true, b: ""two"", a: 1, o: t);
            var updatedSignature = new[] { 0, 2, 5 };
            var updatedCode = @"
static class Ext
    /// <summary>
    /// This is a summary of <see cref=""M(object, string, string)""/>
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name=""o""></param>
    /// <param name=""b""></param>
    /// <param name=""y""></param>
    static void M(this object o, string b, string y = ""Zero"")
        object t = new object();

        M(t, ""two"", ""four"");
        M(t, ""two"", ""four"");
        t.M(""two"", ""four"");
        t.M(""two"", ""four"");

        M(t, ""two"", ""four"");
        M(t, ""two"");
        M(t, ""two"");

        M(t, ""two"");
        M(t, ""two"", y: ""four"");

        M(t, ""two"");
        M(t, ""two"");
        M(t, ""two"", y: ""four"");
        M(t, ""two"");

        M(t, ""two"", y: ""four"");
        M(t, y: ""four"", b: ""two"");
        M(t, y: ""four"", b: ""two"");
        M(t, y: ""four"", b: ""two"");
        M(y: ""four"", b: ""two"", o: t);

            TestChangeSignatureViaCommand(LanguageNames.CSharp, markup, updatedSignature: updatedSignature, expectedUpdatedInvocationDocumentCode: updatedCode);
        public void ReorderMethodParameters_InvokeOnReference_NestedCalls3()
            var markup = @"
using System;
class MyClass
    public void Foo(int x, string y)
        Bar(Baz(x, y), $$y);

    public void Bar(int x, string y)

    public int Baz(int x, string y)
        return 1;
            var permutation = new[] { 1, 0 };
            var updatedCode = @"
using System;
class MyClass
    public void Foo(int x, string y)
        Bar(y, Baz(x, y));

    public void Bar(string y, int x)

    public int Baz(int x, string y)
        return 1;

            TestChangeSignatureViaCommand(LanguageNames.CSharp, markup, updatedSignature: permutation, expectedUpdatedInvocationDocumentCode: updatedCode);
        public void ReorderParameters_Cascade_ToMethods_WithDifferentParameterNames()
            var markup = @"
public class B
    /// <param name=""x""></param>
    /// <param name=""y""></param>
    public virtual int M(int x, string y)
        return 1;

public class D : B
    /// <param name=""a""></param>
    /// <param name=""b""></param>
    public override int M(int a, string b)
        return 1;

public class D2 : D
    /// <param name=""y""></param>
    /// <param name=""x""></param>
    public override int $$M(int y, string x)
        M(1, ""Two"");
        ((D)this).M(1, ""Two"");
        ((B)this).M(1, ""Two"");

        M(1, x: ""Two"");
        ((D)this).M(1, b: ""Two"");
        ((B)this).M(1, y: ""Two"");

        return 1;
            var permutation = new[] { 1, 0 };
            var updatedCode = @"
public class B
    /// <param name=""y""></param>
    /// <param name=""x""></param>
    public virtual int M(string y, int x)
        return 1;

public class D : B
    /// <param name=""b""></param>
    /// <param name=""a""></param>
    public override int M(string b, int a)
        return 1;

public class D2 : D
    /// <param name=""x""></param>
    /// <param name=""y""></param>
    public override int M(string x, int y)
        M(""Two"", 1);
        ((D)this).M(""Two"", 1);
        ((B)this).M(""Two"", 1);

        M(x: ""Two"", y: 1);
        ((D)this).M(b: ""Two"", a: 1);
        ((B)this).M(y: ""Two"", x: 1);

        return 1;
            TestChangeSignatureViaCommand(LanguageNames.CSharp, markup, updatedSignature: permutation, expectedUpdatedInvocationDocumentCode: updatedCode);
        public void ChangeSignature_Formatting_Delegate()
            var markup = @"
class SomeClass
    delegate void $$MyDelegate(int a,
        int b);

    void M(int a,
        int b)
        var myDel = new MyDelegate(M);
            var updatedSignature = new[] { 1, 0 };
            var expectedUpdatedCode = @"
class SomeClass
    delegate void MyDelegate(int b,
        int a);

    void M(int b,
        int a)
        var myDel = new MyDelegate(M);
            TestChangeSignatureViaCommand(LanguageNames.CSharp, markup, updatedSignature: updatedSignature, expectedUpdatedInvocationDocumentCode: expectedUpdatedCode);
        public void ReorderMethodParameters_InvokeOnReference_BeginningOfIdentifier()
            var markup = @"
using System;
class MyClass
    public void Foo(int x, string y)
        $$Bar(x, y);

    public void Bar(int x, string y)
            var permutation = new[] { 1, 0 };
            var updatedCode = @"
using System;
class MyClass
    public void Foo(int x, string y)
        Bar(y, x);

    public void Bar(string y, int x)

            TestChangeSignatureViaCommand(LanguageNames.CSharp, markup, updatedSignature: permutation, expectedUpdatedInvocationDocumentCode: updatedCode);
        public void ReorderMethodParameters_InvokeOnReference_Attribute()
            var markup = @"
using System;

[$$My(1, 2)]
class MyAttribute : Attribute
    public MyAttribute(int x, int y)
            var permutation = new[] { 1, 0 };
            var updatedCode = @"
using System;

[My(2, 1)]
class MyAttribute : Attribute
    public MyAttribute(int y, int x)

            TestChangeSignatureViaCommand(LanguageNames.CSharp, markup, updatedSignature: permutation, expectedUpdatedInvocationDocumentCode: updatedCode);