public void Do2(HomeModel model) { IsBusy = true; var fileIds = ReadFileIdsFromExcel(model.ExcelFilePath); var patients = GetPatientInfo(model.DbFilePath, fileIds); var httpClient = new MelliBankHttpClient(); var index = 0; foreach (var patient in patients) { index++; Console.WriteLine($"{index} of {patients.Count} ( {index * 100 / patients.Count}% )"); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(patient.AccountNo)) { continue; } patient.RealAccountOwnerName = httpClient.GetAccountOwnerName(patient.AccountNo); } FillExcelAndSaveAs(model.ExcelFilePath, patients, ".\\result.xlsx"); model.IsDone = true; IsBusy = false; }
public void Do1(string inputExcel, string outputExcel) { IsBusy = true; var patients = ReadPatientsFromExcel(inputExcel); ProgressTotal = patients.Count; ProgressValue = 0; var httpClient = new MelliBankHttpClient(); foreach (var patient in patients) { ProgressValue++; Console.WriteLine($"{ProgressValue} of {ProgressTotal} ( {ProgressValue * 100 / ProgressTotal}% )"); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(patient.AccountNo)) { continue; } patient.RealAccountOwnerName = httpClient.GetAccountOwnerName(patient.AccountNo); } SavePatientsAsExcel(inputExcel, 3, outputExcel, patients); IsBusy = false; }