public DomainModelMetadata() { MetadataEntityList = new List <MetadataEntity>(); metadataEntityForGuid_ = new Dictionary <string, MetadataEntity>(); //No warnings if (metadataEntity_ == null) { metadataEntity_ = null; } if (neededMetadataEntity_ == null) { neededMetadataEntity_ = null; } if (needingMetadataEntity_ == null) { needingMetadataEntity_ = null; } if (metadataField_ == null) { metadataField_ = null; } if (metadataNavigationProperty_ == null) { metadataNavigationProperty_ = null; } //Pass1 : find entities //Pass2 : add entity usages }
public IField GetDefinition(FieldDefinitionHandle handle) { if (handle.IsNil) { return(null); } if (fieldDefs == null) { return(new MetadataField(this, handle)); } int row = MetadataTokens.GetRowNumber(handle); if (row >= fieldDefs.Length) { HandleOutOfRange(handle); } var field = LazyInit.VolatileRead(ref fieldDefs[row]); if (field != null) { return(field); } field = new MetadataField(this, handle); return(LazyInit.GetOrSet(ref fieldDefs[row], field)); }
/// <summary> /// Inserts MetadataFields for fields without metadata /// </summary> protected bool InsertMetadataFields() { bool newMetaFields = false; bool refreshVirtual = false; foreach (RepeaterItem item in NonMetadataFields.Items) { CheckBox cb = item.FindControl("MetaFieldCheckBox") as CheckBox; CheckBox isVirtual = item.FindControl("MetaFieldIsVirtual") as CheckBox; TextBox fieldName = item.FindControl("MetaFieldName") as TextBox; if (cb.Checked && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(fieldName.Text)) { MetadataField field = new MetadataField(); field[MetadataField.TableId] = tableId.Value; field[MetadataField.FieldName] = fieldName.Text; field[MetadataField.FieldSuppress] = true; field[MetadataField.FieldIsVirtual] = isVirtual.Checked; field.Save(); newMetaFields = true; refreshVirtual = isVirtual.Checked || refreshVirtual; } } // ensure metadata field rebuilt if (refreshVirtual) { BOL.BusinessObject.RebuildVirtualFields(); } return(newMetaFields); }
// // LinkCreating event allows to prevent link creation // private void QBuilder_LinkCreating(DataSource fromDataSource, MetadataField fromField, DataSource toDataSource, MetadataField toField, MetadataForeignKey correspondingMetadataForeignKey, ref bool abort) { if (!CbLinkCreating.Checked) { return; } var fromFieldText = fromField == null ? fromDataSource.NameInQuery + ".*" : fromDataSource.MetadataObject.Name + "." + fromField.Name; var toFieldText = fromField == null ? toDataSource.NameInQuery + ".*" : toDataSource.MetadataObject.Name + "." + toField.Name; var value = $"LinkCreating. Creating the link between {fromFieldText} and {toFieldText}"; AddRowToReport(value); var msg = $"Do you want to create the link between {fromFieldText} and {toFieldText}?"; if (MessageBox.Show(msg, "LinkCreating event handler", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.No) { abort = true; } }
public void SaveValue(FieldType type, Guid referenceCode, IEnumerable <DTO.MetadataField> metadatas) { using (var transaction = Connection.BeginTransaction()) { try { var _metadatas = metadatas.Select(field => { var _field = new MetadataField(field); var metadata = BaseMetadata.CreateInstance(_field, null, referenceCode); metadata.Value = field.Value.AsString(); return(metadata); }).ToList(); metadataService.SaveValue(_metadatas); } catch { transaction.Rollback(); throw; } } }
private void DumpSelectedExpressionInfo(StringBuilder stringBuilder, QueryColumnListItem selectedExpression) { // write full sql fragment of selected expression stringBuilder.AppendLine(selectedExpression.ExpressionString + "<br />"); // write alias if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(selectedExpression.AliasString)) { stringBuilder.AppendLine(" alias: " + selectedExpression.AliasString + "<br />"); } // write datasource reference (if any) if (selectedExpression.ExpressionDatasource != null) { stringBuilder.AppendLine(" datasource: " + selectedExpression.ExpressionDatasource.GetResultSQL() + "<br />"); } // write metadata information (if any) if (selectedExpression.ExpressionField != null) { MetadataField field = selectedExpression.ExpressionField; stringBuilder.AppendLine(" field name: " + field.Name + "<br />"); string s = Enum.GetName(typeof(DbType), field.FieldType); stringBuilder.AppendLine(" field type: " + s + "<br />"); } }
