/// <summary>
        /// Returns the created Metric Tree with all data values and metadata included
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="metricInstanceSetRequest">The request originally passed to the metric service, containing the domain-specific context.</param>
        /// <param name="metricMetadataNode">Should already Filtered by MetricNodeId</param>
        /// <param name="metricDataContainer">Should already be filtered by the domain entity key</param>
        /// <returns>An instance of a class derived from <see cref="MetricBase"/>, and all its descendents.</returns>
        public MetricBase CreateTree(MetricInstanceSetRequestBase metricInstanceSetRequest, MetricMetadataNode metricMetadataNode, MetricDataContainer metricDataContainer)
            // Get the custom metric initialization activity data
            var initializationActivityData = GetMetricInitializationActivityData(metricInstanceSetRequest);

            return CreateMetric(metricInstanceSetRequest, metricMetadataNode, metricDataContainer, null, initializationActivityData);
        protected override void EstablishContext()
            //Prepare supplied data collections
            suppliedStudentInformationData = GetSuppliedStudentInformation();
            suppliedRootMetricNode = GetSuppliedRootNode();
            suppliedRootMetricHierarchy = GetSuppliedRootMetricHierarchy();
            suppliedRootIEnumerableOfKeyValuePair = GetSuppliedRootKeyValuePairs();

            //Set up the mocks
            studentInformationRepository = mocks.StrictMock<IRepository<StudentInformation>>();
            rootMetricNodeResolver = mocks.StrictMock<IRootMetricNodeResolver>();
            domainMetricService = mocks.StrictMock<IDomainMetricService<StudentSchoolMetricInstanceSetRequest>>();
            metricTreeToIEnumerableOfKeyValuePairProvider = mocks.StrictMock<IMetricTreeToIEnumerableOfKeyValuePairProvider>();

            //Set expectations

                    new ActionConstraint<StudentSchoolMetricInstanceSetRequest>(x =>
                        Assert.That(x.SchoolId == suppliedSchoolId);
                        Assert.That(x.StudentUSI == suppliedStudentUSI);
                        Assert.That(x.MetricVariantId == suppliedRootMetricNode.MetricVariantId);
            Expect.Call(metricTreeToIEnumerableOfKeyValuePairProvider.FlattenMetricTree((ContainerMetric) suppliedRootMetricHierarchy.RootNode)).Return(suppliedRootIEnumerableOfKeyValuePair);
        protected virtual ChartData.Series[] GetChartSeries(IEnumerable <StudentMetricAssessmentHistorical> data,
                                                            MetricMetadataNode metricMetadataNode,
                                                            string labelType)
            decimal?previousValue = null;
            var     result        = new List <ChartData.Point>();

            foreach (var entry in data)
                decimal?value       = null;
                string  valueAsText = null;
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(entry.Value))
                    value       = Convert.ToDecimal(entry.Value);
                    valueAsText = metricMetadataNode.Format != null
                        ? string.Format(metricMetadataNode.Format, value)
                        : entry.Value;
                var trend = GetTrend(previousValue, value);
                var point = MapDataToPoint(entry, valueAsText, trend, GetValueScaling(labelType));
                previousValue = value;
                new ChartData.Series
                    Name = metricMetadataNode.DisplayName,
                    Points = result
        private static Goal CalculateGoal(MetricMetadataNode metricNode, MetricGoal goalData, MetricInstance metricInstance)
            //If we have a disabled metric we should not blow up and return a default Goal.
                return new Goal
                        Interpretation = TrendInterpretation.None,
                        Value = null

            if (metricNode.TrendInterpretation == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("Trend Interpretation is needed to be able to calculate Goal. Metric Id({0})", metricNode.MetricId));

            //Lets try to get goal from data.
            var goalFromData = GetGoalFromGoalData(metricNode, goalData);
            if (goalFromData != null)
                return goalFromData;

            //If we are still here lets get the Goal value from the MetricState.
            var goalFromMetricState = GetGoalFromMetricState(metricNode, goalData, metricInstance);
            if (goalFromMetricState != null)
                return goalFromMetricState;

