// Calling this based on a grouping (in SasMetricRetriever) should guarantee that it will have metric names specified (cannot have empty group)
        internal override async Task <MetricListResponse> GetMetricsInternalAsync(MetricFilter filter, MetricLocation location, string invocationId)
            if (filter == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("filter");

            if (location == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("location");

            // This is called based on the definitions no the dimension portion of the filter should never be null or empty
            if (filter.DimensionFilters == null || !filter.DimensionFilters.Any())
                throw new ArgumentNullException("filter.DimensionFilters");

            // Separate out capacity metrics and transaction metrics into two groups
            IEnumerable <string> capacityMetrics    = filter.DimensionFilters.Select(df => df.Name).Where(StorageConstants.MetricNames.IsCapacityMetric);
            IEnumerable <string> transactionMetrics = filter.DimensionFilters.Select(df => df.Name).Where(n => !StorageConstants.MetricNames.IsCapacityMetric(n));

            List <Task <IEnumerable <Metric> > > queryTasks = new List <Task <IEnumerable <Metric> > >();

            // Add task to get capacity metrics (if any)
            if (capacityMetrics.Any())
                MetricTableInfo capacityTableInfo = location.TableInfo.FirstOrDefault(ti => StorageConstants.IsCapacityMetricsTable(ti.TableName));
                if (capacityTableInfo == null)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Definitions for capacity metrics must contain table info for capacity metrics table");

                queryTasks.Add(GetCapacityMetricsAsync(filter, GetTableReference(location, capacityTableInfo), capacityMetrics, invocationId));

            // Add tasks to get transaction metrics (if any)
            if (transactionMetrics.Any())
                IEnumerable <MetricTableInfo> transactionTableInfos = location.TableInfo.Where(ti => !StorageConstants.IsCapacityMetricsTable(ti.TableName));
                if (!transactionTableInfos.Any())
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Definitions for transaction metrics must contain table info for transaction metrics table");

                                    .Select(info => GetTransactionMetricsAsync(filter, GetTableReference(location, info), transactionMetrics, invocationId)));

            // Collect results and wrap
            return(new MetricListResponse()
                RequestId = invocationId,
                StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.OK,
                MetricCollection = new MetricCollection()
                    Value = (await CollectResultsAsync(queryTasks)).ToList()
        // Copied from Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Monitoring.ResourceProviders.Storage.Rest.V2011_12.MetricBaseController
        private static TableQuery <DynamicTableEntity> GetCapacityQuery(MetricFilter filter)
            // capacity only applies for blob service and only for a timegrain of 1 day
            if (filter.TimeGrain != TimeSpan.FromDays(1))

            // since the timestamp field does not represent the actual sample period the only time vaule represented is the partitionkey
            // this is basically truncated to the hr with the min zeroed out.
            DateTime partitionKeyStartTime = filter.StartTime;
            DateTime partitionKeyEndTime   = filter.EndTime;

            string startKey = partitionKeyStartTime.ToString("yyyyMMddTHH00");
            string endKey   = partitionKeyEndTime.ToString("yyyyMMddTHH00");

            var filter1 = TableQuery.GenerateFilterCondition("PartitionKey", QueryComparisons.GreaterThanOrEqual, startKey);
            var filter2 = TableQuery.GenerateFilterCondition("PartitionKey", QueryComparisons.LessThanOrEqual, endKey);
            var filter3 = TableQuery.GenerateFilterCondition("RowKey", QueryComparisons.Equal, "data");

            var tableQuery = new TableQuery <DynamicTableEntity>()
                             .Where(TableQuery.CombineFilters(TableQuery.CombineFilters(filter1, TableOperators.And, filter2), TableOperators.And, filter3));

        // Calling this based on a grouping (in SasMetricRetriever) should guarantee that it will have metric names specified (cannot have empty group)
        internal override async Task<MetricListResponse> GetMetricsInternalAsync(MetricFilter filter, MetricLocation location, string invocationId)
            if (filter == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("filter");

            if (location == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("location");

            // This is called based on the definitions no the dimension portion of the filter should never be null or empty
            if (filter.DimensionFilters == null || !filter.DimensionFilters.Any())
                throw new ArgumentNullException("filter.DimensionFilters");

            // Separate out capacity metrics and transaction metrics into two groups
            IEnumerable<string> capacityMetrics = filter.DimensionFilters.Select(df => df.Name).Where(StorageConstants.MetricNames.IsCapacityMetric);
            IEnumerable<string> transactionMetrics = filter.DimensionFilters.Select(df => df.Name).Where(n => !StorageConstants.MetricNames.IsCapacityMetric(n));

            List<Task<IEnumerable<Metric>>> queryTasks = new List<Task<IEnumerable<Metric>>>(); 

