        private MethodBase ResolveConstructor(Cci.IMethodReference methodRef)

            // A method ref to a varargs method is always resolved as an entry in the method
            // ref table, never in the method def table, *even if the method is locally declared.*
            // (We could in theory resolve it as a method def if there were no extra arguments,
            // but in practice we do not.)

            var methodDef = (Cci.IMethodDefinition)methodRef.AsDefinition(_context);
            if (methodDef != null && IsLocal(methodRef.GetContainingType(_context)) && !methodRef.AcceptsExtraArguments)
                return _constructorBuilders[methodDef];

            MethodBase result;
            if (_methodRefs.TryGetValue(methodRef, out result))
                return result;

            Debug.Assert(methodRef.AsGenericMethodInstanceReference == null);

            Cci.ISpecializedMethodReference specializedRef = methodRef.AsSpecializedMethodReference;

            if (specializedRef != null &&
                // get declaring type (TypeBuilder or TypeBuilderInstantiation since it's defined in the module being built):
                Type declaringType = ResolveType(methodRef.GetContainingType(_context));
                ConstructorBuilder ctorBuilder = _constructorBuilders[(Cci.IMethodDefinition)specializedRef.UnspecializedVersion.AsDefinition(_context)];
                result = TypeBuilder.GetConstructor(declaringType, ctorBuilder);
                result = MakeMethodRef(methodRef, specializedRef, isConstructor: true);

            _methodRefs.Add(methodRef, result);
            return result;
        private MethodInfo ResolveMethod(Cci.IMethodReference methodRef)
            var methodDef = (Cci.IMethodDefinition)methodRef.AsDefinition(_context);

            // A method ref to a varargs method is always resolved as an entry in the method
            // ref table, never in the method def table, *even if the method is locally declared.*
            // (We could in theory resolve it as a method def if there were no extra arguments,
            // but in practice we do not.)

            if (methodDef != null && IsLocal(methodRef.GetContainingType(_context)) && !methodRef.AcceptsExtraArguments)
                return _methodBuilders[methodDef];

            MethodBase methodBase;
            if (_methodRefs.TryGetValue(methodRef, out methodBase))
                return (MethodInfo)methodBase;

            MethodInfo result;

            Cci.ISpecializedMethodReference specializedRef = methodRef.AsSpecializedMethodReference;
            Cci.IGenericMethodInstanceReference genericRef = methodRef.AsGenericMethodInstanceReference;

            if (specializedRef != null &&
                // get declaring type (TypeBuilder or TypeBuilderInstantiation since it's defined in the module being built):
                Type type = ResolveType(specializedRef.GetContainingType(_context));
                MethodBuilder methodBuilder = _methodBuilders[(Cci.IMethodDefinition)specializedRef.UnspecializedVersion.AsDefinition(_context)];
                MethodInfo methodOnTypeBuilder = TypeBuilder.GetMethod(type, methodBuilder);

                if (genericRef != null)
                    Type[] typeArgs = genericRef.GetGenericArguments(_context).Select(arg => ResolveType(arg)).ToArray();
                    result = methodOnTypeBuilder.MakeGenericMethod(typeArgs);
                    result = methodOnTypeBuilder;
            else if (genericRef != null)
                MethodInfo genericMethod = ResolveMethod(genericRef.GetGenericMethod(_context));
                Type[] typeArgs = genericRef.GetGenericArguments(_context).Select((arg) => ResolveType(arg)).ToArray();

                if (genericMethod is MethodRef)
                    result = new MethodSpec(genericMethod, typeArgs);
                    result = genericMethod.MakeGenericMethod(typeArgs);
                result = MakeMethodRef(methodRef, specializedRef, isConstructor: false);

            _methodRefs.Add(methodRef, result);
            return result;