            //If we are still here something went wrong.
            throw new InvalidOperationException("Something went wrong and I could not calculate a goal for metric Id:" + metricNode.MetricId);
 protected override void EstablishContext()
     metadataNode = getSuppliedMetaDataNode();
     suppliedGranularMetricFlagged = new GranularMetric<int> { MetricId = 20 };
     suppliedGranularMetricNotFlagged = new GranularMetric<int> { MetricId = 40 };
     suppliedMetricDataFlagged = new CurrentYearMetricData { MetricInstances = (new List<MetricInstance>() { new MetricInstance { MetricId = 20, Flag = true } }).AsQueryable() };
     suppliedMetricDataNotFlagged = new CurrentYearMetricData { MetricInstances = (new List<MetricInstance>() { new MetricInstance { MetricId = 40, Flag = false } }).AsQueryable() };
        public bool GetMetricFlag(MetricBase metricBase, MetricMetadataNode metadataNode, MetricData metricData)
            var metricInstance = metricData.MetricInstancesByMetricId.GetValueOrDefault(metricBase.MetricId);

            if (metricInstance == null)
                return false;

            return metricInstance.Flag.GetValueOrDefault();
        public Goal GetMetricGoal(MetricMetadataNode metricMetadataNode, MetricData metricData)
            if (metricData.MetricGoalsByMetricId == null)
                return null;

            var goalData = metricData.MetricGoalsByMetricId.GetValueOrDefault(metricMetadataNode.MetricId);
            var metricInstance = metricData.MetricInstancesByMetricId.GetValueOrDefault(metricMetadataNode.MetricId);

            return CalculateGoal(metricMetadataNode, goalData, metricInstance);
        public MetricData GetMetricData(MetricMetadataNode metricMetadataNode)
            foreach (var md in metricData)
                if (md.CanSupplyMetricData(metricMetadataNode))
                    return md;

            throw new NotSupportedException("Can't resolve metric data for metric metadata node '" + metricMetadataNode.MetricNodeId + "'.");
        protected override void EstablishContext()
            //Prepare supplied data collections
            suppliedGranularMetric = GetSuppliedGM();
            suppliedMetricMetadataNode = GetSuppliedMetricMetadataNode();

            //Set up the mocks
            domainSpecificMetricNodeResolver = mocks.StrictMock<IDomainSpecificMetricNodeResolver>();

            //Set expectations
            var tree = new TestMetricMetadataTree();
            Expect.Call(domainSpecificMetricNodeResolver.GetAdvancedCourseEnrollmentMetricNode()).Return(new MetricMetadataNode(tree) { MetricId = 1 });
            Expect.Call(domainSpecificMetricNodeResolver.GetAdvancedCoursePotentialMetricNode()).Return(new MetricMetadataNode(tree) { MetricId = 2 });
        protected override void EstablishContext()
            //initialize Granular Metrics
            granularMetricInt = getSuppliedGranularMetric_int();
            granularMetricDecimal = getSuppliedGranularMetric_decimal();
            granularMetricDouble = getSuppliedGranularMetric_double();
            granularMetricString = getSuppliedGranularMetric_string();

            //initialize metadata nodes
            metadataNodeInt = getSuppliedMetricMetadataNode_int();
            metadataNodeDecimal = getSuppliedMetricMetadataNode_decimal();
            metadataNodeDouble = getSuppliedMetricMetadataNode_double();
            metadataNodeString = getSuppliedMetricMetadataNode_string();
        public State GetState(MetricMetadataNode metricNode, MetricInstance metricInstance)
            var defaultState = new State(MetricStateType.None, string.Empty);

            //If the instance is null then we cant calculate a state so we default to none.
            if (metricInstance == null)
                return defaultState;

            //Lets see if the State has been supplied to us.
            if (metricInstance.MetricStateTypeId.HasValue)
                var suppliedState = (MetricStateType) metricInstance.MetricStateTypeId.Value;

                //We can have more than one state rule per state type so lets see what weve got.
                var metricStateRules = metricNode.States.Where(x => x.StateType == suppliedState);

                //We only need one rule to proceed.
                Models.MetricState singleRuleThatApplies = null;

                if (metricStateRules.Count() == 1)
                    singleRuleThatApplies = metricStateRules.Single();

                if (metricStateRules.Count() > 1)
                    singleRuleThatApplies = GetStateThatAppliesFromMultipleStates(metricNode, metricInstance, metricStateRules);

                //If we didnt find any then lets check if our metric is enabled.
                if (!metricStateRules.Any() || singleRuleThatApplies == null)
                    //If there is no state then we should see if the metric is enabled, if so this is a problem in the metadata...
                    if (metricNode.Enabled)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException("Metric Id:" + metricNode.MetricId + " needs a Metric State value in its table to be able to calculate a State.");