            // Add task to get capacity metrics (if any)
            if (capacityMetrics.Any())
                MetricTableInfo capacityTableInfo = location.TableInfo.FirstOrDefault(ti => StorageConstants.IsCapacityMetricsTable(ti.TableName));
                if (capacityTableInfo == null)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Definitions for capacity metrics must contain table info for capacity metrics table");

                queryTasks.Add(GetCapacityMetricsAsync(filter, GetTableReference(location, capacityTableInfo), capacityMetrics, invocationId));

            // Add tasks to get transaction metrics (if any)
            if (transactionMetrics.Any())
                IEnumerable<MetricTableInfo> transactionTableInfos = location.TableInfo.Where(ti => !StorageConstants.IsCapacityMetricsTable(ti.TableName));
                if (!transactionTableInfos.Any())
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Definitions for transaction metrics must contain table info for transaction metrics table");

                    .Select(info => GetTransactionMetricsAsync(filter, GetTableReference(location, info), transactionMetrics, invocationId)));

            // Collect results and wrap
            return new MetricListResponse()
                RequestId = invocationId,
                StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.OK,
                MetricCollection = new MetricCollection()
                    Value = (await CollectResultsAsync(queryTasks)).ToList()
 public Builder(MetricRegistry registry)
     this.registry     = registry;
     this.rateUnit     = TimeUnit.Seconds;
     this.durationUnit = TimeUnit.Milliseconds;
     this.clock        = Clock.DefaultClock;
     this.filter       = MetricFilters.ALL;
 public static bool Contains(this IList <MetricAvailability> list, MetricFilter filter)
     foreach (var item in list)
         return(item.TimeGrain == filter.TimeGrain);
 internal Builder(MetricRegistry registry)
     this.registry = registry;
     this.output = Console.Out;
     this.clock = Clock.DefaultClock;
     this.rateUnit = TimeUnit.Seconds;
     this.durationUnit = TimeUnit.Milliseconds;
     this.filter = MetricFilters.ALL;
 internal Builder(MetricRegistry registry)
     this.registry     = registry;
     this.output       = Console.Out;
     this.clock        = Clock.DefaultClock;
     this.rateUnit     = TimeUnit.Seconds;
     this.durationUnit = TimeUnit.Milliseconds;
     this.filter       = MetricFilters.ALL;
 internal Builder(MetricRegistry registry)
     this.registry = registry;
     this.clock = Clock.DefaultClock;
     this.prefix = null;
     this.rateUnit = TimeUnit.Seconds;
     this.durationUnit = TimeUnit.Milliseconds;
     this.filter = MetricFilters.ALL;
 /// <summary>
 /// Removes all metrics which match the given filter.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="filter">a filter</param>
 public void RemoveMatching(MetricFilter filter)
     foreach (KeyValuePair <MetricName, IMetric> pair in _metrics)
         if (filter(pair.Key, pair.Value))
 public CsvReporter(MetricRegistry registry,
                    string directory,
                    TimeUnit rateUnit,
                    TimeUnit durationUnit,
                    Clock clock,
                    MetricFilter filter) : base(registry, "csv-reporter", filter, rateUnit, durationUnit)
     this.directory = directory;
     this.clock     = clock;
 private ConsoleReporter(MetricRegistry registry,
                         TextWriter output,
                         Clock clock,
                         TimeUnit rateUnit,
                         TimeUnit durationUnit,
                         MetricFilter filter) :
     base(registry, "console-reporter", filter, rateUnit, durationUnit)
     this.output = output;
     this.clock  = clock;
        public CsvReporter(MetricRegistry registry,
                            string directory,
                            TimeUnit rateUnit,
                            TimeUnit durationUnit,
                            Clock clock,
                            MetricFilter filter) : base(registry, "csv-reporter", filter, rateUnit, durationUnit)

            this.directory = directory;
            this.clock = clock;
        public async Task <MetricListResponse> GetMetricsAsync(string resourceId, string filterString, IEnumerable <MetricDefinition> definitions, string invocationId)
            MetricFilter filter = MetricFilterExpressionParser.Parse(filterString);

            // Grab all metric definitiions that contain the specific timegrain from the filter.
            // See the extension class for implementation
            var timegraindefinitions = from d in definitions
                                       where d.MetricAvailabilities.Count > 0 &&
                                       select d;

            // Group definitions by location so we can make one request to each location
            Dictionary <MetricAvailability, MetricFilter> groups =
                timegraindefinitions.GroupBy(d => d.MetricAvailabilities.FirstOrDefault()).ToDictionary(g => g.Key, g => new MetricFilter()
                TimeGrain        = filter.TimeGrain,
                StartTime        = filter.StartTime,
                EndTime          = filter.EndTime,
                DimensionFilters = g.Select(d =>
                                            filter.DimensionFilters.FirstOrDefault(df => string.Equals(df.Name, d.Name.Value, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                                            ?? new MetricDimension()
                    Name = d.Name.Value
            }, new AvailabilityComparer());

