public void CreateWorkItems() { IMethodInfo method = new MethodWrapper(typeof(DummyFixture), "DummyTest"); ITest test = new TestMethod(method); _workItem = WorkItem.CreateWorkItem(test, TestFilter.Empty); _context = new TestExecutionContext(); _workItem.InitializeContext(_context); }
public static void resolve(MemberName self, jlClass caller) { #if !FIRST_PASS if (self.isMethod() || self.isConstructor()) { TypeWrapper tw = TypeWrapper.FromClass(self.getDeclaringClass()); if (tw == && (self.getName() == "invoke" || self.getName() == "invokeExact")) { typeof(MemberName).GetField("vmindex", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance).SetValue(self, Int32.MaxValue); return; } MethodWrapper mw = tw.GetMethodWrapper(self.getName(), self.getSignature().Replace('/', '.'), true); if (mw != null) { tw = mw.DeclaringType; int index = Array.IndexOf(tw.GetMethods(), mw); if (index != -1) { // TODO self.setVMIndex(index); typeof(MemberName).GetField("vmindex", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance).SetValue(self, index); typeof(MemberName).GetField("vmtarget", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance).SetValue(self, tw); int flags = (int)mw.Modifiers; if (self.isMethod()) { flags |= MemberName.IS_METHOD; } else { flags |= MemberName.IS_CONSTRUCTOR; } typeof(MemberName).GetField("flags", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance).SetValue(self, flags); } } } else if (self.isField()) { TypeWrapper tw = TypeWrapper.FromClass(self.getDeclaringClass()); // TODO should we look in base classes? FieldWrapper fw = tw.GetFieldWrapper(self.getName(), self.getSignature().Replace('/', '.')); if (fw != null) { int index = Array.IndexOf(fw.DeclaringType.GetFields(), fw); if (index != -1) { // TODO self.setVMIndex(index); typeof(MemberName).GetField("vmindex", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance).SetValue(self, index); typeof(MemberName).GetField("flags", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance).SetValue(self, (int)fw.Modifiers | MemberName.IS_FIELD); } } } else { throw new InvalidOperationException(); } #endif }
internal static MethodBuilder AddAutomagicSerialization(DynamicTypeWrapper wrapper, TypeBuilder typeBuilder) { MethodBuilder serializationCtor = null; if ((wrapper.Modifiers & IKVM.Attributes.Modifiers.Enum) != 0) { MarkSerializable(typeBuilder); } else if (wrapper.IsSubTypeOf( && IsSafeForAutomagicSerialization(wrapper)) { if (wrapper.IsSubTypeOf(externalizable)) { MethodWrapper ctor = wrapper.GetMethodWrapper("<init>", "()V", false); if (ctor != null && ctor.IsPublic) { MarkSerializable(typeBuilder); ctor.Link(); serializationCtor = AddConstructor(typeBuilder, ctor, null, true); if (!wrapper.BaseTypeWrapper.IsSubTypeOf( { AddGetObjectData(typeBuilder); } if (wrapper.BaseTypeWrapper.GetMethodWrapper("readResolve", "()Ljava.lang.Object;", true) != null) { RemoveReadResolve(typeBuilder); } } } else if (wrapper.BaseTypeWrapper.IsSubTypeOf( { MethodBase baseCtor = wrapper.GetBaseSerializationConstructor(); if (baseCtor != null && (baseCtor.IsFamily || baseCtor.IsFamilyOrAssembly)) { MarkSerializable(typeBuilder); serializationCtor = AddConstructor(typeBuilder, null, baseCtor, false); AddReadResolve(wrapper, typeBuilder); } } else { MethodWrapper baseCtor = wrapper.BaseTypeWrapper.GetMethodWrapper("<init>", "()V", false); if (baseCtor != null && baseCtor.IsAccessibleFrom(wrapper.BaseTypeWrapper, wrapper, wrapper)) { MarkSerializable(typeBuilder); AddGetObjectData(typeBuilder); #if STATIC_COMPILER // because the base type can be a __WorkaroundBaseClass__, we may need to replace the constructor baseCtor = ((AotTypeWrapper)wrapper).ReplaceMethodWrapper(baseCtor); #endif baseCtor.Link(); serializationCtor = AddConstructor(typeBuilder, baseCtor, null, true); AddReadResolve(wrapper, typeBuilder); } } } return(serializationCtor); }
static int indexString(IntPtr l, object self, string key) { Type t = getType(self); if (self is IDictionary) { if (t.IsGenericType && t.GetGenericArguments()[0] != typeof(string)) { goto IndexProperty; } object v = (self as IDictionary)[key]; if (v != null) { pushValue(l, true); pushVar(l, v); return(2); } } IndexProperty: MemberInfo[] mis = t.GetMember(key, BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic); if (mis.Length == 0) { return(error(l, "Can't find " + key)); } pushValue(l, true); MemberInfo mi = mis[0]; switch (mi.MemberType) { case MemberTypes.Property: PropertyInfo p = (PropertyInfo)mi; MethodInfo get = p.GetGetMethod(); pushVar(l, get.Invoke(self, null)); break; case MemberTypes.Field: FieldInfo f = (FieldInfo)mi; pushVar(l, f.GetValue(self)); break; case MemberTypes.Method: LuaCSFunction ff = new MethodWrapper(self, mis).invoke; pushObject(l, ff); break; case MemberTypes.Event: break; default: return(1); } return(2); }