                    //If we are still here it means that we have a disabled metric and we should not blow up.
                    return defaultState;

                return new State(suppliedState, singleRuleThatApplies.StateText);

            //If we are still here then we don't have a supplied state and now we need to go and calculate the state.
            return CalculateState(metricNode, metricInstance.Value, metricInstance.ValueTypeName);
        protected override void EstablishContext()

            suppliedMetricInstanceSetRequest = new SomeMetricInstanceSetRequest { MetricVariantId = suppliedMetricVariantId };
            //mock data services return
            metricMetadataTreeService = mocks.StrictMock<IMetricMetadataTreeService>();

            metricDataService = mocks.StrictMock<IMetricDataService<SomeMetricInstanceSetRequest>>();

            metricInstanceTreeFactory = mocks.StrictMock<IMetricInstanceTreeFactory>();

            Expect.Call(metricInstanceTreeFactory.CreateTree(suppliedMetricInstanceSetRequest, null, null))

            var suppliedMetricNode = new MetricMetadataNode(new TestMetricMetadataTree()) { MetricNodeId = suppliedMetricNodeId };
            metricNodeResolver = mocks.StrictMock<IMetricNodeResolver>();
		protected virtual MetricRenderingContext FindRenderingParent(MetricMetadataNode root, int? metricIdToFind, MetricVariantType metricVariantType)
            if (root == null || !metricIdToFind.HasValue)
                return new MetricRenderingContext();

            //We are at the overview collection level.
            foreach (var renderingParent in root.Children)
                var tempMetric = renderingParent.FindInDescendantsOrSelfByMetricId(metricIdToFind.Value).SingleOrDefault(x => x.MetricVariantType == metricVariantType);
                if (tempMetric == null)
                    tempMetric = renderingParent.FindInDescendantsOrSelfByMetricId(metricIdToFind.Value).SingleOrDefault();
                if (tempMetric != null)//We found it
                    return new MetricRenderingContext
                                    ContextMetricVariantId = renderingParent.MetricVariantId,
                                    MetricVariantId = tempMetric.MetricVariantId

            return null;
        //Method used to tag the parents to the hierarchy
        protected void setParents(MetricMetadataNode metric, MetricMetadataNode parentMetric)
            metric.Parent = parentMetric;

            foreach (var childMetric in metric.Children)
                setParents(childMetric, metric);
        private MetricBase CreateMetric(MetricInstanceSetRequestBase metricInstanceSetRequest, MetricMetadataNode metricMetadataNode, MetricDataContainer metricDataContainer, 
                                        MetricBase parentMetric, Dictionary<string, object> initializationActivityData)
            MetricBase metric;
            var metricData = metricDataContainer.GetMetricData(metricMetadataNode);

            switch (metricMetadataNode.MetricType)
                case MetricType.ContainerMetric:
                    metric = containerMetricFactory.CreateMetric(metricInstanceSetRequest, metricMetadataNode, metricData, parentMetric);

                case MetricType.AggregateMetric:
                    metric = aggregateMetricFactory.CreateMetric(metricInstanceSetRequest, metricMetadataNode, metricData, parentMetric);

                case MetricType.GranularMetric:
                    metric = granularMetricFactory.CreateMetric(metricInstanceSetRequest, metricMetadataNode, metricData, parentMetric);

                    throw new NotSupportedException(string.Format("Unsupported metric type '{0}'.", metricMetadataNode.MetricType));

            // Process children
            var metricWithChildren = metric as ContainerMetric;

            // If this is a node type that has children
            if (metricWithChildren != null)
                ProcessForChildren(metricInstanceSetRequest, metricMetadataNode, metricDataContainer, metricWithChildren, initializationActivityData);

            // Execute initialization activities
            InvokeInitializationActivities(metric, metricInstanceSetRequest, metricMetadataNode, metricData, initializationActivityData);

            return metric;
 public override bool CanSupplyMetricData(MetricMetadataNode metricMetadataNode)
     return metricNodeId == metricMetadataNode.MetricNodeId;
 protected virtual void InvokeInitializationActivities(MetricBase metric, MetricInstanceSetRequestBase metricInstanceSetRequest, MetricMetadataNode metadataNode, 
                                                       MetricData metricData, Dictionary<string, object> initializationActivityData)
     foreach (var initializationActivity in metricInitializationActivities)
         initializationActivity.InitializeMetric(metric, metricInstanceSetRequest, metadataNode, metricData, initializationActivityData);
        public virtual MetricMetadataNode GetRootMetricNodeForLocalEducationAgency()
            if (_rootMetricNodeForLocalEducationAgency != null)
                return _rootMetricNodeForLocalEducationAgency;

