public void ParametersTest()
            Mock <IRestClient>            client         = new Mock <IRestClient>();
            Mock <IRestParameters>        restParameters = new Mock <IRestParameters>();
            IMeasuresComponentTreeService service        = new MeasuresComponentTreeService(client.Object, restParameters.Object);

            restParameters.Verify(p => p.SetParameter(@"baseComponentKey", @"key"));
        public void PageTest()
            // given we have a response with two pages, that has 2 components each
            var client         = new Mock <IRestClient>();
            var restParameters = new Mock <IRestParameters>();

            client.Setup(p => p.SetPath(It.IsAny <string>())).Returns(client.Object);
            IMeasuresComponentTreeService service = new MeasuresComponentTreeService(client.Object, restParameters.Object);

            string response = pageResponse;

            client.SetupSequence(p => p.Get(It.IsAny <IRestParameters>())).Returns(response).Returns(response).Returns(endPage);
            //when we execute the service
            var components = service.Execute();

            //then we expect four components in the result
            Assert.AreEqual(4, components.Count);