public static void ShowForm(MetroForm myfrm) { var mymsm = MyFormStyles.GetStyleManager(myfrm); //check tagging of the form specific size. if (myfrm.Tag != null) { switch (myfrm.Tag.ToString().ToLower()) { case "menu": //for the menu list for short cuts. myfrm.Size = MenuWindowSettings.WindowSize; if (MyFormStyles.MyStyle == MetroFramework.MetroThemeStyle.Light) { mymsm.Theme = MetroFramework.MetroThemeStyle.Dark; } else { mymsm.Theme = MetroFramework.MetroThemeStyle.Light; } break; case "list": //for the menu list for short cuts. myfrm.Size = ListWindowSettings.WindowSize; break; default: break; } } myfrm.StyleManager = mymsm; myfrm.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterScreen; myfrm.ShadowType = MetroFormShadowType.DropShadow; myfrm.BorderStyle = MetroFormBorderStyle.FixedSingle; myfrm.Show(); }
public void FormGetir(MetroForm gelenForm) { if (!kutuVarMi) { foreach (Control item in this.Controls) { if (item is GroupBox) { foreach (Control group in item.Controls) { if (group is GroupBox) { if (group.Name == "kutu") { kutuVarMi = true; } } } if (!kutuVarMi) { kutu = new GroupBox(); kutuVarMi = true; break; } } } } else { foreach (MetroForm item in kutu.Controls) { kutu.Controls.Remove(item); } } kutu.Location = new Point((this.Width - gelenForm.Width) / 2, (this.Height - gelenForm.Height) / 2); kutu.Text = ""; kutu.Width = gelenForm.Size.Width; kutu.Height = gelenForm.Size.Height; if (grpAnaKutu.Height < kutu.Height) { grpAnaKutu.Height = kutu.Size.Height + 100; if (this.Height < grpAnaKutu.Height) { this.Height = grpAnaKutu.Size.Height + 160; } } grpAnaKutu.Controls.Add(kutu); kutu.Location = new Point(0, (mlBilet.Height + (mlBilet.Top * 2))); kutu.Left = (grpAnaKutu.Right - kutu.Right) / 2; gelenForm.MdiParent = this; kutu.Controls.Add(gelenForm); gelenForm.Show(); gelenForm.Location = Point.Empty; //this.Location = new Point(Location.X, Location.Y - 50); }
private void AnaFormGetir(MetroForm gelenForm) { grpAnaKutu.Controls.Clear(); gelenForm.Width = grpAnaKutu.Width; gelenForm.Height = grpAnaKutu.Height; gelenForm.MdiParent = this; grpAnaKutu.Controls.Add(gelenForm); gelenForm.Show(); gelenForm.Location = Point.Empty; }
/// <summary> /// 弹出自动绘图界面 /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void btnAutoDrawing_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //利用反射,打开自动作图窗口,Hood和Ceiling,同时实现传递窗口参数 Project objProject = objProjectService.GetProjectByODPNo(tvModule.Nodes[0].Text.Trim()); object[] parameters = new object[1]; parameters[0] = objProject.ODPNo; MetroForm objFrmAutoDrawing = (MetroForm)Assembly.Load("Compass").CreateInstance("Compass.Frm" + objProject.HoodType + "AutoDrawing", true, BindingFlags.Default, null, parameters, null, null); objFrmAutoDrawing.Show(); }
private void Nav(MetroForm form, Panel panel) { CargaCfgUsuario(user.Usuario); form.TopLevel = false; panel.Controls.Add(form); panel.Tag = form; form.BringToFront(); form.CaptionBarColor = ColorTranslator.FromHtml(NewColor.Pant1); form.CaptionForeColor = ColorTranslator.FromHtml(NewColor.FontColor); form.Show(); }
//Método para atualizar o form public void atualizarForm(MetroForm form) { try { //Desativa o TopLevel form.TopLevel = false; //foreach (Control ctrl in painelPrincipal.Controls) //{ // MessageBox.Show(ctrl.Name); //} //Apaga atual form dentro do panel //MessageBox.Show(this.Controls.Count.ToString()); if (painelPrincipal.Controls.Count != 0) { painelPrincipal.Controls.Clear(); } //Deixa maximizado para evitar erros form.WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized; form.ShadowType = MetroFormShadowType.None; //Adiciona o form nos controles do painel painelPrincipal.Controls.Add(form); //Mostra o form no painel form.Show(); } catch { //Deixa maximizado para evitar erros form.WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized; form.ShadowType = MetroFormShadowType.None; painelPrincipal.Controls.Add(form); form.Show(); } }
