public PlayerDiedEventArgs(Player player, Player killer, MeansOfDeath meansOfDeath, HitLocation hitLocation) : base(player) { Location = hitLocation; MeansOfDeath = meansOfDeath; Killer = killer; }
//<world> não é um player e não deve aparecer na lista de players e nem no dicionário de kills. public void KillByNaturalDeath(Player victim, MeansOfDeath meansOfDeath) { var deadPlayerExist = FindPlayerDead(victim.Id); if (deadPlayerExist != null) { deadPlayerExist.Subtract(); //Quando o <world> mata o player ele perde -1 kill. } TotalKills++; //total_kills são os kills dos games, isso inclui mortes do <world>. GeneratorStatistics.BecauseOfDeath(meansOfDeath, this); }
private void Kill(Game currentGame, int idFirstPlayer, int idSecondPlayer, MeansOfDeath meansOfDeath) { if (idFirstPlayer == _deadByTheWorld) { var killer = new Player(idSecondPlayer); currentGame.KillByNaturalDeath(killer, meansOfDeath); } else { var killer = new Player(idFirstPlayer); var victim = new Player(idSecondPlayer); currentGame.KillForMurder(killer, victim, meansOfDeath); } }
public void BecauseOfDeath(MeansOfDeath meansOfDeath, Game game) { var killsByMeans = game.KillsByMeans.FirstOrDefault(atWhere => atWhere.MeansOfDeath == meansOfDeath); if (killsByMeans != null) { killsByMeans.Sum(); return; } killsByMeans = new KillsByMeans(meansOfDeath); killsByMeans.Sum(); game.AddDeathStatistics(killsByMeans); }
public void SetupKillInfo(string killer, string victim, AvailableWeapon weapon, MeansOfDeath meansOfDeath) { killerText.text = killer; victimText.text = victim; if (meansOfDeath == MeansOfDeath.falldamage) { weaponImage.sprite = PlayerUI.instance.fallDamageHudIcon; killerText.text = ""; } else { weaponImage.sprite = PlayerUI.weaponHudSprites[weapon]; } Init(); }
public void KillForMurder(Player killer, Player victim, MeansOfDeath meansOfDeath) { var killerPlayerExist = FindPlayers(killer.Id); if (killerPlayerExist != null) { var deadPlayerExist = FindPlayerDead(victim.Id); if (deadPlayerExist != null) { deadPlayerExist.Sum(); } else { AddNewDeadPlayer(victim); } TotalKills++; //total_kills são os kills dos games, isso inclui mortes do <world>. GeneratorStatistics.BecauseOfDeath(meansOfDeath, this); } }
public KillsByMeans(MeansOfDeath meansOfDeath) { MeansOfDeath = meansOfDeath; }
void player_die(gentity_t self, gentity_t inflictor, gentity_t attacker, int damage, MeansOfDeath mod) { if ( == Common.PMType.DEAD) return; if (level.intermissiontime > 0) return; = Common.PMType.DEAD; int killer; string killerName = ""; if (attacker != null) { killer = attacker.s.number; if (attacker.client != null) killerName = attacker.client.pers.netname; else killerName = "<non-client>"; } else { killer = 1022; killerName = "<world>"; } if (killer < 0 || killer >= 64) { killer = 1022; killerName = "<world>"; } string obit = Enum.GetName(typeof(MeansOfDeath), mod); LogPrintf("Kill: {0} {1}: {2} killed {3} by {4}\n", killer, self.s.number, killerName, self.client.pers.netname, obit); self.enemy = attacker; // FIX: Add score Cmd_Score_f(self); // Score scores // send updated scores to any clients that are following this one, // or they would get stale scoreboards for (int j = 0; j < level.maxclients; j++) { gclient_t client; client = level.clients[j]; if (client.pers.connected != clientConnected_t.CON_CONNECTED) continue; if (client.sess.sessionTeam != team_t.TEAM_SPECTATOR) continue; if (client.sess.spectatorClient == self.s.number) Cmd_Score_f(g_entities[j]); } self.client.respawnTime = (int)level.time + 1700; Server.Instance.LinkEntity(GEntityToSharedEntity(self)); }