            // Verify all groups represent shoebox metrics
            if (groups.Any(g => g.Key.Location == null))
                throw new ArgumentException("All definitions provided to ShoeboxMetricRetriever must include location information.", "definitions");

            // Get Metrics from each location (group)
            IEnumerable <Task <MetricListResponse> > locationTasks = groups.Select(g => this.GetMetricsInternalAsync(g.Value, g.Key.Location, invocationId));

            // Aggregate metrics from all groups
            MetricListResponse[] results = (await Task.Factory.ContinueWhenAll(locationTasks.ToArray(), tasks => tasks.Select(t => t.Result))).ToArray();
            IEnumerable <Metric> metrics = results.Aggregate <MetricListResponse, IEnumerable <Metric> >(
                new List <Metric>(), (list, response) => list.Union(response.MetricCollection.Value));

            // Return aggregated results (the MetricOperations class will fill in additional info from the MetricDefinitions)
            return(new MetricListResponse()
                RequestId = invocationId,
                StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.OK,
                MetricCollection = new MetricCollection()
                    Value = metrics.ToList()
 private GraphiteReporter(MetricRegistry registry,
                          GraphiteSender graphite,
                          Clock clock,
                          String prefix,
                          TimeUnit rateUnit,
                          TimeUnit durationUnit,
                          MetricFilter filter) : base(registry, "graphite-reporter", filter, rateUnit, durationUnit)
     this.graphite = graphite;
     this.clock    = clock;
     this.prefix   = MetricName.build(prefix);
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new <see cref="ScheduledReporter"/> instance
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="registry">the <see cref="MetricRegistry"/> containing the metrics this reporter will report</param>
 /// <param name="name">the reporter's name</param>
 /// <param name="filter">the filter for which metrics to report</param>
 /// <param name="rateUnit">a unit of time</param>
 /// <param name="durationUnit">a unit of time</param>
 protected ScheduledReporter(MetricRegistry registry,
                             string name,
                             MetricFilter filter,
                             TimeUnit rateUnit,
                             TimeUnit durationUnit)
     this.registry = registry;
     this.filter = filter;
     this.rateFactor = rateUnit.ToSeconds(1);
     this.rateUnit = calculateRateUnit(rateUnit);
     this.durationFactor = 1.0 / durationUnit.ToNanos(1);
     this.durationUnit = durationUnit.ToString().ToLowerInvariant();
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new <see cref="ScheduledReporter"/> instance
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="registry">the <see cref="MetricRegistry"/> containing the metrics this reporter will report</param>
 /// <param name="name">the reporter's name</param>
 /// <param name="filter">the filter for which metrics to report</param>
 /// <param name="rateUnit">a unit of time</param>
 /// <param name="durationUnit">a unit of time</param>
 protected ScheduledReporter(MetricRegistry registry,
                             string name,
                             MetricFilter filter,
                             TimeUnit rateUnit,
                             TimeUnit durationUnit)
     this.registry       = registry;
     this.filter         = filter;
     this.rateFactor     = rateUnit.ToSeconds(1);
     this.rateUnit       = calculateRateUnit(rateUnit);
     this.durationFactor = 1.0 / durationUnit.ToNanos(1);
     this.durationUnit   = durationUnit.ToString().ToLowerInvariant();
        private IDictionary <MetricName, T> getMetrics <T>(MetricFilter filter) where T : IMetric
            MetricFilter finalFilter           = filter + ((name, metric) => metric is T);
            IDictionary <MetricName, T> retVal = new Dictionary <MetricName, T>();

            foreach (KeyValuePair <MetricName, IMetric> kv in _metrics)
                if (finalFilter(kv.Key, kv.Value))
                    retVal.Add(kv.Key, (T)kv.Value);
        private static async Task <IEnumerable <Metric> > GetTransactionMetricsAsync(MetricFilter filter, CloudTable table, IEnumerable <string> metricNames, string invocationId)
            // Get relevant dimensions
            IEnumerable <MetricDimension> metricDimensions = filter.DimensionFilters.Where(df => metricNames.Contains(df.Name));

            // Get appropriate entities from table
            IEnumerable <DynamicTableEntity> entities = await GetEntitiesAsync(table, GetTransactionQuery(filter, GetOperationNameForQuery(
                                                                                                              StorageConstants.Dimensions.ApiDimensionAggregateValue)), invocationId);