private void btnSettings_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { SettingsForm = new MetroForm(); SettingsForm.Resizable = false; SettingsForm.Theme = MetroFramework.MetroThemeStyle.Dark; SettingsForm.Style = MetroFramework.MetroColorStyle.White; SettingsForm.ShadowType = MetroFormShadowType.DropShadow; SettingsForm.MinimizeBox = false; SettingsForm.MaximizeBox = false; UserControl SettingsControl = Plugin.PluginGlobalSettings(); SettingsForm.Size = new Size(SettingsControl.Size.Width + 100, SettingsControl.Height + 100); SettingsForm.Controls.Add(SettingsControl); SettingsControl.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; SettingsForm.Show(); }
private void btnAbout_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { AboutForm = new MetroForm(); AboutForm.Resizable = false; AboutForm.Theme = MetroFramework.MetroThemeStyle.Dark; AboutForm.Style = MetroFramework.MetroColorStyle.White; AboutForm.ShadowType = MetroFormShadowType.DropShadow; AboutForm.MinimizeBox = false; AboutForm.MaximizeBox = false; UserControl AboutControl = Plugin.About(); AboutForm.Size = new Size(AboutControl.Size.Width + 100, AboutControl.Height + 100); AboutForm.Controls.Add(AboutControl); AboutControl.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; AboutForm.Show(); }
public static void FormGetir(Form anaForm, MetroForm gelenForm, GroupBox anaKutu, GroupBox kutu, bool kutuVarMi, MetroLink mlBilet) { if (!kutuVarMi) { foreach (Control item in anaForm.Controls) { if (item is GroupBox) { foreach (Control group in item.Controls) { if (group is GroupBox) { if (group.Name == "kutu") { kutuVarMi = true; } } } if (!kutuVarMi) { kutu = new GroupBox(); kutuVarMi = true; break; } } } } else { foreach (MetroForm item in kutu.Controls) { kutu.Controls.Remove(item); } } kutu.Location = new Point((anaForm.Width - gelenForm.Width) / 2, (anaForm.Height - gelenForm.Height) / 2); kutu.Text = ""; kutu.Width = gelenForm.Width; kutu.Height = gelenForm.Height; anaKutu.Controls.Add(kutu); kutu.Location = new Point(0, (mlBilet.Height + (mlBilet.Top * 2))); kutu.Left = (anaKutu.Right - kutu.Right) / 2; gelenForm.MdiParent = anaForm; kutu.Controls.Add(gelenForm); gelenForm.Show(); gelenForm.Location = Point.Empty; }
//Abre no modo Mdi veridicando se já esta aberto ou nao public void OpenMdiForm(MetroForm frm) { frm.Resizable = false; frm.MaximizeBox = false; frm.MinimizeBox = false; frm.BorderStyle = MetroFormBorderStyle.FixedSingle; var f = FormOpened(frm); if (f != null) { f.BringToFront(); f.WindowState = FormWindowState.Normal; } else { frm.MdiParent = this; frm.Show(); } }
public void ShowNotification(string Notification, bool ShowDialog, int LifeTimeFormSecond, bool TopMost) { //lbl.Text = Notification; txtMessage.Text = Notification; SecondLifeForm = LifeTimeFormSecond; //Позиция Оповещения int left; int top; // // getXY(380, 120, out top, out left); frm.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.Manual; frm.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(left + 375, top); frm.TopMost = TopMost; // // // posStop = (ushort)left; OpenFormTimer.Interval = 1; OpenFormTimer.Tick += new System.EventHandler(OpenFormTimer_Tick); OpenFormTimer.Enabled = true; // // // //Close Form LifeTimeForm.Interval = 1; LifeTimeForm.Tick += new System.EventHandler(LifeTimeForm_Tick); LifeTimeForm.Enabled = true; // if (ShowDialog) { frm.ShowDialog(); } else { frm.Show(); } }
