 /// <summary>
 /// Connects to the media server.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="roomId">The room on the media server</param>
 /// <param name="callback">An optional callback to be called when connection is finished.</param>
 /// <remarks>
 /// The connection process is complicated, due to the fact that we have to first connect to the control port (4521),
 /// and then if that is successful, we then connect to the data port (4522).  And of course, both connection attempts are
 /// asynchronous. The result is that the logic in a successful connection attempt flows like this:
 ///   Connect() -> controlClient.Connect() =>
 ///   HandleControlConnect() -> RegisterClientOnServer() -> controlClient.Send() =>
 ///   HandleControlData() -> rtpClient.Connect() =>
 ///   HandleRtpConnect() -> rtpClient.Send() =>
 ///   HandleRtpData() -> FinalizeConnection() -> connectionCallback()
 /// An error anywhere in that flow will result in control being transferred to FinalizeConnection().
 /// </remarks>
 public virtual void Connect(string roomId, Action <Exception> callback = null)
     if (_isActive)
         MediaConnection.Connect(roomId, callback);
         _roomId = roomId;
         if (callback != null)