            // Construct Metrics and accumulate results
                   .Select(md => CreateTransactionMetric(filter, md, entities))
                   .Aggregate <IEnumerable <Metric>, IEnumerable <Metric> >(new Metric[0], (a, b) => a.Union(b)));
        // Copied from Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Monitoring.ResourceProviders.Storage.Rest.V2011_12.MetricBaseController
        private static TableQuery <DynamicTableEntity> GetTransactionQuery(MetricFilter filter, string operationName = null)
            // storage transaction queries are only supported for 1 hr and 1 min timegrains
            if (filter.TimeGrain != StorageConstants.PT1H && filter.TimeGrain != StorageConstants.PT1M)

            DateTime partitionKeyStartTime = filter.StartTime;
            DateTime partitionKeyEndTime   = filter.EndTime;

            // start by assuming that we are querying for hr metrics
            // since the timestamp field does not represent the actual sample period the only time value represented is the partitionkey
            // this is basically truncated to the hr with the min zeroed out.
            string startKey = partitionKeyStartTime.ToString("yyyyMMddTHH00");
            string endKey   = partitionKeyEndTime.ToString("yyyyMMddTHH00");

            // if this is actually a minute metric request correct the partition keys and table name format
            if (filter.TimeGrain == TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1))
                startKey = partitionKeyStartTime.ToString("yyyyMMddTHHmm");
                endKey   = partitionKeyEndTime.ToString("yyyyMMddTHHmm");

            string rowKey        = "user;";
            string rowComparison = QueryComparisons.Equal;

            // If requesting a particular operation, get only that one (dimension value), otherwise get all
            if (operationName == null)
                rowComparison = QueryComparisons.GreaterThanOrEqual;
                rowKey += operationName;

            var filter1 = TableQuery.GenerateFilterCondition("PartitionKey", QueryComparisons.GreaterThanOrEqual, startKey);
            var filter2 = TableQuery.GenerateFilterCondition("PartitionKey", QueryComparisons.LessThanOrEqual, endKey);
            var filter3 = TableQuery.GenerateFilterCondition("RowKey", rowComparison, rowKey);

            var tableQuery = new TableQuery <DynamicTableEntity>().Where(
                TableQuery.CombineFilters(TableQuery.CombineFilters(filter1, TableOperators.And, filter2), TableOperators.And, filter3));

        private static async Task <IEnumerable <Metric> > GetCapacityMetricsAsync(MetricFilter filter, CloudTable table, IEnumerable <string> metricNames, string invocationId)
            IEnumerable <DynamicTableEntity> entities = await SasMetricRetriever.GetEntitiesAsync(table, GetCapacityQuery(filter), invocationId);

            return(metricNames.Select(n => new Metric()
                Name = new LocalizableString()
                    Value = n,
                    LocalizedValue = n
                StartTime = filter.StartTime,
                EndTime = filter.EndTime,
                TimeGrain = filter.TimeGrain,
                Properties = new Dictionary <string, string>(),
                MetricValues = entities.Select(entity => GetMetricValueFromEntity(entity, n)).ToList()
        public Task <MetricListResponse> GetMetricsAsync(string resourceId, string filterString, IEnumerable <MetricDefinition> definitions, string invocationId)
            MetricFilter filter = MetricFilterExpressionParser.Parse(filterString);

            return(Task.Factory.StartNew(() => new MetricListResponse()
                RequestId = invocationId,
                StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.OK,
                MetricCollection = new MetricCollection()
                    Value = definitions == null ? new List <Metric>() : definitions.Select(d => new Metric()
                        Name = d.Name,
                        Unit = d.Unit,
                        ResourceId = resourceId,
                        StartTime = filter.StartTime,
                        EndTime = filter.EndTime,
                        TimeGrain = filter.TimeGrain,
                        MetricValues = new List <MetricValue>(),
                        Properties = new Dictionary <string, string>()
        private static async Task<IEnumerable<Metric>> GetCapacityMetricsAsync(MetricFilter filter, CloudTable table, IEnumerable<string> metricNames, string invocationId)
            IEnumerable<DynamicTableEntity> entities = await SasMetricRetriever.GetEntitiesAsync(
                table: table, 
                query: GetCapacityQuery(filter), 
                invocationId: invocationId,
                maxBatchSize: Util.MaxMetricEntities);

            return metricNames.Select(n => new Metric()
                Name = new LocalizableString()
                    Value = n,
                    LocalizedValue = n
                StartTime = filter.StartTime,
                EndTime = filter.EndTime,
                TimeGrain = filter.TimeGrain,
                Properties = new Dictionary<string, string>(),
                MetricValues = entities.Select(entity => GetMetricValueFromEntity(entity, n)).ToList()
  * Only report metrics which match the given filter.
  * @param filter a {@link MetricFilter}
  * @return {@code this}
 public Builder withFilter(MetricFilter filter)
     this.filter = filter;
     return this;
        // Copied from Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Monitoring.ResourceProviders.Storage.Rest.V2011_12.MetricBaseController
        private static TableQuery<DynamicTableEntity> GetCapacityQuery(MetricFilter filter)
            // capacity only applies for blob service and only for a timegrain of 1 day
            if (filter.TimeGrain != TimeSpan.FromDays(1))
                return null;