// Returns collection of non-fixed (variable) fields from Marc21 record private static IEnumerable <MetadataField> MarcGetVariableFields(MARC_Record record) { List <MetadataField> metadataFieldsList = new List <MetadataField>(); // Step through each field in the collection foreach (int thisTag in record.Fields.Keys) { List <MARC_Field> matchingFields = record.Fields[thisTag]; foreach (MARC_Field thisField in matchingFields) { if (thisField.Subfield_Count != 0) { MetadataField metadataField = new MetadataField(); metadataField.TagName = thisField.Tag.ToString().PadLeft(3, '0'); metadataField.Indicator1 = thisField.Indicator1.ToString(); metadataField.Indicator2 = thisField.Indicator2.ToString(); List <KeyValuePair <string, string> > subfields = new List <KeyValuePair <string, string> >(); // Build the complete line foreach (MARC_Subfield thisSubfield in thisField.Subfields) { subfields.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string> (thisSubfield.Subfield_Code.ToString(), thisSubfield.Data)); } metadataField.Subfields = subfields; metadataFieldsList.Add(metadataField); } } } return(metadataFieldsList); }
private StatisticsOutputColumn IsFieldSelected(MetadataObject metadata, MetadataField field) { var sqlContext = metadata.SQLContext; return(_outputColumns .FirstOrDefault(column => column.MetadataObject == metadata && column.MetadataField != null && sqlContext.IsIdentifiersEqual(column.MetadataField.GetNameIdentifier(), field.GetNameIdentifier()))); }
protected void DeleteMetadataField(object sender, GridViewDeleteEventArgs e) { int fieldId = (int)MetadataGrid.DataKeys[e.RowIndex][MetadataField.FieldId]; MetadataField biz = new MetadataField(); biz.Delete(fieldId); Response.Redirect("AdminEditFieldMetadata.aspx?diseaseId=" + QueryDiseaseId + "&tableId=" + QueryTableId); }
public virtual void CascadeRemove(MetadataField item) { Requires <InvalidKeyException> .GreaterThan(item.Id, 0); Log.Verbose("CascadeRemove({0})", item.ToString()); //1==>X //1<==>X base.CascadeRemove(item); }
public void AddPropertyItem(PropertyItem propertyItem) { string name = Enum.GetName(typeof(ImagePropertyTags), propertyItem.Id); object value = ParsePropertyItemValue(propertyItem); MetadataField metadataField = new MetadataField(name, value); this.metadataFields.Add(metadataField); }
private void QBuilder_DataSourceFieldAdded(DataSource dataSource, MetadataField field, QueryColumnListItem queryColumnListItem, bool focusCondition) { if (CbDataSourceFieldAdded.Checked != true) { return; } var text = field == null ? dataSource.NameInQuery + ".*" : field.Name; AddRowToReport("DataSourceFieldAdded \"" + text + "\""); }
private void QBuilder_DatasourceFieldRemoved(DataSource dataSource, MetadataField field) { if (CbDatasourceFieldRemoved.Checked != true) { return; } var text = field == null ? dataSource.NameInQuery + ".*" : field.Name; AddRowToReport("DatasourceFieldRemoved \"" + text + "\""); }
private void QBuilder_OnDatasourceFieldRemoved(DataSource datasource, MetadataField field) { if (CbDatasourceFieldRemoved.IsChecked != true) { return; } var fieldText = field == null ? datasource.NameInQuery + ".*" : field.Name; BoxLogEvents.Text = $"DatasourceFieldRemoved {fieldText}" + Environment.NewLine + BoxLogEvents.Text; }
private void cont_FieldListDrawItem(object drawingContext, CRectangle rect, CDrawItemState state, MetadataField field, ref bool handled) { var context = (Graphics)drawingContext; if (field == null || !field.PrimaryKey) { return; } handled = true; context.FillRectangle(Brushes.White, new Rectangle(new Point((int)rect.X, (int)rect.Y), new Size((int)rect.Width, (int)rect.Height))); if (((CDrawItemState.Selected & state)) != 0 && (CDrawItemState.Focus & state) != 0) { context.FillRectangle(Brushes.DodgerBlue, new Rectangle(new Point((int)rect.X, (int)rect.Y), new Size((int)rect.Width, (int)rect.Height))); context.DrawRectangle(new Pen(Color.Black) { DashStyle = DashStyle.Dot }, new Rectangle(new Point((int)rect.X, (int)rect.Y), new