protected void BuildAllMedications(int PatientID, string FormName, string FormType) { MedicationDa medDa = new MedicationDa(); DataSet medDs = medDa.FormGetRecords(PatientID, FormName, FormType, null); if (medDs.Tables.Count > 0 && medDs.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { medicationsAll.DataSource = medDs.Tables[0].DefaultView; medicationsAll.DataBind(); } }
protected void BuildMedications(int PatientID, string FormName, string FormType) { string stopDate = System.DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString(); if (Session[SessionKey.CurrentListType] != null && Session[SessionKey.CurrentListType].ToString() == "Clinic" && Session[SessionKey.CurrentClinicDate] != null && Session[SessionKey.CurrentClinicDate].ToString().Length > 0) { stopDate = Session[SessionKey.CurrentClinicDate].ToString(); } MedicationDa medDa = new MedicationDa(); DataSet medDs = medDa.FormGetRecords(PatientID, FormName, FormType, stopDate); if (medDs.Tables.Count > 0 && medDs.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { medications.DataSource = medDs.Tables[0].DefaultView; medications.DataBind(); } }
protected virtual void BuildAdditionalGUMedicationSection(int PatientID, string FormName, string FormType) { // Medications string stopDate = System.DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString(); if (Session[SessionKey.CurrentListType] != null && Session[SessionKey.CurrentListType].ToString() == "Clinic" && Session[SessionKey.CurrentClinicDate] != null && Session[SessionKey.CurrentClinicDate].ToString().Length > 0) { try { stopDate = Convert.ToDateTime(Session[SessionKey.CurrentClinicDate]).ToShortDateString(); } catch { } } MedicationDa medDa = new MedicationDa(); DataSet medDs = medDa.FormGetRecords(PatientID, FormName, FormType, stopDate); medDs.Tables[0].Columns.Add("MedTableType"); foreach (DataRow dr in medDs.Tables[0].Rows) { dr["MedTableType"] = "Medications"; } MedicalTherapyDa medTxDa = new MedicalTherapyDa(); DataSet medTxDs = medTxDa.FormGetRecords(PatientID, FormName, FormType); if (medTxDs.Tables.Count > 0 && medTxDs.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { DataView medTxDv = new DataView(medTxDs.Tables[0]); string filter = "(MedTxRoute = 'Orally') AND (Isnull(MedTxStopDateText,'') = '')"; medTxDv.RowFilter = filter; foreach (DataRowView drv in medTxDv) { DataRow newRow; newRow = medDs.Tables[0].NewRow(); newRow["Medication"] = drv.Row["MedTxAgent"]; newRow["MedDose"] = drv.Row["MedTxDose"]; newRow["MedUnits"] = drv.Row["MedTxUnits"]; newRow["MedSchedule"] = drv.Row["MedTxSchedule"]; newRow["MedIndication"] = drv.Row["MedTxIndication"]; newRow["MedRoute"] = drv.Row["MedTxRoute"]; newRow["MedDateText"] = drv.Row["MedTxDateText"]; newRow["MedDate"] = drv.Row["MedTxDate"]; newRow["MedStopDateText"] = drv.Row["MedTxStopDateText"]; newRow["MedicationId"] = drv.Row["MedicalTherapyId"]; newRow["MedTableType"] = "MedicalTherapy"; medDs.Tables[0].Rows.Add(newRow); } } DataView medDv = new DataView(medDs.Tables[0]); medDv.Sort = "MedDate, MedStopDate, Medication"; medicationsAll.DataSource = medDv; medicationsAll.DataBind(); }
// this is mostly identical to the method BuildMedications(int minNumMedRowsToShow, int minNumBlankMedRows) // but we need to populate 2 different medications sections on this form and the usual methods both // call for the same repeater id. this version uses a different ID for the repeater protected virtual void BuildAdditionalGUMedicationSection(int minNumMedRowsToShow, int minNumBlankMedRows, int numRowsToShowIfNoRecords) { if (patientID != 0) { // Medications string stopDate = System.DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString(); if (Session[SessionKey.CurrentListType] != null && Session[SessionKey.CurrentListType].ToString() == "Clinic" && Session[SessionKey.CurrentClinicDate] != null && Session[SessionKey.CurrentClinicDate].ToString().Length > 0) { try { stopDate = Convert.ToDateTime(Session[SessionKey.CurrentClinicDate]).ToShortDateString(); } catch { } } MedicationDa medDa = new MedicationDa(); DataSet medDs = medDa.FormGetRecords(this.patientID, this._formName, "Dynamic", stopDate); MedicalTherapyDa medTxDa = new MedicalTherapyDa(); DataSet medTxDs = medTxDa.FormGetRecords(this.patientID, this._formName, "Dynamic"); if (medTxDs.Tables.Count > 0 && medTxDs.