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in .NET: //ORIGINAL LINE: private void writeObject( out) throws, ClassNotFoundException private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream @out) { @out.defaultWriteObject(); MethodWrapper[] wrappers = new MethodWrapper[functions.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < wrappers.Length; i++) { wrappers[i] = new MethodWrapper(functions[i]); } @out.writeObject(wrappers); }
public void CreateWorkItems() { IMethodInfo method = new MethodWrapper(typeof(DummyFixture), "DummyTest"); ITest test = new TestMethod(method); _workItem = WorkItemBuilder.CreateWorkItem(test, TestFilter.Empty); _context = new TestExecutionContext(); _workItem.InitializeContext(_context); }
private static void EmitUnboxNumber(CodeEmitter ilgen, string methodName, string methodSig) { TypeWrapper tw = ClassLoaderWrapper.LoadClassCritical("java.lang.Number"); tw.EmitCheckcast(ilgen); MethodWrapper mw = tw.GetMethodWrapper(methodName, methodSig, false); mw.Link(); mw.EmitCallvirt(ilgen); }
private static bool Class_getPrimitiveClass(DynamicTypeWrapper.FinishContext context, CodeEmitter ilgen, MethodWrapper method, MethodAnalyzer ma, int opcodeIndex, MethodWrapper caller, ClassFile classFile, Instruction[] code, InstructionFlags[] flags) { ilgen.LazyEmitPop(); ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldnull); MethodWrapper mw ="<init>", "(Lcli.System.Type;)V", false); mw.Link(); mw.EmitNewobj(ilgen); return(true); }
private static bool Class_getPrimitiveClass(EmitIntrinsicContext eic) { eic.Emitter.Emit(OpCodes.Pop); eic.Emitter.Emit(OpCodes.Ldnull); MethodWrapper mw ="<init>", "(Lcli.System.Type;)V", false); mw.Link(); mw.EmitNewobj(eic.Emitter); return(true); }
static MessageInvoker() { _handlers = new ConcurrentDictionary <Type, Func <object, object[], object> >(); foreach (var i in typeof(T).GetMethods() .Where(x => x.GetCustomAttributes(true).Count(y => y is MessageHandlerAttribute) > 0)) { _handlers.TryAdd(i.GetParameters()[0].ParameterType, MethodWrapper.Wrap(i)); } }
public override void addOption(Options options) { if (!Options_AddKeybindOption) // HACK, using reflection to call protected method { var targetMethod = typeof(ModOptions).method("AddKeybindOption", typeof(string), typeof(string), typeof(GameInput.Device), typeof(KeyCode)); Options_AddKeybindOption = targetMethod.wrap <AddKeybindOption>(options); } Options_AddKeybindOption.invoke(id, label, GameInput.Device.Keyboard, KeyCode.A); }
public override bool Equals(object obj) { MethodWrapper other = (MethodWrapper)obj; if (method.Name != other.method.Name) { return(false); } return(0 == DiffUtility.Compare(method.Parameters, other.method.Parameters)); }
static AssetsHelper() { string bundlePath = Paths.assetsPath + + assetsExt; if (File.Exists(bundlePath)) { MethodWrapper loadBundle = Type.GetType("UnityEngine.AssetBundle, UnityEngine.AssetBundleModule").method("LoadFromFile", typeof(string)).wrap(); assetBundle = loadBundle.invoke(bundlePath); } }
public void TestOnItemSelectedWithSelectedItemTestWithoutChildTestsPushesTestDetailPageToStackAndCaches() { NUnitRunner runner = new NUnitRunner("runner-name"); runner.AddTestAssembly(typeof(TestFixtureStubOne).Assembly); IMethodInfo methodOne = new MethodWrapper(typeof(TestsPageTest), GetType().GetMethods().First()); IMethodInfo methodTwo = new MethodWrapper(typeof(TestsPageTest), GetType().GetMethods().Last()); ITest firstTestInstance = new TestMethod(methodOne); ITest secondTestInstance = new TestMethod(methodTwo); TestsViewModel firstTest = new TestsViewModel(runner, firstTestInstance); TestsViewModel secondTest = new TestsViewModel(runner, secondTestInstance); Assert.IsFalse(firstTest.Test.IsSuite); Assert.IsFalse(firstTest.Test.HasChildren); Assert.IsFalse(secondTest.Test.IsSuite); Assert.IsFalse(secondTest.Test.HasChildren); SelectedItemChangedEventArgs firstArgs = new SelectedItemChangedEventArgs(firstTest, 0); SelectedItemChangedEventArgs secondArgs = new SelectedItemChangedEventArgs(secondTest, 0); TestsPageForTest page = new TestsPageForTest(runner); // Load first page page.InvokeOnItemSelected(null, firstArgs); Assert.AreEqual(1, page.NavigationStack.Count); TestDetailPage firstTestsPage = page.NavigationStack.First() as TestDetailPage; Assert.IsNotNull(firstTestsPage); Assert.AreEqual(firstTest, firstTestsPage.ViewModel); Assert.AreEqual(runner, firstTestsPage.ViewModel.TestRunner); Assert.AreEqual(firstTestInstance, firstTestsPage.ViewModel.Test); // Load second page page.InvokeOnItemSelected(null, secondArgs); Assert.AreEqual(2, page.NavigationStack.Count); TestDetailPage secondTestsPage = page.NavigationStack[1] as TestDetailPage; Assert.IsNotNull(secondTestsPage); Assert.AreEqual(secondTest, secondTestsPage.ViewModel); Assert.AreEqual(runner, secondTestsPage.ViewModel.TestRunner); Assert.AreEqual(secondTestInstance, secondTestsPage.ViewModel.Test); // Load first page again IList <Page> expectedStack = new List <Page>(page.NavigationStack); expectedStack.Add(firstTestsPage); page.InvokeOnItemSelected(null, firstArgs); Assert.AreEqual(3, page.NavigationStack.Count); Assert.AreSame(firstTestsPage, page.NavigationStack[2]); CollectionAssert.AreEqual(expectedStack, page.NavigationStack); }
