    public virtual void Update(float elapsed)
        // TODO: it would be nicer if this were notified when the
        // membrane changes to not recheck this constantly

        Vector3 middle = Hex.AxialToCartesian(new Hex(0, 0));
        var     relativeOrganellePosition = middle - organellePos;

        if (relativeOrganellePosition == Vector3.Zero)
            relativeOrganellePosition = DefaultVisualPos;

        Vector3 exit           = middle - relativeOrganellePosition;
        var     membraneCoords = organelle !.ParentMicrobe !.Membrane.GetVectorTowardsNearestPointOfMembrane(exit.x,

        if (!membraneCoords.Equals(lastCalculatedPosition) || NeedsUpdateAnyway())
            float angle = GetAngle(relativeOrganellePosition);

            var rotation = MathUtils.CreateRotationForExternal(angle);

            OnPositionChanged(rotation, angle, membraneCoords);

            lastCalculatedPosition = membraneCoords;
    /// <summary>
    ///   Calculates a world pos for emitting compounds
    /// </summary>
    private Vector3 CalculateNearbyWorldPosition()
        // The back of the microbe
        var exit           = Hex.AxialToCartesian(new Hex(0, 1));
        var membraneCoords = Membrane.GetVectorTowardsNearestPointOfMembrane(exit.x, exit.z);

        // Get the distance to eject the compounds
        var ejectionDistance = Membrane.EncompassingCircleRadius;

        // The membrane radius doesn't take being bacteria into account
        if (Species.IsBacteria)
            ejectionDistance *= 0.5f;

        float angle = 180;

        // Find the direction the microbe is facing
        var yAxis        = Transform.basis.y;
        var microbeAngle = Mathf.Atan2(yAxis.x, yAxis.y);

        if (microbeAngle < 0)
            microbeAngle += 2 * Mathf.Pi;

        microbeAngle = microbeAngle * 180 / Mathf.Pi;

        // Take the microbe angle into account so we get world relative degrees
        var finalAngle = (angle + microbeAngle) % 360;

        var s = Mathf.Sin(finalAngle / 180 * Mathf.Pi);
        var c = Mathf.Cos(finalAngle / 180 * Mathf.Pi);

        var ejectionDirection = new Vector3(-membraneCoords.x * c + membraneCoords.z * s, 0,
                                            membraneCoords.x * s + membraneCoords.z * c);

        return(Translation + (ejectionDirection * ejectionDistance));
    /// <summary>
    ///   This method calculates the relative rotation and translation this microbe should have to its microbe parent.
    ///   <a href="https://randomthrivefiles.b-cdn.net/documentation/fixed_colony_rotation_explanation_image.png">
    ///     Visual explanation
    ///   </a>
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>
    ///   <para>
    ///     Storing the old global translation and rotation, re-parenting and then reapplying the stored values is
    ///     worse than this code because this code utilizes GetVectorTowardsNearestPointOfMembrane. This reduces the
    ///     visual gap between the microbes in a colony.
    ///   </para>
    /// </remarks>
    /// <returns>Returns relative translation and rotation</returns>
    private (Vector3 Translation, Vector3 Rotation) GetNewRelativeTransform()
        // Gets the global rotation of the parent
        var globalParentRotation = ColonyParent.GlobalTransform.basis.GetEuler();

        // A vector from the parent to me
        var vectorFromParent = GlobalTransform.origin - ColonyParent.GlobalTransform.origin;

        // A vector from me to the parent
        var vectorToParent = -vectorFromParent;

        // TODO: using quaternions here instead of assuming that rotating about the up/down axis is right would be nice
        // This vector represents the vectorToParent as if I had no rotation.
        // This works by rotating vectorToParent by the negative value (therefore Down) of my current rotation
        // This is important, because GetVectorTowardsNearestPointOfMembrane only works with non-rotated microbes
        var vectorToParentWithoutRotation = vectorToParent.Rotated(Vector3.Down, Rotation.y);

        // This vector represents the vectorFromParent as if the parent had no rotation.
        var vectorFromParentWithoutRotation = vectorFromParent.Rotated(Vector3.Down, globalParentRotation.y);

        // Calculates the vector from the center of the parent's membrane towards me with canceled out rotation.
        // This gets added to the vector calculated one call before.
        var correctedVectorFromParent = ColonyParent.Membrane
                                                                                vectorFromParentWithoutRotation.z).Rotated(Vector3.Up, globalParentRotation.y);

        // Calculates the vector from my center to my membrane towards the parent.
        // This vector gets rotated back to cancel out the rotation applied two calls above.
        // -= to negate the vector, so that the two membrane vectors amplify
        correctedVectorFromParent -= Membrane
                                     .GetVectorTowardsNearestPointOfMembrane(vectorToParentWithoutRotation.x, vectorToParentWithoutRotation.z)
                                     .Rotated(Vector3.Up, Rotation.y);

        // Rotated because the rotational scope is different.
        var newTranslation = correctedVectorFromParent.Rotated(Vector3.Down, globalParentRotation.y);

        return(newTranslation, Rotation - globalParentRotation);