            const int rootNodeIdForLocalEducationAgency = (int)MetricHierarchyRoot.LocalEducationAgency;
            const int metricVariantIdForLocalEducationAgencyOverview = (int)LocalEducationAgencyMetricEnum.Overview;

            var nodeForLocalEducationAgencyOverview = MetricMetadata.AllNodesByMetricVariantId.ValuesByKey(metricVariantIdForLocalEducationAgencyOverview).SingleOrDefault(x => x.RootNodeId == rootNodeIdForLocalEducationAgency);

            _rootMetricNodeForLocalEducationAgency = nodeForLocalEducationAgencyOverview;
            return _rootMetricNodeForLocalEducationAgency;
 /// <summary>
 /// Throws an exception describing the unhandled request for a metric route.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="metricInstanceSetRequest">The metric instance set request providing the domain-specific context for the metric.</param>
 /// <param name="metadataNode">The metadata for the metric.</param>
 /// <returns>The URL for the application-specific location for the metric.</returns>
 public IEnumerable<Link> GetRoute(MetricInstanceSetRequestBase metricInstanceSetRequest, MetricMetadataNode metadataNode)
     throw new NotSupportedException(
         string.Format("Metric route generation for request type '{0}' was unhandled.", metricInstanceSetRequest.GetType().Name));
        private static Goal GetGoalFromMetricState(MetricMetadataNode metricNode, MetricGoal goalData, MetricInstance metricInstance)

            var model = new Goal { Interpretation = (TrendInterpretation)metricNode.TrendInterpretation.GetValueOrDefault() };

            //We can have more than one good state so lets see what we've got.
            var metricStateGoodRules = metricNode.States.Where(x => x.StateType == MetricStateType.Good).ToList();

            //We only one rule to proceed.
            Models.MetricState singleRuleThatApplies = null;

            if (metricStateGoodRules.Count() == 1)
                singleRuleThatApplies = metricStateGoodRules.Single();

            if (metricStateGoodRules.Count() > 1)
                //To get a metric state from a case like this we need an instance if no instance then we cant proceed.
                if (metricInstance == null)
                    model.Value = null;
                    return model;

                singleRuleThatApplies = GetStateThatAppliesFromMultipleStates(metricNode, metricInstance, metricStateGoodRules);

            //If we didn't find any then lets check if our metric is enabled.
            if (!metricStateGoodRules.Any() || singleRuleThatApplies == null)
                //If there's no state, see if the metric is enabled, if it's not enabled, ignore the problem.
                if (!metricNode.Enabled)
                    //If we are here it means that we have a disabled metric and we should not blow up.
                    return new Goal
                        Interpretation = TrendInterpretation.None,
                        Value = null

                //If the metric is configured not to use metric states, then it's fine for there not to be a goal.
                if (metricNode.States.Any(x => x.StateType == MetricStateType.Na || x.StateType == MetricStateType.None))
                    return new Goal
                        Interpretation = TrendInterpretation.None,
                        Value = null

                //Otherwise, this is a problem with the metadata.
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Metric Id:" + metricNode.MetricId + " needs a Metric State value in its table to be able to calculate a goal.");

            if (singleRuleThatApplies.MinValue != null && singleRuleThatApplies.MinValue.Value != 0)
                model.Value = singleRuleThatApplies.MinValue.Value;
                return model;

            if (singleRuleThatApplies.MaxValue != null)
                model.Value = singleRuleThatApplies.MaxValue.Value;
                return model;

            //This metric has a state rule but we cant calculate the value of the goal so its null.
            //This metric does not have goal.
            if (singleRuleThatApplies.MinValue == null && singleRuleThatApplies.MaxValue == null)
                model.Value = null;
                return model;

            return null;
        private static Goal GetGoalFromGoalData(MetricMetadataNode metricNode, MetricGoal goalData)
            var model = new Goal { Interpretation = (TrendInterpretation)metricNode.TrendInterpretation.GetValueOrDefault() };

            //Lets see if we have a goal.
            if (goalData != null)
                model.Value = goalData.Value;
                return model;

            return null;
        private State CalculateState(MetricMetadataNode node, string value, string valueType)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
                return new State(MetricStateType.None, String.Empty);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(valueType))
                throw new ArgumentNullException("valueType", string.Format("Can't calculate State for metric Id({0}) because value and value type are null", node.MetricId));

