static void Main(string[] args) { //Collection Samples CollectionSamples cs = new CollectionSamples(); Console.WriteLine("How many fibonacci series you need"); List <int> fb = cs.GetFibonacci(Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine())); foreach (int Fibonacci in fb) { Console.WriteLine(Fibonacci); } Console.WriteLine("How many Evennumbers you need"); List <List <int> > en = cs.GetEvennumber(Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine())); foreach (List <int> a in en) { foreach (int Evennumber in a) { Console.WriteLine(Evennumber); } } //File Samples FileSamples fs = new FileSamples(); fs.WriteTextToFile("C:\\Users\\bcmss\\Desktop\\SampleFiles\\1.txt", "Hello"); fs.AppendToFile("C:\\Users\\bcmss\\Desktop\\SampleFiles\\1.txt", "\nAppending"); string[] fileLines = fs.ReadAllLines("C:\\Users\\bcmss\\Desktop\\SampleFiles\\1.txt"); string fileContent = fs.ReadAllText("C:\\Users\\bcmss\\Desktop\\SampleFiles\\1.txt"); try { File.Copy("C:\\Users\\bcmss\\Desktop\\SampleFiles\\1.txt", "C:\\Users\\bcmss\\Desktop\\SampleFiles\\2.txt"); } catch (System.IO.IOException e) { Console.WriteLine(e.GetType()); if (e.Message.Contains("already exists")) { Console.WriteLine("Please choose a different file name"); } try { throw new ArithmeticException(); } catch { Console.WriteLine("We have never dealt with this kind of exception, we are investigating into it, Arithmetic"); } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("We have never dealt with this kind of exception, we are investigating into it"); } finally { Console.WriteLine("Mandatory code to be executed"); } File.Delete("C:\\Users\\bcmss\\Desktop\\SampleFiles\\1.txt"); File.Delete("C:\\Users\\bcmss\\Desktop\\SampleFiles\\1.txt"); foreach (string samplestring in fileLines) { Console.WriteLine(samplestring); } Console.WriteLine(fileContent); Console.WriteLine("Hello World!"); string name = "suvarna"; Console.WriteLine(name); int myNum = 15; myNum = 20; Console.WriteLine(myNum); string myText = "Hello"; Console.WriteLine(myText); MethodSamples ms = new MethodSamples(); ms.SimpleMethod(); ms.SimpleIntMethod(); int a1 = ms.SimpleIntMethod(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { //Collections sample CollectionSample cse = new CollectionSample(); Console.WriteLine(cse.Factorial(5) + "\t" + cse.FactorialRecursion(5)); Dictionary <int, string> dic = cse.GetNameAndNumbers(); foreach (int key in dic.Keys) { Console.WriteLine(dic[key]); } Console.WriteLine("Please enter the number till which you want prime numbers"); List <int> pn = cse.GetPrimeNumbers(Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine())); foreach (int primeNumber in pn) { Console.WriteLine(primeNumber); } //Singleton sample SingletonSample sgs = SingletonSample.CreateSingletonObject(); SingletonSample sgs1 = SingletonSample.CreateSingletonObject(); FileSamples fs1 = new FileSamples(); FileSamples fs2 = new FileSamples(); Console.WriteLine(sgs.GetHashCode() + "\t" + sgs1.GetHashCode()); Console.WriteLine(fs1.GetHashCode() + "\t" + fs2.GetHashCode()); //File Samples FileSamples fs = new FileSamples(); fs.WriteTextToFile("C:\\Users\\v-mukri\\Desktop\\SampleFiles\\1.txt", "Hello"); fs.AppendToFile("C:\\Users\\v-mukri\\Desktop\\SampleFiles\\1.txt", "\nAppending"); string[] fileLines = fs.ReadAllLines("C:\\Users\\v-mukri\\Desktop\\SampleFiles\\1.txt"); string fileContent = fs.ReadAllText("C:\\Users\\v-mukri\\Desktop\\SampleFiles\\1.txt"); try { File.Copy("C:\\Users\\v-mukri\\Desktop\\SampleFiles\\1.txt", "C:\\Users\\v-mukri\\Desktop\\SampleFiles\\2.txt"); } catch (System.IO.IOException e) { Console.WriteLine(e.GetType()); if (e.Message.Contains("already exists")) { Console.WriteLine("Please choose a different file name"); } try { throw new ArithmeticException(); } catch { Console.WriteLine("We have never dealt with this kind of exception, we are investigating into it, Arithmetic"); } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("We have never dealt with this kind of exception, we are investigating into it"); } finally { Console.WriteLine("Mandatory code to be executed"); } File.Delete("C:\\Users\\v-mukri\\Desktop\\SampleFiles\\1.txt"); File.Delete("C:\\Users\\v-mukri\\Desktop\\SampleFiles\\1.txt"); foreach (string samplestring in fileLines) { Console.WriteLine(samplestring); } Console.WriteLine(fileContent); Program p = new Program(); p.BaseClassMethod(); //Classes and Object Fruit mango = new Fruit(); Console.WriteLine("Name:" + + "\tColor:" + mango.color + "\tTaste:" + mango.taste); = "Mango"; mango.color = "Yello"; mango.taste = "sweet"; Console.WriteLine("Name:" + + "\tColor:" + mango.color + "\tTaste:" + mango.taste); Fruit orange = new Fruit("Orange", "Soar", "Orange"); Console.WriteLine("Name:" + + "\tColor:" + orange.color + "\tTaste:" + orange.taste); //Access specifiers PPPInheritance ppp = new PPPInheritance(); PrivateAndProtected pnp = new PrivateAndProtected(); int a = pnp.publicVariabel; //Method overloading MethodOverLoading mol = new MethodOverLoading(); mol.Add(1, 2); mol.Add(1, 2.3); //Method overriding MORSubClass mor = new MORSubClass(); mor.SuperClassMethod(); //Variables sample VariableSamples vs = new VariableSamples(); vs.SampleMethod(); //Input reading InputReading ir = new InputReading(); ir.ReadInteger(); //Operators sample OperatorsSample os = new OperatorsSample(); os.Modulus(4, 3); a = 10; a %= 5; Console.WriteLine(a); Console.WriteLine(os.IfAGreaterThanB(1, 6)); Console.WriteLine(os.IfAEqualsB(1, 1)); int b = (1 == 2) ? 2 : 1; Console.WriteLine(b); b = (1 == 1) ? 2 : 1; Console.WriteLine(b); Console.WriteLine(Math.Floor(12.1)); Console.WriteLine(Math.Ceiling(12.1)); //String samples StringSamples ss = new StringSamples(); string firstName = "John"; string lastName = "Doe"; string name = $"My full name is: {firstName} {lastName}"; Console.WriteLine(name); //Condition samples ConditionSample cs = new ConditionSample(); cs.Conditions(); //Loop samples LoopSamples ls = new LoopSamples(); ls.Loop(); //Statci variable samples Console.WriteLine("Static variable value is " + StcObjVariables.a); StcObjVariables stcObj = new StcObjVariables(), stcObj1 = new StcObjVariables(); Console.WriteLine("Object1 variable value is " + stcObj.b); Console.WriteLine("Object2 variable value is " + stcObj1.b); stcObj.b = 10; Console.WriteLine("Object1 variable value is " + stcObj.b); Console.WriteLine("Object2 variable value is " + stcObj1.b); stcObj.ContinueAndBreak(); //ArraySamples new ArraySamples().ArraySamplesMethod(); //Method Samples MethodSamples ms = new MethodSamples(); MethodSamples ms1 = new MethodSamples(2); MethodSamples ms2 = new MethodSamples(1, 2); int a1 = ms2.SimpleIntMethod(); string b1 = ms2.SimpleStringMethod("a"); int v = MethodSamples.SimpleAdd(1, 3); ms2.MyMethod(); ms2.MyMethod("India"); }