public static Delegate DynamicCreateDelegate(object obj, Type delegateType, string name, string sig) { #if !WINRT #if FIRST_PASS return(null); #else TypeWrapper tw = TypeWrapper.FromClass(ikvm.runtime.Util.getClassFromObject(obj)); MethodWrapper mw = tw.GetMethodWrapper(name, sig, true); if (mw == null || mw.IsStatic || !mw.IsPublic) { #if NO_REF_EMIT java.lang.invoke.MethodType methodType = MethodHandleUtil.GetDelegateMethodType(delegateType); if (methodType.parameterCount() > MethodHandleUtil.MaxArity) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } java.lang.invoke.MethodHandle exception = java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles.publicLookup() .findConstructor(mw == null || mw.IsStatic ? typeof(java.lang.AbstractMethodError) : typeof(java.lang.IllegalAccessError), java.lang.invoke.MethodType.methodType(typeof(void), typeof(string))) .bindTo(tw.Name + ".Invoke" + sig); return(Delegate.CreateDelegate(delegateType, java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles.dropArguments( java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles.foldArguments(java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles.throwException(methodType.returnType(), exception.type().returnType()), exception), 0, methodType.parameterArray()).vmtarget, "Invoke")); #else MethodInfo invoke = delegateType.GetMethod("Invoke"); ParameterInfo[] parameters = invoke.GetParameters(); Type[] parameterTypes = new Type[parameters.Length + 1]; parameterTypes[0] = typeof(object); for (int i = 0; i < parameters.Length; i++) { parameterTypes[i + 1] = parameters[i].ParameterType; } System.Reflection.Emit.DynamicMethod dm = new System.Reflection.Emit.DynamicMethod("Invoke", invoke.ReturnType, parameterTypes); CodeEmitter ilgen = CodeEmitter.Create(dm); ilgen.Emit(System.Reflection.Emit.OpCodes.Ldstr, tw.Name + ".Invoke" + sig); ClassLoaderWrapper.GetBootstrapClassLoader() .LoadClassByDottedName(mw == null || mw.IsStatic ? "java.lang.AbstractMethodError" : "java.lang.IllegalAccessError") .GetMethodWrapper("<init>", "(Ljava.lang.String;)V", false) .EmitNewobj(ilgen); ilgen.Emit(System.Reflection.Emit.OpCodes.Throw); ilgen.DoEmit(); return(dm.CreateDelegate(delegateType, obj)); #endif } else { mw.ResolveMethod(); return(Delegate.CreateDelegate(delegateType, obj, (MethodInfo)mw.GetMethod())); } #endif #else throw new NotImplementedException(); #endif }
private static TypeWrapper[] GetImplParameters(ClassFile.ConstantPoolItemMethodHandle implMethod) { MethodWrapper mw = (MethodWrapper)implMethod.Member; TypeWrapper[] parameters = mw.GetParameters(); if (mw.IsStatic || mw.IsConstructor) { return(parameters); } return(ArrayUtil.Concat(mw.DeclaringType, parameters)); }
public static IReadOnlyCollection <SyntaxKind> GetModifiers(this MethodWrapper accessor, PropertyWrapper property) { var modifierList = new List <SyntaxKind>(6); if (property.Accessibility != accessor.Accessibility) { modifierList.AddRange(AccessibilityToSyntaxKind(accessor.Accessibility)); } return(modifierList); }
public void ValueSourceAttributeShouldThrowInsteadOfReturningNull() { var method = new MethodWrapper(GetType(), "ValueSourceMayNotBeNull"); var parameters = method.GetParameters(); foreach (var parameter in parameters) { var dataSource = parameter.GetCustomAttributes <IParameterDataSource>(false)[0]; Assert.Throws <InvalidDataSourceException>(() => dataSource.GetData(parameter)); } }
public static bool IsDefault(this object target) { if (target == null) { return(true); } var defaultValue = new MethodWrapper().GetDefault(target.GetType()); return(target.Equals(defaultValue)); }
internal void EmitThrow(string dottedClassName, string message) { TypeWrapper exception = ClassLoaderWrapper.GetBootstrapClassLoader().LoadClassByDottedName(dottedClassName); Emit(OpCodes.Ldstr, message); MethodWrapper mw = exception.GetMethodWrapper("<init>", "(Ljava.lang.String;)V", false); mw.Link(); mw.EmitNewobj(this); Emit(OpCodes.Throw); }
private static bool IsBridge(MethodWrapper mw, ClassFile.ConstantPoolItemMethodType[] bridges) { foreach (ClassFile.ConstantPoolItemMethodType bridge in bridges) { if (bridge.Signature == mw.Signature) { return(true); } } return(false); }
public void FixedNameTestMethodBuilderIsResilientToParameterEnumeratingException() { // Arrange var dummyMethod = new MethodWrapper(typeof(TestNameStrategiesFixture), nameof(TestNameStrategiesFixture.FixedNameDecoratedMethod)); var sut = new FixedNameTestMethodBuilder(); var throwingParameters = Enumerable.Range(0, 1).Select <int, object>(_ => throw new Exception()); // Act var testMethod = sut.Build(dummyMethod, null, throwingParameters, 0); // Assert Assert.That(testMethod.Name, Is.EqualTo(nameof(TestNameStrategiesFixture.FixedNameDecoratedMethod))); }
