public static void Start() { int answerNumber = new Random().Next(1, 100); for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { var answer = MessageBox.AskForInput("What is the number? (" + (i + 1) + ". try)"); // What is the number? (1. try) // = --> Érték adás // == --> Összehasonlítás if (answer == answerNumber) { // Play a bell --#2 MessageBox.ShowMessage("You won the game."); return; } if (answer > answerNumber) { MessageBox.ShowMessage("Answer is too high"); } if (answer < answerNumber) { MessageBox.ShowMessage("Answer is too low"); } } MessageBox.ShowMessage("You lost"); }
private static String askAQuestion(String question) { //var anotherVariable = askAQuestion("aaaaaaaaaaa"); String answer = MessageBox.AskForInput(question); return(answer); }
public static void Start() { var currentAdverb = MessageBox.AskForInput("Enter an adverb!"); var currentEdVerb = MessageBox.AskForInput("Enter a verb ending in '-ed'."); var currentBodyPart = MessageBox.AskForInput("Enter your body part."); var currentStory = "Today "; currentStory += "I woke " + currentAdverb + ". "; currentStory += "Then I " + currentEdVerb + " "; currentStory += "my " + currentBodyPart + ". "; MessageBox.ShowMessage(currentStory); }
private static void AskAQuestion(string question, string answer) { while (true) { var guess = MessageBox.AskForInput(question); if (guess.ToString().ToLower() == answer.ToLower()) { break; } MessageBox.ShowMessage("That was incorrect."); } }
private static void Feladat1() { var word = new Words(); word.currentAdverb = MessageBox.AskForInput("Enter an adverb."); word.currentEdVerb = MessageBox.AskForInput("Enter a verb ending in '-ed'! "); word.currentBodyPart = MessageBox.AskForInput("Enter a body part! "); word.osszefuzve(); //MessageBox.ShowMessage(word.currentAdverb + word.currentBodyPart + word.currentEdVerb); var currentStory = "..."; var words2 = new Words(); words2.osszefuzve(); }
private static void PourIntoBackyard() { MessageBox.ShowMessage("As you walk into the backyard a net scoops you up and a giant takes you to a boiling pot of water."); string reaction = MessageBox.AskForInput("As the man starts to prepare you as soup, do you...'Scream' or 'Faint'?"); if (reaction == "Faint") { MessageBox.ShowMessage("You made a delicious soup! Yum! The end."); } else if (reaction == "Scream") { startStory(); } else { EndStory(); } }
private static void ApproachOoze() { MessageBox.ShowMessage("You approach a glowing, green bucket of ooze. Worried that you will get in trouble, you pick up the bucket."); String answer = MessageBox.AskForInput("Do you want to pour the ooze into the 'backyard' or 'toilet'?"); if (answer == "toilet") { PourIntoToilet(); } else if (answer == "backyard") { PourIntoBackyard(); } else { EndStory(); } }
private static void PourIntoToilet() { MessageBox.ShowMessage("As you pour the ooze into the toilet it backs up, gurgles, and explodes, covering you in radioactive waste."); string ninja = MessageBox.AskForInput("Do you want to train to be a NINJA? 'Yes' or 'HECK YES'?"); bool isYes = ninja == "Yes"; bool isHeckYes = ninja == "HECK YES"; bool is_Yes_or_HeckYes = isYes || isHeckYes; if (is_Yes_or_HeckYes) //if (ninja == "Yes" || ninja == "HECK YES") { MessageBox.ShowMessage("Awesome dude! You live out the rest of your life fighting crimes and eating pizza!"); } else { EndStory(); } }
public static void Main() { Tortoise.Show(); Tortoise.SetSpeed(10); var sides = MessageBox.AskForInput("How many sides?"); for (int spins = 1; spins < sides; spins++) { for (int i = 0; i < sides; i++) { Tortoise.SetPenColor(Colors.GetRandomColor()); Tortoise.Move(100); Tortoise.Turn((360.0 * spins) / sides); } System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(100); //ProgramWindow.Clear(); Tortoise.Show(); } }