public string GetDuration(String file) { var inputFile = new MediaToolkit.Model.MediaFile { Filename = file }; using (var engine = new MediaToolkit.Engine(System.Web.Hosting.HostingEnvironment.MapPath("~/App_data/ffmpeg/ffmpeg.exe"))) { engine.GetMetadata(inputFile); } TimeSpan ts = new TimeSpan(inputFile.Metadata.Duration.Ticks); return(ts.ToString(@"hh\:mm\:ss")); }
public void laconversion2(string titulo) { if (cancelado == false) { this.Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate { this.pictureBox2.Visible = false; }); var inputfile = new MediaToolkit.Model.MediaFile { Filename = Path.Combine(direccion, titulo.Replace(".mp3", ".mp4")) }; var outputfile = new MediaToolkit.Model.MediaFile { Filename = Path.Combine(direccion, titulo) }; MediaToolkit.Options.ConversionOptions prro = new MediaToolkit.Options.ConversionOptions(); prro.VideoFps = 0; prro.CustomHeight = 0; prro.CustomWidth = 0; prro.VideoAspectRatio = MediaToolkit.Options.VideoAspectRatio.R3_2; using (var engine = new MediaToolkit.Engine()) { engine.CustomCommand("-threads 1"); engine.GetMetadata(inputfile); engine.Convert(inputfile, outputfile); } File.Delete(Path.Combine(direccion, titulo.Replace(".mp3", ".mp4"))); // var aaa = new NReco.VideoConverter.FFMpegConverter(); // aaa.ConvertMedia(Path.Combine(direccion, RemoveIllegalPathCharacters(videox.Title) ) + ".mp3", Path.Combine(direccion, RemoveIllegalPathCharacters(videox.Title) ) + ".mp33", "mp3"); // File.Delete(Path.Combine(direccion, RemoveIllegalPathCharacters(videox.Title) ) + ".mp3"); // File.Move(Path.Combine(direccion, RemoveIllegalPathCharacters(videox.Title)) + ".mp33", Path.Combine(direccion, RemoveIllegalPathCharacters(videox.Title)) + ".mp3"); // File.Delete(Path.Combine(direccion, RemoveIllegalPathCharacters(videox.Title)) + ".mp33"); this.Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate { this.pictureBox2.Visible = true; this.pictureBox2.Location = new Point(37, 114); this.pictureBox3.Visible = true; this.pictureBox3.Location = new Point(7, 114); }); } }
/// <summary> /// Scans all the videos for its format. Resolution, framerate /// </summary> private void ScanFormat() { Log(""); foreach (var video in Videos) { try { if (video.FrameRate == 0) { if (System.IO.File.Exists((video.FileName))) { var inputFile = new MediaFile { Filename = video.FileName }; try { using (var engine = new MediaToolkit.Engine()) { engine.GetMetadata(inputFile); video.Format = inputFile.Metadata.VideoData.FrameSize; video.FrameRate = inputFile.Metadata.VideoData.Fps; video.Duration = inputFile.Metadata.Duration.Duration(); engine.Dispose(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Log(ex.Message, Prism.Logging.Category.Exception); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { Log(ex.Message, Prism.Logging.Category.Exception); } } }
public static void Remux( string targetName, string sourceName, string tempName ) { Directory.CreateDirectory( Path.GetDirectoryName( targetName ) ); Console.WriteLine( "Remuxing to " + targetName + "..." ); var inputFile = new MediaToolkit.Model.MediaFile( sourceName ); var outputFile = new MediaToolkit.Model.MediaFile( tempName ); using ( var engine = new MediaToolkit.Engine( "ffmpeg.exe" ) ) { MediaToolkit.Options.ConversionOptions options = new MediaToolkit.Options.ConversionOptions(); options.AdditionalOptions = "-codec copy -bsf:a aac_adtstoasc"; engine.Convert( inputFile, outputFile, options ); } Util.MoveFileOverwrite( tempName, targetName ); Console.WriteLine( "Created " + targetName + "!" ); }