            // since the timestamp field does not represent the actual sample period the only time vaule represented is the partitionkey
            // this is basically truncated to the hr with the min zeroed out.
            DateTime partitionKeyStartTime = filter.StartTime;
            DateTime partitionKeyEndTime = filter.EndTime;

            string startKey = partitionKeyStartTime.ToString("yyyyMMddTHH00");
            string endKey = partitionKeyEndTime.ToString("yyyyMMddTHH00");

            var filter1 = TableQuery.GenerateFilterCondition("PartitionKey", QueryComparisons.GreaterThanOrEqual, startKey);
            var filter2 = TableQuery.GenerateFilterCondition("PartitionKey", QueryComparisons.LessThanOrEqual, endKey);
            var filter3 = TableQuery.GenerateFilterCondition("RowKey", QueryComparisons.Equal, "data");

            var tableQuery = new TableQuery<DynamicTableEntity>()
                .Where(TableQuery.CombineFilters(TableQuery.CombineFilters(filter1, TableOperators.And, filter2), TableOperators.And, filter3));

            return tableQuery;
        private static IEnumerable <Metric> CreateTransactionMetric(MetricFilter filter, MetricDimension metricDimension, IEnumerable <DynamicTableEntity> entities)
            List <Metric> metrics = new List <Metric>();

            // Get supported metric dimension
            MetricFilterDimension filterDimension = metricDimension.Dimensions == null
                ? null
                : metricDimension.Dimensions.FirstOrDefault(fd =>
                                                            string.Equals(fd.Name, StorageConstants.Dimensions.ApiDimensionName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));

            // no dimensions (or no supported dimensions) means only get aggregate values (user;All)
            if (filterDimension == null)
                metrics.Add(new Metric()
                    Name = new LocalizableString()
                        Value          = metricDimension.Name,
                        LocalizedValue = metricDimension.Name
                    StartTime    = filter.StartTime,
                    EndTime      = filter.EndTime,
                    TimeGrain    = filter.TimeGrain,
                    Properties   = new Dictionary <string, string>(),
                    MetricValues = entities
                                   .Where(e => string.Equals(e.RowKey, GetTransactionRowKey(StorageConstants.Dimensions.ApiDimensionAggregateValue), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                                   .Select(e => GetMetricValueFromEntity(e, metricDimension.Name)).ToList()

            // Dimension specified, get samples with requested dimension value
                // This is the function for filtering based on dimension value (row key)
                Func <IGrouping <string, DynamicTableEntity>, bool> groupFilter;

                // dimension specified, but no values means get all and group by dimension value (row key)
                if (filterDimension.Values == null || !filterDimension.Values.Any())
                    // select all groups, but leave off aggregate. Each group becomes one metric
                    groupFilter = (entityGroup) =>
                                  !string.Equals(entityGroup.Key, GetTransactionRowKey(StorageConstants.Dimensions.ApiDimensionName), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
                    // select only groups specified by dimension values
                    groupFilter = (entityGroup) => filterDimension.Values.Select(GetTransactionRowKey).Contains(entityGroup.Key);

                // Construct and add the metrics to the collection to return
                                 .GroupBy(e => e.RowKey)
                                 .Select(entityGroup => new Metric()
                    Name = new LocalizableString()
                        Value          = metricDimension.Name,
                        LocalizedValue = metricDimension.Name
                    StartTime    = filter.StartTime,
                    EndTime      = filter.EndTime,
                    TimeGrain    = filter.TimeGrain,
                    Properties   = new Dictionary <string, string>(),
                    MetricValues = entityGroup.Select(e => GetMetricValueFromEntity(e, metricDimension.Name)).ToList()

            // return only values specified
 /// <summary>
 /// Retrieves the metric values from the shoebox
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="filter">The $filter query string</param>
 /// <param name="location">The MetricLocation object</param>
 /// <param name="invocationId">The invocation id</param>
 /// <returns>The MetricValueListResponse</returns>
 // Note: Does not populate Metric fields unrelated to query (i.e. "display name", resourceUri, and properties)
 internal abstract Task <MetricListResponse> GetMetricsInternalAsync(MetricFilter filter, MetricLocation location, string invocationId);
        private static IEnumerable<Metric> CreateTransactionMetric(MetricFilter filter, MetricDimension metricDimension, IEnumerable<DynamicTableEntity> entities)
            List<Metric> metrics = new List<Metric>();

