// This function does local remeshing around a boundary loop within a fixed # of // rings, to try to 'massage' it into a cleaner shape/topology // [TODO] use geodesic distance instead of fixed # of rings? public static void cleanup_boundary(NGonsCore.geometry3Sharp.mesh.DMesh3 mesh, EdgeLoop loop, double target_edge_len, int nRings = 3) { Debug.Assert(loop.IsBoundaryLoop()); MeshFaceSelection roi = new MeshFaceSelection(mesh); roi.SelectVertexOneRings(loop.Vertices); for (int i = 0; i < nRings; ++i) { roi.ExpandToOneRingNeighbours(); } roi.LocalOptimize(true, true); RegionRemesher r = new RegionRemesher(mesh, roi.ToArray()); r.Precompute(); r.EnableFlips = r.EnableSplits = r.EnableCollapses = true; r.MinEdgeLength = target_edge_len; r.MaxEdgeLength = 2 * target_edge_len; r.EnableSmoothing = true; r.SmoothSpeedT = 0.1f; for (int k = 0; k < nRings * 3; ++k) { r.BasicRemeshPass(); } Debug.Assert(mesh.CheckValidity()); r.BackPropropagate(); }
// smooths embedded loop in mesh, by first smoothing edge loop and then // smoothing vertex neighbourhood // [TODO] geodesic nbrhoold instead of # of rings // [TODO] reprojection? public static void smooth_loop(NGonsCore.geometry3Sharp.mesh.DMesh3 mesh, EdgeLoop loop, int nRings) { MeshFaceSelection roi_t = new MeshFaceSelection(mesh); roi_t.SelectVertexOneRings(loop.Vertices); for (int i = 0; i < nRings; ++i) { roi_t.ExpandToOneRingNeighbours(); } roi_t.LocalOptimize(true, true); MeshVertexSelection roi_v = new MeshVertexSelection(mesh); roi_v.SelectTriangleVertices(roi_t.ToArray()); roi_v.Deselect(loop.Vertices); MeshLoopSmooth loop_smooth = new MeshLoopSmooth(mesh, loop); loop_smooth.Rounds = 1; MeshIterativeSmooth mesh_smooth = new MeshIterativeSmooth(mesh, roi_v.ToArray(), true); mesh_smooth.Rounds = 1; for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { loop_smooth.Smooth(); mesh_smooth.Smooth(); } }
// local mesh smooth applied to all vertices in N-rings around input list public static void smooth_region(NGonsCore.geometry3Sharp.mesh.DMesh3 mesh, IEnumerable <int> vertices, int nRings) { MeshFaceSelection roi_t = new MeshFaceSelection(mesh); roi_t.SelectVertexOneRings(vertices); for (int i = 0; i < nRings; ++i) { roi_t.ExpandToOneRingNeighbours(); } roi_t.LocalOptimize(true, true); MeshVertexSelection roi_v = new MeshVertexSelection(mesh); roi_v.SelectTriangleVertices(roi_t.ToArray()); MeshIterativeSmooth mesh_smooth = new MeshIterativeSmooth(mesh, roi_v.ToArray(), true); mesh_smooth.Alpha = 0.2f; mesh_smooth.Rounds = 10; mesh_smooth.Smooth(); }
protected void do_flatten(DMesh3 mesh) { double BAND_HEIGHT = flatten_band_height; Vector3d down_axis = -Vector3d.AxisY; double dot_thresh = 0.2; AxisAlignedBox3d bounds = mesh.CachedBounds; DMeshAABBTree3 spatial = new DMeshAABBTree3(mesh, true); Ray3d ray = new Ray3d(bounds.Center - 2 * bounds.Height * Vector3d.AxisY, Vector3d.AxisY); int hit_tid = spatial.FindNearestHitTriangle(ray); Frame3f hitF; MeshQueries.RayHitPointFrame(mesh, spatial, ray, out hitF); Vector3d basePt = hitF.Origin; Frame3f basePlane = new Frame3f(basePt, Vector3f.AxisY); MeshConnectedComponents components = new MeshConnectedComponents(mesh) { FilterF = (tid) => { if (mesh.GetTriangleGroup(tid) != LastExtrudeOuterGroupID) { return(false); } Vector3d n, c; double a; mesh.GetTriInfo(tid, out n, out a, out c); double h = Math.Abs(c.y - basePt.y); if (h > BAND_HEIGHT) { return(false); } if (n.Dot(down_axis) < dot_thresh) { return(false); } return(true); }, SeedFilterF = (tid) => { return(tid == hit_tid); } }; components.FindConnectedT(); MeshFaceSelection all_faces = new MeshFaceSelection(mesh); foreach (var comp in components) { MeshVertexSelection vertices = new MeshVertexSelection(mesh); vertices.SelectTriangleVertices(comp.Indices); foreach (int vid in vertices) { Vector3d v = mesh.GetVertex(vid); v = basePlane.ProjectToPlane((Vector3f)v, 2); mesh.SetVertex(vid, v); } all_faces.SelectVertexOneRings(vertices); } all_faces.ExpandToOneRingNeighbours(3, (tid) => { return(mesh.GetTriangleGroup(tid) == LastExtrudeOuterGroupID); }); RegionRemesher r = new RegionRemesher(mesh, all_faces); r.SetProjectionTarget(MeshProjectionTarget.Auto(mesh)); r.SetTargetEdgeLength(2.0f); r.SmoothSpeedT = 1.0f; for (int k = 0; k < 10; ++k) { r.BasicRemeshPass(); } r.SetProjectionTarget(null); r.SmoothSpeedT = 1.0f; for (int k = 0; k < 10; ++k) { r.BasicRemeshPass(); } r.BackPropropagate(); }