Size((int)rect.Width, (int)rect.Height - 1))); } else { if ((CDrawItemState.Selected & state) != 0 && (CDrawItemState.Focus & state) == 0) { context.FillRectangle(Brushes.DodgerBlue, new Rectangle(new Point((int)rect.X, (int)rect.Y), new Size((int)rect.Width, (int)rect.Height))); } } var imageKey = (Bitmap)QBuilder.DataSourceOptions.ColumnsOptions.MarkColumnOptions.PrimaryKeyIcon; context.DrawImage(imageKey, new Point((int)rect.X + 3, (int)rect.Y)); const TextFormatFlags textFormatFlags = TextFormatFlags.NoClipping | TextFormatFlags.VerticalCenter | TextFormatFlags.NoPrefix; var colorText = (CDrawItemState.Selected & state) != 0 ? Color.White : Color.Gray; var font = new Font(DefaultFont.FontFamily, DefaultFont.Size); var text = "(" + field.FieldTypeName + ") " + field.Name; var textSize = TextRenderer.MeasureText(text, font); TextRenderer.DrawText(context, text, font, new Rectangle(new Point((int)rect.X + imageKey.Width + 2, (int)rect.Y), new Size(textSize.Width, (int)rect.Height)), colorText, textFormatFlags); }
private void QBuilder_OnDataSourceFieldAdded(DataSource datasource, MetadataField field, QueryColumnListItem querycolumnlistitem, bool isFocused) { if (CbDataSourceFieldAdded.IsChecked != true) { return; } var fieldText = field == null ? datasource.NameInQuery + ".*" : field.Name; BoxLogEvents.Text = $"DataSourceFieldAdded {fieldText}" + Environment.NewLine + BoxLogEvents.Text; }
internal static MetadataField makeMetadataField(string description, string name, MetadataType type, int pos, string format, Guid guid) { MetadataField metadataField = new MetadataField(); metadataField.Description = description; metadataField.Name = name; metadataField.Type = type; metadataField.Guid = guid; metadataField.DisplayPosition = pos; metadataField.DisplayFormat = format; return metadataField; }
static unsafe uint read(byte *row, MetadataField mdField) { switch (mdField.size) { case 1: return(*(row + mdField.offset)); case 2: return(*(ushort *)(row + mdField.offset)); case 4: return(*(uint *)(row + mdField.offset)); default: throw new ApplicationException(string.Format("Unknown size: {0}", mdField.size)); } }
public static string GetLabel(MetadataField metadataField) { MemberInfo memberInfo = typeof(MetadataField).GetMember(metadataField.ToString()) .FirstOrDefault(); if (memberInfo == null) { return(null); } DisplayAttribute attribute = (DisplayAttribute) memberInfo.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(DisplayAttribute), false) .Single(); return(attribute.Name); }
// Displays a prompt on deleting a field from the SELECT list. private void QBuilder_OnDataSourceFieldRemoving(DataSource datasource, MetadataField field, ref bool abort) { if (CbDataSourceFieldRemoving.IsChecked != true) { return; } BoxLogEvents.Text = "DataSourceFieldRemoving removing field \"" + field.Name + "\" form \"" + datasource.NameInQuery + "\"" + Environment.NewLine + BoxLogEvents.Text; var msg = "Are you sure to remove \"" + "\".\"" + datasource.NameInQuery + "\"" + (field.Name ?? "*") + "\" from the query?"; if (MessageBox.Show(msg, "DataSourceFieldRemoving event handler", MessageBoxButton.YesNo) == MessageBoxResult.No) { abort = true; } }
// // DatasourceFieldAdding event allows to prevent selecting of a field. // private void QBuilder_DataSourceFieldAdding(DataSource dataSource, MetadataField field, ref bool abort) { if (!CbDataSourceFieldAdding.Checked) { return; } var text = field == null ? dataSource.NameInQuery + ".*" : field.Name; AddRowToReport("DataSourceFieldAdding. Field name \"" + text + "\""); var msg = "Do you want to add the field \"" + text + "\" to the query?"; if (MessageBox.Show(msg, "DatasourceFieldAdding event handler", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.No) { abort = true; } }