            // Get supported metric dimension
            MetricFilterDimension filterDimension = metricDimension.Dimensions == null
                ? null
                : metricDimension.Dimensions.FirstOrDefault(fd =>
                    string.Equals(fd.Name, StorageConstants.Dimensions.ApiDimensionName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));

            // no dimensions (or no supported dimensions) means only get aggregate values (user;All)
            if (filterDimension == null)
                metrics.Add(new Metric()
                    Name = new LocalizableString()
                        Value = metricDimension.Name,
                        LocalizedValue = metricDimension.Name
                    StartTime = filter.StartTime,
                    EndTime = filter.EndTime,
                    TimeGrain = filter.TimeGrain,
                    Properties = new Dictionary<string, string>(),
                    MetricValues = entities
                        .Where(e => string.Equals(e.RowKey, GetTransactionRowKey(StorageConstants.Dimensions.ApiDimensionAggregateValue), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        .Select(e => GetMetricValueFromEntity(e, metricDimension.Name)).ToList()

            // Dimension specified, get samples with requested dimension value
                // This is the function for filtering based on dimension value (row key)
                Func<IGrouping<string, DynamicTableEntity>, bool> groupFilter;

                // dimension specified, but no values means get all and group by dimension value (row key)
                if (filterDimension.Values == null || !filterDimension.Values.Any())
                    // select all groups, but leave off aggregate. Each group becomes one metric
                    groupFilter = (entityGroup) =>
                        !string.Equals(entityGroup.Key, GetTransactionRowKey(StorageConstants.Dimensions.ApiDimensionName), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
                    // select only groups specified by dimension values
                    groupFilter = (entityGroup) => filterDimension.Values.Select(GetTransactionRowKey).Contains(entityGroup.Key);

                // Construct and add the metrics to the collection to return
                    .GroupBy(e => e.RowKey)
                    .Select(entityGroup => new Metric()
                        Name = new LocalizableString()
                            Value = metricDimension.Name,
                            LocalizedValue = metricDimension.Name
                        StartTime = filter.StartTime,
                        EndTime = filter.EndTime,
                        TimeGrain = filter.TimeGrain,
                        Properties = new Dictionary<string, string>(),
                        MetricValues = entityGroup.Select(e => GetMetricValueFromEntity(e, metricDimension.Name)).ToList()

            // return only values specified
            return metrics;
 private static bool IsMetricDefinitionIncluded(MetricFilter filter, MetricDefinition metricDefinition)
     return filter == null || filter.DimensionFilters.Any(x => string.Equals(metricDefinition.Name.Value, x.Name, StringComparison.Ordinal));
        private async Task <Dictionary <string, List <MetricValueBlob> > > FetchMetricValuesFromBlob(BlobInfo blobInfo, MetricFilter filter)
            if (blobInfo.EndTime < filter.StartTime || blobInfo.StartTime >= filter.EndTime)
                return(new Dictionary <string, List <MetricValueBlob> >());

            var blob = new CloudBlockBlob(new Uri(blobInfo.BlobUri));

            using (var memoryStream = new MemoryStream())
                    await blob.DownloadToStreamAsync(memoryStream);
                catch (StorageException ex)
                    if (ex.RequestInformation.HttpStatusCode == 404)
                        return(new Dictionary <string, List <MetricValueBlob> >());


                memoryStream.Seek(0, 0);
                using (var streamReader = new StreamReader(memoryStream))
                    string content = await streamReader.ReadToEndAsync();

                    var metricBlob   = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <MetricBlob>(content);
                    var metricValues = metricBlob.records;

                    var metricsPerName = new Dictionary <string, List <MetricValueBlob> >();
                    foreach (var metric in metricValues)
                        if (metric.time < filter.StartTime || metric.time >= filter.EndTime)

                        List <MetricValueBlob> metrics;
                        if (!metricsPerName.TryGetValue(metric.metricName, out metrics))
                            metrics = new List <MetricValueBlob>();
                            metricsPerName.Add(metric.metricName, metrics);


 /// <summary>
 /// Returns a map of all the counters in the registry and their names which match the given filter.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="filter">the metric filter to match</param>
 /// <returns>the matching counters in the registry</returns>
 public IDictionary <MetricName, Counter> getCounters(MetricFilter filter)
     return(getMetrics <Counter>(filter));
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns a map of all the histograms in the registry and their names which match the given filter.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="filter">the metric filter to match</param>
 /// <returns>the matching histograms in the registry</returns>
 public IDictionary <MetricName, Histogram> getHistograms(MetricFilter filter)
     return(getMetrics <Histogram>(filter));
 /// <summary>
 /// Only report metrics which match the given <see cref="MetricFilter"/>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="filter">a <see cref="MetricFilter"/></param>
 /// <returns><c>this</c></returns>
 public Builder withFilter(MetricFilter filter)
     this.filter = filter;
        private GraphiteReporter(MetricRegistry registry,
                         GraphiteSender graphite,
                         Clock clock,
                         String prefix,
                         TimeUnit rateUnit,
                         TimeUnit durationUnit,
                         MetricFilter filter) : base(registry, "graphite-reporter", filter, rateUnit, durationUnit)