            //Activate the value.
            var t = GetType(valueType);
            object valueInstance = Convert.ChangeType(value, t);
            var compValue = (IComparable)valueInstance;

            foreach (var stateRule in node.States)
                bool? metMinValueConditionResult = null;
                bool? metMaxValueConditionResult = null;

                //Test to see what condition applies.
                Func<bool> metMinValueCondition = () =>
                    if (metMinValueConditionResult != null)
                        return metMinValueConditionResult.Value;

                    metMinValueConditionResult = IsMinimumConditionMet(stateRule, compValue, t);

                    return metMinValueConditionResult.Value;

                Func<bool> metMaxValueCondition = () =>
                    if (metMaxValueConditionResult != null)
                        return metMaxValueConditionResult.Value;

                    metMaxValueConditionResult = IsMaximumConditionMet(stateRule, compValue, t);

                    return metMaxValueConditionResult.Value;

                if (stateRule.MaxValue == null)
                    if (metMinValueCondition())
                        metMaxValueConditionResult = true;

                if (stateRule.MinValue == null && metMaxValueCondition())
                    metMinValueConditionResult = true;

                if (metMinValueCondition() && metMaxValueCondition())
                    return new State(stateRule.StateType, stateRule.StateText);

            //After going through the foreach if there is nothing then there is no threshold rule defined.
            //throw new NullReferenceException("There is no threshold rule that applies for this metricId=" + studentMetric.MetricId);
            return new State(MetricStateType.None, String.Empty);
        protected override void EstablishContext()
            //Prepare supplied data collections
            suppliedDomainEntityType = "School";
            suppliedMetricMetadataNode = GetSuppliedMetricMetadataNode();
            suppliedGranularMetricValue = .55m;
            suppliedGoalInterpretation = TrendInterpretation.Standard;
            suppliedGoalValue = .50m;
            suppliedGranularMetric = GetSuppliedGranularMetric();

            //This is for the original values in the state object for the granular metric.
            originalStateDisplayStateText = "This should be overriden.";
            originalStateStateText = "Should maintain value.";
            originalStateStateType = MetricStateType.None;
        private static Models.MetricState GetStateThatAppliesFromMultipleStates(MetricMetadataNode metricNode, MetricInstance metricInstance, IEnumerable<Models.MetricState> metricStateGoodRules)
            //Logic to pick the right one when we have many.

            if (metricInstance == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("metricInstance", string.Format("Can not calculate a Goal for metric Id:({0}) A Metric Instance is needed in the DB.", metricNode.MetricId));

            //We need to have the value to proceed.
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(metricInstance.Value))
				throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("metricInstance", "The value has to be supplied in order to be able to calculate the state. metric Id:(" + metricNode.MetricId + ")");

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(metricInstance.ValueTypeName))  // In case of bad or missing metadata	
				throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("metricInstance", "The value type has to be supplied in order to be able to calculate the state. metric Id:(" + metricNode.MetricId + ")");

            if (!metricInstance.ValueTypeName.StartsWith("System."))
                return null; //new Goal { Interpretation = TrendInterpretation.None, Value = null};

            //Activate the value.
            Type t = Type.GetType(metricInstance.ValueTypeName);
            object value = Convert.ChangeType(metricInstance.Value, t);
            var compValue = (IComparable)value;

            foreach (var stateRule in metricStateGoodRules)
                //Test to see what condition applies!
                bool metMinValueCondition = IsMinimumConditionMet(stateRule, compValue, t);
                bool metMaxValueCondition = IsMaximumConditionMet(stateRule, compValue, t);

                if (stateRule.MaxValue == null)
                    if (metMinValueCondition)
                        metMaxValueCondition = true;

                if (stateRule.MinValue == null && metMaxValueCondition)
                    metMinValueCondition = true;

                if (metMinValueCondition && metMaxValueCondition)
                    return stateRule;

            return null;
        protected virtual void ProcessForChildren(MetricInstanceSetRequestBase metricInstanceSetRequest, MetricMetadataNode metricMetadataNode, MetricDataContainer metricDataContainer, 
                                                  ContainerMetric parentMetric, Dictionary<string, object> initializationActivityData)
            // Initialize the list if it's not already initialized
            if (parentMetric.Children == null)
                parentMetric.Children = new List<MetricBase>();