private static IEnumerable <MetadataField> ParseFields(XNamespace ns, IEnumerable <XElement> fieldElements) { var fields = new List <MetadataField>(); foreach (var fieldElem in fieldElements) { var field = new MetadataField { MetadataEntryId = fieldElem.Descendants(ns + "ClassName").FirstOrDefault()?.Value, SystemName = fieldElem.Descendants(ns + "SystemName").FirstOrDefault()?.Value, StandardName = fieldElem.Descendants(ns + "StandardName").FirstOrDefault()?.Value, LongName = fieldElem.Descendants(ns + "LongName").FirstOrDefault()?.Value, DBName = fieldElem.Descendants(ns + "DBName").FirstOrDefault()?.Value, ShortName = fieldElem.Descendants(ns + "ShortName").FirstOrDefault()?.Value, MaximumLength = fieldElem.Descendants(ns + "MaximumLength").FirstOrDefault()?.Value, DataType = fieldElem.Descendants(ns + "DataType").FirstOrDefault()?.Value, Precision = fieldElem.Descendants(ns + "Precision").FirstOrDefault()?.Value, Searchable = fieldElem.Descendants(ns + "Searchable").FirstOrDefault()?.Value, Interpretation = fieldElem.Descendants(ns + "Interpretation").FirstOrDefault()?.Value, Alignment = fieldElem.Descendants(ns + "Alignment").FirstOrDefault()?.Value, UseSeparator = fieldElem.Descendants(ns + "UseSeparator").FirstOrDefault()?.Value, EditMaskId = fieldElem.Descendants(ns + "EditMaskId").FirstOrDefault()?.Value, LookupName = fieldElem.Descendants(ns + "LookupName").FirstOrDefault()?.Value, MaxSelect = fieldElem.Descendants(ns + "MaxSelect").FirstOrDefault()?.Value, Units = fieldElem.Descendants(ns + "Units").FirstOrDefault()?.Value, Index = fieldElem.Descendants(ns + "Index").FirstOrDefault()?.Value, Minimum = fieldElem.Descendants(ns + "Minimum").FirstOrDefault()?.Value, Maximum = fieldElem.Descendants(ns + "Maximum").FirstOrDefault()?.Value, Default = fieldElem.Descendants(ns + "Default").FirstOrDefault()?.Value, Required = fieldElem.Descendants(ns + "Required").FirstOrDefault()?.Value, SearchHelpId = fieldElem.Descendants(ns + "SearchHelpId").FirstOrDefault()?.Value, Unique = fieldElem.Descendants(ns + "Unique").FirstOrDefault()?.Value, ModTimeStamp = fieldElem.Descendants(ns + "ModTimeStamp").FirstOrDefault()?.Value, ForeignKeyName = fieldElem.Descendants(ns + "ForeignKeyName").FirstOrDefault()?.Value, ForeignField = fieldElem.Descendants(ns + "ForeignField").FirstOrDefault()?.Value, KeyQuery = fieldElem.Descendants(ns + "KeyQuery").FirstOrDefault()?.Value, KeySelect = fieldElem.Descendants(ns + "KeySelect").FirstOrDefault()?.Value, InKeyIndex = fieldElem.Descendants(ns + "InKeyIndex").FirstOrDefault()?.Value, }; fields.Add(field); } return(fields); }
public DTO.MetadataField Save(DTO.MetadataField field) { using (var transaction = Connection.BeginTransaction()) { try { var _field = new MetadataField(field); _field = metadataService.SaveField(_field); return(new DTO.MetadataField(_field)); } catch { transaction.Rollback(); throw; } } }
/// <summary> /// Prompts the user if he/she really wants to add a field to the SELECT list. /// </summary> private void QBuilder_OnDataSourceFieldAdding(DataSource datasource, MetadataField field, ref bool abort) { if (CbDataSourceFieldAdding.IsChecked != true) { return; } var fieldText = field == null ? $"{datasource.NameInQuery}.*" : field.Name; BoxLogEvents.Text = "DatasourceFieldAdding adding field \"" + fieldText + "\"" + Environment.NewLine + BoxLogEvents.Text; var msg = "Are you sure to add \"" + fieldText + "\" to the SELECT list?"; if (MessageBox.Show(msg, "DatasourceFieldAdding event handler", MessageBoxButton.YesNo) == MessageBoxResult.No) { abort = true; } }
/// <summary> /// The handler checks if the dragged field is a part of the primary key and denies dragging if it's not the case. /// </summary> private void QBuilder_BeforeDatasourceFieldDrag(DataSource dataSource, MetadataField field, ref bool abort) { if (CheckBoxBeforeDsFieldDrag.Checked != true) { return; } // deny dragging if a field isn't a part of the primary key if (!field.PrimaryKey) { TextBoxReport.Text = "OnBeforeDatasourceFieldDrag for field \"" + field.Name + " \" deny" + Environment.NewLine + TextBoxReport.Text; abort = true; return; } TextBoxReport.Text = "OnBeforeDatasourceFieldDrag for field \"" + field.Name + " \" allow" + Environment.NewLine + TextBoxReport.Text; }
private void QBuilder_DataSourceFieldRemoving(DataSource dataSource, MetadataField field, ref bool abort) { if (CbDataSourceFieldRemoving.Checked != true) { return; } var text = field == null ? dataSource.NameInQuery + ".*" : field.Name; AddRowToReport("DataSourceFieldRemoving removing field \"" + text + "\" form \"" + dataSource.NameInQuery + "\""); var name = dataSource.NameInQuery; var msg = "Do you want to uncheck field \"" + text + "\" in the object \"" + name + "\"?"; if (MessageBox.Show(msg, "DataSourceFieldRemoving event handler", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.No) { abort = true; } }