private void Show(Control userCtrl, bool modal) { if (userCtrl is MetroForm) { MetroForm metroForm = userCtrl as MetroForm; metroForm.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.Manual; ERPFramework.GlobalInfo.StyleManager.Clone(metroForm); metroForm.FormClosed += Metroform_FormClosed; metroForm.FormClosing += MetroForm_FormClosing; if (modal) { LockAllControl(); } _listControl.Add(userCtrl.Name, userCtrl); Size sz = metroForm.Size; metroForm.Size = Size.Empty; metroForm.StyleManager.Update(); metroForm.Show(_owner); MetroFramework.Animation.ExpandAnimation exp = new MetroFramework.Animation.ExpandAnimation(); exp.Start(metroForm, sz, MetroFramework.Animation.TransitionType.EaseInExpo, 4); } //else if (userCtrl is MetroUserControl) //{ // MetroUserControl metroCtrl = userCtrl as MetroUserControl; // metroCtrl.StyleManager = styleManager; // metroCtrl.Clo += Metroform_FormClosed; // if (modal) // metroform.ShowDialog(); // else // metroform.Show(); //} else { System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(false, "Unknow control type"); } }
private void picTest_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { MetroForm PictureForm = new MetroForm(); PictureForm.Theme = MetroFramework.MetroThemeStyle.Dark; PictureForm.Style = MetroFramework.MetroColorStyle.White; PictureForm.BorderStyle = MetroFormBorderStyle.FixedSingle; PictureForm.Resizable = false; PictureForm.Text = "Test Screenshot"; PictureForm.Size = new Size(Convert.ToInt32(txtCropSizeWidth.Text.Trim()), Convert.ToInt32(txtCropSizeHeight.Text.Trim())); //MetroPanel PicturePanel = new MetroPanel(); //PicturePanel.Size = new Size(Convert.ToInt32(txtCropSizeWidth.Text.Trim()), Convert.ToInt32(txtCropSizeHeight.Text.Trim())); //PicturePanel.Location = new Point(0, 0); //PicturePanel.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; PictureBox Picture = new PictureBox(); Picture.Size = new Size(Convert.ToInt32(txtCropSizeWidth.Text.Trim()), Convert.ToInt32(txtCropSizeHeight.Text.Trim())); Picture.Image = picTest.Image; Picture.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; Picture.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage; PictureForm.Controls.Add(Picture); PictureForm.Show(); }
private void showForm() { this.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.FixedSingle; MetroForm form = new MetroForm(); form.DropShadow = this.checkBoxAdv1.Checked; if (this.checkBoxAdv1.Checked) { form.Text = "MetroForm with shadow"; } else { form.Text = "MetroForm without shadow"; } form.Show(); form.ShowIcon = false; Point point = new Point(this.Left + this.panel3.Left + 45, this.Top + panel3.Top + 188); form.Location = point; form.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.FixedToolWindow; Size size = new Size(this.panel3.Width - 20, this.panel3.Height - 40); form.Size = size; }
public static void ShowSteamProfile(SteamBot.Bot bot, ulong steamId) { var form = new MetroForm(); form.Text = "Steam Community"; form.Width = 800; form.Height = 600; form.Style = Friends.GlobalStyleManager.Style; form.Theme = Friends.GlobalStyleManager.Theme; form.Icon = MistClient.Properties.Resources.Icon; form.ShadowType = MetroFormShadowType.DropShadow; var webControl = new Awesomium.Windows.Forms.WebControl(); webControl.Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Fill; string cookies = string.Format("steamLogin={0}; sessionid={1}", bot.token, bot.sessionId); webControl.WebSession = Awesomium.Core.WebCore.CreateWebSession(new Awesomium.Core.WebPreferences()); webControl.WebSession.SetCookie(new Uri(""), cookies, true, true); webControl.Source = new Uri((string.Format("{0}/", steamId))); webControl.DocumentReady += webControl_DocumentReady; webControl.TitleChanged += (s, e) => webControl_TitleChanged(s, e, form); form.Controls.Add(webControl); form.Show(); }