internal EmitIntrinsicContext(MethodWrapper method, DynamicTypeWrapper.FinishContext context, CodeEmitter ilgen, CodeInfo ma, int opcodeIndex, MethodWrapper caller, ClassFile classFile, Instruction[] code, InstructionFlags[] flags) { this.Method = method; this.Context = context; this.Emitter = ilgen; = ma; this.OpcodeIndex = opcodeIndex; this.Caller = caller; this.ClassFile = classFile; this.Code = code; this.Flags = flags; }
public void TestConditionalDisplayNamePropertyWithTestIsSuiteAndNotClassAndNotMethodReturnsDisplayName() { MethodInfo info = GetType().GetMethods().First(); IMethodInfo method = new MethodWrapper(GetType(), info); ITest testFixture = new TestMethod(method); TestsViewModel test = new TestsViewModel(v_Runner, testFixture); Assert.IsNotNull(test.Test); Assert.AreEqual(method.Name, test.ConditionalDisplayName); Assert.AreEqual(test.DisplayName, test.ConditionalDisplayName); }
private static object[] BoxArgs(MethodWrapper mw, object[] args) { TypeWrapper[] paramTypes = mw.GetParameters(); for (int i = 0; i < paramTypes.Length; i++) { if (paramTypes[i].IsPrimitive) { args[i] = JVM.Box(args[i]); } } return(args); }
public IMethodInfo[] GetMethods(BindingFlags flags) { var methods = Type.GetMethods(flags); var result = new MethodWrapper[methods.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < methods.Length; i++) { result[i] = new MethodWrapper(Type, methods[i]); } return(result); }
private static bool MethodExists(List <MethodWrapper> methods, MethodWrapper mw) { foreach (MethodWrapper mw1 in methods) { // TODO what do we do with differing return types? if (mw1.Name == mw.Name && mw1.Signature == mw.Signature) { return(true); } } return(false); }
private void AppendDefinitionType(TextBuffer buffer) { if (DecompilerContext.GetOption(IFernflowerPreferences.Use_Debug_Var_Names)) { MethodWrapper method = (MethodWrapper)DecompilerContext.GetProperty(DecompilerContext .Current_Method_Wrapper); if (method != null) { int?originalIndex = null; if (processor != null) { originalIndex = processor.GetVarOriginalIndex(index); } if (originalIndex != null) { // first try from signature if (DecompilerContext.GetOption(IFernflowerPreferences.Decompile_Generic_Signatures )) { StructLocalVariableTypeTableAttribute attr = method.methodStruct.GetAttribute(StructGeneralAttribute .Attribute_Local_Variable_Type_Table); if (attr != null) { string signature = attr.GetSignature(originalIndex, visibleOffset); if (signature != null) { GenericFieldDescriptor descriptor = GenericMain.ParseFieldSignature(signature); if (descriptor != null) { buffer.Append(GenericMain.GetGenericCastTypeName(descriptor.type)); return; } } } } // then try from descriptor StructLocalVariableTableAttribute attr_1 = method.methodStruct.GetLocalVariableAttr (); if (attr_1 != null) { string descriptor = attr_1.GetDescriptor(originalIndex, visibleOffset); if (descriptor != null) { buffer.Append(ExprProcessor.GetCastTypeName(new VarType(descriptor))); return; } } } } } buffer.Append(ExprProcessor.GetCastTypeName(GetVarType())); }
/// <summary> /// Resolves the method as a global function, imported property or a local variable with a delegate. /// </summary> private void ResolveGetIdentifier(Context ctx, GetIdentifierNode node) { // local var nameInfo = ctx.Scope.FindLocal(node.Identifier); if (nameInfo != null) { ResolveExpression(ctx, node); return; } // function try { _method = ctx.ResolveMethod( ctx.MainType.TypeInfo, node.Identifier, ArgTypes, resolver: (idx, types) => ctx.ResolveLambda(Arguments[idx] as LambdaNode, types) ); if (_method == null) { throw new KeyNotFoundException(); } if (ArgTypes.Length == 0 && node.Identifier.IsAnyOf(EntityNames.RunMethodName, EntityNames.EntryPointMethodName)) { Error(CompilerMessages.ReservedFunctionInvocation, node.Identifier); } return; } catch (AmbiguousMatchException) { Error(CompilerMessages.FunctionInvocationAmbiguous, node.Identifier); } catch (KeyNotFoundException) { } // global property with a delegate try { ctx.ResolveGlobalProperty(node.Identifier); ResolveExpression(ctx, node); } catch (KeyNotFoundException) { Error(CompilerMessages.FunctionNotFound, node.Identifier); } }
public void WrapsOutFunc() { var args = new object[] { "1234", null }; var exec = MethodWrapper.Wrap(OutFuncExample) (this, args); var success = (bool)(exec); Assert.True(success); Assert.Equal("1234", args[0]); Assert.Equal(1234, args[1]); }
