    private float SpawnAllInputs(Vector2 pos, MethodButtonBehaviour parentBehaviour, UiMethodNameWithParameters method, Transform parent)
        var overallHeight = 0f;

        foreach (var parameter in method.Parameters)
            var height = this.SpawnInputsSingleParameter(pos, parameter, parentBehaviour, parent);
            overallHeight += height;
            pos.y         -= height;

    private float SpawnInputsSingleParameter(Vector2 pos, UiParameterWithType parameter, MethodButtonBehaviour parentBehaviour, Transform parent)
        float overallHeight = 0;
        var   height        = this.SpawnOneLable(
            parameter.Name + " " + this.ShortenPropTypes(parameter.Type.Name),
            out GameObject _notused,

        pos.y -= height; overallHeight += height;

        if (parameter.Type == typeof(Vector3))
            var inputField1 = this.SpawnOneInput(pos, parameter.Name, parent, "x: float");
            pos.y -= this.inputY;
            var inputField2 = this.SpawnOneInput(pos, parameter.Name, parent, "y: float");
            pos.y -= this.inputY;
            var inputField3 = this.SpawnOneInput(pos, parameter.Name, parent, "z: float");

            parentBehaviour.RegisterNonColorParamater(parameter.Name, inputField1);
            parentBehaviour.RegisterNonColorParamater(parameter.Name, inputField2);
            parentBehaviour.RegisterNonColorParamater(parameter.Name, inputField3);

            overallHeight += 3 * this.inputY;

        if (parameter.Type == typeof(Vector2))
            var inputField1 = this.SpawnOneInput(pos, parameter.Name, parent, "x: float");
            pos.y -= this.inputY;
            var inputField2 = this.SpawnOneInput(pos, parameter.Name, parent, "y: float");

            parentBehaviour.RegisterNonColorParamater(parameter.Name, inputField1);
            parentBehaviour.RegisterNonColorParamater(parameter.Name, inputField2);

            overallHeight += 2 * this.inputY;

        if (
            parameter.Type == typeof(string) ||
            parameter.Type == typeof(float) ||
            parameter.Type == typeof(decimal) ||
            parameter.Type == typeof(int) ||
            parameter.Type == typeof(short) ||
            parameter.Type == typeof(long) ||
            parameter.Type == typeof(char)
            var inputField = this.SpawnOneInput(pos, parameter.Name, parent, parameter.Type.Name);
            parentBehaviour.RegisterNonColorParamater(parameter.Name, inputField);
            overallHeight += this.inputY;

        if (parameter.Type == typeof(Color))
            var colorSelectionScript = this.SpawnOneColorButton(pos, parent);
            parentBehaviour.RegisterColorParam(parameter.Name, colorSelectionScript);
            overallHeight += this.inputY;

    /// <summary>
    /// Creates the UI to visualise given mono's methods as buttons and their paramaters as inputs
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="monoName">The name of the mono script</param>
    /// <param name="methods">Information abouth the methods in the script</param>
    /// <returns>The generated UI as well as meta data for it</returns>
    private CreateMonUIResult CreateScriptUI(string monoName, UiMethodNameWithParameters[] methods)
        /// localGrandParent hold the whole UI
        /// Directly howds only the buttonLabel(the mono name) and the local parent
        /// the local parent holds everything else (method buttons and parameter inputs)
        /// clicking on the buttonLabel collapses the local parent
        GameObject localGrandParent = new GameObject(monoName + "GrandParent");

        localGrandParent.transform.SetParent(this.parentTransform, false);
        localGrandParent.transform.position = this.parentTransform.position;

        GameObject localParent = new GameObject(monoName);

        localParent.transform.SetParent(localGrandParent.transform, false);
        localParent.transform.position = localGrandParent.transform.position;
        Transform localTransform = localParent.transform;

        float localHeight = 0f;

        ///assigning the label to the grandparent not the parent
        ActionUiLabelButtonWithHeight labelInfo         = this.SpawnOneLable(new Vector2(this.marginX, localHeight), monoName, localGrandParent.transform, true, out GameObject intButtonLabel, true);
        LabelButtonMonoName           lableButtonScript = labelInfo.labelButtonScript;

        localHeight -= labelInfo.Height;

        /// Collectiong all the method button behaviours so that we can extract
        /// all colorButton scripts from them.
        List <MethodButtonBehaviour> methodButtonBehs = new List <MethodButtonBehaviour>();

        /// All others are assigned to the parent so we can deactivate them seperately.
        /// We are doing to buttons on the same time, putting them side by side
        for (int i = 0; i < methods.Length; i += 2)
            /// If we have unevent mothod count, we place the last button individualy to the left
            if (i == methods.Length - 1)
                UiMethodNameWithParameters method = methods[i];
                Vector2 pos = new Vector2(marginX, localHeight);
                MethodButtonBehaviour beh = this.SpawnOneButton(pos, method.Name, monoName, localTransform);
                pos.y -= this.buttonY;
                float height = this.SpawnAllInputs(pos, beh, method, localTransform);
                localHeight -= (height + this.buttonY + this.marginY);
            /// Placing two buttons side by side.
                UiMethodNameWithParameters method1 = methods[i];
                UiMethodNameWithParameters method2 = methods[i + 1];

                Vector2 pos1 = new Vector2(marginX, localHeight);
                MethodButtonBehaviour beh1 = this.SpawnOneButton(pos1, method1.Name, monoName, localTransform);
                pos1.y -= this.buttonY;
                float height1 = this.SpawnAllInputs(pos1, beh1, method1, localTransform);

                Vector2 pos2 = new Vector2(marginX * 2 + this.buttonX, localHeight);
                MethodButtonBehaviour beh2 = this.SpawnOneButton(pos2, method2.Name, monoName, localTransform);
                pos2.y -= this.buttonY;
                float height2 = this.SpawnAllInputs(pos2, beh2, method2, localTransform);

                localHeight -= (Mathf.Max(height1, height2) + buttonY + marginY);


        ///Collecting all the color scripts so we can close Color Picker on colapse
        foreach (MethodButtonBehaviour methodScript in methodButtonBehs)
            foreach (ParameterNameWithColorButtonScript colorButtonScript in methodScript.ColorParamaters)

        /// newly created item whould be activated later;

        var result = new CreateMonUIResult
            ButtonLabel       = intButtonLabel,
            CollapsedHeight   = labelInfo.Height,
            FinalHeight       = -localHeight,
            GrandParent       = localGrandParent,
            LabelButtonScritp = labelInfo.labelButtonScript,
            Parent            = localParent,
