        private void addBidirectionalInfo(IDictionary <System.Type, IEntityMeta> metas)
            foreach (var type in metas.Keys)
                var persistentClass = _nhibernateConfiguration.GetClassMapping(type);
                if (persistentClass == null)
                foreach (var property in persistentClass.PropertyIterator)
                    //is it a collection?
                    var collectionValue = property.Value as Mapping.Collection;
                    if (collectionValue == null)

                    //find referenced entity name
                    var referencedEntity = MappingTools.ReferencedEntityName(property.Value);
                    if (referencedEntity == null)

                    var refPersistentClass = _nhibernateConfiguration.GetClassMapping(referencedEntity);
                    foreach (var refProperty in refPersistentClass.PropertyClosureIterator)
                        if (MetadataTools.IsNoneAccess(refProperty.PropertyAccessorName))
                        var attr = createAuditMappedByAttributeIfReferenceImmutable(collectionValue, refProperty);
                        if (attr == null)
                        mightAddIndexToAttribute(attr, collectionValue, refPersistentClass.PropertyClosureIterator);
                        var entityMeta = (EntityMeta)metas[type];
                        var methodInfo = PropertyAndMemberInfo.PersistentInfo(type, new[] { property }).First().Member;
                        addToEntityMeta(attr, entityMeta, methodInfo);
        public static IEnumerable <DeclaredPersistentProperty> PersistentInfo(System.Type @class, IEnumerable <Property> properties, bool includeEmbedded)
            // a persistent property can be anything including a noop "property" declared in the mapping
            // for query only. In this case I will apply some trick to get the MemberInfo.
            var candidateMembers =
                @class.GetFields(DefaultBindingFlags).Concat(@class.GetProperties(DefaultBindingFlags).Cast <MemberInfo>()).ToList();
            var candidateMembersNames = candidateMembers.Select(m => m.Name).ToList();

            foreach (var property in properties)
                if (includeEmbedded && property.PropertyAccessorName == "embedded")
                    yield return(new DeclaredPersistentProperty(property, DeclaredPersistentProperty.NotAvailableMemberInfo));
                if (MetadataTools.IsNoneAccess(property.PropertyAccessorName))
                    yield return(new DeclaredPersistentProperty(property, DeclaredPersistentProperty.NotAvailableMemberInfo));
                var exactMemberIdx = candidateMembersNames.IndexOf(property.Name);
                if (exactMemberIdx >= 0)
                    // No metter which is the accessor the audit-attribute should be in the property where available and not
                    // to the member used to read-write the value. (This method work even for access="field").
                    yield return(new DeclaredPersistentProperty(property, candidateMembers[exactMemberIdx]));
                    // try to find the field using field-name-strategy
                    // This part will run for:
                    // 1) query only property (access="none" or access="noop")
                    // 2) a strange case where the element <property> is declared with a "field.xyz" but only a field is used in the class. (Only God may know way)
                    var exactFieldIdx = getMemberIdxByFieldNamingStrategies(candidateMembersNames, property);
                    if (exactFieldIdx >= 0)
                        yield return(new DeclaredPersistentProperty(property, candidateMembers[exactFieldIdx]));