public override TextBuffer ToJava(int indent, BytecodeMappingTracer tracer) { tracer.AddMapping(bytecode); if (exitType == Exit_Return) { TextBuffer buffer = new TextBuffer("return"); if (retType.type != ICodeConstants.Type_Void) { buffer.Append(' '); ExprProcessor.GetCastedExprent(value, retType, buffer, indent, false, tracer); } return(buffer); } else { MethodWrapper method = (MethodWrapper)DecompilerContext.GetProperty(DecompilerContext .Current_Method_Wrapper); ClassesProcessor.ClassNode node = ((ClassesProcessor.ClassNode)DecompilerContext. GetProperty(DecompilerContext.Current_Class_Node)); if (method != null && node != null) { StructExceptionsAttribute attr = method.methodStruct.GetAttribute(StructGeneralAttribute .Attribute_Exceptions); if (attr != null) { string classname = null; for (int i = 0; i < attr.GetThrowsExceptions().Count; i++) { string exClassName = attr.GetExcClassname(i, node.classStruct.GetPool()); if ("java/lang/Throwable".Equals(exClassName)) { classname = exClassName; break; } else if ("java/lang/Exception".Equals(exClassName)) { classname = exClassName; } } if (classname != null) { VarType exType = new VarType(classname, true); TextBuffer buffer = new TextBuffer("throw "); ExprProcessor.GetCastedExprent(value, exType, buffer, indent, false, tracer); return(buffer); } } } return(value.ToJava(indent, tracer).Prepend("throw ")); } }
public void BuildFromYieldsRunnableTestMethod() { // Arrange var autoDataAttribute = new AutoDataAttribute(); var fixtureType = this.GetType(); var methodWrapper = new MethodWrapper(fixtureType, fixtureType.GetMethod("DummyTestMethod")); var testSuite = new TestSuite(fixtureType); // Act var testMethod = autoDataAttribute.BuildFrom(methodWrapper, testSuite).First(); // Assert Assert.That(testMethod.RunState == RunState.Runnable); }
protected override void InitContent() { foreach (IClass c in currentClass.ClassInheritanceTree) { if (c.FullyQualifiedName != currentClass.FullyQualifiedName) { foreach (IMethod method in c.Methods) { if (!method.IsPrivate && (method.IsAbstract || method.IsVirtual || method.IsOverride)) { MethodWrapper newWrapper = new MethodWrapper(method); if (!Content.Contains(newWrapper)) { Content.Add(newWrapper); } } } } } Content.Sort(); }
public void IfCreateParametersThrowsExceptionThenReturnsNotRunnableTestMethodWithExceptionInfoAsSkipReason() { // Arrange // DummyFixture is set up to throw DummyException when invoked by AutoDataAttribute var autoDataAttributeStub = new AutoDataAttributeStub(new ThrowingStubFixture()); var fixtureType = this.GetType(); var methodWrapper = new MethodWrapper(fixtureType, fixtureType.GetMethod("DummyTestMethod")); var testSuite = new TestSuite(fixtureType); // Act var testMethod = autoDataAttributeStub.BuildFrom(methodWrapper, testSuite).First(); // Assert Assert.That(testMethod.RunState == RunState.NotRunnable); Assert.That(testMethod.Properties.Get(PropertyNames.SkipReason), Is.EqualTo(ExceptionHelper.BuildMessage(new ThrowingStubFixture.DummyException()))); }
protected override Type resolve(Context ctx, bool mustReturn) { var exprType = Expression.Resolve(ctx); var idxType = Index.Resolve(ctx); if (!exprType.IsArray) { try { _Indexer = ReflectionHelper.ResolveIndexer(exprType, idxType, false); } catch (LensCompilerException ex) { ex.BindToLocation(this); throw; } } var idxDestType = exprType.IsArray ? typeof (int) : _Indexer.ArgumentTypes[0]; var valDestType = exprType.IsArray ? exprType.GetElementType() : _Indexer.ArgumentTypes[1]; if(!idxDestType.IsExtendablyAssignableFrom(idxType)) error(Index, CompilerMessages.ImplicitCastImpossible, idxType, idxDestType); ensureLambdaInferred(ctx, Value, valDestType); var valType = Value.Resolve(ctx); if (!valDestType.IsExtendablyAssignableFrom(valType)) error(Value, CompilerMessages.ImplicitCastImpossible, valType, valDestType); return base.resolve(ctx, mustReturn); }
private void DefineMethod() { var methodName = string.Format("<{0}>b__1", _methodInfo.Name); var methodBuilder = TypeBuilder.DefineMethod(methodName, MethodAttribute); methodBuilder.InitLocals = true; methodBuilder.SetParameters(new[] { _serviceType }); methodBuilder.SetReturnType(typeof(void)); var il = new MethodWrapper(methodBuilder); if (HasReturnType()) { il.LoadThis(); } il.LoadArgument(1); foreach (var parameter in _methodInfo.GetParameters()) { LoadParameter(il, parameter); } il.CallVirtualMethod(_methodInfo); if (HasReturnType()) { il.StoreToField(ResultField); } il.DoNothing(); il.Return(); Method = methodBuilder; }
public void CanRunTestThatWasDiscoveredWithoutReflection() { var typeUnderTest = typeof(ClassUnderTest); var methodUnderTest = typeUnderTest.GetMethod("TestMethod"); var factAttributeUnderTest = CustomAttributeData.GetCustomAttributes(methodUnderTest).Single(a => a.AttributeType == typeof(FactAttribute)); var assembly = new AssemblyWrapper(Reflector.Wrap(typeUnderTest.Assembly)); var type = new TypeWrapper(Reflector.Wrap(typeUnderTest)); var method = new MethodWrapper(Reflector.Wrap(methodUnderTest)); var attribute = new AttributeWrapper(Reflector.Wrap(factAttributeUnderTest)); var testCase = TestableXunitTestCase.Create(assembly, type, method, attribute); testCase.RunTests(); Assert.Collection(testCase.Messages, message => Assert.IsAssignableFrom<ITestStarting>(message), message => Assert.IsAssignableFrom<ITestClassConstructionStarting>(message), message => Assert.IsAssignableFrom<ITestClassConstructionFinished>(message), message => { var failed = Assert.IsAssignableFrom<ITestFailed>(message); Assert.Equal(typeof(TrueException).FullName, failed.ExceptionType); }, message => Assert.IsAssignableFrom<ITestFinished>(message) ); }
