public ActionResult Register(UserProfile userProfile) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { // Has email already been registered? var emailDuplicated = checkEmail(userProfile.Email); if (emailDuplicated == true) { TempData["Message"] = userProfile.Email + Environment.NewLine + "This Email address has already been registered."; return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } // Create the User Record User user = new Models.User(); user.UserName = userProfile.UserName; user.Email = userProfile.Email; user.Admin = false; // Create a random password for this user UserInfo uInfo = new UserInfo(); string password = uInfo.CreatePassword(6); user.Password = password; db.Users.Add(user); db.SaveChanges(); // Create the Profile Record var newprofile = new Profile(); newprofile.UserID = user.UserID; newprofile.HomeClubID = userProfile.HomeCourseID; newprofile.Handicap = userProfile.Handicap; newprofile.Photo = "/Images/Default Profile Photo.jpg"; db.Profiles.Add(newprofile); db.SaveChanges(); // Create New Message to Inform Admin of NEW user MessageInfo messageInfo = new MessageInfo(); var AllAdmin = uInfo.GetAllAdmin(); string AdminEmail = ""; string Subject = ""; string Body = ""; foreach (var item in AllAdmin) { messageInfo.CreateMessage(newprofile.UserID, item.UserID, DateTime.Now, user.UserName + " has registered to join Tigerline Scores."); AdminEmail = item.Email; // Send Email to Admin Subject = "NEW USER HAS REGISTERED"; Body = "<span style='font-family: Calibri; font-size: 24px; font-weight: bold; color: green'>TIGERLINE SCORES</span><br/><br/>"; Body += "<span style='font-family: Calibri'>New user " + user.UserName + " has registered to use Tigerline Scores..<br/><br/>"; Body += "<a href=''>Tigerline Scores</a>"; messageInfo.SendEmail(AdminEmail, Subject, Body, null); } // Send email to new user with NEW password (created above) and instructions on how to use Tigerline Scores Body = "<span style='font-family: Calibri; font-size: 24px; font-weight: bold; color: green'>TIGERLINE SCORES</span><br/><br/>"; Body += "<div style='font-family: Calibri; font-size: 14px'>" + user.UserName + "<br/><br/>Thanks for registering and welcome to Tigerline Scores.<br/><br/>"; Body += "Your login details are : <br/><br/>"; Body += "<span style='font-weight: bold'>" + user.Email + "</span><br/>"; Body += "Password <span style='font-weight: bold'>" + password + "</span><br/><br/>"; Body += "Attached to this email are instructions on how to find your way around the site, how to register an upcoming round and how to upload your score cards.<br/><br/>"; Body += "I hope you enjoy using Tigerline Scores. Please feel free to send me any comments you have about the site as I am still developing and improving it.<br/>"; Body += "Send your emails to [email protected]<br/><br/>"; Body += "Thanks again and good luck!<br/><br/>Martin<br/><br/>"; Body += "<a href=''>Tigerline Scores</a>"; Body += "</div>"; string userEmail = user.Email; Subject = "Welcome to Tigerline Scores"; string attachment = Server.MapPath("~/Images/Tigerline_Scores_Instructions.pdf"); messageInfo.SendEmail(userEmail, Subject, Body, attachment); TempData["Register"] = "Thanks for registering to join Tigerline Scores." + Environment.NewLine + "An email will be sent to you shortly with your password and information about how to use Tigerline Scores. Use your email address and the password to login into this site."; return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } return(View("Index")); }