 /// Can one pass from `origin` to adjacent `position`?
 /// <param name="origin">Position object is at now</param>
 /// <param name="position">Adjacent position object wants to move to</param>
 /// <param name="includingPlayers">Set this to false to ignore players from check</param>
 /// <param name="context">Is excluded from passable check</param>
 /// <param name="isReach">True if we're seeing if an object can be reached through</param>
 /// <param name="onlyExcludeLayerOnDestination">false if every involved tile should have the layers excluded, true if only the destination tile</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public bool IsPassableAtOneMatrix(Vector3Int origin, Vector3Int position, bool isServer,
                                   CollisionType collisionType    = CollisionType.Player, bool includingPlayers = true, GameObject context = null,
                                   List <LayerType> excludeLayers = null, List <TileType> excludeTiles          = null, bool ignoreObjects = false,
                                   bool isReach = false, bool onlyExcludeLayerOnDestination = false)
     return(MetaTileMap.IsPassableAtOneTileMap(origin, position, isServer, collisionType: collisionType,
                                               inclPlayers: includingPlayers, context: context, excludeLayers: excludeLayers,
                                               excludeTiles: excludeTiles, ignoreObjects: ignoreObjects, isReach: isReach,
                                               onlyExcludeLayerOnDestination: onlyExcludeLayerOnDestination));