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { DataView medTxDv = new DataView(medTxDs.Tables[0]); string filter = "(MedTxRoute = 'Orally') AND (Isnull(MedTxStopDateText,'') = '')"; //"(MedTxRoute = 'Orally') AND (MedTxStopDateText = '')"; medTxDv.RowFilter = filter; foreach (DataRowView drv in medTxDv) { DataRow newRow; newRow = medDs.Tables[0].NewRow(); newRow["Medication"] = drv.Row["MedTxAgent"]; newRow["MedDose"] = drv.Row["MedTxDose"]; newRow["MedUnits"] = drv.Row["MedTxUnits"]; newRow["MedSchedule"] = drv.Row["MedTxSchedule"]; newRow["MedIndication"] = drv.Row["MedTxIndication"]; newRow["MedRoute"] = drv.Row["MedTxRoute"]; newRow["MedDateText"] = drv.Row["MedTxDateText"]; newRow["MedDate"] = drv.Row["MedTxDate"]; newRow["MedStopDateText"] = drv.Row["MedTxStopDateText"]; medDs.Tables[0].Rows.Add(newRow); } } // set the number of blank rows that are added to the medications section if (medDs.Tables.Count > 0 && medDs.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { int numBlankMedRows = minNumMedRowsToShow - medDs.Tables[0].Rows.Count; // be sure you have at least the number of blank rows specified earlier if (numBlankMedRows < minNumBlankMedRows) { numBlankMedRows = minNumBlankMedRows; } // add the blank rows for (int i = 0; i < numBlankMedRows; i++) { DataRow blankMedsRow; blankMedsRow = medDs.Tables[0].NewRow(); blankMedsRow["Medication"] = " "; blankMedsRow["MedDose"] = " "; blankMedsRow["MedSchedule"] = " "; blankMedsRow["MedDateText"] = " "; blankMedsRow["MedStopDateText"] = " "; blankMedsRow["MedIndication"] = " "; blankMedsRow["MedRoute"] = " "; blankMedsRow["MedDate"] = "12/31/9999"; // temp fix to facilitate sorting - VERY HACKY - jf medDs.Tables[0].Rows.Add(blankMedsRow); } DataView medDv = new DataView(medDs.Tables[0]); medDv.Sort = "MedDate, MedStopDate, Medication"; AdditionalGUMedicationSection.DataSource = medDv; } else { AdditionalGUMedicationSection.DataSource = BlankMedications(numRowsToShowIfNoRecords).DefaultView; } } else { AdditionalGUMedicationSection.DataSource = BlankMedications(numRowsToShowIfNoRecords).DefaultView; } AdditionalGUMedicationSection.DataBind(); }
protected void BuildHypogonadism() { DataTable HypogonadismTable = this.HypogonadismTable(); // Lab Tests LabTestDa lDa = new LabTestDa(); List <List <string> > HypogonadismLabs = HypogonadismLabKey(); List <string> HypogonadismLabValues = new List <string>(); foreach (List <string> l in HypogonadismLabs) { HypogonadismLabValues.AddRange(l); } DataSet lDs = lDa.GetLabTestsbyList(this._patientId, HypogonadismLabValues.ToArray()); if (lDs != null && lDs.Tables.Count > 0 && lDs.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { foreach (DataRow hRow in lDs.Tables[0].Rows) { foreach (List <string> l in HypogonadismLabs) { // if (hRow[BOL.LabTest.LabTest_Field].ToString().ToUpper() == l[0].ToUpper()) if (l.Contains(hRow[BOL.LabTest.LabTest_Field].ToString().ToUpper())) { HypogonadismTable = AddValueToHypogonadismTable(HypogonadismTable, hRow[BOL.LabTest.LabDateText].ToString(), l[0], hRow[BOL.LabTest.LabResult].ToString(), (int)hRow[BOL.LabTest.LabTestId]); break; } } } } // Medications MedicationDa mDa = new MedicationDa(); List <string> HypogonadismMedications = HypogonadismMedicationKey(); DataSet mDs = mDa.FormGetRecords(this._patientId, "", "Dynamic", ""); if (mDs != null && mDs.Tables.Count > 0 && mDs.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { foreach (DataRow mRow in mDs.Tables[0].Rows) { foreach (string m in HypogonadismMedications) { if (mRow[BOL.Medication.Medication_Field].ToString().ToUpper() == m.ToUpper()) { string medValue = mRow[BOL.Medication.Medication_Field].ToString(); // if (mRow[BOL.Medication.MedDose].ToString().Length > 0) medValue += (" (" + mRow[BOL.Medication.MedDose].ToString() + mRow[BOL.Medication.MedUnits].ToString() + ")"); HypogonadismTable = AddValueToHypogonadismTable(HypogonadismTable, mRow[BOL.Medication.MedDateText].ToString(), "Medication", medValue, (int)mRow[BOL.Medication.MedicationId]); HypogonadismTable = AddValueToHypogonadismTable(HypogonadismTable, mRow[BOL.Medication.MedDateText].ToString(), "MedDose", mRow[BOL.Medication.MedDose].ToString()); HypogonadismTable = AddValueToHypogonadismTable(HypogonadismTable, mRow[BOL.Medication.MedDateText].ToString(), "MedUnits", mRow[BOL.Medication.MedUnits].ToString()); break; } } } } if (HypogonadismTable.Rows.Count > 0) { foreach (DataRow hRow in HypogonadismTable.Rows) { if (hRow["DateText"].ToString().Length > 0) { DateTime dt; if (DateTime.TryParse(hRow["DateText"].ToString(), out dt)) { hRow["Date"] = dt; } } } int maxRowsToShowOnForm = 8; if (HypogonadismTable.Rows.Count > maxRowsToShowOnForm) { int numRecordsToDelete = HypogonadismTable.Rows.Count - maxRowsToShowOnForm; DataView hgv = HypogonadismTable.DefaultView; hgv.Sort = "Date ASC"; DataTable hgt = hgv.ToTable(); for (int i = 0; i < numRecordsToDelete; i++) { hgt.Rows[0].Delete(); } DataView hgv2 = hgt.DefaultView; hgv2.Sort = "Date ASC"; FillHypogonadism(hgv2); } else { DataView hv = HypogonadismTable.DefaultView; hv.Sort = "Date ASC"; FillHypogonadism(hv); } } }