            this.graphite = graphite;
            this.clock = clock;
            this.prefix = MetricName.build(prefix);
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns a map of all the gauges in the registry and their names which match the given filter.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="filter">the metric filter to match</param>
 /// <returns>the matching gauges in the registry</returns>
 public IDictionary <MetricName, Gauge> getGauges(MetricFilter filter)
     return(getMetrics <Gauge>(filter));
 internal override async Task <MetricListResponse> GetMetricsInternalAsync(MetricFilter filter, MetricLocation location, string invocationId)
     return(await ShoeboxClient.GetMetricsInternalAsync(filter, location, invocationId));
 internal override async Task<MetricListResponse> GetMetricsInternalAsync(MetricFilter filter, MetricLocation location, string invocationId)
     return await ShoeboxClient.GetMetricsInternalAsync(filter, location, invocationId);
        // Copied from Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Monitoring.ResourceProviders.Storage.Rest.V2011_12.MetricBaseController
        private static TableQuery<DynamicTableEntity> GetTransactionQuery(MetricFilter filter, string operationName = null)
            // storage transaction queries are only supported for 1 hr and 1 min timegrains
            if (filter.TimeGrain != StorageConstants.PT1H && filter.TimeGrain != StorageConstants.PT1M)
                return null;

            DateTime partitionKeyStartTime = filter.StartTime;
            DateTime partitionKeyEndTime = filter.EndTime;

            // start by assuming that we are querying for hr metrics
            // since the timestamp field does not represent the actual sample period the only time value represented is the partitionkey
            // this is basically truncated to the hr with the min zeroed out.
            string startKey = partitionKeyStartTime.ToString("yyyyMMddTHH00");
            string endKey = partitionKeyEndTime.ToString("yyyyMMddTHH00");

            // if this is actually a minute metric request correct the partition keys and table name format
            if (filter.TimeGrain == TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1))
                startKey = partitionKeyStartTime.ToString("yyyyMMddTHHmm");
                endKey = partitionKeyEndTime.ToString("yyyyMMddTHHmm");

            string rowKey = "user;";
            string rowComparison = QueryComparisons.Equal;

            // If requesting a particular operation, get only that one (dimension value), otherwise get all
            if (operationName == null)
                rowComparison = QueryComparisons.GreaterThanOrEqual;
                rowKey += operationName;

            var filter1 = TableQuery.GenerateFilterCondition("PartitionKey", QueryComparisons.GreaterThanOrEqual, startKey);
            var filter2 = TableQuery.GenerateFilterCondition("PartitionKey", QueryComparisons.LessThanOrEqual, endKey);
            var filter3 = TableQuery.GenerateFilterCondition("RowKey", rowComparison, rowKey);

            var tableQuery = new TableQuery<DynamicTableEntity>().Where(
                TableQuery.CombineFilters(TableQuery.CombineFilters(filter1, TableOperators.And, filter2), TableOperators.And, filter3));

            return tableQuery;
        private ConsoleReporter(MetricRegistry registry,
                                TextWriter output,
                                Clock clock,
                                TimeUnit rateUnit,
                                TimeUnit durationUnit,
                                MetricFilter filter) :
            base(registry, "console-reporter", filter, rateUnit, durationUnit)
            this.output = output;
            this.clock = clock;

 private static bool IsMetricDefinitionIncluded(MetricFilter filter, MetricDefinition metricDefinition)
     return(filter == null || filter.DimensionFilters.Any(x => string.Equals(metricDefinition.Name.Value, x.Name, StringComparison.Ordinal)));
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns a map of all the timers in the registry and their names which match the given filter.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="filter">the metric filter to match</param>
 /// <returns>the matching timers in the registry</returns>
 public IDictionary <MetricName, Timer> getTimers(MetricFilter filter)
     return(getMetrics <Timer>(filter));
        public async Task <MetricListResponse> GetMetricsAsync(string resourceId, string filterString, IEnumerable <MetricDefinition> definitions, string invocationId)
            MetricFilter filter = MetricFilterExpressionParser.Parse(filterString);

            var metricsPerBlob = new Dictionary <string, Task <Dictionary <string, List <MetricValueBlob> > > >(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