private void BtnNuovaSessione_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { #region FormSessione formSessione = new MetroForm(); txtNomeSessione = new MetroTextBox(); btnCrea = new MetroButton(); btnAnnulla = new MetroButton(); radioStandard = new MetroRadioButton(); radioCustom = new MetroRadioButton(); checkPubblicaDB = new MetroCheckBox(); lstBoxSessioni = new ListBox(); lstvBoxSessioni = new ListView(); txtCercaSessione = new MetroTextBox(); lblCercaSessione = new MetroLabel(); txtCercaUtente = new MetroTextBox(); lblCercaUtente = new MetroLabel(); txtCercaPubblica = new MetroTextBox(); lblCercaPubblica = new MetroLabel(); lblEmail = new MetroLabel(); txtEmail = new TextBox(); txtCercaMail = new MetroTextBox(); lblCercaMail = new MetroLabel(); checkPubblicaDB.CheckedChanged += CheckPubblicaDB_CheckedChanged; formSessione.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterScreen; formSessione.Size = new Size(500, 400); formSessione.MaximizeBox = false; formSessione.MinimizeBox = false; formSessione.Resizable = false; formSessione.Text = "Nuova Sessione"; radioStandard.Text = "Sessione Standard"; radioCustom.Text = "Sessione da Database"; radioStandard.AutoSize = true; radioCustom.AutoSize = true; radioStandard.Checked = true; radioCustom.Top = 70; radioStandard.Top = 70; radioCustom.Left = 270; radioStandard.Left = 90; radioStandard.CheckedChanged += RadioStandard_CheckedChanged; radioCustom.CheckedChanged += RadioCustom_CheckedChanged; formSessione.Controls.Add(radioStandard); formSessione.Controls.Add(radioCustom); formSessione.Controls.Add(txtNomeSessione); formSessione.Controls.Add(btnCrea); formSessione.Controls.Add(btnAnnulla); formSessione.Controls.Add(checkPubblicaDB); formSessione.Controls.Add(lstvBoxSessioni); formSessione.Controls.Add(txtCercaSessione); formSessione.Controls.Add(lblCercaSessione); formSessione.Controls.Add(txtCercaUtente); formSessione.Controls.Add(lblCercaUtente); formSessione.Controls.Add(txtCercaPubblica); formSessione.Controls.Add(lblCercaPubblica); formSessione.Controls.Add(lblEmail); formSessione.Controls.Add(txtEmail); formSessione.Controls.Add(lblCercaMail); formSessione.Controls.Add(txtCercaMail); txtNomeSessione.Focus(); txtNomeSessione.Size = new Size(200, txtNomeSessione.Height); txtNomeSessione.Top = 150; txtNomeSessione.Left = 150; txtNomeSessione.Text = "Inserire nome sessione"; lstvBoxSessioni.Visible = false; lstvBoxSessioni.Scrollable = true; lstvBoxSessioni.Alignment = ListViewAlignment.Left; ColumnHeader colHead = new ColumnHeader(); colHead = new ColumnHeader(); colHead.Text = "Nome Sessione"; colHead.Width = -2; lstvBoxSessioni.Columns.Add(colHead); colHead = new ColumnHeader(); colHead.Text = "Utente"; colHead.Width = 60; lstvBoxSessioni.Columns.Add(colHead); colHead = new ColumnHeader(); colHead.Text = "Chiave Pubblica (E, N)"; colHead.Width = 120; lstvBoxSessioni.Columns.Add(colHead); colHead = new ColumnHeader(); colHead.Text = "e-mail"; colHead.Width = 120; lstvBoxSessioni.Columns.Add(colHead); lstvBoxSessioni.FullRowSelect = true; for (int i = 0; i < sProvider.GetEntityList().Count; i++) { ListViewItem lstItem = new ListViewItem(sProvider.GetEntityList()[i].NomeSessione); lstItem.SubItems.Add(sProvider.GetEntityList()[i].Utente); string