public override TestResult Execute(int paramSetId) { try { var param = new NameValueCollection(); _unitTestVm.ReadParameterValue(paramSetId, "USER", param); _unitTestVm.ReadParameterValue(paramSetId, "LOGIN", param); _unitTestVm.ReadParameterValue(paramSetId, "PASSWORD", param); var userInfo = new MgUserInformation(); userInfo.SetMgUsernamePassword(param["LOGIN"], param["PASSWORD"]); userInfo.SetLocale("en"); var site = new MgSite(); site.Open(userInfo); MgStringCollection roles = site.EnumerateRoles(param["USER"]); site.Close(); return(new TestResult(CommonUtility.MgStringCollectionToString(roles), "text/plain")); } catch (MgException ex) { return(TestResult.FromMgException(ex)); } }
public override TestResult Execute(int paramSetId) { try { var param = new NameValueCollection(); _unitTestVm.ReadParameterValue(paramSetId, "USER", param); _unitTestVm.ReadParameterValue(paramSetId, "LOGIN", param); _unitTestVm.ReadParameterValue(paramSetId, "PASSWORD", param); var userInfo = new MgUserInformation(); userInfo.SetMgUsernamePassword(param["LOGIN"], param["PASSWORD"]); userInfo.SetLocale("en"); var site = new MgSite(); site.Open(userInfo); MgByteReader reader = site.EnumerateGroups(param["USER"]); site.Close(); return(TestResult.FromByteReader(reader)); } catch (MgException ex) { return(TestResult.FromMgException(ex)); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { // Initialize a session and register a variable to hold the // session id, then initialize the Web Extensions, connect // to the site, and create a session. //InitializeWebTier(); MapGuideApi.MgInitializeWebTier(@"C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Autodesk Infrastructure Web Server Extension 2012\www\webconfig.ini"); // MgUserInformation userInfo = new MgUserInformation("Anonymous", ""); // MgSite site = new MgSite(); //site.Open(userInfo); // String sessionId = site.CreateSession(); //String webLayout = "Library://rany1/Layout/gis.WebLayout"; /* public String defaultUser = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["defaultUser"]; public String defaultPassword = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["defaultPassword"];*/ MgUserInformation userInfo = new MgUserInformation(defaultUser, defaultPassword); MgSite site = new MgSite(); site.Open(userInfo); sessionId = site.CreateSession(); } catch (Exception ex) { Response.Write(ex.Message); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { MgUserInformation user = new MgUserInformation("Anonymous", ""); MgSite site = new MgSite(); site.Open(user); string sessionId = site.CreateSession(); string wl = "Library://Samples/Sheboygan/Layouts/SheboyganAsp.WebLayout"; Response.Redirect("http://localhost/mapguide/mapviewerajax/?WEBLAYOUT=" + wl + "&SESSION=" + sessionId); }
public override TestResult Execute(int paramSetId) { try { var site = new MgSite(); var user = new MgUserInformation(); user.SetMgSessionId(_session.SessionID ?? ""); site.Open(user); var userId = site.GetUserForSession(); site.Close(); return(new TestResult(userId, "text/plain")); } catch (MgException ex) { return(TestResult.FromMgException(ex)); } }
public override TestResult Execute(int paramSetId) { try { var user = new MgUserInformation(); user.SetMgUsernamePassword("Administrator", "admin"); user.SetLocale("en"); var site = new MgSite(); site.Open(user); string session = site.CreateSession(); _session.SessionID = session; site.Close(); return(new TestResult(session, "text/plain")); } catch (MgException ex) { return(TestResult.FromMgException(ex)); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { var webConfigPath = @"C:\Program Files\OSGeo\MapGuide\Web\www\webconfig.ini"; MapGuideApi.MgInitializeWebTier(webConfigPath); MgUserInformation user = new MgUserInformation("Anonymous", ""); MgSiteConnection conn = new MgSiteConnection(); conn.Open(user); MgSite site = conn.GetSite(); string sessionId = site.CreateSession(); Console.WriteLine("Session ID: " + sessionId); MgResourceIdentifier wlId = new MgResourceIdentifier("Library://Samples/Sheboygan/Layouts/SheboyganAsp.WebLayout"); MgResourceService resSvc = (MgResourceService)conn.CreateService(MgServiceType.ResourceService); MgWebLayout layout = new MgWebLayout(resSvc, wlId); Console.WriteLine("Web Layout Title: " + layout.GetTitle()); Console.WriteLine("Looks good! Press any key to continue"); Console.Read(); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { MgUserInformation user = new MgUserInformation("Anonymous", ""); MgSite site = new MgSite(); site.Open(user); string sessionId = site.CreateSession(); user.SetMgSessionId(sessionId); MgSiteConnection siteConn = new MgSiteConnection(); siteConn.Open(user); MgResourceIdentifier mdfId = new MgResourceIdentifier("Library://Samples/Sheboygan/Maps/Sheboygan.MapDefinition"); System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch sw = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch(); sw.Start(); MgMap map1 = new MgMap(siteConn); map1.Create(mdfId, "ColdStart"); sw.Stop(); Trace.Write("ColdStart - " + sw.ElapsedMilliseconds + "ms"); sw.Reset(); sw.Start(); MgMap map2 = new MgMap(siteConn); map2.Create(mdfId, "WarmStart"); sw.Stop(); Trace.Write("WarmStart - " + sw.ElapsedMilliseconds + "ms"); sw.Start(); MgMap map3 = new MgMap(siteConn); map3.Create(mdfId, "WarmStart2"); sw.Stop(); Trace.Write("WarmStart2 - " + sw.ElapsedMilliseconds + "ms"); }
public RemoveServer(MgSite site, string unitTestVm) : base(site, unitTestVm) { }
public UpdateServer(MgSite site, string unitTestVm) : base(site, unitTestVm) { }
public AddServer(MgSite site, string unitTestVm) : base(site, unitTestVm) { }
public EnumerateServers(MgSite site, string unitTestVm) : base(site, unitTestVm) { }
public EnumerateRoles(MgSite site, string unitTestVm) : base(site, unitTestVm) { }
public CreateSession(MgSite site, string unitTestVm, IMapGuideSession session) : base(site, unitTestVm) { _session = session; }
public EnumerateGroups2(MgSite site, string unitTestVm) : base(site, unitTestVm) { }
public DeleteUsers(MgSite site, string unitTestVm) : base(site, unitTestVm) { }
public UpdateGroup(MgSite site, string unitTestVm) : base(site, unitTestVm) { }
public AddGroup(MgSite site, string unitTestVm) : base(site, unitTestVm) { }
public GrantGroupMembershipsToUsers(MgSite site, string unitTestVm) : base(site, unitTestVm) { }
public GetUserForSession(MgSite site, string unitTestVm, IMapGuideSession session) : base(site, unitTestVm) { _session = session; }
public DeleteGroups(MgSite site, string unitTestVm) : base(site, unitTestVm) { }
public RevokeGroupMembershipsFromUsers(MgSite site, string unitTestVm) : base(site, unitTestVm) { }
public string getPlanMapImageAsBase64String(string planID, string imageWidth, string imageHeight) { try { MgUserInformation userInfo = null; string mapWebTierInit = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MGWebTierInit"].ToString(); MapGuideApi.MgInitializeWebTier(mapWebTierInit); // Om kartsession finns för applikationssession använd den annars skapa ny kartssitesession string mapSiteSessionID = null; if (Session["MapSiteSessionID"] != null) { mapSiteSessionID = Session["MapSiteSessionID"].ToString(); userInfo = new MgUserInformation(mapSiteSessionID); } else { // Initierar kartsite och kartsession string mapUserName = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MGUserName"].ToString(); string mapUserPass = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MGUserPass"].ToString(); userInfo = new MgUserInformation(mapUserName, mapUserPass); MgSite mapSite = new MgSite(); mapSite.Open(userInfo); userInfo.Dispose(); mapSiteSessionID = mapSite.CreateSession(); //mapSite.Close(); Session["MapSiteSessionID"] = mapSiteSessionID; userInfo = new MgUserInformation(mapSiteSessionID); } //bool test = resSvc.ResourceExists(mapResId); string mapSurfaceFactor = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MGMapSurfaceFactor"].ToString(); string mapRes = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MGMapResource"].ToString(); string planRes = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MGPlanytorResource"].ToString(); string planClassName = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MGPlanytorClassName"].ToString(); string planFilterColumn = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MGPlanytorFilterColumn"].ToString(); string planGeometryColumn = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MGPlanytorGeometryColumn"].ToString(); string planytorStrokeRgbaColor = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MGPlanytorStrokeRgbaColor"].ToString(); string planytorForegroundRgbaColor = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MGPlanytorForegroundRgbaColor"].ToString(); string mapImageSizeFromServer = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MGMapImageSizeFromServer"].ToString(); // Standardvärde för storlek på kartbild, används om värde ej finns i Settings.config eller skickas in som parametrar i webbmetod string mapImageWidthPixel = "400"; string mapImageHeightPixel = "300"; // Väljer bredd och höjd på kartbild om värde ska finnas i Settings.config samt indikeras att de ska användas // annars förväntas värde skickas med i webbmetod if (mapImageSizeFromServer.ToLower() == "true") { mapImageWidthPixel = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MGMapImageWidth"].ToString(); mapImageHeightPixel = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MGMapImageHeight"].ToString(); } else { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(imageWidth) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(imageHeight)) { mapImageWidthPixel = imageWidth; mapImageHeightPixel = imageHeight; } } MgSiteConnection siteConnection = new MgSiteConnection(); siteConnection.Open(userInfo); MgResourceService resSvc = (MgResourceService)siteConnection.CreateService(MgServiceType.ResourceService); MgResourceIdentifier mapResId = new MgResourceIdentifier(mapRes); MgFeatureService featSvc = (MgFeatureService)siteConnection.CreateService(MgServiceType.FeatureService); MgResourceIdentifier planResId = new MgResourceIdentifier(planRes); // Filter för planDoc efter planDoc-ID MgFeatureQueryOptions featureQuery = new MgFeatureQueryOptions(); featureQuery.SetFilter(planFilterColumn + " = " + planID); MgFeatureReader featureReader = featSvc.SelectFeatures(planResId, planClassName, featureQuery); MgByteReader byteReaderGeometry = null; MgAgfReaderWriter agfReaderWriter = new MgAgfReaderWriter(); MgGeometryCollection geometryCollection = new MgGeometryCollection(); int featureCount = 0; try { while (featureReader.ReadNext()) { byteReaderGeometry = featureReader.GetGeometry(planGeometryColumn); MgGeometry districtGeometry = agfReaderWriter.Read(byteReaderGeometry); geometryCollection.Add(districtGeometry); featureCount++; } } finally { featureReader.Close(); } MgGeometryFactory geometryFactory = new MgGeometryFactory(); MgMultiGeometry multiGeometry = geometryFactory.CreateMultiGeometry(geometryCollection); MgMap map = new MgMap(siteConnection); MgEnvelope envelope = multiGeometry.Envelope(); // Anpassar ev. punkt till komma i tal som hanteras som textsträng för kommande konvertering if (mapImageHeightPixel.IndexOf(".") != -1) { mapImageHeightPixel = mapImageHeightPixel.Replace(".", ","); } if (mapImageWidthPixel.IndexOf(".") != -1) { mapImageWidthPixel = mapImageWidthPixel.Replace(".", ","); } // Önskad bilds höjd och bredd i punkter double imageHeightPixel = Convert.ToDouble(mapImageHeightPixel); double imageWidthPixel = Convert.ToDouble(mapImageWidthPixel); map.DisplayDpi = 120; double heightEnvelopeN = envelope.Height; double widthEnvelopeE = envelope.Width; // Anpassar utbredningen på sökta planer (envelope) till bildens format för att bevara skalriktighet string mapFarthest = string.Empty; if (heightEnvelopeN > widthEnvelopeE) mapFarthest = "height"; else mapFarthest = "width"; string imageFarthest = string.Empty; if (imageHeightPixel > imageWidthPixel) imageFarthest = "height"; else imageFarthest = "width"; double scale = 1.0; const double inch = 2.54; // Ändring av kartans utbredning och addering av utrymme i kartans bild runt planavgränsningen // Map = avgränsning enligt planytan (utbredning i kartan), Image = önskad bild att skapa med kartan // Om: kartans höjd är längst & bildens bredd är längst if (mapFarthest == "height" && imageFarthest == "width") { scale = imageWidthPixel / imageHeightPixel * inch; widthEnvelopeE = imageWidthPixel / imageHeightPixel * heightEnvelopeN * scale; } // Om: kartans bredd är längst & bildens höjd är längst else if (mapFarthest == "width" && imageFarthest == "height") { scale = imageHeightPixel / imageWidthPixel * inch; heightEnvelopeN = imageHeightPixel / imageWidthPixel * widthEnvelopeE * scale; } // Om: kartans höjd är längst & bildens höjd är längst else if (mapFarthest == "height" && imageFarthest == "height") { double compareSide = (heightEnvelopeN / (imageHeightPixel / imageWidthPixel)); bool isCompareSideFarthest = false; if (compareSide > widthEnvelopeE) { isCompareSideFarthest = true; } else { isCompareSideFarthest = false; } scale = imageHeightPixel / imageWidthPixel * inch; if (isCompareSideFarthest) { widthEnvelopeE = heightEnvelopeN / (imageHeightPixel / imageWidthPixel) * scale; } else { heightEnvelopeN = (imageHeightPixel / imageWidthPixel) * widthEnvelopeE * scale; } } // Om(annars): kartans bredd är längst & bildens bredd är längst else { double compareSide = (widthEnvelopeE / (imageWidthPixel / imageHeightPixel)); bool isCompareSideFarthest = false; if (compareSide > heightEnvelopeN) { isCompareSideFarthest = true; } else { isCompareSideFarthest = false; } scale = imageWidthPixel / imageHeightPixel * inch; if (isCompareSideFarthest) { heightEnvelopeN = widthEnvelopeE / (imageWidthPixel / imageHeightPixel) * scale; } else { widthEnvelopeE = heightEnvelopeN * (imageWidthPixel / imageHeightPixel) * scale; } } double mapSurfaceFactorDbl = Convert.ToDouble(mapSurfaceFactor.Replace('.', ',')); double newHeightN = heightEnvelopeN * mapSurfaceFactorDbl; double newWidthE = widthEnvelopeE * mapSurfaceFactorDbl; MgCoordinate lowerLeft = envelope.LowerLeftCoordinate; MgCoordinate upperRight = envelope.UpperRightCoordinate; envelope = new MgEnvelope(lowerLeft.X - (newWidthE - widthEnvelopeE) / 2, lowerLeft.Y - (newHeightN - heightEnvelopeN) / 2, upperRight.X + (newWidthE - widthEnvelopeE) / 2, upperRight.Y + (newHeightN - heightEnvelopeN) / 2); map.Create(resSvc, mapResId, mapResId.Name); // Skapa lagerdefinition i XML DefineAreaLayer areaLayer = new DefineAreaLayer(); areaLayer.FeatureName = planClassName; areaLayer.FeatureSourceName = planRes; areaLayer.GeometryColumnName = planGeometryColumn; areaLayer.Filter = planFilterColumn + " = " + planID; LayerScaleRangeCollection lsrCollection = new LayerScaleRangeCollection(); LayerScaleRange lsr = new LayerScaleRange(); // MinScale applikations-default till 0 (inklusive) om utelämnat, MaxScale applikations-default till kartans maxskala (exklusive) om utelämnat //lsr.MinScale = "0"; //lsr.MaxScale = "100000000"; AreaTypeStyle ats = new AreaTypeStyle(); AreaRuleCollection arCollection = new AreaRuleCollection(); AreaRule ar = new AreaRule(); //ar.Filter = planFilterColumn + " = " + planID; ar.LegendLabel = "Plan" + planID; AreaSymbolization2D symb2D = new AreaSymbolization2D(); Fill fill = new Fill(); fill.BackgroundColor = "FFFF0000"; fill.FillPattern = "Solid"; fill.ForegroundColor = convertRgbsToHexColor(planytorForegroundRgbaColor); Stroke stroke = new Stroke(); stroke.Color = convertRgbsToHexColor(planytorStrokeRgbaColor); stroke.LineStyle = "Solid"; stroke.Thickness = "1"; stroke.Unit = "Points"; symb2D.Fill = fill; symb2D.Stroke = stroke; ar.Symbolization2D = symb2D; arCollection.Add(ar); ats.AreaRules = arCollection; lsr.AreaTypeStyle = ats; lsrCollection.Add(lsr); areaLayer.LayerScaleRanges = lsrCollection; XmlDocument xmlFile = new XmlDocument(); //XDocument xmlFile = new XDocument(); // om returnerande av xml-dokument //xmlFile = areaLayer.CreateLayerDefinitionAsXmlDocument(); // om returnerande av xml-sträng xmlFile.LoadXml(areaLayer.CreateLayerDefinitionAsXmlString()); //xmlFile = areaLayer.CreateLayerDefinitionAsXDocument(); //xmlFile.Save(Server.MapPath(this.Context.Request.ApplicationPath) + "XmlTestLayerDefinition.xml"); using (MemoryStream msNewPlanLayer = new MemoryStream()) { xmlFile.Save(msNewPlanLayer); msNewPlanLayer.Position = 0L; //Note we do this to ensure our XML content is free of any BOM characters byte[] layerDefinition = msNewPlanLayer.ToArray(); Encoding utf8 = Encoding.UTF8; String layerDefStr = new String(utf8.GetChars(layerDefinition)); layerDefinition = new byte[layerDefStr.Length - 1]; int byteCount = utf8.GetBytes(layerDefStr, 1, layerDefStr.Length - 1, layerDefinition, 0); // Save the new layer definition to the session repository MgByteSource byteSource = new MgByteSource(layerDefinition, layerDefinition.Length); MgResourceIdentifier layerResourceID = new MgResourceIdentifier("Session:" + mapSiteSessionID + "//" + "planytor" + ".LayerDefinition"); //"SearchedPlan" + planID + ".LayerDefinition"); resSvc.SetResource(layerResourceID, byteSource.GetReader(), null); MgLayer newPlanLayer = new MgLayer(layerResourceID, resSvc); newPlanLayer.SetName("Sökta planer"); newPlanLayer.SetVisible(true); newPlanLayer.SetLegendLabel("Sökta planer"); newPlanLayer.SetDisplayInLegend(true); MgLayerCollection layerCollection = map.GetLayers(); if (!layerCollection.Contains(newPlanLayer)) { // Insert the new layer at position 0 so it is at the top // of the drawing order layerCollection.Insert(0, newPlanLayer); } else { layerCollection.Remove(newPlanLayer); layerCollection.Insert(0, newPlanLayer); } map.Save(); } double mapScale = map.ViewScale; // XML-dokument till ren text //StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter(); //XmlWriter xmlTextWriter = XmlWriter.Create(stringWriter); //xmlFile.WriteTo(xmlTextWriter); //xmlTextWriter.Flush(); string xmlSelection = string.Empty; //string xmlSelection = stringWriter.GetStringBuilder().ToString(); MgSelection selection = null; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(xmlSelection)) { selection = new MgSelection(map, xmlSelection); } else { selection = new MgSelection(map); } MgColor color = new MgColor("255,255,255"); // Skapar bild av kartan MgRenderingService renderingService = (MgRenderingService)siteConnection.CreateService(MgServiceType.RenderingService); //MgByteReader byteReader = renderingService.RenderMap(map, selection, "PNG"); MgByteReader byteReader = renderingService.RenderMap(map, selection, envelope, Convert.ToInt32(imageWidthPixel), Convert.ToInt32(imageHeightPixel), color, "PNG"); MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(); byte[] byteBuffer = new byte[1024]; int numBytes = byteReader.Read(byteBuffer, 1024); while (numBytes > 0) { ms.Write(byteBuffer, 0, numBytes); numBytes = byteReader.Read(byteBuffer, 1024); } byte[] mapImageByte = ms.ToArray(); string imageBase64String = Convert.ToBase64String(mapImageByte); map.Dispose(); siteConnection.Dispose(); DataTable dtResult = new DataTable(); DataColumn dc = new DataColumn("MAPIMAGEBASE64"); dtResult.Columns.Add(dc); dc = new DataColumn("WIDTH"); dtResult.Columns.Add(dc); dc = new DataColumn("HEIGHT"); dtResult.Columns.Add(dc); DataRow dr = dtResult.NewRow(); dr["MAPIMAGEBASE64"] = imageBase64String; dr["WIDTH"] = imageWidthPixel; dr["HEIGHT"] = imageHeightPixel; dtResult.Rows.Add(dr); //TODO: MAP: Vad kan returneras, base64 eller länk där bild temporärt genereras på server //JavaScriptSerializer jsonSerializer = new JavaScriptSerializer(); //return jsonSerializer.Serialize(imageBase64String); return getDatatableAsJson(dtResult); } catch (System.Exception ex) { UtilityException.LogException(ex, "Webbmetod : getPlanMapImageAsBase64String", true); return null; } }
public DestroySession(MgSite site, string unitTestVm) : base(site, unitTestVm) { }
public GrantRoleMembershipsToGroups(MgSite site, string unitTestVm) : base(site, unitTestVm) { }
public RevokeRoleMembershipsFromGroups(MgSite site, string unitTestVm) : base(site, unitTestVm) { }
private string createMapSiteSession() { // Initierar kartsite och kartsession string mapWebTierInit = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MGWebTierInit"].ToString(); string mapUserName = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MGUserName"].ToString(); string mapUserPass = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MGUserPass"].ToString(); MapGuideApi.MgInitializeWebTier(mapWebTierInit); MgUserInformation userInfo = new MgUserInformation(mapUserName, mapUserPass); MgSite mapSite = new MgSite(); mapSite.Open(userInfo); string mapSiteSessionID = mapSite.CreateSession(); //mapSite.Close(); return mapSiteSessionID; }
protected SiteServiceOperationExecutor(MgSite site, string unitTestVm) : base(typeof(T).Name.ToUpper(), ApiTypes.Platform, unitTestVm) { _site = site; }