文件: ULAO04.cs 项目: r4forth/sdkpub
        private void cmdStartBgnd_Click(System.Object eventSender, System.EventArgs eventArgs)
            int   CurIndex;
            int   CurCount;
            short Status;

            MccDaq.ErrorInfo   ULStat;
            MccDaq.ScanOptions Options;

            cmdStartBgnd.Enabled   = false;
            cmdStartBgnd.Visible   = false;
            cmdStopConvert.Enabled = true;
            cmdStopConvert.Visible = true;
            cmdQuit.Enabled        = false;
            UserTerm = 0;             // initialize user terminate flag

            //  Parameters:
            //    LowChan    :the lower channel of the scan
            //    HighChan   :the upper channel of the scan
            //    Count      :the number of D/A values to send
            //    Rate       :per channel sampling rate ((samples per second) per channel)
            //    DAData     :array of values to send to the scanned channels
            //    Options    :data send options
            FirstPoint = 0;
            int LowChan  = 0;                           // First analog output channel
            int HighChan = 1;                           // Last analog output channel
            int Rate     = 1000;                        // Rate of data update (ignored if board does not support timed analog output)

            MccDaq.Range Gain = MccDaq.Range.Bip5Volts; // Ignored if gain is not programmable
            Options = MccDaq.ScanOptions.Background | MccDaq.ScanOptions.Continuous | MccDaq.ScanOptions.ScaleData;
            ULStat  = DaqBoard.AOutScan(LowChan, HighChan, Count, ref Rate, Gain, MemHandle, Options);

            ULStat = DaqBoard.GetStatus(out Status, out CurCount, out CurIndex, MccDaq.FunctionType.AoFunction);

            if (Status == MccDaq.MccBoard.Running)
                lblShowStat.Text  = "Running";
                lblShowCount.Text = CurCount.ToString("D");
                lblShowIndex.Text = CurIndex.ToString("D");

            tmrCheckStatus.Enabled = true;