keyPubb = sProvider.GetEntityList()[i].EString + "," + sProvider.GetEntityList()[i].NString; lstItem.SubItems.Add(keyPubb); lstItem.SubItems.Add(sProvider.GetEntityList()[i].Email); lstvBoxSessioni.Items.Add(lstItem); } lblCercaSessione.Visible = false; txtCercaSessione.Visible = false; lblCercaUtente.Visible = false; txtCercaUtente.Visible = false; lblCercaPubblica.Visible = false; txtCercaPubblica.Visible = false; lblCercaMail.Visible = false; txtCercaMail.Visible = false; lstvBoxSessioni.Size = new Size(285, 240); lstvBoxSessioni.Top = 100; lstvBoxSessioni.Left = 20; lstvBoxSessioni.View = View.Details; lblCercaSessione.Text = "Ricerca Nome Sessione"; lblCercaSessione.Top = 115; lblCercaSessione.Left = 316; lblCercaSessione.AutoSize = true; txtCercaSessione.Text = "Cerca..."; txtCercaSessione.Top = 135; txtCercaSessione.Left = 320; txtCercaSessione.Width = 130; txtCercaSessione.TextChanged += CercaSessione_TextChanged; lblCercaUtente.Text = "Ricerca Utente"; lblCercaUtente.Top = 165; lblCercaUtente.Left = 316; lblCercaUtente.AutoSize = true; txtCercaUtente.Text = "Cerca..."; txtCercaUtente.Top = 185; txtCercaUtente.Left = 320; txtCercaUtente.Width = 130; txtCercaUtente.TextChanged += TxtCercaUtente_TextChanged; lblCercaPubblica.Text = "Ricerca Chiave N"; lblCercaPubblica.Top = 215; lblCercaPubblica.Left = 316; lblCercaPubblica.AutoSize = true; txtCercaPubblica.Text = "Cerca..."; txtCercaPubblica.Top = 235; txtCercaPubblica.Left = 320; txtCercaPubblica.Width = 130; txtCercaPubblica.TextChanged += TxtCercaPubblica_TextChanged; lblCercaMail.Text = "Ricerca e-mail"; lblCercaMail.Top = 265; lblCercaMail.Left = 316; lblCercaMail.AutoSize = true; txtCercaMail.Text = "Cerca..."; txtCercaMail.Top = 285; txtCercaMail.Left = 320; txtCercaMail.Width = 130; txtCercaMail.TextChanged += TxtCercaMail_TextChanged; checkPubblicaDB.Checked = false; checkPubblicaDB.Top = 180; checkPubblicaDB.Left = 150; checkPubblicaDB.Text = "Pubblica nel Database"; checkPubblicaDB.AutoSize = true; lblEmail.Visible = false; lblEmail.AutoSize = true; lblEmail.Text = "e-mail:"; txtEmail.Visible = false; lblEmail.Top = 230; lblEmail.Left = 80; txtEmail.Top = 230; txtEmail.Left = 130; txtEmail.Width = 250; txtEmail.Text = "*****@*****.**"; btnCrea.Top = 360; btnCrea.Left = 90; btnAnnulla.Top = 360; btnAnnulla.Left = 330; btnCrea.Text = "Crea"; btnAnnulla.Text = "Annulla"; formSessione.Show(); if (checkDBConnection.Text == "Connessione al Database: Assente") { radioCustom.Enabled = false; checkPubblicaDB.Checked = false; checkPubblicaDB.Enabled = false; MessageBox.Show("La connessione al database è assente o è stata persa. Controllare lo stato della propria rete.", "Connessione al database fallita", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); connessioneDB = "Assente"; checkDBConnection.Text = String.Format("Connessione al Database: " + connessioneDB); } else if (checkDBConnection.Text == "Connessione al Database: Connesso") { if (sProvider.TryConnection() == "Assente") { MessageBox.Show("La connessione al database è assente o è stata persa. Controllare lo stato della propria rete.", "Connessione al database fallita", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); checkDBConnection.Text = String.Format("Connessione al Database: " + "Assente"); reConnect.Enabled = true; } else { radioCustom.Enabled = true; checkPubblicaDB.Checked = false; checkPubblicaDB.Enabled = true; } } btnCrea.Click += _crea_Click; btnAnnulla.Click += _annulla_Click; #endregion }
private void BackButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { LastForm.Show(this); this.Hide(); }