        //Send Message to the server
        public async Task SendMessage(string ServerKey, string GroupKey, string message)
            string fromUserKey  = Context.User?.FindFirst("UserKey")?.Value;
            string fromUserName = Context.User?.FindFirst("Sub")?.Value;

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(GroupKey) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(message))
                var b = new MediaUserResponse {
                    type    = "Text",
                    message = message

                var obj = await _ServerService.StoreMessageChatAsync(fromUserKey, GroupKey, b);

                if (obj.IsSuccess)
                    await Clients.Group(GroupKey).SendAsync("TextServerReceive", new {
                        server_key      = ServerKey,
                        text_server_key = GroupKey,
                        from_user_key   = fromUserKey,
                        from_user_name  = fromUserName,
                        message         = message,
                        Type            = "Text"
        public async Task <IActionResult> SendImage([FromForm] MediaUserResponse res)
            string fromEmail = HttpContext.User?.FindFirst("Email")?.Value;
            var    obj       = await UserService.StoreMessageChat(fromEmail, res.to, res);

            var u = await UserService.Getuser(fromEmail);

            if (!obj.IsSuccess)
                Console.WriteLine(obj.Error); // change it to log later
            var response = new {
                to       = res.to,
                type     = "Image",
                FilePath = obj.FilePath
            await _hubContext.Clients.User(res.to).SendAsync("imagerec", u.UserName, response);   // Hosted image url sent to the receiver

            return(Ok(new { FilePath = obj.FilePath }));
        public async Task SendPrivate(string user, string message)
            string email = Context.UserIdentifier;
            var    b     = new MediaUserResponse {
                to      = user,
                type    = "Text",
                message = message
            ApplicationUser u = await UserService.Getuser(email);

            var obj = await UserService.StoreMessageChat(Context.UserIdentifier, user, b);

            if (obj.IsSuccess)
                await Clients.User(user).SendAsync("RecievePrivate", u.UserName, b);
        public async Task <StoreGroupMessageResponse> StoreMessageChatAsync(string FromUserKey, string MessageChannelKey, MediaUserResponse res)
                ApplicationUser User1 = await _UserManager.FindByIdAsync(FromUserKey);

                if (User1 == null)
                    return(new StoreGroupMessageResponse {
                        IsSuccess = false, Error = "couldnt find the user"

                string mes       = string.Empty;
                string ImageName = string.Empty;
                if (string.Equals(res.type, "Text"))
                    mes = res.message;
                else if (string.Equals(res.type, "Image"))    // Implement a method to store images

                /* string name =  await StoreImage(res.image);
                 * if(name != null){
                 *  ImageName = name;
                 *      }
                 *  else {return new StoreGroupMessageResponse{IsSuccess = false,Error = "Image Couldn't be stored"};}*/

                // Link it to a Message channel or text channel by assigning a key to Messsage channel key
                Media media = new Media {
                    Key               = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                    TimeUtc           = DateTimeOffset.Now.ToUnixTimeSeconds(),
                    SendFrom          = User1.Id,
                    Type              = res.type,
                    Message           = mes,
                    Image             = ImageName,
                    SendFromEmail     = User1.Email,
                    MessageChannelKey = MessageChannelKey

                //Store the messages
                await _Context.Medias.AddAsync(media);

                await _Context.SaveChangesAsync();

                return(new StoreGroupMessageResponse {
                    IsSuccess = true, Error = null, Type = res.type, FilePath = ImageName
            catch (Exception e) {
                return(new StoreGroupMessageResponse {
                    IsSuccess = false, Error = e.Message, Type = res.type, FilePath = string.Empty
        //To store chats
        public async Task <StoreMessageResponse> StoreMessageChat(string From_Email, string To_Email, MediaUserResponse res)
            ApplicationUser User1 = await _UserManager.FindByEmailAsync(From_Email);

            ApplicationUser User2 = await _UserManager.FindByEmailAsync(To_Email);

            if (User1 == null || User2 == null)
                return(new StoreMessageResponse {
                    IsSuccess = false, Error = "Image couldn't be stored as user1 or user2 is null"
            string mes       = string.Empty;
            string ImageName = string.Empty;

            if (string.Equals(res.type, "Text"))
                mes = res.message;
            else if (string.Equals(res.type, "Image"))
                string name = await StoreImage(res.image);

                if (name != null)
                    ImageName = name;
                    return(new StoreMessageResponse {
                        IsSuccess = false, Error = "Image Couldn't be stored"

            Media media = new Media {
                Key           = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                TimeUtc       = DateTimeOffset.Now.ToUnixTimeSeconds(),
                SendFrom      = User1.Id,
                Type          = res.type,
                Message       = mes,
                Image         = ImageName,
                SendFromEmail = From_Email
            //Check if the relation exists
            //if not then create a chat
            string Chatid = GetPrivateChatId(User1, User2);

            if (Chatid != null)
                media.ChatId = Chatid;
                PrivateChat chat = await MakePrivateChat(User1, User2);

                media.ChatId = chat.Key;
            await Context.Medias.AddAsync(media);

            await Context.SaveChangesAsync();

            return(new StoreMessageResponse {
                IsSuccess = true, Error = null, Type = res.type, FilePath = ImageName