private static bool IsStaticallyInvocable(MethodWrapper mw) { if (mw == null || mw.DeclaringType.IsUnloadable || mw.DeclaringType.IsGhost || mw.DeclaringType.IsNonPrimitiveValueType || mw.IsFinalizeOrClone || mw.IsDynamicOnly) { return false; } if (mw.ReturnType.IsUnloadable || mw.ReturnType.IsGhost || mw.ReturnType.IsNonPrimitiveValueType) { return false; } foreach (TypeWrapper tw in mw.GetParameters()) { if (tw.IsUnloadable || tw.IsGhost || tw.IsNonPrimitiveValueType) { return false; } } return true; }
/// <summary> /// Attempts to resolve current node and sets either of the following fields: /// _Field, _Method, _Property /// /// The following fields are also set: /// _Type, _Static /// </summary> private void resolveSelf(Context ctx) { Action check = () => { if (Expression == null && !_IsStatic) error(CompilerMessages.DynamicMemberFromStaticContext, _Type, MemberName); if (_Method == null && TypeHints.Count > 0) error(CompilerMessages.TypeArgumentsForNonMethod, _Type, MemberName); }; _Type = StaticType != null ? ctx.ResolveType(StaticType) : Expression.Resolve(ctx); // special case: array length if (_Type.IsArray && MemberName == "Length") { check(); return; } // check for field try { _Field = ctx.ResolveField(_Type, MemberName); _IsStatic = _Field.IsStatic; check(); return; } catch (KeyNotFoundException) { } // check for property try { _Property = ctx.ResolveProperty(_Type, MemberName); if(!_Property.CanGet) error(CompilerMessages.PropertyNoGetter, _Type, MemberName); _IsStatic = _Property.IsStatic; check(); return; } catch (KeyNotFoundException) { } // check for event: events are only allowed at the left side of += and -= try { ctx.ResolveEvent(_Type, MemberName); error(CompilerMessages.EventAsExpr); } catch (KeyNotFoundException) { } // find method var argTypes = TypeHints.Select(t => t.FullSignature == "_" ? null : ctx.ResolveType(t)).ToArray(); var methods = ctx.ResolveMethodGroup(_Type, MemberName).Where(m => checkMethodArgs(argTypes, m)).ToArray(); if (methods.Length == 0) error(argTypes.Length == 0 ? CompilerMessages.TypeIdentifierNotFound : CompilerMessages.TypeMethodNotFound, _Type.Name, MemberName); if (methods.Length > 1) error(CompilerMessages.TypeMethodAmbiguous, _Type.Name, MemberName); _Method = methods[0]; if (_Method.ArgumentTypes.Length > 16) error(CompilerMessages.CallableTooManyArguments); _IsStatic = _Method.IsStatic; check(); }
public void GetDataOrdersCustomizationAttributes(string methodName) { // Fixture setup var method = new MethodWrapper(typeof(TypeWithCustomizationAttributes), methodName); var customizationLog = new List<ICustomization>(); var fixture = new DelegatingFixture(); fixture.OnCustomize = c => { customizationLog.Add(c); return fixture; }; var sut = new AutoDataAttributeStub(fixture); // Exercise system sut.BuildFrom(method, new TestSuite(this.GetType())).Single(); // Verify outcome Assert.False(customizationLog[0] is FreezeOnMatchCustomization); Assert.True(customizationLog[1] is FreezeOnMatchCustomization); // Teardown }
protected override Type resolve(Context ctx, bool mustReturn) { var exprType = Expression.Resolve(ctx); if (exprType.IsArray) return exprType.GetElementType(); var idxType = Index.Resolve(ctx); try { _Getter = ReflectionHelper.ResolveIndexer(exprType, idxType, true); return _Getter.ReturnType; } catch (LensCompilerException ex) { ex.BindToLocation(this); throw; } }
/// <summary> /// Resolves the method as a global function, imported property or a local variable with a delegate. /// </summary> private void resolveGetIdentifier(Context ctx, GetIdentifierNode node) { var nameInfo = ctx.Scope.FindLocal(node.Identifier); if (nameInfo != null) { resolveExpression(ctx, node); return; } try { _Method = ctx.ResolveMethod( ctx.MainType.TypeInfo, node.Identifier, _ArgTypes, resolver: (idx, types) => ctx.ResolveLambda(Arguments[idx] as LambdaNode, types) ); if (_Method == null) throw new KeyNotFoundException(); if(_ArgTypes.Length == 0 && node.Identifier.IsAnyOf(EntityNames.RunMethodName, EntityNames.EntryPointMethodName)) error(CompilerMessages.ReservedFunctionInvocation, node.Identifier); } catch (KeyNotFoundException) { error(CompilerMessages.FunctionNotFound, node.Identifier); } catch (AmbiguousMatchException) { error(CompilerMessages.FunctionInvocationAmbiguous, node.Identifier); } }
public void ValueSourceAttributeShouldThrowInsteadOfReturningNull() { var method = new MethodWrapper(GetType(), "ValueSourceMayNotBeNull"); var parameters = method.GetParameters(); foreach (var parameter in parameters) { var dataSource = parameter.GetCustomAttributes<IParameterDataSource>(false)[0]; Assert.Throws<InvalidDataSourceException>(() => dataSource.GetData(parameter)); } }