private static MetadataField GetAttributeByIndex(IWMHeaderInfo3 header, int index) { StringBuilder attributeName = null; ushort attributeNameLength = 0; WMT_ATTR_DATATYPE attributeDataType; ushort langIndex = 0; byte[] attributeValue = null; uint attributeValueLength = 0; header.GetAttributeByIndexEx( StreamNumber, (ushort)index, attributeName, ref attributeNameLength, out attributeDataType, out langIndex, attributeValue, ref attributeValueLength); attributeName = new StringBuilder(attributeNameLength, attributeNameLength); attributeValue = new byte[attributeValueLength]; header.GetAttributeByIndexEx( StreamNumber, (ushort)index, attributeName, ref attributeNameLength, out attributeDataType, out langIndex, attributeValue, ref attributeValueLength); object value = ParseAttributeValue(attributeValue, attributeDataType); MetadataField field = new MetadataField(attributeName.ToString(), value); return(field); }
// // LinkCreating event allows to prevent link creation // private void QBuilder_OnLinkCreating(DataSource fromDatasource, MetadataField fromField, DataSource toDatasource, MetadataField toField, MetadataForeignKey correspondingmetadataforeignkey, ref bool abort) { if (CbLinkCreating.IsChecked != true) { return; } if (fromField == null || toField == null) { return; } BoxLogEvents.Text = "LinkCreating" + Environment.NewLine + BoxLogEvents.Text; var msg = string.Format("Do you want to create the link between {0}.{1} and {2}.{3}?", fromDatasource.MetadataObject.Name, fromField.Name, toDatasource.MetadataObject.Name, toField.Name); if (MessageBox.Show(msg, "LinkCreating event handler", MessageBoxButton.YesNo) == MessageBoxResult.No) { abort = true; } }
public SwaggerPrimitve(MetadataField metadataField) { switch (metadataField.DataType) { case "bool": this.Type = "boolean"; break; case "decimal": this.Type = "number"; this.Format = "double"; break; case "short": this.Type = "integer"; this.Format = "Signed 16-bit integer"; break; case "int": this.Type = "integer"; this.Format = "Signed 32-bit integer"; break; // the Swagger spec at supports formats "full-date" and "date-time" // as defined by date-time - RFC3339 // So, we are being rather informal here case "System.DateTime": this.Type = "string"; this.Format = "full-date YYYY-MM-DD"; break; default: this.Type = metadataField.DataType.ToLowerInvariant(); break; } this.Description = metadataField.Nullable ? "This property is nullable." : "This property is not nullable."; if (metadataField.Deprecated) { this.Description += " This property is deprecated."; } }
/// <summary> /// Checking the feasibility of creating a link between the given fields. /// </summary> private void QBuilder_LinkDragOver(DataSource fromDataSource, MetadataField fromField, DataSource toDataSource, MetadataField toField, MetadataForeignKey correspondingMetadataForeignKey, ref bool abort) { if (CheckBoxLinkDragOver.Checked != true) { return; } // Allow creation of links between fields of the same data type. if (fromField.FieldType == toField.FieldType) { TextBoxReport.Text = "OnLinkDragOver from field \"" + fromField.Name + "\" to field \"" + toField.Name + "\" allow" + Environment.NewLine + TextBoxReport.Text; return; } TextBoxReport.Text = "OnLinkDragOver from field \"" + fromField.Name + "\" to field \"" + toField.Name + "\" deny" + Environment.NewLine + TextBoxReport.Text; abort = true; }
public MetadataField SaveField(MetadataField field) { field.IsValid(); var exists = metadataFieldRepository.GetByJsonId(field); if (!exists.IsNull() && field.Code != exists.Code) { throw new ArgumentException("Ops, Já existe um campo com esse JSON ID"); } if (!exists.IsNull()) { exists.Name = field.Name; exists.Validator = field.Validator; exists.UpdateDate = DateTime.Now; field = exists; } field = metadataFieldRepository.Save(field); return(field); }