            // We download all the relevant blobs first and then use the data later, to avoid download the same blob more than once.
            foreach (MetricDefinition metricDefinition in definitions)
                if (!IsMetricDefinitionIncluded(filter, metricDefinition))

                foreach (MetricAvailability availability in metricDefinition.MetricAvailabilities)
                    if (availability.BlobLocation == null)

                    foreach (BlobInfo blobInfo in availability.BlobLocation.BlobInfo)
                        string blobId = GetBlobEndpoint(blobInfo);
                        if (!metricsPerBlob.ContainsKey(blobId))
                            metricsPerBlob.Add(blobId, FetchMetricValuesFromBlob(blobInfo, filter));

            foreach (var task in metricsPerBlob.Values)
                await task;

            var result = new MetricListResponse
                MetricCollection = new MetricCollection
                    Value = new List <Metric>()

            // Populate the metrics result using the data from the blobs.
            foreach (MetricDefinition metricDefinition in definitions)
                if (!IsMetricDefinitionIncluded(filter, metricDefinition))

                foreach (MetricAvailability availability in metricDefinition.MetricAvailabilities)
                    if (availability.BlobLocation == null)

                    var metricValues = new List <MetricValueBlob>();
                    foreach (BlobInfo blobInfo in availability.BlobLocation.BlobInfo)
                        string blobId = GetBlobEndpoint(blobInfo);

                        List <MetricValueBlob> metricsInBlob;
                        if (metricsPerBlob[blobId].Result.TryGetValue(metricDefinition.Name.Value, out metricsInBlob))

                    var metric = new Metric
                        Name = new LocalizableString
                            Value          = metricDefinition.Name.Value,
                            LocalizedValue = metricDefinition.Name.LocalizedValue,
                        StartTime    = filter.StartTime,
                        EndTime      = filter.EndTime,
                        MetricValues = GetAggregatedByTimestamp(metricValues),
                        TimeGrain    = availability.TimeGrain,


 /// <summary>
 /// Retrieves the metric values from the shoebox
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="filter">The $filter query string</param>
 /// <param name="location">The MetricLocation object</param>
 /// <param name="invocationId">The invocation id</param>
 /// <returns>The MetricValueListResponse</returns>
 // Note: Does not populate Metric fields unrelated to query (i.e. "display name", resourceUri, and properties)
 internal MetricListResponse GetMetricsInternal(MetricFilter filter, MetricLocation location, string invocationId)
     return(GetMetricsInternalAsync(filter, location, invocationId).Result);
        private async Task<Dictionary<string, List<MetricValueBlob>>> FetchMetricValuesFromBlob(BlobInfo blobInfo, MetricFilter filter)
            if (blobInfo.EndTime < filter.StartTime || blobInfo.StartTime >= filter.EndTime)
                return new Dictionary<string, List<MetricValueBlob>>();

            var blob = new CloudBlockBlob(new Uri(blobInfo.BlobUri));

            using (var memoryStream = new MemoryStream())
                    await blob.DownloadToStreamAsync(memoryStream);
                catch (StorageException ex)
                    if (ex.RequestInformation.HttpStatusCode == 404)
                        return new Dictionary<string, List<MetricValueBlob>>();

                memoryStream.Seek(0, 0);
                using (var streamReader = new StreamReader(memoryStream))
                    string content = await streamReader.ReadToEndAsync();
                    var metricBlob = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<MetricBlob>(content);
                    var metricValues = metricBlob.records;

                    var metricsPerName = new Dictionary<string, List<MetricValueBlob>>();
                    foreach (var metric in metricValues)
                        if (metric.time < filter.StartTime || metric.time >= filter.EndTime)

                        List<MetricValueBlob> metrics;
                        if (!metricsPerName.TryGetValue(metric.metricName, out metrics))
                            metrics = new List<MetricValueBlob>();
                            metricsPerName.Add(metric.metricName, metrics);


                    return metricsPerName;
        private static async Task<IEnumerable<Metric>> GetTransactionMetricsAsync(MetricFilter filter, CloudTable table, IEnumerable<string> metricNames, string invocationId)
            // Get relevant dimensions
            IEnumerable<MetricDimension> metricDimensions = filter.DimensionFilters.Where(df => metricNames.Contains(df.Name));

            // Get appropriate entities from table
            IEnumerable<DynamicTableEntity> entities = await GetEntitiesAsync(
                table: table, 
                query: GetTransactionQuery(
                           filter: filter, 
                           operationName: GetOperationNameForQuery(
                               dimensionName: StorageConstants.Dimensions.ApiDimensionName, 
                               dimensionAggregateValue: StorageConstants.Dimensions.ApiDimensionAggregateValue)), 
                invocationId: invocationId,
                maxBatchSize: Util.MaxMetricEntities);

            // Construct Metrics and accumulate results
            return metricDimensions
                .Select(md => CreateTransactionMetric(filter, md, entities))
                .Aggregate<IEnumerable<Metric>,IEnumerable<Metric>>(new Metric[0], (a, b) => a.Union(b));