static int indexString(IntPtr l, object self, string key) { Type t = getType(self); if (self is IDictionary) { if (t.IsGenericType && t.GetGenericArguments()[0] != typeof(string)) { goto IndexProperty; } object v = (self as IDictionary)[key]; if (v != null) { pushValue(l, true); pushVar(l, v); return 2; } } IndexProperty: //MemberInfo[] mis = t.GetMember(key, BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic); //if (mis.Length == 0) //{ // return error(l, "Can't find " + key); //} var mis = GetCacheMembers(t, key); if (mis == null) { return error(l, "Can't find " + key); } pushValue(l, true); MemberInfo mi = mis[0]; switch (mi.MemberType) { case MemberTypes.Property: PropertyInfo p = (PropertyInfo)mi; MethodInfo get = p.GetGetMethod(); pushVar(l, get.Invoke(self, null)); break; case MemberTypes.Field: FieldInfo f = (FieldInfo)mi; pushVar(l, f.GetValue(self)); break; case MemberTypes.Method: LuaCSFunction ff = new MethodWrapper(self, mis).invoke; pushObject(l, ff); break; case MemberTypes.Event: break; default: return 1; } return 2; }
/// <summary> /// Resolves the method if the expression was a member getter (obj.field or type::field). /// </summary> private void resolveGetMember(Context ctx, GetMemberNode node) { _InvocationSource = node.Expression; var type = _InvocationSource != null ? _InvocationSource.Resolve(ctx) : ctx.ResolveType(node.StaticType); checkTypeInSafeMode(ctx, type); if (node.TypeHints != null && node.TypeHints.Count > 0) _TypeHints = node.TypeHints.Select(x => ctx.ResolveType(x, true)).ToArray(); try { // resolve a normal method try { _Method = ctx.ResolveMethod( type, node.MemberName, _ArgTypes, _TypeHints, (idx, types) => ctx.ResolveLambda(Arguments[idx] as LambdaNode, types) ); if (_Method.IsStatic) _InvocationSource = null; return; } catch (KeyNotFoundException) { if (_InvocationSource == null) throw; } // resolve a callable field try { ctx.ResolveField(type, node.MemberName); resolveExpression(ctx, node); return; } catch (KeyNotFoundException) { } // resolve a callable property try { ctx.ResolveProperty(type, node.MemberName); resolveExpression(ctx, node); return; } catch (KeyNotFoundException) { } Arguments = (Arguments[0] is UnitNode) ? new List<NodeBase> {_InvocationSource} : new[] {_InvocationSource}.Union(Arguments).ToList(); var oldArgTypes = _ArgTypes; _ArgTypes = Arguments.Select(a => a.Resolve(ctx)).ToArray(); _InvocationSource = null; try { // resolve a local function that is implicitly used as an extension method _Method = ctx.ResolveMethod( ctx.MainType.TypeInfo, node.MemberName, _ArgTypes, resolver: (idx, types) => ctx.ResolveLambda(Arguments[idx] as LambdaNode, types) ); return; } catch (KeyNotFoundException) { } // resolve a declared extension method // most time-consuming operation, therefore is last checked try { if(!ctx.Options.AllowExtensionMethods) throw new KeyNotFoundException(); _Method = ctx.ResolveExtensionMethod( type, node.MemberName, oldArgTypes, _TypeHints, (idx, types) => ctx.ResolveLambda(Arguments[idx] as LambdaNode, types) ); } catch (KeyNotFoundException) { var msg = node.StaticType != null ? CompilerMessages.TypeStaticMethodNotFound : CompilerMessages.TypeMethodNotFound; error(msg, type, node.MemberName); } } catch (AmbiguousMatchException) { error(CompilerMessages.TypeMethodInvocationAmbiguous, type, node.MemberName); } }
private static Dictionary<int, string>[] FindLocalVariables(CodeInfo codeInfo, MethodWrapper mw, ClassFile classFile, ClassFile.Method method) { FindLocalVarState[] state = new FindLocalVarState[method.Instructions.Length]; state[0].changed = true; state[0].sites = new FindLocalVarStoreSite[method.MaxLocals]; TypeWrapper[] parameters = mw.GetParameters(); int argpos = 0; if (!mw.IsStatic) { state[0].sites[argpos++].Add(-1); } for (int i = 0; i < parameters.Length; i++) { state[0].sites[argpos++].Add(-1); if (parameters[i].IsWidePrimitive) { argpos++; } } return FindLocalVariablesImpl(codeInfo, classFile, method, state); }
private static bool checkMethodArgs(Type[] argTypes, MethodWrapper method) { if(argTypes.Length == 0) return true; if (method.ArgumentTypes.Length != argTypes.Length) return false; return !method.ArgumentTypes.Where((p, idx) => argTypes[idx] != null && p != argTypes[idx]).Any(); }
