    public void Apply(MeshManager manager)
        VoxelBlob targetData = manager.m_blob;
        byte      newMat     = material;

        material = targetData[width, layer, depth];
        targetData[width, layer, depth] = newMat;
        manager.MarkChunksForRegenForPoint(width, layer, depth);
    IEnumerator DoApply(MeshManager manager, DeltaDoneDelegate onDone, bool undo)
        VoxelBlob targetData = manager.m_blob;

        foreach (BlobHolder holder in blobs.Values)
            if (Scheduler.ShouldYield())
                yield return(null);
            VoxelBlob blob = holder.blob;
            if (holder.unDone == undo)
            for (int x = 0; x < blob.width; ++x)
                for (int y = 0; y < blob.height; ++y)
                    for (int z = 0; z < blob.depth; ++z)
                        byte newMat = blob[x, y, z];
                        if (newMat != System.Convert.ToByte(0))
                            int  dataX  = x + (int)blob.position.x;
                            int  dataY  = y + (int)blob.position.y;
                            int  dataZ  = z + (int)blob.position.z;
                            byte oldMat = targetData[dataX, dataY, dataZ];
                            if (oldMat == 0)
                                oldMat = MeshManager.kVoxelSubtract;
                            if (newMat == MeshManager.kVoxelSubtract)
                                newMat = 0;

                            blob[x, y, z] = oldMat;
                            targetData[dataX, dataY, dataZ] = newMat;
                            manager.MarkChunksForRegenForPoint(dataX, dataY, dataZ);
            holder.unDone = undo;

        if (onDone != null)
    /// <summary>
    /// Creates the voxels from ray casting through the face from rayDirection
    /// </summary>
    private IEnumerator CreateVoxelsFromDirection(int rayDirection)
        int3    blobBounds = new int3(m_manager.m_blob.width, m_manager.m_blob.height, m_manager.m_blob.depth);
        DirData dirData    = m_data.dirData[rayDirection];
        int3    dataIndex  = new int3();
        int     planeAxis0 = ((rayDirection + 1) % 3);
        int     planeAxis1 = ((rayDirection + 2) % 3);

        for (; dirData.i < m_voxelEnd[planeAxis0]; ++dirData.i)
            int i = dirData.i;
            if (i < 0 || i >= blobBounds[planeAxis0])
            for (; dirData.j < m_voxelEnd[planeAxis1]; ++dirData.j)
                int j = dirData.j;
                if (j < 0 || j >= blobBounds[planeAxis1])
                if (Scheduler.ShouldYield())
                    yield return(null);
                if (shouldAbort)
                    yield break;

                Vector3 point = Vector3.zero;
                point[planeAxis0] = i + 0.5f;
                point[planeAxis1] = j + 0.5f;

                SortedDictionary <float, bool> intersections = BuildIntersections(rayDirection, planeAxis0, planeAxis1, point);

                int3          index       = new int3(Mathf.FloorToInt(point.x), Mathf.FloorToInt(point.y), Mathf.FloorToInt(point.z));
                Stack <float> startPoints = new Stack <float>();
                float         last        = -1f;
                foreach (KeyValuePair <float, bool> kvp in intersections)
                    if (Mathf.Approximately(kvp.Key, last))

                    if (kvp.Value)
                        if (startPoints.Count > 0)
                            for (int k = Mathf.RoundToInt(startPoints.Peek()); k < Mathf.RoundToInt(kvp.Key); ++k)
                                index[rayDirection] = k;
                                for (int dim = 0; dim < 3; ++dim)
                                    dataIndex[dim] = index[dim] - m_voxelStart[dim];
                                m_data.voxelData[dataIndex[0], dataIndex[1], dataIndex[2]]++;
                            if (startPoints.Count > 1)

                    last = kvp.Key;

                for (int k = m_voxelStart[rayDirection]; k < m_voxelEnd[rayDirection]; ++k)
                    index[rayDirection] = k;
                    for (int dim = 0; dim < 3; ++dim)
                        dataIndex[dim] = index[dim] - m_voxelStart[dim];
                    m_data.voxelData[dataIndex.x, dataIndex.y, dataIndex.z] += 10;
                    if (m_data.voxelData[dataIndex.x, dataIndex.y, dataIndex.z] >= 32)
                        if (m_manager.m_blob.IsValidPoint(index))
                            byte oldMat = m_manager.m_blob[index];
                            if (oldMat == MeshManager.kVoxelEmpty)
                                oldMat = MeshManager.kVoxelSubtract;
                            m_delta.blobDelta[index] = oldMat;
                            m_manager.m_blob[index]  = m_data.material;
            dirData.j = m_voxelStart[planeAxis1];

        yield return(null);