private ICriteriaBuilderCustomEditor CriteriaBuilderOnNeedEditorForValue(object sender, KindOfType kindTypeContent, MetadataField metadataField, CRectangle bounds) { if (CheckBoxEditor.IsChecked == false) { return(null); } var editor = new CustomEditor { Bounds = bounds, VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Top, HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left }; return(editor); }
private static EventDefinitionData makeEventDefinition() { EventDefinitionData accessEventDefinition = new EventDefinitionData(); accessEventDefinition.Guid = _eventGuid; accessEventDefinition.Name = DefinitionName; accessEventDefinition.ShortName = ShortName; accessEventDefinition.HelpText = HelpText; MetadataField[] accessMetadataFields = new MetadataField[MetadataFieldCount]; accessEventDefinition.MetadataFields = accessMetadataFields; //// Handle Enumeration Values for Type metadata //_typeField.EnumeratedData = new EnumeratedData(); //_typeField.EnumeratedData.Name = "Type Values"; //_typeField.EnumeratedData.Values = _typeValues; int idx = 0; accessMetadataFields[idx++] = _typeField; accessMetadataFields[idx++] = _locationField; accessMetadataFields[idx++] = _descriptionField; accessMetadataFields[idx++] = _userField; accessMetadataFields[idx++] = _cardField; return accessEventDefinition; }
/// <summary> /// Gets the schema object property. /// /// </summary> /// <param name="field">The field.</param> /// <returns>String representation of the schema object with indentation</returns> private static string GetSchemaObjectProperty(MetadataField field) { string schemaObjectProperty = @" " + field.FieldName.ToLowerInvariant() + ":"; // -> "Primitive data types in the Swagger Specification are based on the types supported by the JSON-Schema Draft 4. Models are described using the Schema Object which is a subset of JSON Schema Draft 4." switch (field.DataType) { case "decimal": schemaObjectProperty += @" type: number format: double"; break; case "short": schemaObjectProperty += @" type: integer format: short signed 16 bit integer"; break; default: schemaObjectProperty += @" type: " + field.DataType.ToLowerInvariant(); break; } string description = field.Nullable ? "This property is nullable." : "This property is not nullable."; if (field.Deprecated) { description += " This property is deprecated."; } schemaObjectProperty += @" description: " + description; return schemaObjectProperty; }
private string GetStringValue(Record row, MetadataField fieldType) { StringField field = (StringField) row.GetFieldByType(fieldType); if (field != null) return field.Value; return null; }
private int GetIntValue(Record row, MetadataField fieldType, int defaultValue) { int? val = GetIntValue(row, fieldType); if (val.HasValue) return val.Value; return defaultValue; }
private int? GetIntValue(Record row, MetadataField fieldType) { IntegerField field = (IntegerField) row.GetFieldByType(fieldType); if (field != null) return field.Value; return null; }
/// <summary> /// Gets the value for the specified metadata field /// </summary> /// <param name="field"> /// A <see cref="MetadataField"/> specifying which metadata value to retrieve. /// </param> /// <returns> /// A <see cref="Field"/> containing the actual data. /// </returns> public Field GetFieldByType(MetadataField field) { if (fieldMapping.ContainsKey(field)) return GetFieldById(fieldMapping[field]); return null; }
private static string GetParameterText(MetadataField field) { string description = field.Nullable ? "This property is nullable." : "This property is not nullable."; if (field.Deprecated) { description += " This property is deprecated."; } return GetParameterText(field.FieldName, "query", description, field.Required, field.DataType); }
private double? SelectFieldValue(MetadataField field) { double? result = null; MetadataModule module = _manager.GetModuleById(field.ModuleId); using (DbCommand cmd = _connection.CreateCommand()) { cmd.CommandText = "SELECT " + field.Name + " FROM " + module.ModuleName + " WHERE PlowMachineId = '" + _plowMachineId.ToString() + "'" ; using (DbDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader()) { while (reader.Read()) { if (!reader.IsDBNull(0)) { result = reader.GetDouble(0); } } } } return result; }