internal LocalVarInfo(CodeInfo ma, ClassFile classFile, ClassFile.Method method, UntangledExceptionTable exceptions, MethodWrapper mw, ClassLoaderWrapper classLoader) { Dictionary<int, string>[] localStoreReaders = FindLocalVariables(ma, mw, classFile, method); // now that we've done the code flow analysis, we can do a liveness analysis on the local variables ClassFile.Method.Instruction[] instructions = method.Instructions; Dictionary<long, LocalVar> localByStoreSite = new Dictionary<long, LocalVar>(); List<LocalVar> locals = new List<LocalVar>(); for (int i = 0; i < localStoreReaders.Length; i++) { if (localStoreReaders[i] != null) { VisitLocalLoads(ma, method, locals, localByStoreSite, localStoreReaders[i], i, classLoader.EmitDebugInfo); } } Dictionary<LocalVar, LocalVar> forwarders = new Dictionary<LocalVar, LocalVar>(); if (classLoader.EmitDebugInfo) { InstructionFlags[] flags = MethodAnalyzer.ComputePartialReachability(ma, method.Instructions, exceptions, 0, false); // if we're emitting debug info, we need to keep dead stores as well... for (int i = 0; i < instructions.Length; i++) { if ((flags[i] & InstructionFlags.Reachable) != 0 && IsStoreLocal(instructions[i].NormalizedOpCode)) { if (!localByStoreSite.ContainsKey(MakeKey(i, instructions[i].NormalizedArg1))) { LocalVar v = new LocalVar(); v.local = instructions[i].NormalizedArg1; v.type = ma.GetStackTypeWrapper(i, 0); FindLvtEntry(v, method, i); locals.Add(v); localByStoreSite.Add(MakeKey(i, v.local), v); } } } // to make the debugging experience better, we have to trust the // LocalVariableTable (unless it's clearly bogus) and merge locals // together that are the same according to the LVT for (int i = 0; i < locals.Count - 1; i++) { for (int j = i + 1; j < locals.Count; j++) { LocalVar v1 = (LocalVar)locals[i]; LocalVar v2 = (LocalVar)locals[j]; if ( != null && == && v1.start_pc == v2.start_pc && v1.end_pc == v2.end_pc) { // we can only merge if the resulting type is valid (this protects against incorrect // LVT data, but is also needed for constructors, where the uninitialized this is a different // type from the initialized this) TypeWrapper tw = InstructionState.FindCommonBaseType(v1.type, v2.type); if (tw != VerifierTypeWrapper.Invalid) { v1.isArg |= v2.isArg; v1.type = tw; forwarders.Add(v2, v1); locals.RemoveAt(j); j--; } } } } } else { for (int i = 0; i < locals.Count - 1; i++) { for (int j = i + 1; j < locals.Count; j++) { LocalVar v1 = (LocalVar)locals[i]; LocalVar v2 = (LocalVar)locals[j]; // if the two locals are the same, we merge them, this is a small // optimization, it should *not* be required for correctness. if (v1.local == v2.local && v1.type == v2.type) { v1.isArg |= v2.isArg; forwarders.Add(v2, v1); locals.RemoveAt(j); j--; } } } } invokespecialLocalVars = new LocalVar[instructions.Length][]; localVars = new LocalVar[instructions.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < localVars.Length; i++) { LocalVar v = null; if (localStoreReaders[i] != null) { Debug.Assert(IsLoadLocal(instructions[i].NormalizedOpCode)); // lame way to look up the local variable for a load // (by indirecting through a corresponding store) foreach (int store in localStoreReaders[i].Keys) { v = localByStoreSite[MakeKey(store, instructions[i].NormalizedArg1)]; break; } } else { if (instructions[i].NormalizedOpCode == NormalizedByteCode.__invokespecial) { invokespecialLocalVars[i] = new LocalVar[method.MaxLocals]; for (int j = 0; j < invokespecialLocalVars[i].Length; j++) { localByStoreSite.TryGetValue(MakeKey(i, j), out invokespecialLocalVars[i][j]); } } else { localByStoreSite.TryGetValue(MakeKey(i, instructions[i].NormalizedArg1), out v); } } if (v != null) { LocalVar fwd; if (forwarders.TryGetValue(v, out fwd)) { v = fwd; } localVars[i] = v; } } this.allLocalVars = locals.ToArray(); }
internal static Type CreateDelegateType(TypeWrapper tw, MethodWrapper mw) { TypeWrapper[] args = mw.GetParameters(); if (!mw.IsStatic) { args = ArrayUtil.Concat(tw, args); } return CreateDelegateType(args, mw.ReturnType); }
private void LoadParameter(MethodWrapper il, ParameterInfo parameter) { var field = GetFieldForParameter(parameter); il.LoadThis(); il.LoadField(field); }
public void Setup() { _testObject = new AsyncSetupTearDownFixture(); var method = new MethodWrapper(typeof(AsyncSetupTearDownFixture), Success.ElementAt(0)); _context = new TestExecutionContext {TestObject = _testObject, CurrentResult = new TestCaseResult(new TestMethod(method))}; }
/// <summary> /// Resolves a method from the expression, considering it an instance of a delegate type. /// </summary> private void resolveExpression(Context ctx, NodeBase node) { var exprType = node.Resolve(ctx); if (!exprType.IsCallableType()) error(CompilerMessages.TypeNotCallable, exprType); try { // argtypes are required for partial application _Method = ctx.ResolveMethod(exprType, "Invoke", _ArgTypes); } catch (KeyNotFoundException) { // delegate argument types are mismatched: // infer whatever method there is and detect actual error _Method = ctx.ResolveMethod(exprType, "Invoke"); var argTypes = _Method.ArgumentTypes; if (argTypes.Length != _ArgTypes.Length) error(CompilerMessages.DelegateArgumentsCountMismatch, exprType, argTypes.Length, _ArgTypes.Length); for (var idx = 0; idx < argTypes.Length; idx++) { var fromType = _ArgTypes[idx]; var toType = argTypes[idx]; if (!toType.IsExtendablyAssignableFrom(fromType)) error(Arguments[idx], CompilerMessages.ArgumentTypeMismatch, fromType, toType); } } _InvocationSource = node; }