            // Iterate through the children in the metadata
            foreach (var node in metricMetadataNode.Children)
                // Call recursively to create the tree
                var newChildMetric = CreateMetric(metricInstanceSetRequest, node, metricDataContainer, parentMetric, initializationActivityData);
 private void EnsureMetricNodeIdInitialized(MetricMetadataNode metadataNode)
     if (metadataNode.MetricNodeId == 0)
         metadataNode.MetricNodeId = int.MinValue + offset++;
 protected override void ExecuteTest()
     var service = new MetricNodeResolver(dashboardContextProvider, metricMetadataTreeService, rootMetricNodeResolver);
     actualModel = service.ResolveFromMetricVariantId(suppliedLocalEducationAgencyMetricVariantId);
 private void SetParent(MetricMetadataNode parent)
     foreach (var child in parent.Children)
         child.Parent = parent;
        private MetricMetadataNode GetSchoolRootOverviewNode()
            var tree = new TestMetricMetadataTree();

            var root = new MetricMetadataNode(tree)
                MetricId = 0,
                MetricVariantId = 1000,
                MetricVariantType = MetricVariantType.CurrentYear,
                Name = "Root",
                Children = new List<MetricMetadataNode>
                    new MetricMetadataNode(tree)
                        MetricId = 1, 
                        MetricVariantId = 1001,
                        MetricVariantType = MetricVariantType.CurrentYear,
                        Name = "LEA Overview", 
                        ChildDomainEntityMetricId = 2,
                        Children = new List<MetricMetadataNode>
                            new MetricMetadataNode(tree) {
                                MetricVariantId = 1011,
                                MetricVariantType = MetricVariantType.CurrentYear,
                                ChildDomainEntityMetricId = 21, 
                                Name = "LEA's Attendance and Discipline",
                                Children = new List<MetricMetadataNode>
                                                new MetricMetadataNode(tree)
                                                        MetricVariantId = 1111,
                                                        MetricVariantType = MetricVariantType.CurrentYear,
                                                        ChildDomainEntityMetricId = 211, 
                                                        Name = "Attendance"
                                                new MetricMetadataNode(tree)
                                                        MetricVariantId = 2111,
                                                        MetricVariantType = MetricVariantType.PriorYear,
                                                        ChildDomainEntityMetricId = 211, 
                                                        Name = "Attendance"
                                                new MetricMetadataNode(tree)
                                                        MetricVariantId = 1112,
                                                        MetricVariantType = MetricVariantType.CurrentYear,
                                                        Name = "Discipline"

            tree.Children = new List<MetricMetadataNode> { root };

            return root.Children.ElementAt(0);
 public override bool CanSupplyMetricData(MetricMetadataNode metricMetadataNode)
     return metricMetadataNode.MetricVariantType == MetricVariantType.PriorYear;
        private MetricMetadataNode GetSchoolRootOverviewNode()
            var tree = new TestMetricMetadataTree();

            var root = new MetricMetadataNode(tree)
                MetricId = 0,
                MetricVariantId = 1000,
                MetricVariantType = MetricVariantType.CurrentYear,
                Name = "Root",
                Children = new List<MetricMetadataNode>
                    new MetricMetadataNode(tree)
                        MetricId = 2, 
                        MetricVariantId = 1002,
                        MetricVariantType = MetricVariantType.CurrentYear,
                        Name = "School Overview", 
                        MetricNodeId = 7, 
                        Parent = null,
                        Children = new List<MetricMetadataNode>
                                        new MetricMetadataNode(tree)
                                            MetricVariantId = 1021,
                                            MetricVariantType = MetricVariantType.CurrentYear,
                                            MetricNodeId = 71, 
                                            Name = "School's Attendance and Discipline",
                                            Children = new List<MetricMetadataNode>
                                                            new MetricMetadataNode(tree)
                                                                    MetricVariantId = 1211,
                                                                    MetricVariantType = MetricVariantType.CurrentYear,
                                                                    MetricNodeId = 711, 
                                                                    Name = "Attendance"
                                                            new MetricMetadataNode(tree)
                                                                    MetricVariantId = 1212,
                                                                    MetricVariantType = MetricVariantType.CurrentYear,
                                                                    Name = "Discipline"
                                        new MetricMetadataNode(tree)
                                                MetricVariantId = 1022,
                                                MetricVariantType = MetricVariantType.CurrentYear,
                                                MetricNodeId = 72, 
                                                Name = "School's Other Metric"

            tree.Children = new List<MetricMetadataNode> { root };

            return root.Children.ElementAt(0);