protected void btnAddAnAttribute_onClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { string newAttName = txtNewAttributeName.Text; string result = ""; MetadataNewDa MNDa = new MetadataNewDa(); if (newAttName.Length > 0) { if (MNDa.AttributeExists(newAttName)) { result = "An attribute called '" + newAttName + "' already exists. The new attribute was not created."; btnCreateNewAttributeNext.Visible = false; } { try { MNDa.CreateNewAttribute(newAttName); result = "The new attribute '" + newAttName + "' was successfully created."; btnCreateNewAttributeNext.Visible = true; } catch (Exception err) { result = "An error occured while creating the new attribute '" + newAttName + "'. The attribute was not added."; btnCreateNewAttributeNext.Visible = false; } } } lblCreateNewAttributeResult.Text = result; lblCreateNewAttributeName.Text = newAttName; lblCreateNewAttributeId.Text = MNDa.GetAnAttribute(newAttName).Rows[0]["AttributeId"].ToString(); viewMode = "createNewAttributeStep2"; setViewMode(); }